A Cowboy’s Destiny: The McGavin Brothers Read online

Page 14


  “Neither have I. When I said I imagined you in my apartment the minute I saw you…I don’t do that with men. But I did with you. I didn’t even question it.”

  “No? I questioned the hell out of why I was respondin’ this way to you.”

  “But it didn’t stop you.”

  “Nothin’ was goin’ to stop me.” He took a deep breath. “But it’s only fair to tell you…I don’t know where this is goin’.” A small crease appeared between his brows.

  “That’s okay.” She longed to smooth that frown away. “Don’t fash yourself, lad.”

  His brow cleared and the light in his gaze intensified. He swallowed. “Tansy, I—”

  “Aleck, don’t.” Her heart hammered so loud her ears buzzed.


  “This is brand new for both of us.” Breathe. “You’ve questioned why it’s happening. Makes sense that you would. I’m a complication in your world.”

  “And I’m not a complication in yours?”

  “Not in the same way.”

  He hesitated, opened his mouth, closed it again. “I suppose not.”

  “We’ve moved really fast up to now.”


  “Now that we’re at this point, maybe it’s time to slow the hell down.”

  He blew out a breath. “There’s wisdom in that, lass.”

  Grabbing her ale, she lifted it in his direction. “Let’s drink to enjoying the moment.”

  He reached over and tapped his bottle against hers. “To enjoyin’ every moment.”

  “Even better.” She sipped her ale. “Damn, that’s good stuff. Props to Rory.”

  Aleck took a healthy swallow and put down the bottle. “Rory’s in his element here.”

  “He seems to be.”

  “No doubt about it.” He tucked into his meal. “On the way in from the airport whenever he wasn’t tryin’ to convince me to get the hat, he was ravin’ about the town and rhapsodizin’ about Damaris.”

  “They’re cute together.” The food tasted great. Or maybe it was the company that added extra flavor. Aleck seemed to be enjoying his meal, too. Evidently she’d diffused the bomb he’d been about to drop.

  He finished chewing and swallowed. “Cute is the word for it. He’s crazy about her and she’s just as nutty about him. With some couples, you can tell one person is more in love than the other. But they’re equally besotted.”

  “She’s even got him watching Outlander.”

  “He’d watch grass grow if she convinced him it was important to her.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, he would.”

  “He’s changed a lot from the lad he was before he came over here.” He put down his fork and took another sip of the ale.

  “I believe it. I got a glimpse of that other Rory when he first arrived.”

  “There was a restlessness to him.”


  “He managed to focus enough to get his degree and he was excited about workin’ in a distillery, but his goals were vague.” He forked up another bite of chicken. “Now he has a clear view of the future and what it’ll take to get there.”

  “I’m going to guess you’ve always had that.”

  “Aye.” The crease between his brows had returned. “Always.” He didn’t sound happy about it.

  Damn. She reached for a less volatile topic. “When are you two scheduled to practice your routine for the parade?”

  “I promised we’d do that tomorrow. He took time off from the GG for the days I’m here and he’d planned we’d hang out at the ranch together. Now that I’ve experienced ridin’ he wants to go out with me.”

  “That sounds wonderful.”

  “Would you like to come with us?”

  “Thanks, but I think not.” She reached across the table and squeezed his arm. “I’m sure he’s looking forward to hanging out with you.”

  “He did sound excited about that.” He brightened. “We might come back to the GG tonight and catch Bryce and Nicole’s show again.”

  “I’ll be behind the bar.”

  “I know. I might have to keep goin’ over there to order my beer.”

  “By all means. You’re a good tipper.”

  He laughed. “Did I overplay my hand by givin’ you that much?”

  “I thought it was gallant. You covered my losses.”

  He chewed and swallowed his last bite of potato salad. “Not really. To do that I’d have had to give you a normal tip plus the ten. You were still in the hole.”

  “But that wouldn’t have been as elegant. A single ten was perfect.”

