VelvetTricks,SinfulTreats Read online
Page 3
“Why am I using Indian Tobacco, Kendra?”
She tried to focus, tried to think enough to form an answer, but he’d slid his hands around her waist and was cupping her breasts, drenching her with oil through the open lace of her bra.
“Ohmigod,” she gasped. “Sin, I’m on fire.”
A sharp pinch to her nipples drew a startled cry from her. This pinch was so different than the one the other Dom had given her. This one stung but was mingled with a pleasurable tingle.
“How do you address me?” His voice was as soft as his fingers were hard.
“Master. Master Sin, I’m burning up.”
“That’s better, Kendra.” His voice soothed her as his hands wandered down her legs, gliding down the fronts of her thighs then up the backs, spreading oil and fire in their wake. He paused and slid his fingers under her panties, cupping the full globes of her ass and squeezing, ripping a gasp from her throat.
“Now tell me, baby girl, why do I want you all warmed up and sensitive?”
When she couldn’t answer, couldn’t do anything more than moan and arch into his touch, he answered for her.
“This special oil will make your skin so sensitive, make each sensation so bright and exquisite, that your body won’t be able to contain them. It will take you higher than you ever imagined, multiply the feel of my hands and my mouth on your delicious body.”
Her thoughts spoken in his soft, rough voice sent a starburst of sensation through her, igniting low in her middle. Nothing she’d ever experienced had prepared her for this man, who could arouse her to near mindlessness with just the rush of his breath and the sound of his voice. Kendra whimpered, torn between pleasure and panic. She couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t experience anything but what his beautiful, hypnotic voice described.
As if he understood the precipice she was on, as if he could feel her teetering on the sharp edge between torment and euphoria, Sin changed his touch. Where before he’d stroked to tantalize, now he petted to soothe. Slowly Kendra felt her breath even out, still fast but no longer dangerously shallow. It wasn’t until he stepped away from her that she realized Sin had been holding her, supporting her from behind until she could stand on her own. The knowledge flushed her with another sort of warmth, gave her a feeling of safety that straightened her spine and steadied her legs.
“Beautiful, Kendra.” He moved around to face her, running one slick finger along the line of her jaw. “You’re a natural at this, aren’t you?” His approval sang over her and she dared to let her eyes flicker to his face.
“Hands behind your back.” His voice was low and soft, not cold and demanding like George’s had been. His expression was calm, even serene. No hint of passion or emotion marred his perfect features.
But his eyes blazed.
Where George’s calm had originated from a lack of emotion, it seemed to Kendra that Sin’s calm was rooted in a rock-solid control of too much emotion.
Kendra shakily crossed her wrists at the small of her back and Sin immediately wrapped a pair of soft leather cuffs around them. Tight enough to keep her arms where he wanted them but flexible enough that no pain radiated from the site.
“Excellent, Kendra.” She smiled a little at the approval in his voice, but that smile faltered at his next words. “Now we’re ready to begin.”
“Yes, Master Sin.”
Her response hit every nerve along Sin’s cock. Her voice, low and a little hesitant, was telling a different story than those big, mysterious eyes. Eyes that he could swear saw straight into his soul. When she called him Master, Sin had to squash the urge to pound his chest like a caveman and howl out his triumph.
She was perfect. Perfect and his. He closed his eyes briefly to savor the softness of her skin beneath his hands as he stroked over her, kneeling to start at her feet before working his way up her knees, encircling full thighs and ample hips. Massaging her with fluid movements over her still-tense muscles.
“Spread your thighs, Red,” he commanded. He hissed when her thighs parted and he saw the wet patch that made the crotch of her panties a darker shade than the scarlet lace stretching over her hips. She was so fucking wet for him already. His cock strained against the slight tension of the band circling its base, a painful reminder of where he wanted to be, buried in her wet heat.
