The Colorado Kid Read online

Page 16

  She smiled back, gave a little croak of happiness and waved her fists at him.

  Sebastian’s heart twisted. “I don’t care about the evidence,” Sebastian murmured. “You’re my baby.”


  “I’M NOT SURE this is a good idea.” Matty climbed into Gwen’s violet truck anyway. Sebastian hadn’t called her back after all, and she had to know who had been at his door the night before.

  “My curiosity’s aroused. I want to know who was at the door, too. And I can’t help you decide what to do unless I’ve seen how Sebastian acts around you.” Gwen put the truck in gear and pulled away from Matty’s house. “Delivering the baby blanket is the perfect excuse.”

  “You don’t need me to do that.”

  “No, but he knows we’re friends, and we’ll tell him we’re out running errands together today. Dropping off the blanket happens to be one of them.”

  “I wonder if he’ll see through that story.” Matty stroked the baby blanket on her lap. Gwen had spent the past three weeks weaving a masterpiece for Elizabeth in shades of pink, blue and lavender.

  Matty wished she’d been able to concentrate long enough to complete a project like that for the baby, but her frustration level was too high. The few times she’d tried to weave anything she’d made a tangled mess of it, so instead she’d spent her time doing heavy physical work, getting a jump on repairs in preparation for the busy summer season.

  “I hope he does see through our story,” Gwen said. “But I wouldn’t count on it. The man seems attached to those blinders he wears.”

  “It’s because he still thinks he can create the perfect family group if he tries hard enough.” Matty hadn’t confided the particulars about Elizabeth’s mother, but she had confirmed Gwen’s suspicion that Sebastian thought he was the baby’s father. Gwen shared Matty’s frustration with Sebastian’s sense of duty to a woman who’d merely dropped the baby on his doorstep, a woman he didn’t even love.

  “The perfect family group.” Gwen shook her head. “Now there’s a fantasy if I ever heard one. Derek taught me how unrealistic that dream is.”

  Matty sighed. “We haven’t had the greatest luck in men, have we, Gwen?”

  “Nope.” Gwen turned down the lane leading to the Rocking D. “But I’ll say this much for Sebastian—he’s not a runaround like Butch and Derek turned out to be. At least you’re not looking to repeat your mistake by falling for the same type of rascal you had before. If you’d set your cap for somebody like your head wrangler, I’d be worried about you.”

  Matty laughed. “Travis is harmless. He just wants to have fun.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t call him harmless. God gave him too many weapons to use in the war between the sexes, and he’s mastered all of them. That heavy-lidded glance he gives you, the loose-hipped way he walks, the macho way he sits a saddle. No, not harmless. The guy should be forced to wear a warning sign around his neck.”

  Matty glanced at her friend and couldn’t help smiling. “I didn’t know you were attracted to him.”

  “To Travis?” Gwen hooted. “Travis would be the last man on earth I’d allow myself to be attracted to. I have no interest in living through Derek, Part Two.”

  “Oh, I get it.” Matty’s grin widened. “You would be attracted to Travis if you allowed yourself to be, but you don’t allow yourself, so you’re not.”

  Gwen glared at her. “Do I look like an idiot? Those who don’t admit to their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. I’ve meditated extensively on this subject, and as a result of deprogramming myself, Travis and all members of his tribe completely turn me off.”

  “Uh, huh.” Matty paused. She liked Travis as a friend and felt pushed to defend him. “For what it’s worth, I’ve never known Travis to deceive anyone. Seems to me there’s a difference between a man who frankly and openly enjoys women, and one who pretends to be monogamous and then swipes from every available cookie jar.”

  “Maybe, but I don’t have any use for either brand. And the third kind, the ones who promise to love and cherish and actually follow through on the promise aren’t all that thick on the ground, in my experience.”

  “Huerfano’s a small town. Your selection is limited.”

  “I know, but I love it here, and I’m not giving up the peace and serenity I’ve found in Huerfano to travel the world looking for that true-blue guy who wants to settle down and raise babies.”

