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Page 5
Oh boy.
She was sure that that smile made things happen. She’d bet most women who saw it would do just about anything to see it once more.
Where did that come from? You’re acting like a little girl, Ash.
She remembered the summer of her freshman year in college when she’d brought a boyfriend to meet her grandparents. She and her man could hardly keep their hands to themselves, the newness, the lust overwhelming. Goofy grins were plastered across both of their faces. Shockingly to Ashley, her beloved grandfather had winked at her grandmother and chuckled: “They need to get a room.”
Ashley could feel that energy now — just the hint of it. She felt an uneasiness too, but even that held the excitement of mystery. She couldn’t really put her finger on what it was, but she liked it.
“Who the hell is Marlena Dietrich?” Erik’s brow furrowed, looking at his laughing companions. “What? What’s so funny “
“Dumbass,” Drake muttered, stabbing another steak off the platter and setting it on his plate.
“Before your time, Padowan learner,” Parker intoned, winking at Ashley.
She giggled again, feeling a little lightheaded, her buzz intensifying. She wasn’t sure how many beers she was on now; Parker kept replacing them with new ones. She’d cut up part of a strip steak, and added it to her salad, hoping the extra food would help soak up some of the alcohol.
“How old are you anyway, Erik?” The alcohol was making her bolder than she’d otherwise be, but she was far enough gone that she no longer cared.
“How old do you think?” He smiled at her, putting his fork down to let her get a good look.
She regarded him a moment. “Nineteen. Twenty, tops.”
“Shit,” Erik said, laughing. “No wonder I’m still getting carded!”
“Am I right?” She pictured that body as he was washing that truck, and really didn’t care what age he was. He was hot no matter what. As long as he was legal.
“Twenty two.” His blues twinkled as he looked at her.
Thank God.
What did it matter? It wasn’t like she was going to jump in the sack with him too.
Too? Who else did you have in mind, Miss Open-Like-7-11?
She pushed herself to her full height, realizing she’d been leaning over the butcher block, using it to hold herself upright.
“What I want to know is how two straight guys like you ended up as roomies.” She turned to Parker, her eyes making her challenge plain. “I looked up the assessment for this property. You’re probably sitting on easily a million five here. Maybe more, once the market turns up again. Why roommates?”
Parker’s glance flicked to Drake, then his eyes met hers, the mirth she still saw there now sharing those gray depths with something else, just under the surface. “Checking up on me?”
“Sure, I’m in a new town, moving into the guest house with two big guys living practically next door.” She flicked a glance at Drake, then caught Parker’s gaze once more. “A girl’s gotta be careful.”
“And I’m glad to see it.” Parker inclined his head. “I could tell you, but you probably wouldn’t believe it.”
“Try me. Considering how many beers I’ve had, I’ll probably believe anything you tell me.”
“Oh damn,” Erik said, shaking his head, his smile bright.
For the first time, Ashley saw Parker’s smile dim, but his eyes still held hers. “Let’s just say Drake here saved my ass once.”
Ashley giggled, sipping her beer. Then she realized nobody else was laughing.
“I mean it. I owe him my life.”
Drake’s dark eyes moved between Parker and her, his impassive, but handsome face betraying nothing.
“Where I come from, that’s not a debt I can allow to go unpaid.”
“In the service.”
“Military? Didn’t realize.” Ashley’s brow furrowed. “He saves your life … so you give him a room?”
Drake’s rumbling chuckle should’ve comforted her, but the hardness she saw steel into Parker’s gaze made her feel anything but comforted.
“No. It means that everything that’s mine, is his.”
“Uh, she doesn’t need the life story, dude,” Erik said, laying his knife and fork across his plate, and throwing a pointed look at Parker.
“What’s your story, Ashley?” Drake’s brow lifted. “What brought you out here?”
His gaze caused a little flutter in her belly. Those deep, brown eyes looked amused, but she sensed an intensity there too, just under the surface.
