A Hazard of New Fortunes Read online

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  Now it is certainly true that Howells was not very big on evil, in any theological sense, and that he insisted on taking into account the ordinary pleasures and consolations, and that he tended to enjoy people. But it is also true that he felt keenly the prevalence of suffering in the world and the weight of material circumstances bearing cruelly down on the vast majority of humankind. So, if he scanted evil, I submit, he did not scant unhappiness. In fact, he has Margaret Vance say, speaking of Conrad: “It isn’t a question of being happy here; no one is happy, in that old selfish way, or can be; but he could have been of great use.” How close this position, sinning against the American holy of holies, comes to Howells’ own beliefs may be seen by the answer he gave some years later, in 1898, to Theodore Dreiser, who was interviewing him (ironically, for a magazine titled Success): “I have come to see life, not as the chase of a forever-impossible personal happiness, but as a field for endeavor toward the happiness of the whole human family. There is no other success.”

  While Trilling’s doubts that we will ever see a full-scale revival of interest in Howells are justified, I say that we should stop asking why people no longer read Howells, and realize that some do and always will seek out the company of this supremely companionable novelist. His best novels remain in print; he persists in being a ripe, often-explored subject for American studies scholars—“ one of the most sympathetic figures in American literature,” in Everett Carter’s words. A Hazard of New Fortunes especially has a cult reputation among urbanists, architects, and city-lovers, who find in it an unmatched source of detail about daily living in New York during the Gilded Age.

  In A Hazard of New Fortunes, Howells seemed to move beyond the idea of society to that of humanity. New York had forced him to embrace a larger reality, however much he still yearned for Boston’s more temperate social order. It is typical of Howells’s doubleness, his skeptical irony, that this “comfortable family man” would raise the prospect of celebrating non-marriage, just as this advocate of the commonplace and “the smiling aspects of life” could insinuate so much darkness and psychic crisis into his books. As one of his biographers, Kenneth S. Lynn, put it: “Howells was a man of modern sensibility, whose awareness of life was rooted in radical doubt and anxiety.” The hazards and the fortunes remain exquisitely balanced against each other, neither giving an inch.


  The best way to deepen one’s understanding and appreciation of this novel is to read more Howells, particularly A Modern Instance, The Undiscovered Country, Indian Summer, The Rise of Silas Lapham, and Impressions and Experiences. His correspondence is also very revealing.

  Edited Correspondence

  Life in Letters of William Dean Howells. Edited by Mildred Howells. Garden City: Doubleday, Doran, 1928. This two-volume selection by the author’s daughter is a fine place to start.

  Selected Letters of W. D. Howells. Edited and annotated by Robert C. Leitz III, with Richard H. Ballinger and Christoph K. Lohmann. Boston: Twayne, 1980. The standard collection.

  Biography and Criticism

  Cady, Edwin H. The Realist at War: The Mature Years 1885-1920 of William Dean Howells. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1958. The second of a two-volume biography, this one begins after Howells had written The Rise of Silas Lapham.

  Carter, Everett. Howells and the Age of Realism. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1954. The first important critical study of Howells.

  Cowley, John W. The Dean of American Letters: The Late Career of William Dean Howells. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1999. An intelligent, balanced study of the later years.

  Dietrichson, Jan W. The Image of Money in the American Novel of the Gilded Age. Oslo: The American Institute, University of Oslo, 1969. The book is divided between Henry James and Howells, reviewing each author’s treatment of money.

  Escholz, Paul A., editor. Critics on William Dean Howells. Coral Gables, FL: University of Miami Press, 1975. An anthology of essays and perspectives on Howells.

  Garlin, Sender. Three American Radicals. Boulder, CO: West-view, 1991. A good review of the Haymarket Affair, if trying too hard to promote Howells as a “radical.”

  Kazin, Alfred. On Native Grounds. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1942. This magisterial work on American prose from 1890 to the present begins with a beautifully poised, succinct summation of Howells’ career and importance.

