Amber Stigmatized Read online

Page 15

  His hand tangled in her long hair and pulled slightly.

  She sighed and arched her back, rubbing her kitty on him, using her leg wrapped around him for leverage. Suddenly, she realized what it meant for him to grab her and jerked her head back to look at him.

  His opened eyes burned like flaming coals in the dark.

  “What are you doing?”

  She blushed and ducked her head. “I-I wanted to know…”

  “Yes?” he encouraged. He shifted, his erection pushing on her leg.

  The heat of him made all thoughts fly from her mind. She whimpered, wordless, and bucked her hips to slap her kitty on his firm thigh.

  Daddy rolled over on top of her and slid his hands between her thighs, pulling her legs apart. “I have your answer right here.”

  He leaned over her, a broad shadow, a shape defined by muscle. He reached between his legs and took hold of himself. Amber’s eyes grew so wide she thought they might fall out of her head. He was so huge. He was so much bigger than one or even two fingers. She would never, ever be able to fit him inside of her.

  I’m really wet. That should help. He’ll slide right in.

  Daddy held his erection to her slit and rubbed up and down through her. She rubbed on him, still breathless, but now her heart was pounding for the wrong reason. The size of him was so apparent with the tip of him parting her. It didn’t matter how wet she was, how hard they would try. He’d never be able to get into her.

  Amber couldn’t disappoint him.

  She wouldn’t be able to bear it.

  “I want you,” Daddy growled, the one thing she wanted to hear most of all -the one thing which nearly paralyzed her from fear at the same time. Still holding himself in his hand, he started to push.

  Amber felt his big, swollen tip start to push at her and cried out. “Daddy, wait! No!”

  He jerked away from her, chest heaving. “What?”

  The broken look on his face made her sob. She clung to him, needing to be close to him, and knowing it would be a mixed message. She didn’t dare look at him again for fear of seeing that question on his face: Well, does she want me or not?

  “I’m not ready!”

  “You’re plenty ready,” he told her, holding his arm around her shoulders. “You’re so wet. Your pussy is quivering. You want me. You need me. Let me in, Amber.”

  “I know!” she cried. “It’s all true! But I can’t. I just can’t yet. Please don’t be mad at me.”

  He laughed.

  Incredulous, she jerked her head up and stared at him. “What’s funny?”

  Daddy wiped tears from her cheeks and shook his head. “I guess nothing’s funny. I just had to laugh. Amber, if I got mad at you for this, I’d be a monster.”

  She shook her head with vehemence. “You’re not a monster. You keep the monsters away!”

  “I try.” He hugged her closer to him. “Now, I understand about you not wanting to. This is a big step. I’ll wait for you, until you’re ready.”

  She sniffled and pressed her head to him. “Thank you.”

  “My darling. Come on. Let’s get some sleep.”

  Still holding her, Daddy lay back in bed. She cuddled very close to him and tucked her head to his.

  His erection pressed against her, simply refusing to go down.

  Minutes blinked by on Daddy’s alarm clock and still he stayed erect. With her head to his chest, Amber could hear his heartbeat skittering along still at an unnatural pace. She squirmed from guilt. Instead of giving him a satisfying dream, she’d awoken him and robbed him of the ability to finish. He had to love her so much to let her get away with that.

  Well, she loved him too.

  Another idea entered her mind, a much better one than before. She started to slide down his body, towards his hardness.

  Daddy caught her, presented her from going all the way. “What’s this?” he asked.

  She didn’t answer. Wriggling, she slid free of his hands and made her way down to the apex of his thighs where his erection was. Her ass pushed up from underneath the covers. She could taste him, could taste his essence even before she brought her mouth to his shape.

  Gently, she grazed her lips over his base, felt soft skin stretched taut over hardness. His erection shifted, twitched as if with a life of its own. Growing braver, she started to kiss her way up his length, like climbing a tree, always making sure she knew where she was headed -and where she had already been. An inch at a time, she worked her way up, until the texture of him transformed. Velvet softness. Wetness, a sharp taste that surprised her, and which she suddenly lusted for with surprising hunger. Eagerly now, she took the tip of him and licked and sucked him.

  Daddy groaned underneath her, his hips bobbing, butt lifting up off the mattress with every suck. He grabbed her hair, pushing her face down on him, making her take more of him.

  She did, bringing him in until he hit the back of her throat. Startled, she choked a little, then sucked hard.

  Daddy burst into a sudden roar and clutched at her, clutched the mattress with his other hand. He shook all over. His manhood in her mouth twitched and pulsed, and released more of his taste right down the back of her throat. She swallowed, reflexively, and more filled her mouth. It was hot. Salty.

  Daddy grabbed her and dragged her up his body and kissed her hard, his mouth rough with hers. She struggled to keep up, her mind reeling, filled with her new experience.

  His lips found her ear, tugged on her lobe. “Did I teach you how to do that?”

  She shook her head, then tilted her head over to offer him more of her ear.

  “My little girl, learning by herself.” Daddy gazed at her, full of pride.

  She soaked it in, beaming right back.

