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God's War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy and the Bible Page 10
God's War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy and the Bible Read online
Page 10
It is no wonder why Muslims cling to the fabricated Gospel of Barnabas. They are always trying to produce some sort of lost Gospel, believing that through such a discovery they will bring the whole Christian Church down.
I had always asked myself why Muslims were so specifically focused on attacking the integrity of the Bible; and today, not only Muslims, but the whole world. Even at most of the bookstores I visit, so many of the popular books are those that attack the historical Jesus and the reliability of the Bible. But rarely does one find a book that attacks the historical Buddha, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Book of Mormon, the Yazidi Al-Jilwah Black Book, or the Qur’an.
Why should they? For these lack any history or substance that is worthy of attack. Only a few Christians, who will probably be called ‘bigots,’ expose these books and show the lack of real evidence that they have.
So who is standing alone?
Who truly believes in The One God?
And who is uniting behind so many other gods?
Can we derive real historic accounts from the Book of Mormon?
Is there a single shred of evidence to prove the reality of any account in it?
The Qur’an also lacks any detail to derive much of the history it supposedly documents. Instead it only borrows apocryphal verses, and old folk tales.
I also asked myself this question: If the Jews were not truly God’s people, then why did so many satanic empires and groups throughout history repeatedly make attempts to destroy them?
Muslims all over the world spend so much time repeating and hammering the claim that Israel does not belong in the land, that the Bible’s history is fabricated, or simply that the Jews are evil.
Why is there so much focus on attacking and destroying the Jews?
And why are Muslims and Satan on the same side in this regard?
Why is it that one of Mahdi’s goals is to win converts from among the Christians and Jews, primarily by casting doubts on the reliability of the Bible? Why doesn’t the Mahdi focus on the Hindus or the Buddhists?
I have but one challenge to the false gods of all non-Biblical faiths: “Declare to us the things to come.” (Isaiah 41:22)
If I may give the full challenge:
“Present your case, says the Lord. Bring forth your strong reasons, says the King of Jacob. Let them bring forth and show us what will happen; Let them show the former things, what they were, that we may consider them, and know the later end of them; or declare to us things to come. Show the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know you are gods; yes, do good or do evil, That we may be dismayed and see it together. Indeed you are nothing, And your works are nothing; He who chooses you is an abomination.” (Isaiah 41:21-24)
Then the Lord continues: “Behold, the former things have come to pass, And new things I declared; Before they spring forth I tell you of them.” (Isaiah 42:9)
Can the Qur’an show the former things?
Can the Book of Mormon show the former things? Not a shred of evidence for the claims they make about the Americas can be established. Regarding the Book of Mormon, the Smithsonian Institute stated that it “has found no archaeological evidence to support [the book’s] claims.”
The National Geographic Society, in a letter to the Institute for Religious Research, stated “Archeologists and other scholars have long probed the hemisphere’s past and the society does not know of anything found so far that has substantiated the Book of Mormon.”21
If the Smithsonian had the courage to say so, would they make similar statements about the Qur’an? Is there any proof for the existence of the peoples of Ad and Thamud “Irama that-il-I’tad” (the giants) as spoken of in the Qur’an? On the contrary, when archeology and Islam come together, we find more evidence of a Moon-god connection and old myths than to any real history.
Archeologists in the Middle East contribute to a publication called Biblical Archeological Review that monthly, through its challenges of the Bible, also finds much evidence attesting to historic confirmation of Scripture.
I ask “where is the Qur’anic Archeological Review?”
What happened to the “Book of Mormon Archeological Review?”
Have there been any Nephites and Lamanites found?
I challenge anyone to come up with such an institute and it will be short lived.