She shrugged. “New start, I guess. I saw the opportunity to transfer and jumped. I visited here once while I was in college, and I remembered how beautiful it was. Sounded like a good place to live.”
“You’re a realtor, right?”
“Broker, actually.” She smiled. “Close enough though.”
“Why Chelan?” Drake’s eyes never left her, as if he was looking for something unsaid, a clue to be gleaned from her body language.
“Well, the real estate market had collapsed back East, so it made sense. The high-end market’s at least still alive out here. You wouldn’t believe how bad it was from where I came from.”
Drake grunted, and flashed a look at Parker who cleared his throat.
“There are other markets that are still going though. “Parker leaned a hip against the block. “Bay area, Seattle, Portland. Why here?”
She wasn’t sure when the energy in the room had changed, but it definitely had taken a turn for the sober. It had gone from bantering back and forth to the hot heat of the spotlight, trained directly on her.
“I already told you. There was a job opening, silly.” She winked at Parker, trying to convey a sense of ease she didn’t feel.
Parker looked down a moment, straightening the fork on his plate. “What else?”
“What do you mean?”
“You came out here with basically nothing but the clothes on your back. Why?”
“Look, maybe I should—”
“Wait, just wait.” Parker held up a hand, a warm smile on his face. “Don’t go. It’s okay, Ashley.”
She wanted to leave. Now. This was getting too close. She didn’t want to talk about this shit with three men who were still essentially strangers. Her carefully crafted image of confidence, the air of being put together, would crumble if she had to talk about this.
About him.
“Yeah, there are other reasons.” She took a quick sip before her mouth went completely dry. “But I’d rather not … talk about it, okay?”
“I understand,” Parker said, nodding. “You know nothing about us. We’re new to you.”
She blew out a breath, and looked down at her trembling hands.
Keep it together, girl.
“Here, I’ll go first,” Erik said, moving away from the block and dropping his plate into the sink with a jarring clang. He turned back toward them, leaning his butt against the edge of the sink. “Parker’s right. We haven’t said crap about ourselves. So, here’s my deal. When I can get away from school, these two jerk offs let me visit here occasionally because neither one of them knows how to cook.
“All evidence to the contrary,” Parker muttered, holding up his fork, a dripping piece of steak skewered on the tines. Drake flashed him a wry grin.
“I’m fairly certain they’d die if left to fend for themselves, so when I get a chance, I make sure they don’t starve. In exchange” — Erik waved a hand around him, the sarcasm dripping — “I get to sack out at this palace whenever I’m in town.”
“For free,” Drake’s voice rumbled. “Don’t forget it.”
Ashley giggled, relieved that the tension levels seemed to have dropped fractionally.
She stepped back from the block, and swayed from side to side. Between the heels and the drink, she didn’t feel like she was standing on solid ground.
Drake’s arm shot out, grasping her upper arm, his grip firm, steadyin
g. “You okay?”
She patted his hand, her face flushing. “Maybe I’d better go.”
“No way. You need to sit,” Erik said, striding around and brushing Drake’s hand from her arm.
She missed the strength of that hand for just a moment, at once threatening and inviting. Erik, his hands gently holding her by the shoulders, guided her out to the living room, leaving Drake and Parker in the kitchen to clean up.
“Let’s just get you on the couch. The old men can do the dishes,” Erik said. “They aren’t good for much else.”
She smiled, despite the confused feeling being so close to such a tall man made her. She loved tall men, but she felt uncomfortable with feeling a nascent attraction to someone who was in third grade when she graduated high school.
Stop, Ash. It’s gonna be okay. He’s safe.
And as he guided her down onto the overstuffed sectional, moving an ottoman over to lay her legs upon, she knew he was. Erik went over and sat down on the hearth, draping his long arms over his bent knees. Somehow he knew that to sit close to her in this situation would be too much.
“You have a few too many?” He smiled at her, his eyebrow raised.
She nodded, shrugging a shoulder. “I don’t even know how many I had.”