  Chapter 18

  Daddy's little plaything

  “What are you doing?”

  Amber looked over at the bedroom doorway and smiled for her Daddy. “You’re upside down.” She giggled to herself. Almost a month had gone by and she still found all sorts of ways to be silly with him. Would the fun never stop?

  He approached and sat on the edge of her bed. “I think you’re the one who’s upside down, teacup. Don’t spend too much time like this or all the blood will go to your head.”

  She shrugged. She lay on her back on the bed with her head over the edge, all of her hair spilling over like a waterfall to the floor. “It’s okay. I know how to get blood to other places.”

  “Oh, do you, now?” Daddy picked up some of her hair and wound it around his hand. “You have some sort of special power?”

  She giggled. “Yeah. Being sexy!”

  He raised his eyebrows at her, which looked so absurd from her upside-down vantage point that she had to laugh again. “How is being sexy going to help you when you pass out?”

  “I guess that’s a good point,” she conceded. “But in that case, you can help! You’d have to help me. All you have to do is rub me in my special places and my heart will start pounding, and the blood in me will go straight to other places. That’s how it works, you know. That’s why you get erections.”

  Daddy put his hand on her flat stomach, peeking out from under her shirt. “I get erections because I love you. It’s got nothing to do with this science lesson.”

  She put her hand over his and tried to push it down lower. He complied, working his fingers under the waistband of her jeans. Conversationally, while stroking her mound, he said, “So is the whole reason for dangling upside down just to give you an excuse to teach me bodily mechanics?”

  Amber nodded.

  Daddy rubbed his finger right at the top of her slit, from outside of her panties. “Is that what you do all day when I’m off at work? You’re not studying or even relaxing; you’re thinking about ways to draw me into conversations about how sexy you are?”

  She peeped up at him. “You always tell me I’m sexy, so, yeah. I love it when you look at me.”

  “I always look at you.”

  But she knew that
he knew what she was talking about: that special lustful look he gave her, even during the times when they were trying to be nonsexual.

  Amber rolled over onto her stomach and kicked her legs idly behind her, one of her feet caressing Daddy’s arm with every stroke. “I don’t really need to study anyway. All this sociology stuff is so simple. It’s all really watered-down and bland. Common sense boring stuff.”

  He caught her foot and rubbed it. “That’s why we finish classes. So we can move on to stuff that better captures our interest.”

  She scrunched up her face. “No way. Not in this subject. It’s all the same. It’s all about how everyone thinks people think. It’s not about feelings. Even though I think feelings are the most important thing in the whole world. It should be all about feelings! That’s what really decides how people act! And even though there’s never supposed to be any right answers and it’s all gray, the other students act like it’s black and white and I’m wrong.”

  Daddy started to speak.

  Amber talked over him, getting wound up. “It’s all these people looking at other people and trying to judge and understand how they act, but people are never going to be the same! What’s the point?”

  “Don’t interrupt. It’s not nice.”

  “I’m sorry,” she apologized right away.

  Daddy hugged her tight and tucked his head to hers. “Textbooks are only a guideline. In the actual field of study, there are so few answers to be found.”

  “But everyone acts like what’s in the book and written on the board is, like, a gospel or something!”

  “Then they’re doing it wrong.”

  “But Miss Mills likes them better and gives them better grades,” she complained.

  “So?” Daddy shrugged. “That’s only one measure of success. She has to grade according to what’s in her books. That doesn’t mean she agrees. Teachers are very good actors.”

  Amber grumbled, but she had to admit that Miss Mills at least offered her chances to explain her reasoning behind her answers. The other students only laughed.

  “All this means is you need to become a sociologist, write your own book, and be the change in the field you want to see.”

  “No, thank you.”

  He laughed and kissed her. “That’s okay, too. You have plenty of time to figure out what you want. And you know I’ll always be there to provide for you, give you everything you need.”


  “Yes, teacup?”

  She sat up and put her hand in his lap. “Do you know what it is that I want right now?”

  He put his hand over hers. “I think I can guess…”

  As the weeks passed, she had grown so much more comfortable around him. Bolder. This wasn’t the first time she’d done something strange deliberately to get into a sexual talk, and it wouldn’t be the last. It was amazing the magical hold she had on him and she loved to explore it now at every opportunity.

  And he followed the pace she set, eagerly matching her every step of the way. As it turned out, if one of them wanted something, the other wanted the same. They were built that way, designed that way by whatever force brought them together.

  Amber unzipped and undid his suit pants, and helped him get them down to his thighs. She leaned back and let her gaze linger on him, how handsome he was, how stoic after a long day of hard work; the little signs of dishevelment, the stray hairs and loosened tie and undone pants, gave him just enough of an edge to be alluring, irresistible. She quickly moved his underwear out of the way and leaned over him, and pressed her lips to his tip. She kissed him, a deepening and sensual wet embrace, and pulled him into her mouth at the same time.

  He sighed and tangled his fingers into her hair and leaned back against the headrest of her bed, relaxing for her. “I’ve been thinking about this all day,” he murmured.