Indeed it has. Take Thomas Ferguson, a Mormon Archeologist who had been trying to find evidence for the Book of Mormon; the evidence he had desired to find to support the Book of Mormon did not turn up. In response to a letter Hal Hougey wrote in 1972 which reminded him that he had predicted in 1961 that the ‘Book of Mormon’ cities would be found within 10 years, Mr. Ferguson sadly wrote: “Ten years have passed…I sincerely anticipated that Book-of-Mormon cities would be positively identified within 10 years—and time has proved me wrong in my anticipation.” (Letter dated June 5, 1972)
The same goes for the Muslims. Why would the Muslim authorities put such a tight lid on the volumes of the oldest Qur’ans found in Al-Masjid Al-Kabeer in Yemen? If I wish to purchase a facsimile copy of the Codex Vaticanus, I may do so. Why are copies of the Topkapi Manuscript, considered one of the oldest Qur’anic manuscripts, still sitting unexamined in the Topkapi Museum in Turkey? What are they afraid of? Why can’t the oldest Qur’anic manuscripts face the same kind of critical examination that the most ancient Biblical manuscripts have endured for centuries?
I will tell you the reason: Because numerous aberrations from the standard Qur’anic text are found in all of these older manuscripts. Such aberrations, though not surprising to textual historians, are troublingly at odds with the orthodox Muslim claims that the Qur’an has reached us today exactly as it “came down” to Mohammed without a jot or dot missing.22 Why would the Yemen and Turkish authorities close the door on the research?
The Dead Sea Scrolls were found to validate the authenticity of the Bible. In Qur’anic-style, typical Muslim challenge, may I say “bring your proof if you are truthful!” (Qur’an 27:64)
What about the future of mankind? Can the Qur’an or the Book of Mormon provide 8,362 verses of a prophetic nature?
Yet a prophecy from the Bible is fulfilled and the world goes mad over it—how can anyone explain Israel’s return? “Fear not, for I am with you, I will bring your descendants from the East, and gather you from the West; I will say to the North ‘Give them up!’ And to the south, ‘Do not keep them back!’ Bring My sons from afar, and My daughters from the ends of the earth.” (Isaiah 43:5-6)
While the Arabs kept them away for so long, eventually they failed. Russia held them back, they finally gave up. While the Arabs tried to destroy them, they failed, and even Allah could not destroy Israel.
The Arabs alone gave up 850,000 Jews from their lands.
Did Christians orchestrate this event to fulfill Scripture?
Allah is no savior, Jehovah is: “I, even I, am the Lord, And besides Me there is no savior.” (Isaiah 43:11) and Israel is Jehovah’s testimony “‘Therefore you are My witnesses’ says the Lord, ‘that I am God.’” (Isaiah 43:10)
It is this God that I serve, the one who “says to Jerusalem, ‘You shall be inhabited, to the cities of Judah You shall be built.’” (Isaiah 44:26) God promised to restore Jerusalem and Israel and He is doing it.
We live in a world that overlooks evils far beyond anything that Israel does. God forbid that Israel should set up road closures, check points, or destroy a bomb factory in order to protect themselves from killers, yet Israel is the cause of a collective worldwide false testimony. Bookstores are filled with unfair critical analyses of Israel and the Bible. But the only books that one can find that criticize the Qur’an come from “Islamophobes” like me.
