It's All Geek to Me (Nerds & Geeks Book 3) Read online

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  He did his best to stay loose for the next swing and managed to finish the hole in four counting his first abortive stroke. He didn’t do any better on the next one, or the one after that. But Dulcie got a hole in one and a gopher popped out of the ground to chatter at her. He yelped in surprise, which made her laugh.

  He liked hearing her laughter. He liked watching her play, too. She did a butt wiggle before each shot and he looked forward to that. He also got a huge kick out of her reaction whenever the gopher appeared, which was quite a bit since she was so damned good at this fiendish game. The gopher would pop up, she’d giggle, and then she’d perform a short victory dance on the brick edging.

  Because the edging was narrow and she was wearing her TGIF shoes, he always positioned himself nearby in case she lost her balance. He kind of wished she would. Then he’d have an excuse to touch her.

  The longer they played, the more he wanted that excuse. On the fourteenth hole, he got his wish. In the middle of her victory dance she stumbled and he was right there to grab her arm. In order to steady her he took hold of her other arm, too, and there they were, face-to-face, looking into each other’s eyes.

  Maybe gazing into Dulcie’s eyes would work better than a six-pack of beer. The warmth and interest he saw in their gray depths was giving him quite a buzz.

  “Guess you were right about the shoes,” she murmured.

  “I like the dance, though.” His attention drifted to her mouth, so plump and tempting. If he could get slightly drunk staring into her eyes he’d probably be high as a kite if he kissed her.

  “Just being silly.”

  “I know.” Heart pounding, he leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. They were like velvet. He considered settling in, but maybe he should check to see how she was reacting to the idea. He lifted his head and looked at her.

  Her eyes were closed and she was holding her breath.

  He couldn’t tell if she was enthralled or horrified. “Dulcie?”

  Slowly she opened her eyes and sighed. Then she gave him a gentle smile. “Thanks for catching me.”

  “Anytime.” How about the kiss? Any thoughts on that?

  Gazing up at him, she drew in a shaky breath. “We should move along. They’ll be wanting to close the course.”

  “Right.” So maybe she hadn’t been particularly excited about the prospect of a lip-lock. He could take a hint.

  “That kiss was a nice start, though.” She gave him a quick peck on the mouth before backing away. “You’re up.”

  The buzz was back. He hit the ball without thinking about it and got a hole-in-one. Up popped the gopher.

  “Woo-hoo!” Dulcie pranced around on the bricks. “Let’s see your victory moves!”

  He wasn’t much of a dancer but he couldn’t disappoint a woman who’d said his kiss was a nice start. Hopping up on the brick edging, he did a stomp and wiggle thing that probably looked dorky but she seemed to love it.

  She loved it so much, in fact, that she came over, threw her arms around him, and gave him another kiss, this one just as quick as the last but with a lot more enthusiasm. “Well done, Fraze.”

  “Thanks.” He debated whether to protest the Fraze nickname that she’d obviously picked up from Tug. Nobody had ever called him that, not even Rylan. Rylan’s name shortened to Ry wasn’t bad, but Fraze sounded as if he’d been named by a grammar teacher. In the end he decided that having her continue to kiss him was more important than what she called him.

  Hole Fifteen was where the lights were out, making a difficult task an impossible one. He turned to Dulcie. “Should we just skip it?”

  “Heck, no. This is a perfect chance for me to demonstrate my method. I can barely see, but I’ll still get a decent score. See if I don’t.” She leaned over to put her ball down.

  He was standing behind her at the time, and yeah, he might have moaned a little when presented with an excellent view of her rounded ass. Her inviting curves were way more interesting than pneumatic gopher tunnels.

  She turned around. “Did you say something?”

  “Nope. I think my stomach growled.”

  “Are you hungry? We could stop for something on the way home.”

  “Sure.” He managed not to make some cheesy remark about being hungry, but not for food. She deserved better than that.

  “Then we will.” She executed her butt wiggle as she addressed the ball. “Watch this, oh, ye of little faith.”

  He was watching, all right, watching and wondering if she’d invite him in when he drove her home. So much for his earlier mindset that this weekend was about business. He’d kissed her once and she’d kissed him back twice. At some point during the evening they’d edged past business and were encroaching on pleasure territory.

  “Let’s go see how I did. Got your flashlight app?”

  “Right here.” He directed the beam at the cup, and there was her red ball only about six inches away. “Not bad.”

  She tapped it in. “I’d like to see you do better.”

  “I might if you give me a kiss for luck.”

  “Sure thing.” She handed him her putter. “Hold this.”

  He took it, which left him with one in each hand as she cradled his face and stood on tiptoe. He’d thought she was worried about finishing up the round quickly so the cleaning crew could come through, but that wasn’t the message he got once she initiated this good luck kiss.

  First of all, her mouth was slightly open. Second of all, she lingered, moving her lips over his in a decidedly seductive way. Third of all, she slipped her tongue inside his mouth.

  He groaned and would have pulled her close, but he was holding a putter in each hand. She might have planned that.

  In any case, she took her time giving him a moist and blatantly suggestive kiss before pulling back. Her breathing was a little unsteady as she stepped away. “May the Force be with you.”