“That’s not your fault. Parker kept giving you new ones.” Erik twisted off the cap of another beer, and took a drink. “I think he’s trying to get you drunk.”
“He succeeded.” She groaned, leaning her head back onto the couch.
Movement turned out not been a good idea, her head beginning to swim. The background rush of sound she always felt when intoxicated was faint thus far. She knew it would be a roar a little later on though. She knew she should try and stumble out of there, keep things at arm’s length, but the couch was so comfortable.
“How do you know them? They’re a lot older than you,” she said, glancing over her shoulder. She could hear the sound of voices and the clang of dishes being washed.
“Known Drake since I was a kid.” Erik’s eyes stared off for a moment. “Kind of a big brother to me, I guess. Parker’s his best friend — practically brothers — so they’re a package deal.”
“What are you in college for?” She thought he was much too handsome to picture with his nose stuck in a book. Maybe that was the booze talking.
“That’s a good question,” he said, tipping the beer toward her and taking another sip. “I was one of those who went because it was ‘the thing to do’. Had no clue what I wanted to do, or what I was any good at.”
Ashley leveled her gaze at him, trying to keep her head from swaying. “And, what did you find out?”
He shook his head. “I still don’t know. I’m not sure it’s for me. I keep sitting in class asking myself ‘What the fuck am I doing here?’”
She laughed, knowing exactly what he meant. She’d received her degree in communications, and on that sunny, windy day of commencement, as she walked across the stage for that precious piece of paper, she hadn’t a clue what she’d do with it. So, she started selling houses. Wow, what a great return on her parents’ investment.
“Comm major here,” she said, holding a wavering hand up. “And look where it got me. That brass ring is just around the corner.”
Erik laughed, tilting his head to the side. “So how come there’s no Mr. Ashley? You’re entirely too good looking to be single.”
She blushed to the roots of her hair. “Young man, how dare you!” She winked at him. “I’m old enough to be your mother.”
If she wasn’t already drunk she knew this subject would’ve had her up and out the door. Ashley marveled anew at the self-observation phenomenon one experienced when they were shit-faced. It was as if you were watching a play that you yourself were starring in.
“Bullshit,” he said, a wide grin on his face. “How old are you?”
“You tell me.”
Erik scratched his chin. “Hmm, twenty nine?”
She beamed. “Sweet boy. Higher.”
Her thumb went up. “Higher.”
“Thirty five?”
“Nope. More.”
“Really? Holy shit.”
She affected a frown at him, pushing out her lower lip.
“Aw hell.” Erik’s eyes widened, and he held up a hand. “Not what I meant, sorry.”
She stuck her tongue out at him and giggled, letting him off the hook. “I’m thirty eight.”
He tilted his head, a smile slanting his lips. “You don’t look it. Just saying.”
“Thanks, Erik.”
For a young guy he’d navigated that feminine minefield rather well, all things considered.
“How’s our guest? A little tipsy?” Parker walked in, beer in hand. He sat down next to Ashley on the couch. She felt both irritated and glad that he didn’t seem to have the same sort of personal space consideration that Erik apparently did. Parker sat so close their hips nearly touched, the clean smell of him apparent even over the smell of beer she could sense wafting off of her.
Lovely, Ash. They’re gonna think you’re a fucking lush.
“I think she probably should lay down. Let it wear off,” Erik said, tipping his bottle toward her as he spoke.
Parker shook his head. “I’ll get her back to her place.”
“Wait, I’m not three years old, guys. I can make it myself. I’ll just walk.”
Parker grunted. “In those shoes? You’ll either break a heel or an ankle — or both. Sorry, I’m taking you home. End of story.”
Ashley sat forward, and a wave of lightheadedness washed over her. “You guys slip me some GHB or something? I’m dizzy as hell now.” She put her head in her hands.
“Oh no,” Parker said, quiet mirth in his voice. “We wouldn’t do something like that. Too easy. Where’s the challenge?”