The Biblical picture of the Last-Days is one where deception is the absolute rule of the day. Virtually every passage where the End-Times are discussed in the New Testament, t
he author stresses that believers are to be very careful that they not be deceived; “As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. ‘Tell us,’ they said, ‘when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?’ Jesus answered: ‘Watch out that no one deceives you.’” (Matthew 24:3-4)
Jesus goes on to warn of the power of this deception “At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people…for false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time.” (Matthew 24:10-11, 24-25)
Likewise the Apostle Paul warned, “Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him…Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way…” (II Thessalonians 2:1-3) A few verses later, he continues his warning describing the deception that the Antichrist brings as “a powerful delusion.” (II Thessalonians 2:9-12)
Most Westerners have a hard time relating to the fact that purposeful exaggerations; covering of the truth; and outright, deliberate lying are actually part and parcel of the religion of Islam. Now, of course, if you bring this matter up to a Muslim, he will be quick to quote the Qur’an, “And cover not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth when ye know what it is.” (Qur’an 2:42)
But unfortunately, if we dig just a little deeper to examine the meaning of this “thou should not lie” command and turn to the ancient Qur’anic commentary (Tafsir) by Ibn Katheer, we find a very different explanation: “Allah forbade the Jews from intentionally distorting the truth with falsehood and from hiding the truth and spreading falsehood. ‘And mix not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth while you know the truth.’ So Allah forbade them [the Jews] from two things; He ordered them to make the truth known, as well as explaining it…Qatadah said that, ‘And mix not truth with falsehood’ means, ‘Do not mix Judaism and Christianity with Islam’ ‘while you know the truth’ that the religion of Allah is Islam, and that Judaism and Christianity are [corrupted] innovations that did not come from Allah.”23
The very verse that Muslims point to in an attempt to claim that they are forbidden from lying means nothing of the sort, but is instead a command to Jews not to lie to Muslims!
But this is the tip of the iceberg that the Western Titanic is colliding with. What lays beneath the surface and is hidden from the scene is far more ominous. While evangelism in Christianity is “the great news that Jesus died for you,” take it or leave it, Islamic evangelism is violence with a shout of “Islam is victorious” and “Allah is great.” For whom is this good news?
But before you awake to find out that you must make a choice between Allah and the blade, you need to understand how the victims of Islam get set up. It begins with the famous saying of Mohammed: “War is deception.”24
During my college days in the early eighties I worked as an interpreter and counselor for the Arab students being paid through an American program called CETA (Comprehensive Employment and Training Act). While the grants came from the United States Government, my instructions came from representatives of the P.L.O., which at the time was considered a terrorist organization. Today, they are no longer considered a terrorist organization—that designation was dropped after Arafat applied the teachings of Mohammed and in 1993 signed what is known to Westerners as the Oslo Peace Accord, or the Oslo Hudna Accord as it is referred to by Muslims in the Middle East. Hudna is an Islamic term that refers to temporary treaties with non-Muslims that are used by the Muslims, solely to gain concessions, military and political strength.
Well, part of my job at CETA was to work on advertisements for events. The goal of our events was always to win American sympathy for the Palestinian cause. Actually, “win sympathy” may be a rather misleading expression. It was more like attempting to trick the gullible into our cause.
In Arabic, the advertisements for such events would openly use Jihad and anti-Semitic slogans calling for, “rivers of blood…support our Jihad to send student recruits to Southern Lebanon to fight the dirty Zionists…death to Israel…death to America…” The English version of the posters was a simple, “Welcome to a Middle Eastern cultural party, come and join a festival of song and dance, we will be serving roasted lamb and baklava…” Americans flocked for the food laced with our propaganda. Sure we had songs, they were all revolutionary songs in Arabic with nothing but the words of death and kill.
During my terror days, when I lied to Westerners they believed me, now that I am telling the truth, I am called a liar.
The biggest pathological lie was the psychosis we called “The Palestinian Cause.” Muslims observe a ritual during their holy Hajj (Pilgrimage) to Mecca. Millions gather to “stone” an obelisk they call Satan. Palestinians carry out a parallel ritual in “Palestine” (Jerusalem). Only, instead of throwing stones at an obelisk, they position themselves atop the Temple Mount, Israel’s holiest site, and the rocks are thrown down at the “Jew-Devils” who can always be found standing and worshipping at the Wailing Wall below. The daily headlines of these observances are guaranteed to attract gullible Westerners who flock to Jerusalem to film the stoning frenzies.
The Western media’s holy mandate doesn’t stop there; they run around the vicinity, ready to film the “Jew-Devil” as he sets up road blockades to protect his community and at times he is even filmed bulldozing a few olive trees to make way for a separation wall between themselves and the Muslim “saints.” Yet the world cries out “how dare the ‘devil’ stop the influx of these ‘holy pilgrims’?”
