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God's War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy and the Bible Page 15
God's War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy and the Bible Read online
Page 15
Sexual enticements play an integral element in recruiting Jihadists. The late author and journalist Muhammad Galal Al-Kushk wrote; “The men in Paradise have sexual relations not only with the women who come from this world and with ‘the black-eyed,’ but also with the serving boys.” According to Kurum, Al-Kushk also stated, “In Paradise, a believer’s penis is eternally erect.”69
A Hamas youth leader in a Gaza refugee camp told Jack Kelley of USA Today that, “most boys can’t stop thinking about the virgins.”70 Sheikh Abd Al Fattah Jam’an speaking to Muslims in Palestine stated “What is waiting for the suicide bomber in paradise is a harem of beautiful virgins who are delicate and pure, esthetic, passive, with no personality or self or ego, whose only role is to sexually satisfy the shahid and be ever ready to fulfill his desires.”71 Many people think critics of Islam are making this up, but, in fact, they really teach this as doctrine.
Some delights do not have to wait until Paradise:
“Ibn Fahd asked Al-Hajjaj ‘I have some slave girls who are better than my wives, but I do not desire that they should all become pregnant. Shall I do azl (withdrawal) with them?’ Al-Hajjaj said ‘They are your fields of cultivation. If you wish to irrigate them do so, if not keep them dry.’”72
There are many references in the Qur’an where certain sexual privileges are reserved only for Mohammed: “Forbidden to you also are married women, except those who are in your hand as slaves, this is the law of Allah for you” (Sura 4:24). And in Qur’an 33:50 we read: “O prophet; we allowed thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowries, and the slaves whom thy right hand possess out of the booty which Allah hath granted thee, and the daughters of thy uncle, and of thy maternal aunt, who fled with thee to Medina, and any believing woman who hath given herself up to the prophet, if the prophet desired to wed her, a privilege to thee above the rest of the faithful.”
We had no problem with Mohammed taking advantage of this privilege. He married many wives and took several slave girls from the booty he collected from his victorious battles. We never knew how many wives he had and that question was always an issue for us to debate. We could debate the numbers, yet never question the moral justifications. One of Mohammed’s wives was taken from his own adopted son, Zaid, as Allah declared that she was given to the prophet. Others were Jewish captives forced into slavery after Mohammed beheaded their husbands and/or families.
The Qur’an and Mohammed confirm this: “Thus [shall it be], and We will wed them with Houris [dark-eyed, celestial virgins], pure, beautiful ones.”73 “They shall recline on couches lined with thick brocade, and within reach will hang the fruits of both gardens. Therein are bashful virgins whom neither man nor jinnee will have touched [opening themselves] before them. Virgins as fair as corals and rubies.”74 “In each there shall be virgins chaste and fair. Dark eyed virgins sheltered in their tents whom neither man nor jinnee would have touched before. They shall recline on green cushions and fine carpets” (Qur’an 55:70-77). “We created the Houris and made them virgins, loving companions for those of the right hand. That which is coming” (Qur’an, 56:36). “As for the righteous, they shall surely triumph. Theirs shall be gardens and vineyards, and high-bosomed virgins for companions, a truly overflowing cup” (Qur’an 78:31-33).
The very same Qur’an and Sunna that served as the rules of conduct in the seventh century remain the basis for Islamic law today. Although many Muslim countries have banned such laws as a result of Western pressure, today the cry of the Muslim fundamentalist is to reinstate them, including slavery: “A slave is the property of his/her master. He/She is subject to the master’s power, insomuch that if a master should kill his slave he is not liable to retaliation. With female slaves a master has the ‘mulk-i-moot’at’, or right of enjoyment, and his children by them, when acknowledged, has the same rights and privileges as his children by his wives. A slave is incompetent to anything that implies the exercise of authority over others. Hence a slave cannot be a witness, a judge, or an executor or guardian to any but his master and his children. A slave cannot inherit from anyone, and a bequest to him is a bequest to his master.”75
You might ask; how can people believe this? This is a stubborn reality that seems so bizarre, and eludes many in the modern, secular West. Mohammed is famously known to have declared, “I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: “none has the right to be worshipped but Allah.’”76 All this is done to honor his god Allah—the god of war. Unquestionably, Mohammed encouraged the spread of his religion by force, rape and even carnal sexual enticement.
One may argue that Christianity also has a goal of spreading its message throughout the earth. While this is true, Christianity does not have a goal of fighting against those who are not Christians, but rather, with love, presenting the gospel message, or “good news” to everyone in order that they have the choice to either freely accept or likewise reject God’s offer of forgiveness and acceptance. As someone once said, “evangelism” (preaching the Christian message to non-Christians) is merely one beggar telling the other beggars where the food is. While Jesus, in calling new believers with “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). Mohammed calls his believers to something admittedly far more burdensome. Sounding somewhat like a parent trying to cajole their kids to finish up their broccoli, Mohammed says that killing infidels is actually good for you: “Warfare is ordained for you, though you may hate it; but it may happen that ye hate a thing which is good for you. Allah knoweth, but ye know not” (Qur’an 2:216).
