Secret Mistress Read online

Page 2

  Jennifer put the palette down and headed back to her chair to pick up her script. “And you’ll get it. Now, I have to read my new lines. Go get me coffee and tell hair and makeup in the green room that I’m ready for them.”

  Right. Job. This was how she intended to see Matthew without being a maid, on her hands and knees, cowering in a corner. On set she’d get him and Jennifer coffee. It was a perfect plan and hopefully one day she’d figure out how to say hello to him.

  Or maybe she was just chasing windmills and living in denial still, not following practical dreams like interior design which was also now actually possible.

  Once she spoke to Matthew, one-on-one, maybe she’d figure out he wasn’t perfect, or that he wasn’t the man she thought he was, and she could move on.

  Ashley saluted her cousin. “Yes, ma’am.”

  She marched toward the door. Jennifer coughed, so she turned around as her cousin said, “Oh, and let’s keep our family connection a secret.”

  If on the off chance this wasn’t just all some fantasy and she and Matthew had more than just her dream, Jennifer was… well, she was what she was. Ashley nodded. “Agreed. I don’t think the Morgans like you much.”

  She flitted to the door, happy to go. For once in her life, she had a way to follow her dreams. Movie sets were a great place to talk about designs too, so she’d reach for two dreams in one trip.

  Or she’d go down in flames and drink a lot of wine.

  She wouldn’t think about that now. Nothing stood in her way. She wasn’t the maid anymore. She honestly had nothing to lose. She could be… free. And this was a start. She opened the door as Jennifer said, “I… I really screwed up my life, but it will be fun to help fix yours. It will be like therapy.”

  Ashley would accept a makeover, but there was absolutely zero way she’d let Jennifer really interfere in her love life. She waved as she headed out and said, “Okay, I’ll see if I can make you a cafe cubano out here in Hollywood.”

  “Now that would make you the best assistant ever,” Jennifer called out.

  Maybe she was wrong, but LA or Hollywood didn’t seem to have the cafesitas in the gas stations with perfectly made coffee. But now that she was here to stay for a while, she’d find out for herself.

  Chapter 2

  Matthew Morgan paced his small box of a dressing room.

  Today he started filming with Jennifer Gonzales.

  His brothers and sisters all wanted to send their lawyers after her, but her agent had negotiated this movie deal well. No lawyers. No Morgan family visits.

  For the duration of the movie, no Morgan or Morgan lackeys on set.

  Matthew’s phone hadn’t stopped ringing for updates and check-ins though.

  He answered now and listened to his agent, his nerves rising. The Roy Lichtenstein original pop art on the wall usually relaxed him but not now.

  No windows made the space insufferable. He preferred the heat of Miami and the palm trees. Hollywood had the trees and nice weather, but it lacked the humidity that made his skin soft. Bright white lights did nothing for calming ambiance.

  “Matthew, if you want this role, then find a normal-looking girl and get yourself photographed with her as your date.” Andy’s words rolled in his head like thunder on the bay. “It’s what the people want.”

  Where would he find a normal woman? They didn’t attend Morgan benefits with wealthy socialites, nor did they walk the halls of movie sets.

  Matthew leaned against the wall and studied the yellow-haired woman in the piece of art he’d hung. Everyone was an illusion and nothing was real except for what was presented. “I don’t even know where to meet someone like that.”

  Andy continued like he hadn’t heard Matt at all, “She can’t look like an actress or model.”

  Matt crossed his arms and ignored the pang in his heart that whispered cigarette as he asked, “Why am I not being judged on my acting talent?”

  “With all the scandals surrounding the industry lately, it’s better if we make you more clean-cut, walking the straight and narrow,” Andy explained. “You’ll have a better shot at getting the starring role for the series.”

  The series was about a guy who gets a new woman in every movie, not exactly monogamous. He braced his shoulders. Yes, he wanted an Oscar but he wanted to get it with a role that people would remember for the next fifty years, and make Matt Morgan the equivalent of a modern day Cary Grant. He pushed off the wall to pace the room. “I want that series.”

