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- Vignesh Ravichandran
Scepters of Empyrea
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©Vignesh Ravichandran
The Author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this book.
First Edition: January 2018
Scepters Of Empyrea: A Journey to the Andromeda Galaxy
ISBN: 978154952392
This is purely a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and few events are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously and any resemblance to any actual person, living or dead, or locales is merely coincidental.
Welcome Onboard
I am Vignesh Ravichandran, Author of "Scepters of Empyrea: A Journey to the Andromeda Galaxy". I am working as a Human Resource Professional in Chennai for the living. I got an idea of writing this novel when I experienced a weird nightmare before 7years, and it felt like I was somewhere connected to it and later it began to dawn on me to convert this into a novel, and that's how this journey began.
This Journey is totally an imaginary one, any resemblance to any actual person, living or dead, or locales is merely coincidental.
For the Journey is concerned, I am going to be your tour host and will take you to the lovely places of Empyrea. In every destination, you will be entertained by different characters in wonderful landscapes. Just erase all your predictions and enjoy the journey in its flow.
Title Page
Author Note- Welcome Onboard
Journey 01: Adventures Step Pyramid
Journey 02: Lord of Love & Peace
Journey 03: Regions of Empyrea
Journey 04: Secrets of Empyrea
Journey 05: The Concealed doors
Jounrey 06: Wrath of Titans
Journey 07: Zenith of Eclipse
Journey 08: Shivering in fear
Journey 09: Millio dollar deal
Journey 10: Miami Museum
Journey 11: Bermuda Triangle
Journey 12: Awestruck Island
Journey 13: Stampede of apes
Journey 14: Walk in Dinolaya
Jouney 15: Huffing Horns
Journey 16: New lords of Empyrea
Journey 17: Rebirth of menacing statues
Journey 18: Broken Empolosseum
Journey 19: Inevitable Relations
Journey 20: The Falconnian war
Journey 21: God Moher Isis
Journey 22: Conspiracy of the old Lords
Journey 23: The Fire Flyer
Journey 24: War Plotting
Journey 25: The Underground Chamber
Journey 26: Flaming Triangle
Journey 27: The Confronter
Journey 28: War for the Throne-I
Journey 29: War for the Throne-II
Journey 30: Royal Ceremony
In the sands of Saqqara stands one of its greatest legacies. It’s the first monument of its kind ever built, the most significant piece of history of its civilization. The famous Step Pyramid, the oldest stone structure in the world, also known as the Pyramid of King Djoser. Constructed in a single century at the close of the prehistoric era.
Step Pyramid is the most impressive of all the pyramids. It is the mother of all pyramids. There are only less than 80 pyramids left in Egypt. These are considered as secret gateways that allow kings to pass through to the land of immortal life after they die. But now, through the evolution of time, these areas lie in ruins brought on by earthquakes and are falling apart. As time goes by, the pyramids continue to deteriorate turning into dust.
The archeological experts are trying to rescue these ancient treasures. Not letting time take things into its own hands, one determined archeologist named Hannah is obsessed with saving the step pyramid. Hannah is a 32-year-old American archeologist who has significant experience in the field of archeology, and she has explored many mysterious sites & relics. Some of Hannah’s major discoveries include the Rosetta stone, the Acambaro figures, Gobeklitepe, the Antikythera mechanism, and the Tomb of Sunken Skulls. She was also instrumental in deciphering the Mayan Calendar, Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Voynich Manuscripts.
Hannah's ultimate aim is to safeguard the antique items and its culture. But because of human interference and natural disasters; ancient monuments and other architectures are in ruins. To safeguard the ancient wonders, Hannah along with her friends formed a group and embarked on a rescue mission. The first initiative was to excavate the historical pyramids, and for that, they formed an archeological group named “Saving the Pyramids”. Different archeologists from various parts of the world were part of this initiative.
The journey of their ambitious restoration project began with the Step Pyramid. Above ground, the challenge was to repair the severely eroded steps and replace thousands of stones that were falling apart. These stones were the masterpieces of the Egyptian civilization and they were wholeheartedly committed to the quest for the Trinity.
For Hannah's team, things weren’t easy. They couldn’t use any industrial machinery because it caused too much vibration, so they did everything by hand. Boulder by a boulder the workers started replacing the fallen stones. After all the stones were in its place, Hannah found out that the apex of the pyramid seemed to be missing. Usually, when a pyramid is constructed, the capstone is the last thing to be placed on it. It was called “Pyramidion”. It was considered the most important part of the pyramid and was made of unique stones or sometimes even gold. Without a pyramidion, the step pyramid looked flat-topped and not pointed like other pyramids.