When Western Muslims claim that the various verses which speak about Jihad are only about “overcoming adversity of injustice,” they are serving up afresh the kool-aid of Jim Jones fame. What is so sad, however, is to see so many Westerners gobble this poisonous nonsense down. As one Muslim commentator has said, “Don’t believe those moderate Muslims in the Western media who tell you that jihad means overcoming adversity.”77
Both Condone Rape
Osama Bin Laden, you “Holier than thou” who cloaked himself with the turban and robes of “righteousness,” who is the one who is immoral?
Christians always express that they are sinners. Muslim fundamentalists always express that they are a people who keep a “holier” lifestyle than the corrupt West. So, which one of the two is better in the eyes of God? Is it the one who sins and confesses or the one who claims holiness and yet defends their obvious sins?
I personally believe that when it comes to sin, most people fall into one of two categories: The ones who are bad yet think that they are good, or the good who always think they are bad.
The first are the type of people that will always tell you they are good. After all, they pay their taxes and obey traffic laws and such. Or, they pray five times a day, cover their body, and go to Hajj. The next group is the type of people who struggle with all sorts of issues in their lives, they confess their problems whatever they are, and maybe if they have a problem with something like alcohol or such, they seek help; and are always trying to better themselves, knowing that they can never attain perfection.
The Bible taught me that the second type of person is better in the eyes of God.
Is rape in Islam only in ancient history? Few Westerners pay attention to the fact that Zechariah predicted the Antichrist army’s rape of the Jewish women in Jerusalem: “Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished” (Zechariah 14:2). But keep in mind, the Lord’s feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives to save Israel from total annihilation.
This is nothing new to Islam. Even Moham
med condoned it. Take the fate of the tribe of Al-Mustaliq as an example. After being captured by Muslims: “We were lusting after women and chastity had become too hard for us, but we wanted to get the ransom money for our prisoners. Therefore, we wanted to use the “Azl” (Coitus Interruptus). We asked the Prophet about it and he said “You are not under any obligation to stop yourselves from doing it like that.” Later on the women [after they were raped] and children were given for ransom to their envoys. They all went away to their country and not one wanted to stay although they had the choice.”78
Allah is an utter pervert; why is the issue on be Coitus Interruptus? And where is the nobility in asking these women if they wished to stay? “The Antichrist will not honor the desire of women, nor will he respect their dignity.” And neither does Islam offer legitimate dignity to women!
This is just the tip of the iceberg out of the annals of Muslim history. Abu Sa’id al-Khudri said: “The Apostle of Allah sent a military expedition to Awtas at the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of the Apostle of Allah were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers.’ Therefore, Allah, the Exalted, send down the Qur’anic verse ‘And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hand possess[es].’”79
Hardly, these rules still apply. Apologists for Islam always say that these issues reflect history during days of archaic civilizations and traditions. Even in recent times, hundreds of Chinese Indonesian girls/women (aged 10-55) have been gang raped brutally by Muslim Jihadis. Some victims were even raped in front of their family members or in front of an inhumane cheering crowd. Some of them were even thrown into the fire and burnt to death after being raped.
Yet, not many actions seem to have been taken to investigate all this or to help the victims. Not very many people seem to know or care about what happened.80 Where is the liberal outrage? Oh yeah, that is reserved for George Bush and John Hagee.
There are accounts of such rapes taking place from Pakistan to Egypt, and even all over Europe and Australia, with enough stories and testimonies to fill up a library. This dishonor to women is predicted and typical of the Antichrist spirit. From condoned pleasure marriage and sex with infants in the Shi’a circles to gang rapes promoted by Sunni Muslim scholars, there is much to be said about Islam and rape, yet I will only give a few examples since it is an anathema to God and to Christians.
In Australia’s New South Wales Supreme Court in December 2005, a visiting Pakistani rapist testified that his victims had no right to say no, because they were not wearing a headscarf. Australians were outraged when Lebanese Sheik Faiz Mohammed gave a lecture in Sydney where he informed his audience that rape victims had no one to blame but themselves. Women, he said, who wore skimpy clothing, invited men to rape them. A few months earlier, in Copenhagen, Islamic mufti and scholar, Shahid Mehdi, created uproar when, like his peer in Australia, he stated that women who did not wear a headscarf were asking to be raped. And just to show that this mentality is not unusual within Islam, in 2004, the London Telegraph reported that visiting Egyptian scholar, and one of the most respected Islamic scholars in the Middle East, Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi claimed female rape victims should be punished if they were dressed immodestly when they were raped. He added, “For her to be absolved from guilt, a raped woman must have shown good conduct.”81
So once again, Islam fulfills yet another Antichrist characteristic as prophesied in the Bible. The Prophet Zechariah warned the inhabitants of Jerusalem regarding the brutal nature of its future invasion.
Perhaps you are saying that rape is a common part of most wars, why single out Islam here?