  “Glad you thought so.” He used his fork to point at his plate. “That was well tidy scran.”

  “Good food?”


  “I should be writing all this down so I don’t forget.”

  He grinned. “Keep me around and you won’t have to.”

  Her heart constricted. “I would if I could.”

  “Ah, lass, I didn’t—damn it to hell.” He left his chair and pulled her from hers. “That was an idiot thing to say.”

  She reached up and smoothed her finger over the crease between his brows. “It’s okay. This is a crazy situation we find ourselves in.”

  He drew her close. “Crazy and wonderful, all at the same time. You feel so good tucked in against me this way.”

  “You feel good, too.”

  “Will you come to bed with me, then?”


  “That’s all I needed to hear.” Without warning he swept her up in his arms, carried her the short distance and laid her gently on the rumpled coverlet.

  The dashing move left her breathless. “Impressive.”

  “Always wanted to do that.” He pulled out a condom before stripping off his jeans and briefs. “Figured you wouldn’t mind.”

  “Mind?” She wiggled out of her cover-up and tossed it aside. “I found it highly romantic.”

  “Good, because that’s the way it was meant.” He rolled on the condom and climbed into bed with her. “And I’m hopin’ you’ll forgive me if we move straight to the main event, because…I ache to be inside you.”

  “Nothing to forgive.” She welcomed him into her arms. “I ache to have you there.”

  “Truly?” He braced himself above her.

  She smiled. “Truly.” Sliding her hands down his muscled back, she cupped his taut backside. “Feeling your tadger buried deep inside me is pure barry.”

  His green eyes sparkled with delight. “I’ve never heard sweeter words in my entire life.”

  “Should I embroider them on a pillow for you?”

  “Aye, do that.” He entered her slowly, his gaze intent on her face. “And make another that says feeling my tadger sink into your warm sheath is pure barry.”

  “One for each side of the bed.” The slow glide set off tiny explosions deep in her core. She’d come in no time at all.

  “When others are around…” He paused to suck in air. “We can turn them to the opposite side where you’ve embroidered…” He groaned softly as he completed the maneuver and locked in tight. “Lovely flowers.”

  “Right.” Her pulse raced and her body quivered. “Only thing is…I can’t embroider.”

  He gave her a lopsided grin. “Could take a while then.”

  “But this won’t.” She gulped. “I’m close.”

  “Right there with you.” Leaning down, he feathered a kiss over her mouth. “If we stay very still, we might be able to hold off.”

  “Where’s the…fun in that?”

  “I have no idea.” He lifted his head and met her gaze. “Wrap your arms around my back and your legs around my hips.”


  He eased his tadger back almost to her entrance and slipped one hand under her hip. “Hang on.”

  His first vigorous thrust lifted her off the bed. But he steadied her with his hand at her hip while balancing his weight on the other. She barely had
time to marvel at the strength that required before he took her on a thrill ride that quickly brought her one climax, then another and another.

  He drove home one last time before he gasped and shuddered in the grip of his release. Chest heaving, he fought for each breath. She held on tight. Gradually his breathing calmed and he lowered her, trembling, to the bed.

  He bowed his head. As sweat from his brow fell like warm rain on her heaving breasts, he murmured a phrase in an unfamiliar language.

  Then he drew in a ragged breath and looked up. His hair clung in tendrils to his damp forehead and he gazed at her through lashes spiked with moisture. “Thank you, lass.”

  “I loved every single second.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “What was that language?”


  “What were you saying?”

  His smile was tender as he slowly shook his head. But the answer was there in his eyes.


  Ta gra agam duit. I love you. Saying it in Gaelic was a cheat, but Aleck didn’t care. Tansy hadn’t pressed him for the meaning, which told him she’d guessed it.

  Although he was confused about many things regarding this unexpected turn his life had taken, he wasn’t confused about his feelings for her. Even if a few intense hours were all they’d ever have, that didn’t change the depth of emotion lodged permanently in his heart.