She was too drunk to examine the meaning of those words, but if she remembered them in the morning, she would sure be asking Parker what the hell he meant.
“Drink this,” Drake said, walking in and holding out a cold glass of ice water to her. “Best thing for you now.”
Glancing up at Drake, she took the water. “Oh, thanks.” She felt the butterflies again when he flashed her his quick grin, then walked over to sit at the kitchen table.
She took two huge gulps of water, hoping the spins wouldn’t get worse.
“Drink the rest, Ashley. You’re gonna need it tonight,” Parker said.
“How many beers did you give her, dude?” Erik pointed at Parker.
Parker shrugged, a bright grin on his face. Drake’s rich chuckle rippled from across the room. She loved that sound, booze lowered inhibitions or not.
Ashley made a face at Parker, but couldn’t really muster up enough energy to be angry though. She’d had a good time. Unexpectedly so. She couldn’t say she’d had any fun for quite a while.
Maybe things really would be okay after all?
“Let’s get you going, kid.” Parker took her hand in his, his gentle touch at her shoulder. She clasped his fingers tightly, enjoying the coolness of his skin, the security of his touch.
Is that what you’re calling this?
Okay, so maybe she had other less than pure thoughts as he helped her to the door, and she said her goodbyes to Erik and Drake.
“Was great to meet you, Ashley. I’m headin’ back to Seattle in the morning. I’ll be back, though.” His gaze scanned her for an instant, obvious enough. “Sooner rather than later, I hope.”
As he took her hand to shake it, she pulled herself to him and gave him a hug, not really knowing why. She stretched up to whisper in his ear. “Thanks for looking out for me tonight.”
The surprised flush on Erik’s face was plain to see as she pulled away, Parker guiding her toward the door. Feeling Parker’s strong hands on her shoulders, made her feel that contradiction of need again — to flee and at the same time to luxuriate. She wondered what those hands felt like on other parts of her body.
“I’ll be back in a few, guys,” Parker said, with a gentle squeeze to her shoulder. “Gotta make sure our girl’s tucked in.”
“I don’t need to be—”
Ashley stumbled in her heels as she crossed into the foyer. She’d have landed right on her face if not for the steely grip of his hands, holding her steady as if she were light as a doll. There was effortless power in those hands, and it arrowed arousal straight to her sex, her nipples tightening.
“Thank — thank you, Parker.” She could feel the heat of her blush. Apparently she wasn’t inebriated enough to not care that she was looking like a sloppy drunk.
“Take this. It’s cold,” Drake said, appearing at her arm, and draping his heavy coat over her shoulders. It smelled like pines, and motor oil. Like a man. She thought she might like to sleep curled up in it that night.
“Oh no, that’s—”
“No. Take it, Ashley. It’s cold.” Drake’s voice dropped lower. “See you tomorrow.”
She shivered a little at that voice. A hint of admonition in it? Her tingling clit took it as a lot more than a hint.
Oh god. Two of them? This cannot be happening.
Parker led her by the hand into the house, shocked at how cold it was inside. “Have a seat, Ashley. I’ll get the stove going.”
He helped her to sit. She looked like she was nearly asleep, her hair now partially fallen down. The look was lovely, really. He hoped to see more of it someday — much more.
Soon, Parker. Patience.
It took longer than normal to start the fire. Parker was decidedly distracted by the form of Ashley laid back against the couch. Her legs were open slightly, and he couldn’t help but notice the bare length of thigh he could see above the stocking tops. Nice touch, those.
His cock stirred at the thought of her in nothing but thigh-highs. It was one of his favorite items of feminine clothing, evoking just the right combination of forbidden and innocent. Plus, they were just easier access than nylons!
“Caught you looking.” A wan smile curved her luscious, her eyes just barely open.
Parker chuckled, shaking his head. “You need to go to sleep, girl. You’re out of it.”
She sat up, and stayed (mostly) steady. “What if I don’t want to sleep? What are you gonna do? Hmm?”