He stood up and recovered the cut-glass bottle filled with Indian Tobacco oil. Normally he’d dilute the oil, adding jojoba or Vitamin E to temper the tingling burn caused by the natural remedy, but he knew that using it in its concentrated form would allow the oil to soak into her skin, entering her very bloodstream and pumping a steady stream of sensory stimulation through her from head to toe. Removing the glass stopper, he waited until she looked up, catching her eyes before drizzling oil across her ample cleavage.
She shuddered, more, he knew, from the idea of what was coming than from the sensation itself. The sensation would come later. Sin dripped oil over her rounded tummy, then set the bottle aside. He wrapped his hands around her waist, catching the oil that slid down toward her pubis and massaging upward. She jerked under his hands, breath ripping roughly in and out. Slowly he rubbed the oil in, coating her waist, her arms, then smoothing over the generous curves that threatened to burst through the lace of her bra.
Sin released the clip holding her bound wrists together and took her hand, leading her back to the pommel horse. Her eyes flicked over his face and her teeth worried her lower lip, but she remained silent. Good. She was showing more trust than he had the right to expect after her encounter with George. More respect than he deserved, considering the things he wanted to do to her.
They arrived at the apparatus and he paused, memorizing the sight of her. Pale, smooth skin contrasted dramatically with scarlet lace. Her hair trailed down from the messy knot he’d tied it in. Peeking out from the golden-brown curls, a tiny pair of devil horns taunted him. She was the embodiment of wicked innocence, and Sin couldn’t wait to corrupt her.
“Strip,” he commanded, enjoying the flicker of nerves in her eyes and the way she drew her bottom lip between her teeth. “Slowly,” he added when she reached quickly behind herself to undo the catch of her bra.
She drew a breath, and Sin’s breath caught too at the way her breasts strained against the lace of her bra. Then they were free, falling full and luscious to rest against her rib cage as she discarded the bra.
“Don’t,” he snapped when she instinctively moved to cover herself. “Those are mine, and I want to look at them.” She blinked and dropped her hands. A faint smile showed in those eloquent eyes, and Sin knew she liked the idea of belonging to him. Maybe even liked it as much as he did.
“Now the panties,” he reminded her, narrowing his eyes when she hesitated. “What?” he asked, sensing that more than shyness was stopping her.
“I’m embarrassed,” she confessed softly. “I’m definitely not swimsuit model material.”
Sin frowned. He understood her insecurity but it infuriated him. “You’re perfect, Kendra,” he said emphatically. “You’ve got the curves of a real woman. God,” he continued, “sinking into your gorgeous body is going to be like fucking a cloud, all warm and soft…”
Her eyes had dropped to his crotch and he knew she was noting just how much he liked the idea of her softness.
“Your body is mine,” he concluded. “It is perfect. Do not ever criticize my possession again.”
The acceptance and relief glowing in her eyes nearly unmanned him. Oh fuck, I’m in the deep end and going down fast.
She drew the lace panties slowly over her hips, thighs, and let them fall to the ground before taking a step in his direction, leaving them pooled on the floor behind her. Then she stood, silent and proud, arms loose at her sides as she displayed herself for him.
Sin took full advantage, devouring her with his eyes. He moved around behind her and lifted the heavy mass of her unraveling hair to drape forward over her shoulder. Her back was long and lovely, the curve of her hips elegant, a
nd the heart-shaped globes of her ass fairly demanded to be spanked until they flushed a glorious rose.
Stepping closer, he flattened his palm at the small of her back, sliding voluptuously upward through the oil until he could exert slow and steady pressure between her shoulder blades. She responded perfectly to the gentle push, bending gracefully until she rested once more over the device. He moved to her front and crouched, guiding her hands to the legs, where he attached clips to her cuffs, binding her upper body painlessly to the pommel horse.
He stood and stroked her cheek, watching her eyes slide closed under the tender caress. Sin was thankful that she hid her golden gaze—a man could lose himself in its depths. He moved behind her, crouching again to wrap his hands around her inner thighs. In one firm sweep he slid his hands down, spreading her legs wide. When he reached her ankles, he took another set of Velcro restraints and bound her ankles to the back legs of the pommel horse, then stood to inspect his handiwork.