While excavating further, Hannah found a tiny piece of the pyramidion stuck to the top of a limestone block. She carefully unearthed it with her tools and stepped down from the step pyramid. She made her way to the caravan to examine this piece. She inspected it through her microscope. The pyramidion seemed like a magnetic black stone with some subtle inscriptions. Upon discovering this, Hannah assumed that the rest of the pyramidion might have some detailed inscription on it. She continued to run experiments and to her shock, she realized that the pyramidion had an electromagnetic energy. She then determined that the Egyptians had used this energy for lighting the inner pyramids. It soon began to dawn on her that the ancient Egyptians were more developed than we were.
Not wanting to let any more time pass, they went inside the pyramid to continue their work. And so began the biggest and most dangerous restoration job. Extending 30metres underground to the secret heart of the pyramid, the king’s burial chamber was collapsing. Huge boulders had fallen from the roof threatening to crush this chamber. She speculated that this must have happened in the recent earthquake that had recorded 6.9 on the Richter scale.
Inside the step pyramid, over 300 tons of rocks had come crashing down. Above their heads, boulders hung like giant pinball waiting to fall on them. At first, Hannah's team stabilized the ceiling with some support and started removing the debris. They did not want to take any chances because if there was another massive earthquake, it would result in a catastrophe.
Hannah’s team members believed that the boulders could be lifted upwards, and could be taken out through the south entrance, which they believed would be much quicker. But Hannah had a different idea; the tunnel leading to the chamber was too fragile to handle the weight of any vehicle, so she opted for a longer route. Sorting all the debris by hand, they carried it one by one from the bottom of the burial chamber along the fragile maze of tunnels and headed towards the north entrance.
After all the boulders had been removed, Hannah's team uncovered what was hidden undern
eath. The coffin which contained the king’s body still remained intact. It was made of 32 granite slabs. On the top of it was a giant circular stone plugging the hole and through that, they lowered the body of the king. They saw clues on the slabs, which directed them as to how those slabs needed to be placed to form a sarcophagus.
The sarcophagus chamber had been surrounded by four galleries, which was cut around the burial chamber and in all likelihood contained the funerary equipment of the king. Some of the galleries were lined with fancy blue tiles and resembled the mats that were hung on the walls of the king’s royal residence. Hannah & her team also found out that the burial chambers lead to many tunnels. These tunnels were mysterious in nature. Each tunnel had nearly five to six chambers in it. What started off as a rescue initiative had now become an exploration when they discovered amazing artifacts of crafted stones. They also found human remains and broken tombs of the pharaoh’s wives and his daughters.
Hannah’s team also found the historical artifacts and ornaments from Egyptian civilizations that belonged to the second and third dynasty. Some chambers had food stored for the king’s afterlife while few other chambers were filled with gold ornaments like pendants, amulets, bracelets, earrings, studs, necklaces, collars, pectorals, malachite finger rings, scarabs, and ubat stones. Some chambers were beautifully decorated like a little royal palace with ceramic and granite so that the dead king wouldn’t languish.
No one knew how many levels there were in these tunnels. With the help of tracker technology, complicated passages in the labyrinths were broken down. The King’s crown, Queen’s necklaces, and the painted limestone statue of King Djoser were found along with many other historical monuments.
Hannah’s team also discovered the village which probably helped build these monuments 4500 years ago. While excavating it, they got numerous clues as to their way of life. They were well fed and decently housed. For building the pyramids, they were given meat and bread. The excavations even showed that the workers weren’t slaves as we assumed they were, but were proud to serve the Pharaoh and even accompanied him on the journey to the afterlife.
Hannah’s team found a few skulls that they now knew belonged to the helpers. Some skulls were abnormal and mysterious; they looked more elongated than a normal human skull. From the bread that was discovered, they found out that the Egyptians used antibiotics. Antibiotics are used to destroy or slow down the growth of bacteria. But, none of these fascinating discoveries revealed the method that was used to build the pyramid.
Apart from all these, inside the step pyramid, Hannah's team found a very mysterious pathway, 45metres into the ground. Even then it did not end, the secret pathway led them to a junction and there were five different tunnels.
Hannah and her team members walked into the first tunnel, the walls in the tunnels were painted with Egyptian hieroglyphics. On their way, Hannah and her team members were discussing the hieroglyphics. And then suddenly Cummings one of the team members walked on a red colored rock and it went in like a button. Within a fraction of a second, an automated arrow appeared on the right side of the wall. Hannah grabbed Cummings shirt collar and pulled him back. The Automated arrow swerved past Cummings near his abdomen and missed him by an inch tearing just his shirt and because of its intensity went into the left side of the wall. It was so strong as to take 5lives at a time.
Hannah and her teammates returned to the junction point and figured out that these five tunnels may be the labyrinths to keep the place secure. She ordered her assistant Marsh to bring the E46 from the caravan. E46 was a 3feet robot designed by Steve, the younger brother of Hannah.
Marsh bought the E46 to that place, and it was all set to explore the labyrinths.
Hi Professor, Me E46 is ready to go inside the tunnels. You are advised to follow me only after a gap of 20metres, said E46 and rolled its tiny wheels into the second tunnel.
