It's All Geek to Me (Nerds & Geeks Book 3) Read online

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  “Did you?” He eased forward until the tip of his cock was just inside her entrance. Then he eased back and pushed forward again.

  She gasped. “Yes. It was all me.”

  “Maybe.” He allowed himself to sink deeper into her warmth and watched the storm building in her eyes. “Or maybe we worked together to make that happen.”

  Her breathing quickened. “You have a convincing way of winning arguments.”

  “Hey, that’s nothing. How about this?” He buried his cock to the hilt and felt the shock waves rolling through her body.

  She gulped for air. “Impressive. What else have you got?”

  “Just this.” And he began to love her with slow, steady strokes.

  “Not bad.” Sliding her hands down his back, she gripped his ass. Her words were breathy as she arched up to meet each thrust. “Not bad at all.”

  A subtle tightening of her body told him she was building to an orgasm. And thanks to her boldness in the parking lot, he could hold off on his. Shifting his angle, he picked up the pace. Yeah, there. Right there. He’d found the combination.

  Her eyes widened. “That’s . . . very . . .”

  He bore down. Any second now.

  She trembled and dug her fingertips into his butt. “Frazer. Frazer.” She came fast and hard, her body arching and her cries loud enough to wake the neighbors.

  Or the cat. Dipping his head, he kissed her, muffling her cries against his mouth. But he was too late. A scratching sound came from the door to her bedroom. Hercules was awake.

  Chapter Six

  Frazer had made her lose her mind. That was the only explanation for it. The minute he’d started kissing her, she’d remembered the neighbors and the cat, but until that moment she’d been oblivious to everything except pure pleasure, a whole-body orgasm that eclipsed every other one she’d experienced.

  Even better, Frazer continued to thrust while she settled back to earth, although he’d slowed down the program considerably. He lifted his mouth from hers but kept up the easy rhythm. “Hercules is –”

  “I know.” Her heart was racing and she barely had enough breath to speak.

  “What do you want to do?”

  “Stay like this forever?”

  He chuckled. “Works for me.”

  “Me, too.” She sighed and closed her eyes to better appreciate the delicious sensation of his cock gliding back and forth. “What’s your secret?”

  “Secret to what?”

  She took a shaky breath. “Good sex.”

  “Oh. Well, it’s mostly figuring the right angle and velocity.”

  She started laughing, and because she was short on air, it came out as gasps and croaks.

  Pausing in mid-stroke, he propped himself on his forearms and gazed at her with concern in his blue eyes. “You okay?”

  “Yep.” She couldn’t stop grinning, though.

  “Good. I was afraid you were having a fit or something.”

  She cleared her throat. “A fit of laughter.”

  “Did I say something funny?”

  “I wasn’t expecting a scientific answer. But I’m sure angle and velocity are . . .” A giggle got away from her despite her effort to keep a straight face. “Important.”

  “Absolutely critical. The angle of thrust needs to make optimal contact for maximum friction but if the velocity’s too fast or too slow, there’s no –”

  “Liftoff?” Hercules continued to scratch at the door but she’d decided not to do anything about him unless he started getting loud.


  “Do you consciously think of all that during sex?”

  He smiled. “Not anymore. I did when I was seventeen, but now I don’t have to.”

  “So before you had sex you studied up on how to please a woman.”

  “You sound surprised.”

  “I’m not, really, knowing you, but that makes you a very unusual guy.” She squeezed his most excellent buns. “And please feel free to continue with what you were doing. Didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  “You’re sure you’re okay?”

  “I’ve never been more okay in my life. It was that good, Frazer. Best ever.”

  “Yeah? I like hearing that.” He began thrusting again. “I can’t take all the credit, though. The conditions were damned near perfect.”

  “A blanket on the floor?”

  “The surface doesn’t matter all that much. I’m talking about you.” Heat simmered in his gaze. “My cock slipped right in as if we’d been designed to fit perfectly together.”

  “Mmm. I see what you mean.” She wiggled against him.

  “I can even do this and it’s still true.” As he shoved deep he rotated his hips.

  She gasped with pleasure. “Again, please.”

  “Sure thing.” He executed the move once more and his breathing roughened. “Perfect alignment.”

  “No kidding. Again.”

  “Glad to.” His body began to tremble. “Moisture level is just right for it.”

  “Don’t stop.” She’d never dreamed he was so flexible or that she’d be so wet and eager for another orgasm.

  “Makes me want to come, though.”

  “The cat could tune up any second.”

  “Point taken.” And he began working his hips in earnest.

  He could be a Chippendale’s dancer, no problem. And he was getting really turned on. She could see it in his eyes. She gulped for air as her climax hovered closer. “Great velocity.”

  His low, breathless chuckle was followed by a groan. “I’m close.”

  “Me, too. Let go.”

  “Have to. Can’t . . . stop.“ He closed his eyes. “Ah, Dulcie.” With another deep groan he locked in tight and shuddered against her.

  His spasms triggered hers. Wrapping her arms around his broad back, she held him as he quivered and struggled for breath.