  He wasn’t sure if he had the Force on his side or not, but he sure as hell wasn’t thinking about his golf game anymore. Positioning his yellow ball on the mat, he drew back his putter and smacked that ball into the void. Three seconds later the chattering gopher announced that he’d made a hole-in-one.

  When he walked up to retrieve his ball, she was there ready to give him a hug. “Are you a believer, now?”

  This time he had one arm free, so he pulled her close. “I believe in you, Dulcie.”

  “That’s good enough.”

  They finished up the round and turned in their equipment. The pinball machines didn’t have the same appeal now that he was thinking about kissing Dulcie some more, but she seemed to have her heart set on giving him a chance to play. He changed some bills for coins because whatever Dulcie wanted tonight, Dulcie would get.

  She motioned him toward the machines. “I’ll hold your jacket.”

  “Aren’t you going to play?”

  “I will, but you go first. I want to watch.”

  “All right.” He couldn’t very well say he’d rather leave so they could make out. Besides, the machines were primo and he made a mental note to come back here sometime with the BMUS guys. Video games were awesome but this was so much more visceral. He chose one of his favorites, rolled back his sleeves, and dropped in some coins.

  The machine came on and he launched the first ball. God, this was fun. He wrestled the machine to get the ball to go where he wanted it. A player had to use some muscle to win this game and he’d always loved that.

  He finished with a decent score and turned to her, breathing hard. “Ready to play?”

  “Okay.” She handed him his jacket and proceeded to lose spectacularly. Turning to him with a smile, she shrugged. “Done.”

  “You’re not into pinball. You did this for me so I wouldn’t feel too bad about the golf game.”

  “Kind of. Do you feel bad about the golf game?”

  “No, but your friend Sherman intrigues me. There has to be a way to beat his system. I just haven’t figured it out yet.” He put on his

  “I’d be happy to wait if you want to play another machine.”

  He smiled and shook his head. “Another time. It’s late.”

  “And you’re hungry.”

  He wasn’t, but if getting something to eat would mean spending more time with her, he’d go along with the idea. “Where’s a good place to go around here?”

  “I know a cute little diner that’s not too far. We could use the app on the food.”

  “Sounds good.” He held the door for her and they walked out into the cool night air.

  “Or we could go see what I have in my refrigerator and use the app on that.”

  That suggestion brought him to a complete stop. Maybe she was only inviting him to her place for a bite to eat. Or . . . the other possibility sent heat straight to his groin.

  Turning to face him, she placed both hands on his chest and looked into his eyes. “Your heart’s beating really fast.”

  “Yeah.” He rested his hands loosely on her shoulders because he wasn’t sure where she was going with this and he didn’t want to make assumptions. “You tend to have that effect on me.”

  “You have that effect on me, too.” Reaching for his right hand, she placed it in exactly the same spot where he’d hung the donkey tail. “Can you tell?”

  His fingers closed over her soft breast. Suddenly he wanted her so much that he didn’t trust himself not to do something rash like pushing her up against his car and shoving both hands under her sweater while he kissed the daylights out of her. He swallowed. “Dulcie . . .”

  “Am I moving too fast for you?”

  “No.” Lust clogged his throat and made him sound like a frog.

  “Then would you like to come home with me?”

  “God, yes.”

  Chapter Four

  Dulcie had first considered asking Frazer to come home with her when he’d stuck the donkey tail on her sweater. She’d believed that he’d meant to put it on her shoulder and had miscalculated, which made the move that much more adorable. Then he hadn’t been able to stop looking at it.

  Sure, that had made her laugh, but having him stare at her boob had also made her think he might be interested in her as more than a convenient person to test the app. His preoccupation with her breast had been very unlike him. He was always such a gentleman, which was one of the reasons she’d been drawn to him during the months they’d worked together.

  Cool, calm and in control – that was Frazer Krause. She’d only seen him lose it once, when he’d fought with his brother Rylan, who was the emotional opposite of Frazer. Ever since then she’d wondered what Frazer would be like if he dropped his guard with a woman, specifically her. As they drove in silence back to her house, she thought she was about to find out.

  He white-knuckled the wheel and technically ran a red light, although an argument could be made that it hadn’t quite turned red when he’d entered the intersection. Still, the Frazer she was used to would have put on the brakes instead of barreling through. Fortunately traffic was light and no cops had been around.

  When he pulled into a guest parking space at her apartment complex and turned off the motor, he spoke for the first time since his God, yes comment, a comment so loaded with heat it had dampened her panties. He continued to clutch the steering wheel in a death grip and he stared out the windshield instead of looking at her. “Before we go in, let’s clarify why we’re here.” His voice was strained. “I think I know but I don’t want to make assumptions.”

  Right. The cautious side of him wouldn’t assume anything. She suspected that a battle was waging in his brain between his cautious persona and the wild man who wanted to rip her clothes off. “Frazer, I deliberately moved your hand to my breast and then invited you to my apartment. Based on that, you’re welcome to make all kinds of assumptions.”

  “Damn it.” He sucked in a breath. “I knew I should’ve stopped at Walgreen’s, but that seemed so . . . so clinical.” He switched on the engine. “We’ll go back.”