  Matty remembered the wistful look on Gwen’s face when she’d played with Elizabeth in Coogan’s Department store. Then Gwen had gone home and started weaving a baby blanket instead of the colorful material for the cape she’d planned to make for herself.

  Tracing the intricate pattern in the blanket, Matty wondered if Gwen was as peaceful and serene as she claimed, or if her heart ached to weave blankets for her own babies. But she’d been burned by Derek. She was probably afraid to try again.

  Gwen’s soft oath caused Matty to glance up as they pulled up in front of Sebastian’s house.

  “That’s what we get for speaking of the devil,” Gwen said. “I guess we know who came to Sebastian’s door last night.”

  Matty stared at Travis Evans’s muscle truck parked in the circular drive. The truck looked as if it had been driven hard to get here. Dried mud covered the custom black and silver paint-job and the Utah license plate.

  Not only was Travis several weeks early, he’d changed his usual pattern of arrival. Ordinarily when he returned to Colorado for the summer, he came to Matty’s place first to stow his gear in the bunkhouse.

  “Maybe Sebastian and Travis had something planned I didn’t know about, like another ski trip,” Matty said. “Sebastian’s birthday is next week. Maybe he didn’t notify Travis that the plans would have to change.” She watched Fleafarm bound around the side of the house and come toward the truck wagging her tail.

  “Possible, but I have the feeling this has something to do with that baby in there.”

  Matty unlatched her seat belt and opened her door. She had the same feeling Gwen did, and her chest tightened with anxiety. If there had been a new development, Sebastian should have had the courtesy to call her.

  She’d held onto the belief that if Sebastian discovered Elizabeth wasn’t his, or even had increased doubt about it, he’d reconsider his position in regard to Matty because he really cared about her. But if Travis had arrived because of a new development, and Sebastian hadn’t called, then maybe he didn’t care as much as she thought.

  There was only one way to find out what Travis’s presence meant. She hurried from the truck, clutching the blanket under one arm as she reached down absently to pet Fleafarm.

  Belatedly she remembered the blanket was a gift from Gwen and she shouldn’t carry it into the house. She turned back, handing it over with a sheepish smile. “Here. You’re the one who should give him this, not me.”

  “Um, yeah. Right.” Gwen took the blanket, but she looked as distracted as Matty felt. After greeting Fleafarm, she adjusted the clip holding her long dark hair, which was about as close to primping as she ever got.

  Even in her rattled state, Matty noticed that her friend was at least as nervous as she was. Now that she thought about it, Travis and Gwen hadn’t been in each other’s company much. That was logical, because summer was Gwen’s high season at Hawthorne House, and in the winter when she had more leisure time, Travis was in Utah. Still, Matty was beginning to wonder if Gwen had deliberately avoided being near him the way a recovering alcoholic might avoid being near a bottle of whiskey.

  Gwen caught Matty’s quiet assessment. “What?”

  “You really are attracted to him, aren’t you?”

  Gwen straightened her shoulders and cleared her throat. “Physical attraction can trap you into bad relationships,” she said as if reciting a line from a book.

  “It can.” Butch had proven that theory to Matty, but she was struggling to maintain her optimism about a different outcome with Sebastian. “But just because you’re physically
attracted to someone doesn’t mean the relationship is a mistake.”

  “It does if you’re talking about Travis, which I’d rather not. This reconnaissance mission is supposed to be about you and Sebastian. Let’s go.”

  “Okay.” As Matty looked at the peeled-log ranch house with smoke curling from the rock chimney, longing gripped her. If only this could be her home, and the man inside her own true love. “Let’s go.”

  “I’VE HAD easier times with a greased pig!” Travis complained as he started to lower a wiggling and naked Elizabeth into the baby bathtub sitting on the kitchen counter.

  “Get your hand under her armpit,” Sebastian muttered. “Not like that! Like this.” He moved in closer, covered Travis’s hand with his and repositioned the wrangler’s grip.

  Travis turned his head and grinned. “Why, Sebastian, I didn’t know you cared.”

  “Shut up. Jesus! When was the last time you clipped your nails?”

  “You didn’t tell me I needed a damned manicure for this job.”

  “If you scratch that baby’s skin I’ll personally give you a manicure with a hoof knife, cowboy.”