As long as the Muslims think of the Jewish people as “Jew-Devils” it makes it easier to confront them: The headlines tell of Jews clearing some trees to build an apartment complex at Har Homa. Next they are found guilty of destroying the environment on that piece of land, which he is then accused of taking. No one talks about how these lands were bought by the Jewish National Fund for double the market value from the Muslim landowners. Of course, it’s not a sin to take money for land—even if it’s from the “devil.” Besides, these lands will come back to the “saints” from the hands of the unclean. My own grandfather sold lands which are now back in my family’s possession.
None of the “saints” are concerned about Jewish claims of ownership of land they paid for, nor are they interested in listening to the cries of his children being murdered by stoning or explosions—it is a sacrilege to hear the voices of “demons.” At times their bodies are so mangled, they can’t even be recognized. The bits and pieces of ground human flesh is hand-picked by rabbis out of respect for the human body in order to give them a proper burial—regardless if the flesh belonged to the “Sainted” Muslim or the “Devil” Jew. Dare the devil shoot down one of these holy ones who are bent on destroying the evil Jew, the cameras will be there to catch the “Jew-Devil” in the act.
The Jews are not allowed to set up search posts, a right to be exercised by only non-Jews. No thanks to 9/11, Westerners have come to accept being searched and having to wait in long lines at airports. What the West considers to be security measures is portrayed by Palestinians as harassments, occupation, oppression, closures and racism. The Western world is oblivious to collective Palestinian exaggerations. If indeed that is what we should call it. It is more like psychopathic lying in which the liar in this case truly believes his own lie and is even willing to die for it. One documentary titled Paliwood shows a Palestinian martyr procession in which the body accidentally falls off the coffin, then the coffin is lowered down to the ground, and the body miraculously rises from the dead and gets into the coffin, all on its own accord. The ironic thing about this true story is that many in the crowd saw this happen, yet they continued the march.
Muslim masses can lie in unison. If you think terrorists are all insane, then the Chairman of the Arab Psychiatric Association, Adel Sadeq must also be insane. Why else would he state to the media, �
��When the martyr dies a martyr’s death, he attains the height of bliss…As a psychiatrist, I say that the height of bliss comes with the end of the countdown: ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero. And then, you press the button to blow yourself up. When the martyr reaches ‘one,’ and then ‘boom,’ he explodes, and senses himself flying because he knows for certain that he is not dead…It is a transition to another, more beautiful world, because he knows very well that within seconds he will see the light of the creator. He will be at the closest possible point to Allah…” (Hadith Al Madina, Egypt, April 23, 2002).
Israel is always accused of racism, but in so many cases, it’s the racist who accuses others of racism. You find this type of thing even in America. Obama’s mentor is a great example. Pastor Wright fights racism against blacks by preaching sermons of nothing but hatred of whites. A racist is a paranoid person who daily swallows anti-phobia pills which causes him to accuse everyone else, except himself of courses, of racism and xenophobia. The intake of this psychopathic drug is amazingly not taken orally, but by watching and reading the media.
Discussions of Western gullibility during my college days, we would confirm their feelings by using half statements, “sure we hated Hitler,” we said in front of Americans. But when we were all alone, we would say “we hate Hitler, he never got the job done.” Half statements can create the totally opposite meaning.
We always viewed Westerners, including Christians, as a giant pack of politically-correct lemmings. And sadly, I must admit, our perceptions were not entirely unjustified. But now I have learned to never point my finger at another’s gullibility. For what we accuse others of, we are most often guilty of ourselves. After all, I had bought into the false doctrine that promoted the shedding of innocent blood (Proverbs 1:11), and I believed that killing oneself was a way to acquire salvation. Just how gullible can the wolves get? I have never seen sheep kill sheep, but wolves? We have civil unrest in Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, Algeria, the Philippines, Indonesia, Egypt, Occupied Judea…everywhere. Where the creed of the wolf thrives, everyone dies. The sheep are not the only ones dying—the wolves eat the sheep, but they are also killing each other without mercy.