  Lynn, Kenneth S. William Dean Howells, An American Life. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971. Probably the best biography of Howells, superbly written.

  Mielke, Robert. “The Riddle of the Painful Earth”: Suffering and Society in W. D. Howells’ Major Writing of the Early 1890s. Kirksville, MO: Thomas Jefferson University Press, 1994. A sympathetic study of Howells’ political views as they manifested in the novels.

  Trilling, Lionel. The Opposing Self: Nine Essays in Criticism. New York: Viking, 1955. Trilling’s essay on Howells remains one of the most suggestive and penetrating pieces of criticism about the author.

  Vanderbilt, Kermit. The Achievement of William Dean Howells. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1968. Analyzes in depth four of Howells’ major novels, including A Hazard of New Fortunes.



  “NOW YOU THINK THIS THING OVER, March, and let me know the last of next week,” said Fulkerson. He got up from the chair which he had been sitting astride, with his face to its back, and tilting toward March on its hind legs, and came and rapped upon his table with his thin bamboo stick. “What you want to do is to get out of the insurance business, anyway. You acknowledge that yourself. You never liked it, and now it makes you sick; in other words, it’s killing you. You ain’t an insurance man by nature. You’re a natural-born literary man; and you’ve been going against the grain. Now I offer you a chance to go with the grain. I don’t say you’re going to make your everlasting fortune, but I’ll give you a living salary, and if the thing succeeds, you’ll share in its success. We’ll all share in its success. That’s the beauty of it. I tell you, March, this is the greatest idea that has been struck since”—Fulkerson stopped and searched his mind for a fit image—“ since the creation of man.”

  He put his leg up over the corner of March’s table and gave himself a sharp cut on the thigh, and leaned forward to get the full effect of his words upon his listener.

  March had his hands clasped together behind his head, and he took one of them down long enough to put his inkstand and mucilage bottle out of Fulkerson’s way. After many years’ experiment of a moustache and whiskers, he now wore his grizzled beard full, but cropped close; it gave him a certain grimness, corrected by the gentleness of his eyes.

  “Some people don’t think much of the creation of man nowadays. Why stop at that? Why not say since the morning stars sang together?”

  “No, sir; no, sir! I don’t want to claim too much, and I draw the line at the creation of man. I’m satisfied with that. But if you want to ring the morning stars into the prospectus, all right; I won’t go back on you.”

  “But I don’t understand why you’ve set your mind on me,” March said. “I haven’t had any magazine experience; you know that; and I haven’t seriously attempted to do anything in literature since I was married. I gave up smoking and the Muse together. I suppose I could still manage a cigar, but I don’t believe I could—”

  “Muse worth a cent.” Fulkerson took the thought out of his mouth and put it into his own words. “I know. Well, I don’t want you to. I don’t care if you never write a line for the thing, though you needn’t reject anything of yours, if it happens to be good, on that account. And I don’t want much experience in my editor; rather not have it. You told me, didn’t you, that you used to do some newspaper work before you settled down?”

  “Yes; I thought my lines were permanently cast in those places once. It was more an accident than anything else that I got into the insurance business. I suppose I secretly hoped that if I made my living by something ut
terly different, I could come more freshly to literature proper in my leisure.”

  “I see; and you found the insurance business too many for you. Well, anyway, you’ve always had a hankering for the inkpots; and the fact that you first gave me the idea of this thing shows that you’ve done more or less thinking about magazines.”