  “You know what you have to do,” Andy reminded him and they both hung up.

  Matthew mentally recalled every woman’s face he’d ever met.

  None of them were exactly “girl next door” in personality and the ones that were sweet were usually already married.

  Other men had clearly snatched up the good ones fast while he’d been focused on his career.

  He headed into the breakroom and his nose detected the distinct coffee smell that he hadn’t had once in LA.

  This was a one-hundred percent Miami flavor and his mouth watered. He walked over to the pretty woman with nice brown eyes that seemed familiar and leaned over her shoulder, ignoring the premade pot of normal coffee. “Are you making cafecita?”

  She trembled like he’d startled her. The metal pot shook in her hands until she put it down. She turned toward him, but looked at his chin rather than in his eyes. “Si…yes.”

  She seemed very new, and lacking the jaded quality of a regular stage hand. Whoever she was he’d guess she didn’t normally work on set. He placed his hands in his pockets and asked, “Can I have one?”

  Her eyes widened and she met his gaze. The idea that he knew this pretty woman whopped him over the head. “Yes. Of course.”

  Even her clear voice taunted him.

  He stared at her pert nose as she turned toward the small coffee she was mixing. The white t-shirt… yes. A few minutes ago. He snapped his fingers as he’d solved the mystery. “I just saw you in Jennifer’s room. Are you related?”

  She stared at the coffee and not at him but again her hands trembled a little as she said, “I’m now working for her as her new assistant.”

  He leaned against the white and blue counter and folded his hands on the edge beside her as he asked the question every Morgan wanted to know. “Do you know her publicist?”

  She glanced at him and pushed her dark hair over her shoulder. The assistant fit the “girl next door” type. Just talking to her made him feel… calm, like he was home at his sister’s house in Miami. “I just started like ten minutes ago. My first job is getting her coffee.”

  She handed him a small cup before she started on a second one. He held it like she’d given him the keys to her heart.

  Matt sipped the brew and again the sense this was from home hit him. He smiled at her and continued to lean on the counter. “This is good. It tastes like it’s fresh from Miami, and that I’ve had this before.”

  She nodded at him—where could he possibly know her from? He stood straighter when she said, “Well, I’m from Miami.”

  Knowing her name would be nice. And whoever she was, she looked absolutely normal and she made great coffee. He reached for her hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m Matt.”

  She shook it and her face blushed from the roots of her hair all the way down to below her t-shirt collar. “Ashley Romero… hi.”

  Her plump bottom lip caught his attention as she said her name. The urge to kiss her hit him, but he held back as a plan came to mind. He winked. “Hi. Look, I was wondering if you have two minutes in between getting Jennifer’s coffee that I can talk to you… alone.”

  Her eyes widened as she put the metal coffee maker down and glanced at the door. “Me?”

  Most women he met were happy to drag him into a corner. He put his cup down and would enjoy the taste in a second but he tucked his hands in his pockets so as not to startle her. “Ashley, you’re the prettiest girl in the room.”

  She laughed and picked up th
e coffee to stir Jennifer’s drink. “I’m the only woman in the room—we’re alone.”

  He sipped his coffee to take a moment and study Ashley. Her hips were a little too round for the cameras though honestly cameras were horrible judges. Her curves would be nice to touch and his adrenaline raced at the idea. “Most women take that as a compliment.”

  She finished making the coffee, avoiding his gaze as she said, “Oh… well, I guess I’m nervous talking to you.”

  He stopped fidgeting. The last thing he needed was to scare her off. She was perfect for the role of girlfriend, and if he could sway her, she’d be the angel he needed in order to be star of the new series. “Nervous, bad or good?”

  She started cleaning the coffee maker in the small sink with communal soap as she again didn’t look at him but said, “Good. I’m a fan.”

  He set his coffee down on the counter. “Okay, that’s better than bad. I’d hate to be on a pretty woman’s “avoid” list.”

