Radio Boys Cronies Read online

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  On the day following the radio lecture, true to his promise, ProfessorGray led Bill and Gus to the broad acres of the Hooper estate and there,with the plans before them, they went over the ground chosen for thewater-power site, comprehending every detail of the engineering task.Professor Gray was more pleased than surprised by the ready manner inwhich both lads took hold of the problem and even suggested certainreally desirable changes.

  Bill indicated a better position fifty yards upstream for the dam and hesketched his idea of making a water-tight flood gate which was soingenious that the Professor became enthusiastic and adopted it at once.

  After nearly a whole day spent thus along the rocky defiles of thelittle stream, eating their lunch beside a cold spring at the head of aminiature gulch, the trio of engineers were about to leave the spot whena gruff voice hailed them from the hilltop. Looking up they saw anothergroup of three: an oldish man, a slim young fellow who was almost agrown man and a girl in her middle teens. The young people seemed to bequarreling, to judge from the black looks they gave each other, but theman paid them no attention. He beckoned Professor Gray to approach andcame slowly down the hill to meet him, walking rather stiffly with acane.

  "Well, Professor, you're beginnin' to git at it, eh? Struck any snagsyit? Some job! I reckon you're not a goin' to make a heap outside theprice you give me. When you goin' to git at it reg'lar?"

  "Right away, Mr. Hooper. To-morrow. We have been making our plans to-dayand these young assistants of mine, who will principally conduct thework, are ready to start in at once. They--"

  "Them boys? No, sir! I want this here work done an' done right; nobunglin'. What's kids know about puttin' in water wheels an' 'letriclights? You said you was--"

  "These boys are no longer just kids, Mr. Hooper, and they know more thanyou think; all that is needed to make this job complete. Moreover, I amgoing to consult with them frequently by letter and I shall be entirelyresponsible. It is up to me, you know."

  Mr. Hooper evidently saw the sense in this last remark; he stoodblinking his eyes at Bill and Gus and pondering. The slim youth pluckedat his sleeve and said something in a low voice.

  Gus suddenly remembered the fellow. The youth had come into the town aweek or two before. He had, without cause, deliberately kicked old Mrs.Sowerby's maltese cat, asleep on the pavement, out of his way, and Gus,a witness from across the street, had departed from his usually reticentmood to call the human beast down for it. But though Gus hoped thefellow would show resentment he did not, but walked on quickly instead.

  Mr. Hooper listened; then voiced a further and evidently suggestedopposition:

  "Them lads is from the town here; ain't they? Nothin' but a lot o'hoodlums down yan. You can't expec'--"

  "You couldn't be more mistaken, Mr. Hooper. I'll admit there are a lotof young scamps in Fairview, but these boys, William Brown and AugustusGrier, belong to a more self-respecting bunch. I'll answer for them inevery way."

  "Of course, Dad, Professor Gray knows about them. Billy and Gus are inour class at school." This from the girl who had joyfully greeted theProfessor and the boys, yodeling a school yell from the hillside. Thenshe shot an aside at the slim youth: "You're a regular, downrightsimpleton, Thad, and forever looking for trouble. Don't listen to him,Dad."

  This appeared to settle the matter. Mr. Hooper squared his shoulders andgrinned broadly, adding: "Well, I ain't just satisfied 'bout themknowin' how, but go to it your own way, Professor. I'm a goin' to watchit, you know; not to interfere with your plans an' ways, but it's got tobe done right. If it goes along free an' fine, I ain't goin' to kick."

  The Professor explained that they had further work to do on the plansand must be going back. He took leave of Mr. Hooper and the daughter,and retreated with the boys as hurriedly as Bill could manage his handycrutch. They all proceeded silently in crossing the broad field, butwhen in the road Bill had to voice his thoughts:

  "I expect that old fellow'll make it too hot for us."

  "Not for a minute; you need not consider that at all. Of course it wouldbe more satisfactory if Mr. Hooper could be assured at once of your realability, but it will have to grow on him. Just let him see what you cando; that's all."

  "I rather expect we can frame up something that will satisfy him andBill can spring it," said Gus.

  "In just what way, can you imagine?" queried the Professor.

  "Some geometrical stunt, maybe; triangulation, or--"

  "Why, sure! That's just it!" exploded Bill. "I know how we can get him:Parallax! Shucks, it'll be easy! Just leave it to me."

  "Looks as though some kind of Napoleonic strategy were going to bepulled off," asserted Professor Gray, laughing. "But, boys, keep in mindthat Mr. Hooper, while a rough-and-ready old chap, with a big fortunemade in cattle dealing, is really an uncut diamond; a fine old fellow atheart, as you will see."