She was exquisite, bound and spread for his eyes only. Her back was slightly arched, her plump ass raised and her smooth skin shiny from the oil. He licked his lips, imagining her taste. She’d be sweet and spicy, beyond compare.
Sin was about to give Kendra a night to remember, and he had a feeling it might be one to go down in the record books for him as well.
Chapter Five
Kendra was awash in sensation. Her skin tingled from head to toe from that maddening oil. Every time Master Sin moved by her or leaned in close to speak, the slight stirring of air sent icy flames licking over her. It was torturous. It was the purest pleasure she’d ever experienced.
He’d moved out of her line of sight but she could hear him sorting through various toys and tools. She suspected he was deliberately making enough noise for her to lie there and speculate. The man clearly had an unusual understanding of what a sexual organ the brain was, and an unnatural talent for capturing her imagination.
When several minutes had passed, Kendra felt her tension beginning to rise. Every inch of her body cried out for his touch. Her breasts, pressed hard against the supple leather of the pommel horse, ached. Her pussy, exposed for his scorching gaze, was becoming slicker by the minute, yearning to be used, to be claimed by its Master.
The thought brought her up short. While everything about the BDSM scene had intrigued Kendra during her research, she’d never considered herself submissive. She was independent, assertive and utterly self-sufficient. Not the qualities she associated with a submissive, sexually or otherwise.
So why did the idea of belonging to Master Sin, of virtually being his possession, feel so right? Because it did feel right—more right than anything ever had.
Her musings were cut short when Sin moved close again, trailing something soft along the line of her spine.
“Master!” The word escaped without her volition, an exclamation of nerves and excitement that she clamped down on immediately, unsure of what was allowed.
“What is it, baby girl?” He moved to crouch by her head, beautiful, bronzed muscles rippling. She was momentarily hypnotized by the way his tattoo shifted with his movements.
“Kendra?” There was a little more bite in his voice, recalling her to the present.
“May I ask questions, Master?” She didn’t even try to keep the tremble out of her voice. She’d seen the way it kindled the flame in his eyes, and felt a contradictory surge of power. In her bondage, she had as much control over the situation as he did.
“Of course you may ask.” He stroked her tangled hair away from her cheek. “Maybe I should be a little easier on Georgie,” he added wryly. “You’re so natural at this, so perfect, it’s easy to forget you’re a novice.”
He shifted to a slightly more comfortable position, ducking his head to meet her eyes.
“My intention is never to trick you into breaking the rules.” He flashed a wicked smile. “If you break the rules, it will be a deliberate choice on your part so we can both enjoy your punishment. Now,” he added, “if you are not allowed to speak or to meet my eyes, I’ll tell you. For now, you may ask any questions you need to because it’s important you understand what’s going on.”
“Then…” In spite of his reassurance it was hard to force the words past the knot of nerves in her throat. He continued to pet her hair encouragingly, and she finally blurted out her concerns.
“Then could you please keep explaining what you’re doing, Master? When you’re silent and I’m just waiting…it’s too easy to get scared.”
“Ummm. And not in a good way, right?”
She felt a rush of relief that he understood, that he wasn’t angry with her.
“Not good,” she agreed.
“And I want you to feel very good,” he murmured softly. He shifted and showed her what he held in his hand. A short-handled flogger with numerous suede strips, knotted at the ends to give them a hint of bite.
“I’m going to whip you, Kendra.” She shuddered, whether with fear or anticipation even she couldn’t say. “Not to hurt you or to punish you, but because I’ll enjoy it. And so will you.” He trailed the strips over her shoulders.
“It will further sensitize your skin, drawing the blood to the surface until the slightest touch streaks over you like lightning.” He stood abruptly and his voice lost its dreamy softness.
“Do you have any further questions?” Unable to speak, mesmerized by the sway of the flogger in her peripheral vision, she shook her head.