  He was in her wee bathroom disposing of the condom when she called to him. He had a message on his phone. Rory, no doubt.

  When he came out, she was sitting on the edge of the bed and she’d put on that filmy thing that revealed more than it concealed. Guaranteed to work him into a lather. He didn’t mind. He’d never been more alive than when his body craved hers.

  She handed him his phone. “I’ll bet the road’s dry enough.”

  “Could be.” He tapped on the message. “It is. He can bring your truck in and it needs to be before five. Zane and Mandy are back in their own house, and the Sawyer clan is gatherin’ at the ranch for a cook-out tonight so they can meet me. Might be some others there, too.”

  “Tell him to go ahead and come now.”

  His gaze found hers. “You kickin’ me out, lass?”

  She smiled. “I’ve had you long enough. We’ve been together for almost twenty-four hours.”

  “But some of those hours we were sleepin’!”

  “Even so, considering your short visit, I’ve already appropriated a large part of it. I’ll feel a whole lot better if Rory picks you up and takes you back to the ranch. He wants to show you off to Quinn’s family and their other friends. He’s so proud of you, Aleck.”

  “Probably means we won’t be drivin’ in for Bryce and Nicole’s show.” Which he wanted to see again, but mostly it was an excuse to have some contact with Tansy, even if she was working.

  “You likely won’t come in tonight, but Kendra wants to see it. You can lobby for tomorrow night.”

  “I won’t be seein’ you until tomorrow night?”

  “That’s not so far away.”

  “I beg to differ. I feel as if I’ve lived a lifetime in these past twenty-four hours. Time is relative.”

  Amusement flickered in her eyes. “I’ve heard that somewhere.”

  “All I’m sayin’ is that tomorrow night seems like a lifetime from now.”

  She just looked at him like he was a bampot. And for good reason. He was complaining about not seeing her for one whole day and night, but he’d fly out of here on Friday and no telling when they’d lay eyes on each other again.

  He scrubbed a hand through his still-damp hair. ‘I’m not makin’ any sense, am I?”

  “No, but feel free to rave on as much as you want. I love hearing you talk.”

  He sighed as resignation set in. “You have the right of it. I want to meet Quinn’s family and spend more time with Rory. That is why I’m here.” He gazed at her. “I just didn’t figure on you.”

  “Are you sorry?”

  “Nay! Never that! You’re the most amazin’ woman I’ve ever…” He trailed off. Better stop before he said more than he should. “I’ll text Rory. And if I may, I’d like to use your wee shower.”

  “You may.” She had that glow in her eyes again, the one that told him he wasn’t the only one in this pickle.

  “Thank you.” He quickly texted Rory and laid the phone on the narrow dresser she had near the bathroom door. A cold shower might help cool him off.

  Then he paused and glanced at Tansy. “I wasn’t thinkin’. If you’re comin’ downstairs with me when Rory brings the truck, you might want a shower. You can be first.”

  “No, you go ahead. I’ll grab one after you’re done. It’s more important that you’re ready.”

  Once again, she was right. “I’ll make it quick.” He did his best to hurry, which wasn’t easy in such a wee space. He banged into the shower walls at least a dozen times. On top of that, he was on sensual overload because the soap and shampoo inspired hot images of making love to her.

  Eventually he stepped out, elbows smarting and tadger agitated. He grabbed the towel hanging nearby and began drying off, taunted by her scent clinging to the terrycloth.

  He couldn’t identify the aroma precisely, didn’t need to. It was simply Au de Tansy. And that was enough to create a yearning nearly impossible to resist.

  Once he was no longer dripping, he came out of the bathroom still drying his wet hair. Judging from the sound of water running and the clatter of silverware, she was in the kitchen messing with dishes. The noise level had increased downstairs, too. The afternoon lull must be over.

  He raised his voice. “I took the bath towel you had in there. Do you need it?”

  “I have a spare.”

  “That’s good because this one is damp. But I’m finished, if you want to jump in the shower.”