  She placed the rinsed metal container in the side strainer to dry and then turned toward him, briefly brushing against his body, sending a spark. Her face was red as she said, “You’re not—and I’m sure you can charm anyone.”

  He scratched the back of his head. The idea hit him that he knew her, but he wasn’t sure. He chose not to ask as his mind was blank as to where they might have met. “Well I hope not. I like people with thoughts and opinions that don’t fall for false charms.”

  She left Jennifer’s coffee on the counter and finally looked up at him. Her brown eyes were soulful and interesting. “Where do you want to talk to me?”

  No one needed to hear him. The last thing he needed was a hot mike where someone caught him presenting a stranger with his insane proposal. He pointed across the small breakroom toward the fake gold lock and asked, “Would you mind if I lock the door? You can stand near it, but I don’t want us interrupted.”

  Her eyebrow lifted but she nodded. “Now I’m curious, but I should warn you that I do know self-defense. You have to hurry, though, or Jennifer’s coffee will be cold.”

  Matt had one minute to make his case. He left her side and locked the door. She didn’t move from the counter so he went to one of the white plastic tables and pulled out a plastic blue chair. Joking, he said, “I’m sitting down with my hands on the table where you can see them at all times.”

  She sashayed those sexy hips of hers and took the seat closest to the door. She gazed up at him. “Okay, I’m listening.”

  The sense that he’d seen her before hit him like a brick that fell on his head. “It’s strange how much I think I know you. Have we met?”

  This time her face went white and she shook her head fast. “No. We’ve never spoken. I’d have definitely remembered.”

  Hmm. Very few people were unique-looking as most of the world had similar shapes and often people recognized small character traits more than faces, so maybe Ashley just reminded him of someone else. He let it go and sat back in his chair. “I want you to quit your job with Jennifer.”

  She jerked her head back, her mouth opened in surprise. “Wait what? I was just hired.”

  Jennifer didn’t need someone to fetch her coffee. She could get up and get it herself and besides, what he proposed would be way more lucrative for her. He leaned forward and said, “Yeah. I need you.”

  She pressed her lips together but her gaze narrowed as she studied him. “Why?”

  Good. She hadn’t said no. This meant he had a chance to convince her. Matt always got what he wanted. Always. He softened his expression and scooted closer like they were already friends. “I’m up for a big role. Role of a lifetime really, but the press… I don’t have Jennifer’s PR team, though if I knew who they were, I’d hire them in a heart-beat.”

  She sighed like she enjoyed being so close to him, close enough for him to smell her apricot shampoo. “What does that mean? What’s going on?”

  Matt decided to lay all his cards on the table. This close he could see that Ashley was naturally beautiful, and goosebumps rose on his arms. “I’m being waitlisted for the franchise because I haven’t had a girlfriend in a while.”

  Her eyes, without makeup, darkened and her lips, gloss-free, pouted, tempting him to kiss her but that wasn’t going to happen. She said, “I’m sure there are tons of actresses-”

  “That doesn’t help my PR.” He reached across the table and took her hand. Electricity shot through him. “Look, I’m rich and my agent and his publicist say part of why I’m not getting this role is because I don’t connect to every-day people.”

  “Are you joking?” Her voice lifted in surprise. “You’re one of my favorite actors.”

  Then hopefully she’d be on board with his plan once he spelled it out. Ashley was absolutely not the Hollywood type so he traced her fingers as he said, “I need to rehab my PR so I’m looking for some help.”

  She took her hand back and tilted her head. “Like what?”

  Adrenaline pumped through him as he said the absolute truth. “I need a pretend plain girlfriend, so that people see I like normal women and not just glamorous movie stars or models.”

  Her lips pressed together. His mind raced that he’d made a mistake, saying the word “plain” when Ashley wasn’t. Hopefully he could recover—he’d meant without makeup. She didn’t call him on it but said, “I thought you only dated blondes.”