  “Well, all right. Now don’t you be troubled. I know what I want, generally speaking, and in this particular instance I want you. I might get a man of more experience, but I should probably get a man of more prejudice and self-conceit along with him, and a man with a following of the literary hangers-on that are sure to get round an editor sooner or later. I want to start fair; and I’ve found out in the syndicate business all the men that are worth having. But they know me, and they don’t know you, and that’s where we shall have the pull on them. They won’t be able to work the thing. Don’t you be anxious about the experience. I’ve got experience enough of my own to run a dozen editors. What I want is an editor who has taste, and you’ve got it; and conscience, and you’ve got it; and horse sense, and you’ve got that. And I like you because you’re a western man; and I’m another. I do cotton to a western man when I find him off east here, holding his own with the best of ‘em, and showing ’em that he’s just as much civilized as they are. We both know what it is to have our bright home in the setting sun; heigh?”

  “I think we western men who’ve come east are apt to take ourselves a little too objectively, and to feel ourselves rather more representative than we need,” March remarked.

  Fulkerson was delighted. “You’ve hit it! We do! We are!”

  “And as for holding my own, I’m not very proud of what I’ve done in that way; it’s been very little to hold. But I know what you mean, Fulkerson, and I’ve felt the same thing myself; it warmed me toward you when we first met. I can’t help suffusing a little to any man when I hear that he was born on the other side of the Alleghenies. It’s perfectly stupid. I despise the same thing when I see it in Boston people.”

  Fulkerson pulled first one of his blond whiskers and then the other, and twisted the end of each into a point, which he left to untwine itself. He fixed March with his little eyes, which had a curious innocence in their cunning, and tapped the desk immediately in front of him. “What I like about you is that you’re broad in your sympathies. The first time I saw you, that night on the Quebec boat, I said to myself: ‘There’s a man I want to know. There’s a human being.’ I was a little afraid of Mrs. March and the children, but I felt at home with you—thoroughly domesticated—before I passed a word with you; and when you spoke first, and opened up with a joke over that fellow’s tableful of light literature and Indian moccasins and birchbark toy canoes and stereoscopic views, I knew that we were brothers—spiritual twins. I recognized the Western style of fun, and I thought, when you said you were from Boston, that it was some of the same. But I see now that it’s being a cold fact, as far as the last fifteen or twenty years count, is just so much gain. You know both sections, and you can make this thing go, from ocean to ocean.”

  “We might ring that into the prospectus too,” March suggested, with a smile. “You might call the thing From Sea to Sea. By the way, what are you going to call it?”

  “I haven’t decided yet; that’s one of the things I wanted to talk with you about. I had thought of The Syndicate; but it sounds kind of dry, and it don’t seem to cover the ground exactly. I should like something that would express the cooperative character of the thing; but I don’t know as I can get it.”

  “Might call it The Mutual.”

  “They’d think it was an insurance paper. No, that won’t do. But mutual comes pretty near the idea. If we could get something like that, it would pique curiosity; and then, if we could get paragraphs afloat explaining that the contributors were to be paid according to the sales, it would be a first-rate ad.”

  He bent a wide, anxious, inquiring smile upon March, who suggested lazily: “You might call it The Round Robin. That would express the central idea of irresponsibility. As I understand, everybody is to share the profits and be exempt from the losses. Or, if I’m wrong and the reverse is true, you might call it The Army of Martyrs. Come, that sounds attractive, Fulkerson! Or what do you think of The Fifth Wheel? That would forestall the criticism that there are too many literary periodicals already. Or, if you want to put forward the idea of complete independence, you could call it The Free Lance; or—”

  “Or The Hog on Ice—either stand up or fall down, you know,” Fulkerson broke in coarsely. “But we’ll leave the name of the magazine till we get the editor. I see the poison’s beginning to work in you, March; and if I had time, I’d leave the result to time. But I haven’t. I’ve got to know inside of the next week. To come down to business with you, March, I shan’t start this thing unless I can get you to take hold of it.”

  He seemed to expect some acknowledgment, and March said, “Well, that’s very nice of you, Fulkerson.”