  “I won’t scratch her, okay? If you’re gonna be so damned worried about it, maybe you should give her a bath.”

  “Nope. You’re doing it, and I’m watching. Here’s the washcloth. Get her hair wet so we can work the shampoo in.”

  Elizabeth stared up at Travis and Sebastian. As Travis rubbed the washcloth over her hair she began kicking her feet.

  “Whoa, Lizzie!” Travis dropped the washcloth in the water and grabbed both her feet in one large hand. The baby gurgled at him and stopped kicking.

  “She’ll do that from time to time,” Sebastian said with some pride. “Doesn’t hurt anything.”

  “You could’ve warned me. I thought she was having some sort of fit.”

  Sebastian snorted. This was one dumb cowboy when it came to babies. “Here’s the shampoo. Just a little drop of it’s enough.”

  Travis starting working the shampoo in. “There’s something wrong with her hair.”

  “Like what?”

  “It’s the same color as mine, but it’s not as thick as mine. I always had thick hair.”

  “See? It’s not the Evans’ hair!”

  “Sure it is. Just thin. Maybe she has a condition. Have you had her checked?”

  “There is nothing wrong with her damned hair, Travis. For God’s sake.”

  “I think we should have it checked. Hair’s important.” As Travis started rinsing the shampoo out, Elizabeth twisted in his grip and started to squall.

  “What did you do to her?” Sebastian crowded in next to Travis. “I’ll bet you got soap in her eyes.”

  “Did not. Now move the hell over. You’re in my way.”

  “You pinched her or something. She doesn’t cry for no reason.” Sebastian held his position and leaned over the baby. “What’s the matter, sweetheart? Want your rubber ducky? I’ll bet that’s it. I forgot your rubber ducky, didn’t I, Elizabeth?”

  “Can you believe this guy, Lizzie? He starts me out with a handicap, a duckless bath, so he can look like some certified baby expert.”

  “That’s how it is with some people, Elizabeth. They blame you for their own insecurities.”

  “Bite me, Sebastian.”

  “Watch how you talk in front of her!”

  The doorbell chimed.

  “I’ll get that,” Sebastian said. “Don’t do anything until I get back.” Every time the doorbell rang, he imagined Jessica standing on the porch. At this point he really wanted some answers.

  “Get the duck first,” Travis said.

  “Yeah, okay. I guess you can play with the duck.” He found the yellow rubber ducky in the bathroom, walked back and tossed it to Travis, who immediately started squeaking the thing and zooming it through the air like a jet fighter.

  “Be careful with her.”

  “Okay, Mother Sebastian, I’ll be so careful.”

  Sebastian scowled at him.

  Travis chuckled. “Lighten up, buddy. You’ll turn this kid into a pruneface if you keep up that attitude, right, Lizzie?” He looked cross-eyed at the baby.

  With Elizabeth’s traitorous laughter ringing in his ears, Sebastian headed for the front door. When he glanced out the window and recognized Gwen’s violet truck, his heart rate slowed. No Jessica.

  Then he opened the door and saw Matty standing there with Gwen, and his pulse skyrocketed again. He should have called her. He really should have called her.

  God, she was beautiful. She was wearing her hair down again today, something she seemed to be doing more lately. His hungry gaze took in her crisp jeans, bright red shirt and denim jacket. Then he mentally divested her of all those clothes.

  “What’s Travis doing here?” Matty asked.

  Sebastian snapped out of his trance and realized he’d left them standing there without inviting them in while he daydreamed about making love to Matty. And she’d just asked the million-dollar question. When she got her answer she’d probably be ticked that he hadn’t let her know last night. He wasn’t sure what to say, especially with Gwen standing there. He wasn’t about to pour out his heart in front of an audience.

  “Uh, come on in.” He opened the door wider and stepped back. “Travis, he—”

  Travis’s deep laughter rolled out of the kitchen, followed by baby giggles and sharp squeaks from the duck.

  Both women’s eyes widened.

  “Bath time,” Sebastian said.

  Gwen looked startled. “He’s giving that baby a bath?”