  If he was playing part, what would he do in this situation? Apologize without saying sorry. He traced her hand, and saw she too had goosebumps. “See, that’s why I need your help. You’re beautiful and way more down to earth than I am.”

  She swallowed like she needed a second but then took her hand back to press it against her chest. “I don’t understand what you’re asking of me.”

  No-holds-barred. Maybe this was impulsive and a bad idea, but part of what made him an actor was allowing himself to be impulsive and the opposite of his banker father, who’d overseen his life without mentioning their real relationship. Matt didn’t blink as he said, “I’m asking you, a total stranger really, to help me and go out on a few dates with me.”

  A laugh escaped her lips. “That’s it?”

  His shoulders lightened. She’d agree. He felt it as he nodded. “If the press thinks we’re dating and we sell it, then I get the movie role I want. So, yes. Will you?”

  Again she pointed to her heart like she was shocked. “Me?”

  A prop would be nice right now, like flowers. He didn’t have one so he positioned his chair so he could face her directly without the table between them. “You’re pretty perfect. But it means you need to quit your job with Jennifer. And if you can move in for a few weeks, in your own room, of course, that’s even better.”

  Her face was red. “Can’t I do both? Be your “girlfriend” and work for Jennifer?”

  This plan was perfect. She needed a job, and he could pay her well. “How much do you need?”

  She stared at him with eyes wide open. “What?”

  This being a job meant he wouldn’t act on his other desires to taste and kiss her. Boundaries were good for the billionaire side of his life. “How much will getting you to quit and taking the job as my pretend girlfriend cost? My lawyers can have a contract in your hand in an hour.”

  She leapt out of her chair and avoided his gaze as she talked fast. “Let me get this coffee to Jennifer. Can I think about it for an hour and let you know at the next break in the schedule?”

  Matt’s heart pounded. He hadn’t expected her to run from him. He’d felt he’d closed the deal, but he nodded as she picked up the coffee cup. “You promise not to leave the set without giving me an answer?”

  “Absolutely.” She raised one hand like she was giving a scout’s pledge.

  He would get props for round two. And probably have his agent run a background check. That was logical. He walked her to the door that she unlocked herself. “Then see you later, Ashley.”

  “Bye.” She opened the door. For a second she didn’t mov
e and he waited, holding his breath.

  Ashley dashed away and he watched the sway of her hips. She truly was beautiful. He tasted the cafesita again, which was heavenly. She’d be perfect for the role, though he did wish he remembered where he’d seen her face.

  Chapter 3

  What had happened just now in the breakroom made Ashley feel as if she lived in a dream. Well sort of. In her dream, Matt never offered her cash and asked for a pretend girlfriend. He would ask her out for real.

  At least she’d uttered more than just one word.

  Her heart pounded and she wanted to jump up and down, but she kept her cool as she carried the coffee to Jennifer. She’d had a whole conversation.

  Now if only she could make sure that she was on the best path to somehow making one conversation between them transform into true love.

  She slipped into Jennifer’s room without knocking and closed the door. Jennifer had changed into a blue slip dress with spaghetti straps. Her cousin said, “My coffee will be cold.”

  Right. Ashley put the still-warm cup in Jennifer’s hands. “Jennifer…”

  Her cousin sipped and then stared over the rim at Ashley. Once she finished, she declared as if she could read her like an open book, “You saw Matthew.”

  The thrill she had going on under her skin must have shown on her cheeks. “I made him a cup of coffee.”

  Jennifer snapped her fingers. “That’s why you’re late. You probably shouldn’t cook… no, you should cook for him, you’re good at it. He doesn’t remember you, does he?”

  Once when she’d been young, she looked up to her cousin, but that faded with time. Her mother used to carry on how Jennifer was the perfect daughter and how she should have had the beautiful one. Until Ashley’s father had left, she’d steal time on the porch with her dad as he smoked his tobacco pipe and find solace in the fact that she was a Romero. Ashley shook off the memory and focused on Jennifer, who set the coffee on her dressing room table. “No. He didn’t know who I was.”