  “Thanks, I will.” She came out of the kitchen area, walked toward him and leaned down to open the bottom drawer of the small dresser. “This apartment is a little like the cabin of a cruise ship. I can’t be overstocked on anything that takes up room, which can be a pain, but—”

  “I don’t want to go.”

  She glanced up. “You mean now? Or—”

  “Friday.” He took a breath. “But I will.”

  Towel clutched to her chest, she stood. “I’m prepared for that.”

  “I’m not. And thinkin’ about it is turnin’ me into a bampot.”

  “A bampot?”

  “An idiot.”

  “You’re not—”

  “I am, lass. It’s good that Rory’s pickin’ me up. I’ll work on myself between now and tomorrow night. I’ll do better, Tansy-girl.”

  The glow returned to her eyes. “No one’s ever called me that.” Her voice was soft as a caress. “I like it.”

  “Good.” He held her gaze for as long as he dared. When the urge to kiss her threatened to destroy his judgment, he turned away. “We need to get movin’.”

  She smiled. “Aye.”

  His heart squeezed. Every time she spoke a Scottish word she forged another tender link between them. How strong would it become? Would it stretch all the way across the Atlantic?

  He dressed quickly. Wild Creek wasn’t far away. Rory would be pulling in soon. He was putting on his boots when Tansy came out of the shower, her hair pinned on top of her head and a towel around her delicious body.

  Because the bathroom was so wee, she’d have to dress right in front of him. He couldn’t handle that without cracking. “I’ll head downstairs to wait.” He stood and grabbed his phone from the dresser.

  “Good idea. Tell Rory the keys are under the seat.”

  “I will, lass.” Taking his hat from the knob, he put it on and opened the door, letting in the noise from below. “See you in a bit.” Kissing her would be a mistake so he touched two fingers to the brim of his hat the way Rory did whenever he left Damaris.

  “See you soon, cowboy.” Her voice sounded funny, like she had a

  He took the stairs two at a time, relieved that the GG was so busy. Helped him make it out the back door without either Michael or Bryce stopping him. He wasn’t in the mood for a blether with either of them.

  No sooner had he stepped outside than the purple nose of Tansy’s wee truck rounded the corner of the building. Aleck gave Rory a wave and he lightly tapped the horn.

  Cruising past Aleck, he swung around and neatly backed into a spot on the far side of the door. The lad had become an expert at driving American style. Aleck went to meet him.

  “Hey, big brother!” Rory climbed out and shut the door. “I guess Tansy wouldn’t loan you her razor.”

  “She likes the fluff.”

  Rory’s eyebrows lifted. “Does she, now?” He cocked his head this way and that. “Does add to the gravitas. Just don’t remember ever seein’ you with fluff before.”

  “I’ll shave it before I go in on Saturday. Wouldn’t sit right with Campbell.”

  “You’re still leavin’, then?”


  Rory held his gaze. “How’d it go?”

  Pure barry. “Good. It went good.”

  “Better’n that judgin’ from the gleam in your eye.”

  Aleck ducked his head, afraid his brother would see too much. “She’s a bonnie lass.”

  “You’re not tellin’ me anythin’ new. O’ course she’s bonnie. But is she as special as you—”

  The back door opened.

  Rory cleared his throat. “Personally I think it would be special if we played for the folks.” He turned toward the building. “Hey, Tansy! Wish you didn’t have to work tonight so you could come out to the ranch.”

  “No worries.” She walked toward them wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Her hair was still in a loose arrangement on top of her head. Clearly she hadn’t dressed for work yet. She shaded her eyes against the sun. “So you and Aleck will play for the group tonight?”

  “If Aleck is willin’.”

  “Sure. The more we play together the better.”

  “Aunt Kendra loves the idea. She wants one of her boys to learn the pipes.”

  “Yeah?” Aleck smiled. Evidently his playing was a hit. “Any takers?”

  “Zane’s willin’ but doesn’t feel he has the time, especially now. None of the others are ready to tackle it. Badger’s up for it, though.”