Old Saint Paul's: A Tale of the Plague and the Fire Read online

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  The portion of the ensuing Tale relating to the Grocer of Wood-street,and his manner of victualling his house, and shutting up himself and hisfamily within it during the worst part of the Plague of 1665, is foundedon a narrative, which I have followed pretty closely in most of itsdetails, contained in a very rare little volume, entitled,"_Preparations against the Plague, both of Soul and Body_," theauthorship of which I have no hesitation in assigning to DEFOE. Indeed,I venture to pronounce it his masterpiece. It is strange that thismatchless performance should have hitherto escaped attention, and thatit should not have been reprinted with some one of the countlessimpressions of the "_History of the Plague of London_," to which itforms an almost necessary accompaniment. The omission, I trust, will berepaired by Mr. HAZLITT the younger, DEFOE'S last and best editor, inhis valuable edition of the works of that great novelist and politicalwriter, now in the course of publication. It may be added, that a caseprecisely similar to that of the Grocer, and attended with the samehappy results, occurred during the Plague of Marseilles, in 1720.

  For my acquaintance with this narrative, as well as for the suggestionof its application to the present purpose, I am indebted to my friend,Mr. JAMES CROSSLEY, of Manchester.

  KENSAL MANOR HOUSE, HARROW ROAD, _November_ 30, 1841.


  BOOK THE FIRST--April, 1665.

  1. The Grocer of Wood-street and his Family.

  2. The Coffin-maker.

  3. The Gamester and the Bully.

  4. The Interview.

  5. The Pomander-box.

  6. The Libertine Punished.

  7. The Plague Nurse.

  8. The Mosaical Rods.

  9. The Miniature.

  10. The Duel.

  BOOK THE SECOND.--May, 1665.

  1. The Progress of the Pestilence.

  2. In what Manner the Grocer Victualled his House.

  3. The Quack Doctors.

  4. The Two Watchmen.

  5. The Blind Piper and his Daughter.

  6. Old London from Old Saint Paul's.

  7. Paul's Walk.

  8. The Amulet.

  9. How Leonard was cured of the Plague.

  10. The Pest-house in Finsbury Fields.

  11. How the Grocer shut up his House.

  BOOK THE THIRD.--June, 1665.

  1. The Imprisoned Family.

  2. How Fires were Lighted in the Streets.

  3. The Dance of Death.

  4. The Plague-pit.

  5. How Saint Paul's was used as a Pest-house.

  6. The Departure.

  7. The Journey.

  8. Ashdown Lodge.

  9. Kingston Lisle.

  BOOK THE FOURTH.--September, 1665.

  1. The Plague at its Height.

  2. The Second Plague-pit.

  3. The House in Nicholas-lane.

  4. The Trials of Amabel.

  5. The Marriage and its Consequences.

  6. The Certificate.

  BOOK THE FIFTH.--December, 1665.

  1. The Decline of the Plague.

  2. The Midnight Meeting.

  BOOK THE SIXTH.--September, 1666.

  1. The Fire-ball.

  2. The First Night of the Fire.

  3. Progress of the Fire.

  4. Leonard's Interview with the King.

  5. How Leonard saved the King's Life.

  6. How the Grocer's House was Burnt.

  7. The Burning of Saint Paul's.

  8. How Leonard rescued the Lady Isabella.

  9. What befel Chowles and Judith in the Vaults of Saint Faith's.

  10. Conclusion.