  “Yeah.” For the first time he noticed she was carrying a real pretty blanket, one she’d probably made for Elizabeth. He shifted uneasily as the cheerful noise from the kitchen escalated. “It’s Travis’s first time at this, so I need to go check on him. You’re welcome to come along.”

  “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Matty started toward the kitchen.

  “Me, either.” Gwen dropped the blanket across the back of the rocker before following Matty.

  Sebastian thought the blanket looked perfect there. In fact, he was enjoying this house much more now that baby stuff was scattered everywhere. “Is that for Elizabeth?”

  “Oh. Yeah.” Gwen didn’t seem much interested in the blanket. All her attention was focused on the kitchen.

  “That’s great,” Sebastian said. “Thanks, Gwen.”

  “Sure,” she said over her shoulder.

  As Sebastian followed her into the kitchen he realized that he hadn’t told Travis to keep quiet about Jessica and whatever trouble she might be in. But his worry about that vanished in the face of a more immediate worry. Against Sebastian’s orders, Travis had taken Elizabeth out of the tub, wrapped her in a towel and was buzzing her around the room like a jet fighter.

  Matty and Gwen stood watching, their mouths open. Travis obviously hadn’t seen them yet, and Elizabeth seemed to be having a wonderful time.

  Lucky for Travis he wasn’t being rough, and he kept Elizabeth in close to his body. He was buzzing her around the room more like an old prop-plane, not like a jet, so he’d get to live. But he was skating on thin ice.

  Sebastian moved in. “I’ll take her now,” he said briskly.

  Travis turned, his lips still vibrating from the engine noise he was imitating. He froze in place when he saw Gwen and Matty standing in the kitchen doorway. Slowly he straightened and cradled Elizabeth against his chest as a flush moved up from the collar of his pearl-buttoned western shirt. “Hey,” he said weakly. “What’s up, ladies?”

  Matty spoke first. “I didn’t know you were back in Colorado.”

  “Just got here last night.” He glanced down at Elizabeth, then over at Matty and Gwen. “This is sort of embarrassing, but I think…uh, it looks like…this little girl might be—”

  “Mine,” Sebastian hurried to say.

  “Mine,” Travis echoed, glaring at Sebastian. “Jessica named me a godfather, same as you, and there�
��s a better chance that I—”

  “She delivered the baby to me,” Sebastian said. “What does that tell you?”

  “That she knew where you lived, bro!”

  “Hold it.” Gwen couldn’t seem to take her gaze from Travis holding that baby. “Isn’t Jessica the woman who was in the avalanche with all you guys two years ago?”

  “Yeah,” Travis said, “and—”

  “I’m not sure we should go into it,” Sebastian said. He didn’t dare look at Matty. He could feel her tension from across the room. He should have called. Even if he still didn’t know exactly what to do. Even if he still thought Elizabeth had his eyes.

  Matty sighed heavily, and there was a world of meaning in that sigh. “I vote you go into it. You both know you can trust Gwen, and I…deserve to know what was in that second letter.”

  “Yeah, you do.” He glanced at her and winced at the pain of betrayal in those blue eyes. Damn. “I should have called you last night, Matty.”

  Her chin came up. “Not necessarily. I don’t have a leash on you, Sebastian.”

  He’d hurt her, and he felt like horse crap. “I know, but—”

  “This isn’t the place,” she said. “Travis, would you like to tell us what was in your letter?”

  “I’d be glad to, but first maybe we’d better get Lizzie dressed.”

  “I’ll do it,” Sebastian said, wanting an escape from Matty’s gaze. “You can get these women some coffee and tell them what’s been going on.”

  “I can dress her,” Travis said.

  “No, you can’t. You don’t know where anything is. You’ve only been through the undressing phase.”

  Travis winked at Gwen. “Yeah, well, I always was better at that part.”

  Sebastian shook his head. Leave it to Evans to turn any situation, no matter how awkward, into an opportunity to flirt. People skills came second nature to him, while Sebastian had just managed to alienate the best friend he had in the world.


  MATTY TRIED TO NUMB her feelings as Travis gave them coffee and led the way into the living room.