“Good. Then we can begin.” He tipped her chin up with the handle of the flogger and met her eyes briefly. “If you need to stop, use your safeword. You remember what it is?”
“Yes, red. If you say the safeword I’ll stop. But,” he added in a harder voice, “don’t abuse it. Once we stop, unless you’ve got a really good reason, our session will be finished.”
The devil she’d been dressed as reared its naughty head.
“Master Sin? Would needing to use the bathroom be a really good reason?” She clamped down hard on her smile when he stilled and shot her a startled look.
“Yes, of course.” He took a step toward her. “Do you…?”
She was already shaking her head, and she was afraid the smile was breaking free. “No, I just wondered if it would be a really good reason.”
His smile would have been downright scary if she hadn’t trusted him so absolutely.
“I see you’ve got the deliberate misbehavior thing down cold,” he commented dryly, shaking his head. “Let’s save punishment for a little later.” The flogger trailed lightly over the curves of her buttocks and she shivered. “For after the pleasure.”
Sin was still chuckling to himself as he positioned himself at her hip. She really was a natural sub, the perfect combination of submission and sass. He didn’t know which got to him more—her vulnerability and hunger to understand what they were doing, or her wicked teasing. He suspected that his Red was woman enough to keep him on his toes for a long, long time.
What the fuck? Sin drew himself up short. He did not think in the long term. And Red was his for the night, but no more. He needed to get his head screwed on straight about that right now.
It was difficult to keep it together as he admired her shimmering body, spread so beautifully before him. Fuck! He couldn’t remember the last time his cock had ached like this. The confines of the ring restricted the blood flow, made him throb harder, deeper. He refused to give himself even the slightest relief. Kendra would find her pleasure first. Sin knew the value of patience. He’d find far more satisfaction watching her go to pieces than he would in a few rough strokes of his dick.
He shook his head, trying to shake loose too many unwelcome thoughts, and turned his attention back to Kendra. She lay flushed and gleaming and just waiting for his touch. He trailed the tails of the flogger over her one last, lingering time, then set to work.
The first impact was light, almost like raindrops on her overstimulated skin. The rush of warmth that followed i
n the wake of the light slap of the flogger seemed to wash straight from her back to her pussy, leaving her contracting hungrily on air.
The second impact held more sting. Still more sound than sensation. Kendra found herself arching slightly into the blow, reaching for a firmer contact. Of course, the more she rose into each swing, the lighter the blows became.
The tease!
Master Sin was teasing her, tormenting her, giving her just enough to make her want more.
She didn’t realize she’d spoken the word aloud until there was a pause in the light patter of the flogger against her skin.
“More what, baby girl?” His voice was a sensual blow all on its own.
“More, Master. Harder, faster, something…” She trailed off, unsure of how to ask for what she needed. Unsure of anything except, “I don’t know what, I just need more. Please.”
“You ask so prettily, how can I refuse you?”
The blows resumed, firmer, stinging and leaving a wash of unbearable heat in their wake. She was writhing, couldn’t help it. From her nape to the small of her back, his flogger crisscrossed her with fire. Each tingle, each sting, drew gasps, moans, almost musical sounds of pain and pleasure that she’d never guessed she was capable of making.
He moved lower, strapping the lower curve of her butt cheek, the tails of the flogger wrapping around her inner thigh, glancing off her pussy, and the contact was electric.
“Ohmigod.” She sobbed the words, pushing against her bonds, pushing hard into the blows of the flogger. Master Sin didn’t make her suffer, raining blows on the swollen, fiery mouth of her sex. She felt the slide of her honey coating her inner lips, slipping out until her inner thighs were slick, sliding against the leather of the pommel horse. This was more than she had ever dreamed of. The small amount of pain gave over to unbearable pleasure with each blow he landed.
“Can you come like this, baby girl?” She heard the words but they made no sense. Nothing made sense except the repeated sting of the flogger, the ache of her sex, the drive for more.