  “It’s okay.” She could eat him up with a spoon. “I have that covered.”

  “Oh. Well, then, good.” Heaving a sigh, he turned off the engine.

  “Otherwise I would have asked you to stop at Walgreen’s. After all, I invited you.”

  “Obviously I’m not used to that.”

  “I can tell.” Considering he was normally so self-contained, she wasn’t surprised that he didn’t get propositioned much. A woman would think that if he hadn’t made a move there was no point in asking. “You seem discombobulated.”

  He glanced at her. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me tonight, driving like a maniac, running red lights. I haven’t had a drop of alcohol and yet I feel . . .”

  “A little drunk?”

  “Yeah. A little drunk and a lot aroused.” He relaxed his grip on the steering wheel but didn’t let go of it.

  “Me, too.” Unfastening her seat belt, she laid a hand on his thigh and was gratified when his breath hitched. He felt so warm, so tightly muscled. She couldn’t wait for the fireworks to start. “Let’s go in.”

  He gently took her hand and put it on the console. “Give me a minute, okay?”


  “I’m . . . I’m not in total control of myself.”

  “Oh.” The apartment security lights didn’t give her much to see by, but she could use her imagination. Knowing he was sitting there trying to tame his bad boy so he could walk into her apartment made her shiver with anticipation. Naturally he wouldn’t want to head into her apartment in that condition. He might do something very un-Frazer-like and take her on the living room floor.

  “I tried to think of something else on the way over here so I wouldn’t be in this condition, but your perfume gets to me.”

  “You’re turning me on, Frazer.”


  “Don’t be sorry. I like being turned on.”

  “So do I when it’s appropriate.”

  She managed not to laugh. “This isn’t appropriate?”

  “Not sitting in my damned car.” He sounded desperate. “The problem is I want you too much.”

  “No such thing.”

  “Easy for you to say.”

  She had a sudden thought. He’d reject it, no doubt, but it would solve his immediate problem. “I could help.”

  He shook his head. “One-man job.”

  Scooting sideways on her seat, she gazed at him. “How about a nice little one-woman blow job, instead?”


  “Am I shocking you?”

  “No, but you’re making things way worse.”

  “Then let me make them way better.”

  “In the parking lot?” He made it sound as if she’d suggested giving him oral sex on the fifty-yard line with the Super Bowl in progress.

  “It’s very secluded here.”

  He hesitated. “No.”

  That slight hesitation told her he might be won over to the idea. Plus she really liked the concept. “Think about it.” She walked her hand across the console and along his thigh.

  He caught her wrist. “As if I wouldn’t. Stop that.”

  “You’ll have more control for next time.” When he had no comeback she knew she’d scored a point. “More control means more pleasure for me.”

  “I don’t usually have this problem.”

  “Well, for some reason you have it now.” Inside she was doing a victory dance. Frazer the cool dude was so hot for her he couldn’t make it out of the car without coming. That was something to celebrate.

  His breathing grew rougher. “But we’re in the parking lot.”

  “It’s deserted.”

  “For now.”

  “And dark. Very dark.”

  “That could change.” He was breathing faster, too. “Headlights, police cruisers with spotlights, people with flashlights.”

  “Highly unlikely.” She leaned toward him so her breast came in contact with his arm. “Give in, Frazer,” she
murmured. “You know you want to.”

  “God help me, I do.” He let go of her wrist.

  “See? That wasn’t so hard.”

  His laughter was choked. “Oh, yes it was. Still is.”

  “I can fix that.” Heart thumping, she shifted to a kneeling position on the seat. Then she worked his zipper down and reached inside the placket of his knit boxers.

  He gasped when she freed his warm, extremely rigid cock.

  “Relax and enjoy.” Clutching his velvet length firmly in one fist, she leaned over and took in as much as she could manage given the barrier of the console. In the front seat of a car wasn’t where she did her best work, but coaxing him out of his comfort zone was so worth it.

  With a heartfelt groan, he slid his fingers through her curls and gripped her head. He might have resisted this, but he definitely wanted it now. As she began to suck, he lifted his hips and gasped out her name.

  She took him deeper into her mouth and got serious. Once she did, he was toast. He climaxed within seconds, his breath hissing out between his teeth and his fingertips pressing hard against her scalp.

  She was so excited that she almost came, too. Not quite, though, which suited her fine. She wanted to save that excellent experience for later, when his substantial equipment was part of the mix. Now that she had a sense of what to expect, she was even more eager.

  Gulping for air, he sank back to the seat and released his grip on her head. She swallowed all he had to give before letting him go. As he relaxed against the supple leather, she gently tucked his cock inside his boxers and zipped his fly.

  “I feel boneless,” he murmured.

  “You weren’t a bit ago.”

  His chuckle was low and sexy. “Nope.”

  “Did you like that?”

  “More than you can imagine.” He drew in a shaky breath. “I’ve never . . .” His voice trailed off.

  “Done it in a parking lot?”

  “That’s for sure.” He was quiet for a moment. “But I’ve never let a woman go down on me before . . . before I’d given her an orgasm.”