  She smiled with her mouth wrapped around him, lifting her eyes to peer up at him. She sucked on him, loving to watch the way his body jumped as the impulse of desire shot through him.

  “Fuck me,” he sighed, in a tone of voice which stated all his wildest dreams had come true. “Fuck me, Amber. Suck my cock. You know how.”

  She’d had plenty of practice by now, for sure. Whenever Daddy wanted something from her, she happily gave it to him; when he was aroused, all he had to do was bring her to him and she would take care of it.

  She took care of him then, lavishing kisses up and down the length of him. She trailed her tongue over his every inch, tasting him, exploring the textures of his skin and veins. Her head bobbed up and down over him. Her throat moved busily while she sucked and kissed, and sucked some more. Her breath came in rapid gusts through her nose. Her heart thundered in her breast. Her body was coming alive, her nipples stiffening.

  While she bent over him, sucking him, giving him everything she knew he needed, he reached for her rear and held on tightly. He massaged her deeply with his fingertips, letting her feel his touch right deep in her core.

  She started to whimper while sucking him, her pleasure spiking wildly. She throbbed between her legs, so turned on just through the simple act of giving him what he wanted.

  Amber rose almost all the way up from him, tightening her lips on his tip, and then she went back down again to take in as much as she could. Over and over she repeated the motion, picking up her pace, pausing to give him licks and sucks that also grew in intensity.

  Daddy writhed underneath her, arching up off the bed. He made a sudden yelling sound and the now-familiar taste of him flooded Amber’s mouth. She took all of him while he spasmed and jerked. He collapsed, out of breath, saying her name anyway like a mantra.

  “Amber, Amber… My Amber. You’re such a good girl for swallowing.”

  She gave him one last little suck, a farewell, and then wrapped her arms around his chest. “I love being your good girl.”

  “You always are. You always will be.” He pulled her to him and buried his face in her hair. He kissed all over the top of her head. A deep happiness formed inside her. She still felt hot and her kitty wanted attention, but she knew she would be happy always as long as she could give Daddy what he needed.

  Daddy sighed and stroked her hair. “It was a long day for me. What do you say we go take a nice, hot bath?”

  Amber perked up and grabbed his hand. “We should do that!” she cried. “As cold as it is outside now, you deserve a bath.”

  Fall had finally given way to winter. Several snowstorms had blown in, though the flakes were too small and not wet enough to stick around for long. Mostly it was the drop in temperature and the sharp, knifelike winds which had been causing issues. Several of the trees in the park outside of Daddy’s building had fallen, and every day the maintenance crew cleared more branches off the street.

  It wasn’t a good time out there for a girl who liked to luxuriate in nature. She wasn’t a survivalist, just a pleasure hiker. She sympathized with poor Daddy, who really didn’t have a choice about whether or not he had to go out in that weather.

  Daddy stood and, with her in his arms, headed to the master bath. He set her down and started running water in the tub. Over his shoulder, he said to her, “Do you want to make it a bubble bath?”

  Amber looked at him from where she was already standing, next to the closet with the bottle in her hands. “Um, of course I do.”

  He laughed and shook his head. “Of course, silly me. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  Amber came over to the tub and sat down on the edge, cuddling her side to his. She twisted the cap off the bottle and poured a liberal amount of the bubble bath under the running tap, far more than the label suggested. Suds foamed up immediately, a huge pile of bubbles that spread out along the surface of the water. The tub took a long time to fill, since it was nearly the size of a swimming pool. While she waited, Amber shifted from the side of the tub to Daddy’s lap.

  He smiled down at her and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “How’s Snowflake doing?” he asked. “Does
she need a refill on her food or bedding yet?”

  Amber shook her head. “She’s still good.” She put her hands on her hips and scowled at him. “Is my hamster really what you want to talk about when we’re going to take a bath together?”

  “What could be a better subject than rodents?”

  She smiled mischievously. “Cats.”

  Daddy’s gaze sparked. He ran his hand over her thigh and placed it between her legs. “I’ve found myself a nice pussy right here.”

  She giggled and closed her legs around his hand. He pushed his fingers deeper between her thighs and stroked them over her slit. She moaned and spread her legs for him. He pressed firmer against her pouting lips, but her clothes prevented either of them from getting what they wanted.

  Well, Amber knew a way to solve that issue.

  She grabbed at her pants and pulled them and her panties down in a single motion. She sat back down, her bare butt now on Daddy’s leg. She wriggled around on top of him and then gave him a cheeky smile. He reached to her and wrapped his hand around her face and kissed her, sliding his tongue deep into her mouth. She whimpered and pressed her tongue to his. His wet heat had her trembling. She thrust her tongue on his, kissing him harder and with more need. He slid his hands underneath her rear, and then turned her and slid her down the slope of the tub right into the water.

  She splashed down into the tub with a squeal, suds and water flying everywhere. Daddy joined her after a moment, now naked himself. He leaned back against the edge of the tub and pulled her body close to his so they faced each other. He kissed her lips, harder than even before, promising much more to come.