We need to remember that the Antichrist invasion is not just any invasion—it is a religious invasion. These invaders will be followers of the Antichrist religion. They will be followers of the Antichrist and his war-god. Is it really all that difficult to figure out what the Bible is speaking about here? Islam is the only religion on earth whose “prophet” and whose legal system sanctions, yes even encourages, the rape of women—specifically after conquering an enemy. Meanwhile, world renowned Muslim “scholars” like Yusuf Qaradawi open their mouths and reveal Islam’s inherently misogynistic attitudes toward women. It is undeniable. Believe me folks, Islam is the perfect fit like nothing else can be.
Both Usher In A Seven Year Peace Treaty
Even the seven year “peace” treaty spoken of by Daniel can be found in Islam. Is it coincidence? Hardly! After rising to power, and as a prelude to his invasion of Israel, the Antichrist is said to confirm a peace-treaty with the nation of Israel for seven years: “He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven’” (Daniel 9:27). In context, this verse shows us that the Antichrist will “confirm” and not “establish” a peace treaty, as is commonly thought. He could confirm a peace treaty such as Oslo or the Saudi plan and revive them. This is a pre-existing agreement that will be re-established with Israel for seven years. However, the Bible also reveals that after only three and a half years, the Antichrist will break this seven year covenant.
As we have already discussed, Satan—through the Islamic prophecies—has set up the Muslims of the world to receive the Antichrist as their Messiah-Mahdi.
One Islamic tradition places the ascendancy of the Mahdi at the time of a final peace agreement between the Arabs and the Romans (‘Romans’ should be interpreted here as referring to Christians, or more generally, the West). Although this peace agreement is made with the “Romans,” it is said to be mediated specifically through a Jew from the priestly lineage of Aaron. The peace agreement will be made for a period of seven years: “Rasulullah [Muhammad] said: ‘There will be four peace agreements between you and the Romans [Christians]. The fourth agreement will be mediated through a person who will be from the progeny of Hadrat Haroon [Honorable Aaron—Moses’ brother] and will be upheld for seven years.”83 Another Hadith speaks of the “reign” of the Mahdi this way: “He will divide the property, and will govern the people by the Sunnah of their Prophet and establish Islam on Earth. He will remain seven years then die, and the Muslims will pray over him.”84 “The Mahdi will fill the earth with equity and justice as it was filled with oppression and tyranny, and he will rule for seven years.”85
So the seven year rule of the Mahdi is preceded by the seven year peace treaty which is said to be made with a descendant of Moses’ brother, Aaron the Priest. Such a descendant would be a Cohen, or priest. Only priests are allowed among Jews to conduct the priestly duties of the Temple. This is important because the treaty that the Antichrist will initiate with Israel will also likely include an agreement to allow the Jews to re-build their Temple.
The question Western Christians always ask is how will the Jews rebuild the Temple if Muslims occupy the Temple Mount? How will the Muslims overlook the idea of Jews building a structure on the Temple Mount? The answer is that Islamic prophecy prescribes this, but only when the Mahdi appears.
Both Deceive And Destroy By Peace
The Bible warns us regarding the Antichrist that, “By peace he will destroy many.” (Daniel 8:25)
Does that ring a bell? Who are saying that “Islam is a peaceful religion?” Had Western believers diligently read the Scriptures, we would not be in such a mess. The East needs your help, we have millions of Muslims converting to Christianity—many are awakening to the evil that Islam truly is. These converts can offer you much knowledge, yet they need your help: Christians suffer by the millions; my village of Bethlehem is now virtually void of Christians. Lands have been confiscated, including my own. Sacred locations including the Messiah’s birthplace have been desecrated. Egyptian Coptic Christians are daily persecuted; their women kidnapped and raped. This is an S.O.S. Mister Spock, roger and out.
Peace demonstrators petitioning Isr
ael always carry leaflets that say things like, “Stop the Cycle of Violence,” yet violence in the Middle East almost inevitably comes as a result of false peace treaties which are never kept. Instead, they are almost always a stepping stone to further escalated violence. “Hudna” is a term all Westerners must learn. After 9/11, Westerners learned the word Jihad. Well, not exactly, they are still divided on whether the term means “holy war against all things non-Islamic” or “an internal struggle for self-betterment.” In fact, the standard party-line peace-offering that “Jihad simply means inner struggle” is unheard of outside of the West. This definition is no where to be found. Even the Islamophilic scholar Reuven Firestone has acknowledged the dubious nature of the oral tradition (i.e., Hadith) upon which this alleged interpretation of jihad rests: “Its source is not usually given, and it is in fact nowhere to be found in the canonical collections [of Hadith].”86
Although the word Jihad standing by itself means “struggle,” what Westerners need to focus on when reading the Hadith regarding Mohammed’s Jihad is similar to the focus needed when reading Mein Kampf (My Struggle) by Adolph Hitler. Ask yourselves, “Struggle with what?” In time those who are leaning toward believing that Jihad simply means “struggle within” will understand—it will just take more lessons until they will see.