A Cowboy’s Destiny: The McGavin Brothers Read online

Page 12

  She lifted her gaze to smiling green eyes shaded by a black Stetson. Killer combination. “I need to…” What? Oh, yeah. “I have to lead, but please call out if you have a problem.”

  “I already have one.”


  “We’re not at your apartment yet.”

  She took a shaky breath. “We will be before you know it.”

  He just grinned. “If you believe that, your head’s full o’ mince. This will be the longest twenty minutes in history.”

  “Yeah, it will.” She ducked under Diablo’s neck, unwound Strawberry’s reins from the rail and swung into the saddle. “Follow me.” She turned the gelding and headed toward the break between the barn and the pasture fence. Swiveling in the saddle, she glanced back at Aleck. “Heels down, cowboy.”

  He shoved them down. “Cowboy?”

  “No? You’re wearing the hat and the boots, sitting in a Western saddle on a horse born and raised in Montana. Despite misgivings, you’re riding out to give aid to a stranded member of your family.”

  “My primary motivation is gettin’ to spend time with a lovely lass.”

  “That’s the clincher. You have the clothes, the horse, the challenging task and the girl at the end of the trail. I hereby pronounce you a cowboy.” She faced forward as his soft laughter drifted up to her, warming her all over.

  Strawberry picked his way along the muddy trail, but as it sloped upward toward the pines, the footing improved. She turned to see how Aleck was getting along.

  Better than she could have hoped. Instead of sitting frozen in the saddle, he was clearly entranced by the view. As the horses made their way upward, the sun obligingly broke through the clouds.

  Distinct beams fanned out with light-show drama, illuminating the flanks of the snow-tipped mountains and strewing glitter on the grass and wildflowers in the meadow. Glorious. Exactly what she would have wished for Aleck’s first ride.

  “Can we stop?”

  “Sure.” She pulled back on the reins.

  “I want to take a picture. This is spectacular.”

  “Can’t argue with that.” She turned Strawberry to face him. “Loop your reins over the horn.”

  “Done.” He took his phone from his pocket. “Maybe I’ll take a video. That would capture it better.” He swiveled in the saddle and slowly rotated back toward her, holding the camera steady. Focusing on her, he waved. She smiled and waved back.

  Then he panned in reverse, turning so far the other way that he lost his left stirrup.

  “Aleck, you’d better—”

  Too late. He’s already begun to slide. In trying to right himself, he lost the other stirrup. He grabbed for the horn. Missed.

  She vaulted from her saddle and got there shortly after he landed. By some miracle his tush hit a patch of wet grass instead of mud.

  “Are you okay?”

  He looked up and grinned. “My pride hurts like hell.”

  “Hey, it’s easy to get distracted by this view.” She held out her hand and pulled him to his feet.

  “That I did, lass.” He located his Stetson a few feet away and walked over to retrieve it. “Hat looks okay.” He tapped it against his thigh to dislodge a few blades of grass before putting it on. “How’s the seat of my pants?”

  “Just some grass. No mud. You were lucky.” She didn’t allow her attention to linger there as he brushed the wet grass away.

  “Did I get it all?”


  He held up his phone. “At least I hung onto this. Before we mount up again, let’s look.” He clicked on the video and held the phone so they could both see. “Amazin’ sunbeams. That’s what made me want to stop.”

  “You really captured them.” Standing this close to him messed with her breathing, but she wanted to share in his excitement. “You got the sparkles on the wildflowers, too.”

  “Aye. And there’s you. Now I’m goin’ back the other way. Disaster’s about to strike…and I’m on the ground.” He started laughing. “I even videoed the slide down. Finally thought to turn it off.” He drew in a breath. “Great souvenir.”

  She glanced at him. “So now that you’ve moved around a little, still no aches and pains?”

  He met her gaze. “Oh, I ache, lass, but not from comin’ off the horse. We’d best be gettin’ back on, too, before I kiss that rosy pink mouth and lose my mind.”

  Heat surged through her. “Right.” She put a little distance between them. “Are you nervous about getting back on?”

  He pocketed his phone. “Should I be?”

  “No, but sometimes people are after they’ve taken a fall.”

  “For me, it’s a relief. I’m almost lookin’ forward to the rest of the ride now that I’m past that.”

  She nodded. “Okay, then. Let’s ride.” Walking back to Strawberry, she mounted up. Sure enough, Aleck did look more relaxed as he climbed aboard Diablo and unlooped the reins from the saddle horn. “We’ll be going through the trees soon. Not as many photo ops.”

  “Just as well.”

  She turned Strawberry around. “We’re off, then. Next stop, April and Ryker’s house.”

  Aleck wouldn’t say he loved riding, exactly, but seeing the natural world from the back of a horse had advantages. He’d taken long rambles through the moors, but on horseback he could cover more territory and have a better view.

  Truth be told, he hadn’t taken one of those rambles in months. Could even be a couple of years. The air smelled good out here. A picnic would be nice. A picnic involving Tansy would be very nice. Likely wouldn’t be time.