  “No, sir; no, sir! I’ve always liked you, and wanted you, ever since we met that first night. I had this thing inchoately in my mind then, when I was telling you about the newspaper-syndicate business—beautiful vision of a lot of literary fellows breaking loose from the bondage of publishers, and playing it alone—”

  “You might call it The Lone Hand; that would be attractive,” March interrupted. “The whole West would know what you meant.”

  Fulkerson was talking seriously, and March was listening seriously; but they both broke off and laughed. Fulkerson got down off the table and made some turns about the room. It was growing late; the October sun had left the top of the tall windows; it was still clear day, but it would soon be twilight; they had been talking a long time. Fulkerson came and stood with his little feet wide apart, and bent his little lean, square face on March: “See here! How much do you get out of this thing here, anyway?”

  “The insurance business?” March hesitated a moment, and then said, with a certain effort of reserve, “At present about three thousand.” He looked up at Fulkerson with a glance, as if he had a mind to enlarge upon the fact, and then dropped his eyes without saying more.

  Whether Fulkerson had not thought it so much or not, he said: “Well, I’ll give you thirty-five hundred. Come! And your chances in the success.”

  “We won’t count the chances in the success. And I don’t believe thirty-five hundred would go any farther in New York than three thousand in Boston.”

  “But you don’t live on three thousand here?”

  “No; my wife has a little property.”

  “Well, she won’t lose the income if you go to New York. I suppose you pay six or seven hundred a year for your house here. You can get plenty of flats in New York for the same money; and I understand you can get all sorts of provisions for less than you pay now—three or four cents on the pound. Come!”

  This was by no means the first talk they had had about the matter; every three or four months during the past two years the syndicate man had dropped in upon March to air the scheme and to get his impressions of it. This had happened so often that it had come to be a sort of joke between them. But now Fulkerson clearly meant business, and March had a struggle to maintain himself in a firm poise of refusal.

  “I daresay it wouldn‘t—or it needn’t—cost so very much more, but I don’t want to go to New York; or my wife doesn’t. It’s the same thing.”

  “A good deal samer,” Fulkerson admitted.

  March did not quite like his candor, and he went on with dignity. “It’s very natural she shouldn’t. She has always lived in Boston; she’s attached to the place. Now, if you were going to start The Fifth Wheel in Boston—”

  Fulkerson slowly and sadly shook his head, but decidedly. “Wouldn’t do. You might as well say St. Louis or Cincinnati. There’s only one city that belongs to the whole country, and that’s New York.”

  “Yes, I know,” sighed March; “and Boston belongs to the Bostonians; but t
hey like you to make yourself at home while you’re visiting.”

  “If you’ll agree to make phrases like that, right along, and get them into The Round Robin somehow, I’ll say four thousand,” said Fulkerson, “You think it over, now, March. You talk it over with Mrs. March; I know you will, anyway; and I might as well make a virtue of advising you to do it. Tell her I advised you to do it, and you let me know before next Saturday what you’ve decided.”

  March shut down the rolling top of his desk in the corner of the room and walked Fulkerson out before him. It was so late that the last of the chore-women who washed down the marble halls and stairs of the great building had wrung out her floor cloth and departed, leaving spotless stone and a clean damp smell in the darkening corridors behind her.

  “Couldn’t offer you such swell quarters in New York, March,” Fulkerson said as he went tack-tacking down the steps with his small boot heels. “But I’ve got my eye on a little house round in West Eleventh Street, that I’m going to fit up for my bachelor’s hall in the third story, and adapt for The Lone Hand in the first and second, if this thing goes through; and I guess we’ll be pretty comfortable. It’s right on the Sand Strip—no malaria of any kind.”

  “I don’t know that I’m going to share its salubrity with you yet,” March sighed in an obvious travail which gave Fulkerson hopes.

  “Oh yes, you are,” he coaxed. “Now you talk it over with your wife. You give her a fair, unprejudiced chance at the thing on its merits, and I’m very much mistaken in Mrs. March if she doesn’t tell you to go in and win. We’re bound to win!”