  When at last he opened his eyes, he looked slightly dazed. “I lost control.” He shook his head as if unable to believe it. “I knew you hadn’t come yet and I tried to hold back but I couldn’t.”

  “But I did come, right after you did.”

  “Still, that’s not like me.” Regret flashed in his eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not.” She reached up to cup his firm jaw. “I’m going to take it as a compliment that I’m just that sexy.”

  “No doubt about it. But I pride myself on being able to wait.”

  “Did we break another rule?”

  He leaned down and kissed her gently. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  “I would love that.” And she pinched his butt.


  “I tried to stop myself from doing it but I just couldn’t.”

  Bracing himself on one arm, he tweaked her nipple. “I tried to stop myself from doing that, too.”

  “Don’t suppress any urges on my account.”

  He slowly massaged her breast as he held her gaze. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Please do.” Her nipple tightened in response to his caress. “Did you research how a woman likes to be fondled, too?”

  “I did, but not every woman wants to be touched in the same way. I need to find out what you like.”


  “I was hoping.” His glance strayed to the nipple he’d teased until it stood at attention. “Ever since that donkey tail incident . . .”

  “That’s when I began to think you’d noticed me.”

  “I’ve always noticed you, Dulcie. But I –” He paused as Hercules began to meow.

  She blew out a breath. Talk about rotten timing.

  “What now?”

  “Your call. He doesn’t sound angry so he might be ready to make friends with you.” She was torn between wanting to spend more alone time with Frazer and promoting his friendship with her cat. “Obviously letting him out changes everything.”

  “It does, but that’s okay. While I make a quick trip to your bathroom, why don’t you bring
him out?”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Short term sacrifice for long term gain.” He gave her a quick kiss before easing away from her. “If we’re going to have some cat time, I’ll put on some clothes.”

  “I have an idea. He’s due for his evening snack. You can feed him a little of his favorite canned food.”

  “Good plan. I won’t be long.”

  She watched him walk down the hall to her bathroom. He wasn’t the only one who liked to ogle a sexy butt. Soon he’d cover it up, though, and she decided to follow his lead and at least put on a bathrobe.

  After managing to slip into her room without letting Hercules out, she took a red velour robe out of her closet and put it on. Then she picked him up and sat on the edge of the bed. “Look, I really like this guy.” She rubbed the cat’s head and scratched under his chin until he was purring loudly. “I know how you feel about letting someone else into the mix, but give him a chance, okay?”

  Hercules continued to purr and nestled against the robe, one of his favorites. Clearly he’d prefer that she stay in here with him and leave the guy outside the door to fend for himself.

  After petting him a little longer, she hoisted him over her shoulder and stood. “Here we go, cat. Be nice.” She opened the door. The bathroom across the hall was empty and so was the living room.

  Then she heard Frazer rummaging around in the refrigerator. Hercules did, too, and he wiggled to get down. An open refrigerator door meant potential food. He raced into the kitchen, tail in the air.

  “And who have we here?” Frazer laughed. “I wish you could have seen that, Dulcie. He literally skidded to a stop when he saw me.”

  She walked toward the kitchen but stayed in the doorway instead of going in. Frazer had put on his pants and shirt, but he’d left the shirt unbuttoned and he was barefoot. He’d retrieved his glasses, though, which made him look both sexy and smart.

  It was a lethal combination. Athletic types had never been appealing and the skinny nerds with no clue about women weren’t for her, either. But a guy with a decent body, a first-class brain and some sexual know-how, aka Frazer Krause, was just what she had in mind.

  She cleared her throat and he turned her way. “That’s a great look on you.”

  “What look is that?”

  “Sharp mind, casual approach to life.”

  Closing the refrigerator door, he gazed at her. “And you’re rocking a look that says come snuggle with me because I’m naked under this robe.”

  “How did you guess?”

  “I figure that you, like me, hope we’ll be able to appease this cat and go back to what we were doing. Is there an open can of his food in there? I couldn’t find one.”

  “There isn’t, but that could be even better. If you get a new can from the pantry and open it for him, that might be the gesture that makes you a friend for life.”


  “A clean bowl is in the cupboard over the sink and spoons are in the drawer to the left. He’s watching you like a hawk.”

  “Think I’ll be his new best friend?”

  “It’s worth a shot. Give him two tablespoons. He’ll eat more but I’m trying to keep him from getting fat.”

  Frazer located the can and hooked it up to the electric can opener while Hercules pranced around and meowed. “Does he get sleepy after his bedtime snack, I hope?”


  “Excellent.” He scooped the food into the dish and set it on the kitchen floor. “Remember who gave this to you, cat.”

  “He might. There's a plastic lid in the drawer next to you."

  "Got it." After putting the can in the fridge he walked over to her and slid an arm around her waist. “While he’s eating this food that’s supposed to work as a bonding ritual, how about you and I cuddle on the sofa?”

  “You just want to get your hands under this robe.”

  “Yeah, I do.” He backed her into the living room.

  “He won’t take long to eat.”

  “I’m not planning to unwrap another condom, if that’s what you’re thinking. I just crave some good old-fashioned foreplay.” He laid his glasses on the coffee table and coaxed her down to the sofa.