I don't think this basic model will get us to the right place, mourned Jordan.
The tunnel was fragile and sloppy, E46 with its LED eyes guided Hannah’s five member team into the tunnel. When E46 crossed the Red colored limestone block, the tunnel echoed with weird machinery sounds. Soon the walls released a sudden blue smoke and filled E46 in that blue colored smoke. Hannah and her team members couldn't see where the E46 was. When Hannah's team saw blue smoke they were filled with fear, E46 came out of the smoke melting and wheeled towards Hannah saying, Alert!! Alert!! This tunnel contains mysterious alchemical powders which can burn the human skin entirely. Let's move out of this tunnel.
Jordon!! E46 saved our life, hope you will find some solace and be more confident about it, said Hannah.
She not only has a great physique but also has some good ears, said Jordan to Marsh.
Hahaha!! Beware, her husband is an Interpol officer, replied Marsh.
E46 was ready to explore the third tunnel and wheeled into it. The third tunnel was so flat and not fragile, everything seemed to be normal. The team members walked relaxingly as E46 was there to guide them. E46 alerted the team when it noticed the same red colored limestone.
Alert!! Alert!! Hold on, let me check the path said E46 and crossed the red stone. Suddenly, the ground rose with hidden blades and smashed E46 at the ceiling. It was so powerful that the LED eyes of E46 popped out from its socket and rolled towards Hannah.
The team came out of the tunnel but had to continue to explore the next tunnel without E46. The brave five member team without fearing for their own lives entered the tunnel. It was dark and had a rotting meat smell. Marsh unable to bear the stench pushed Hannah to one side and vomited on the other side. Meanwhile, the torch fell off Hannah’s hands and rolled down the ground.
Marsh!! If anything happens to my lucky torch you won't get your salary, shouted Hannah angrily and ran to grab it.
This smell makes me sick. Anyway, I haven't gotten even a single penny as salary from you for the past 2years, shouted Marsh.
The torch hit a boulder on the ground and stopped rolling, Hannah bent down and picked up the torch from the ground. While taking it, she heard an indistinct sound, and her hands started to shiver. She heard some swaying sound next to her head and saw few pale yellow strands of her hair flying on the ground.
Is that alright!! Shall we move on, asked Jordan and took a few steps ahead, Hannah abruptly shouted NO!! NO!! NO!! (Tunnel Echoed) Jordan stopped in his tracks and stared at Hannah. But Hannah was looking at Jordon's neck. Hannah touched his neck and took a drop of blood and showed it to Jordon. Jordon after seeing his blood fainted to the ground. Then Hannah told the mystery to her team members, this tunnel has the most dangerous trap than any other. This tunnel has been filled with razor-sharp invisible wires which are hanging exactly at neck level. They immediately got out of the tunnel and stood at the junction point to catch their breath.
Finally, Hannah and her team members went into the fifth tunnel, nothing seemed like a trap for a moment but later the team saw some broken eggshells on the ground, the size was bigger than a baseball. Looking at this, a shiver ran down their spine.
Hannah led them upfront and others followed in a straight line, the team members were relieved and began to relax but then Hannah abruptly stopped in her tracks and dropped down defeated. The team members came forward and saw trouble up ahead. There was a deep pit about 40feet and it continued for 100metres. In the middle of the pit, there were some broken pillars, there was a gap of 3feet from every pillar and only one person could stand on those pillars at a time. Hannah and her team must walk on the pillars to cross over.
Hannah and her team members were not about to give up now so they mustered up the courage and moved ahead. One by one they walked on the pillars crossing the path, even one wrong move will give their death on the sharp rocky spikes down under, so they made their way slowly with extreme caution. After three pillars, the rest were not spacious enough to walk and they could keep only one foot on it. The five member team panicked because of less space. Everyone had to walk at
the same pace to avoid falling down. After crossing half the way, Hannah and her team saw the parent of the eggshells on the pits ground. Seeing that their heart skipped a beat. In a hollow, there were thousands of venomous snakes and black scorpions, if anyone fell, they would surely die.
When they crossed 75% of the way, space became narrower, now there was a place for only half foot, the five member team was praying and walking on each and every pillar. Soon the underground hollow of snakes and black scorpions ended and the team members relaxed. They crossed 85% of the way, the pillars gap extended to 4feet, the team members needed to spread their legs wide enough to walk on it, they were balancing themselves and walking like there were walking on a rope.
When they crossed 95% of the way, another pit appeared below, there were 20 feet of water and the pit itself was 40 feet. Hannah and her team members were puzzled and wary at the same time, soon the water bubbles appeared and something popped its head up in the water.
It could be anything, it's a beast for sure, let's walk fast, shouted Hannah and moved faster.
Within seconds, the water giant leaped out of the water towards the team, and tried catching them, it was a 10feet crocodile, it almost bit the legs of the team members. From the top, the team members could see its wide jaws with a double row of sharp teeth.