  “I doubt you’ll have time.” But she relaxed against the cushions because maybe Hercules wouldn’t head straight in here when he was finished. She couldn’t always predict his behavior.

  Frazer scooted closer and loosened the tie on her robe as he feathered a kiss over her lips. “I can start finding out how you like to be touched.”

  She cupped his face in both hands and gazed into blue eyes that had begun to darken. “Just like you did before is great,” she murmured.

  “Too vague.” He slipped his hand inside to cradle her breast. “Give me specific data.”

  That made her smile. “Well, I –” Then she caught a flash of orange tabby over his shoulder as her cat hopped quietly to the back of the sofa and began grooming himself. “Hercules is finished with his snack.”

  “How do you know?”

  “He’s right behind you.”

  “Oh, is he, now?” Frazer casually withdrew his hand and tightened the sash on her robe. “Does he look ready to rip my head off?”

  “No, he’s washing his face, which is a good sign if he’s relaxed enough to do that.”

  “What should I do? I don’t want to make any sudden moves and screw this up.”

  “Maybe I’ll make the move. I’ll kiss you and see if he reacts. Just stay still. Don’t do anything with your hands.”

  “Then don’t stick your tongue in my mouth. I can’t stay still if you do that.”

  “Okay, no tongue.” Leaning forward, she pressed her closed lips against his. His mouth widened into a smile and that made her smile, too. It was the weirdest kiss ever but at least Hercules didn’t start yowling. She held the pseudo kiss for the count of five and still not a peep from her cat.

  Drawing back, she looked into Frazer’s laughing eyes. “So far, so good.”

  “Reminds me of kissing games in fifth grade.”

  “You played kissing games?”

  “You bet. I was all about the kissing games, especially Spin the Bottle.”

  “Because you could study up on it?”

  “Bingo. There’s no research that can help with Pin the Tail on the Donkey. After they turn you around until you’re ready to throw up, all the mental calculations in the world won’t help you find that donkey’s ass. But simple physics will tell you where the bottle will stop.”

  “So there was nothing random about it when you played.”

  “Nope. So how’s Hercules doing?”

  She’d been so charmed by his story of Spin the Bottle she’d forgotten to check on her cat. “He’s still washing his whiskers. No, wait, he just stopped. He’s on the move, coming our way.”

  “How does he look?”

  “Pretty normal. I think he’s headed for my bathrobe. He loves it.” Sure enough, the cat walked along the back of the sofa and hopped into her lap. “That’s his favorite spot.”

  “Not surprising. It’s mine, too. Now what?”

  “Try putting your arm around me and see if he objects to that.”

  He shifted his weight slightly and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  “He doesn’t seem the least bit concerned, but I’d like to stay here for a little while and see if he’s really getting used to a new situation. If you’re not too tired, would you be willing to sit and talk?”

  “Sure. What do you want to talk about?”

  She screwed up her courage. “A while ago you said that you’d always noticed me.”

  “Which is true.”

  “You’d started to add something else when Hercules meowed. I’d love to know what was supposed to come after the but part. And if it has anything to do with Miranda Travers.”

  An emotion she couldn’t read flickered in his eyes and he hesitated.

  Her heart sank. “Are you still in love with he
r? If you are, that’s okay. Well, maybe not okay, but I . . . need to know.”

  Chapter Seven

  A familiar feeling of panic tightened an invisible band around Frazer’s chest. By answering Dulcie’s question, really answering it and not glossing over the difficult parts, he’d make himself vulnerable. This was much worse than being blindfolded and spun in a circle with a donkey tail in his hand.

  Then he remembered what Miranda had told him before the fight with Rylan. He’d lost Miranda years ago because he’d kept so much locked inside. Was he willing to lose Dulcie by refusing to reveal painful truths?

  He took a deep breath. “Miranda does have something to do with why I haven’t asked you out.”

  Dulcie’s eyes clouded with sadness.

  “But it’s not what you think. I’m not in love with her anymore.”

  “Are you sure? You fought Rylan over her.”

  “Not really.” He smiled and touched her cheek. “I fought him because, like most younger brothers, he’s been itching to pound on me for years. He finally thought he had a good excuse. But I wasn’t trying to steal Miranda back. I care about her and I know she cares about me. But the chance for anything more disappeared a long time ago. Rylan’s the right guy for her, probably always has been.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell him that instead of fighting him?”

  “Like I said, he needed to hit me. And to be fair, I probably needed to hit him a few times, too. Our mom doesn’t tolerate fighting. She never loses her cool, in case you wonder where I get it. Growing up I admired the heck out of that. The person who never loses control has a powerful advantage over those who do.”

  She put her hand on his knee and gave it a squeeze. “But it can cost you.”

  “Yep.” He covered her hand with his. Then he turned it over and laced his fingers through hers. There, that felt better.

  “I’m confused, though. If you’re not in love with Miranda, why didn’t you ask me out? I always thought you suggested hiring her because the flame still burned.”

  He shook his head. “Rylan thought that, too. But I didn’t want to start over, not after all these years. I wanted to figure out what went wrong, though. In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m a tad bit analytical.”