  She pointed out landmarks along the way and kept asking him how he was doing. Fine, just fine. He shifted in the saddle every now and then to make sure. But relaxed as he was, he shouldn’t have an issue.

  Sharing the journey with an animal gave the trek an added richness, as if he had a closer connection to the earth and the creatures on it. Whenever he spoke, Diablo swiveled his ears back to catch the conversation. Aleck dreamed up things to talk about just to watch those ears rotate. Damned endearing.

  The trail emerged from the forest into civilization. Houses were sparse at first, but eventually the trail skirted the backside of a neighborhood. Still rural, though. Folks had goats and chickens in their yards and pickup trucks were the most popular choice of vehicle.

  “I just texted April and Ryker,” Tansy said. “We’re almost there.”

  “Which is theirs?”

  “Three houses up. Look for the chicken coop in the backyard.”

  “Ah. I see it.” The brightly painted coop looked more like a child’s elaborate dollhouse than a home for laying hens. Aunt Kendra’s was easily as grand as this one. “Does everyone in the family have fancy chicken coops?”

  “Not everyone, but it’s catching on. Trevor built one for Olivia, and now Jo wants one.”

  “Not Zane and Mandy?”

  She laughed. “Zane seems to think having all those birds of prey nearby would give the chickens so much anxiety they wouldn’t lay a single egg. Kendra keeps them supplied, though.”

  “My grandparents have chickens, but the coops don’t look like that.”

  “Not many do.” She stood in her stirrups and waved. “The cavalry has arrived!”

  “Hang on!” Ryker called out. “Forgot we needed to get these chickens inside the pen before we can open the gate.”

  “No worries. We’ll wait.” She rode up to the edge of the solid wooden fence that bordered the yard.

  Aleck came up beside her. “Saints alive.” Rory, Damaris, Ryker, April and a guy he didn’t recognize chased after more squawking chickens than he could count. He smiled. “This is worth the price of admission.”

  “I know, right?” She raised her voice. “We could ride to the end of the block and come up the street!”

  “No, no.” Ryker was breathing hard as he charged after a handsome rooster with glossy black feathers. “Prince Charming’s the last one. Head him off, Rory.”
  “He’s comin’ toward Damaris, not me.”

  “Much more of this and I’m getting my rope. I know you cherish this son-of-a-bucket, April, but I’m ready to—”

  “He’s a sweetheart, Ryker!” April dodged left and right, trying to catch the rooster.

  “He’s not a sweetheart. He’s—”

  “I’ll get him, Cowboy.” The man Aleck couldn’t identify made a dive for the rooster and came up with his arms full of a flapping, squawking, clearly ticked off rooster.

  “Thanks, Raven.” Ryker blew out a breath. “Dump him in the pen.”

  “Don’t you dare dump him,” April said. “Set him down gently. He makes my hens very happy.”

  “All clear?” Rory backed toward the gate. “Can I let ’em in?”

  “All clear.” Ryker took off his hat and wiped his face with a red bandana. “Prince Charming, my ass.”

  Rory unlatched the gate and swung it open. “Thanks for doin’ this, guys. Big brother, you look mighty fine on that horse.”

  “Ask Tansy how fine I looked sittin’ in the dirt.”

  “Diablo threw you? I can’t believe he’d—”

  “My fault entirely.” Aleck patted Diablo’s neck. “If I’d been payin’ better attention, it wouldn’t have happened.”

  “You’re all right, though? Nothin’ bruised or broken?”

  “Only my manly image.” He rode into the yard. “He’s a good horse.” When Rory took hold of the bridle, he climbed down. No ill effects, thank the Lord.

  “Yeah, he’s a very good horse.” Rory stroked his muzzle and then led him over to a grassy section of the yard where Strawberry was already grazing. “Other than takin’ a tumble, how was it?”

  “I…um, I liked it.”

  “See?” Rory’s smile was a mile wide. “I knew you would.” He glanced over at Tansy, who was talking to Damaris and April. “He said he liked it.”

  “I thought so.” She turned to Aleck. “All you need is more practice and you’ll have it down.”


  “That’s for sure,” Rory said. “You’re good at whatever you put your mind to.”

  “I can believe that.” Ryker came over with the guy who’d caught the rooster. “Hey, Aleck, you haven’t met my buddy Raven.”

  “Glad to finally meet you, Aleck.” He offered his hand. “Heard a lot about you from Rory.”

  Aleck grasped his hand. “That lands me in a guddle, because I—”

  “You have no idea who I am.” Amusement flashed in his gray eyes. “Aaron Donahue.”

  “Why does Ryker call you Raven?”

  “Squadron nickname. We served together in the Air Force and then Cowboy hired me to work with him at Badger Air.”

  “Who’s Cowboy?”

  “Me,” Ryker said. “That was my nickname.”

  “And I can’t get used to calling him anything else,” Aaron said. “But seems like every guy around here’s a cowboy, so it gets confusing.”

  “I’m not.”

  He smiled. “That’s what I said when I moved here.” He nudged back his Stetson. “Take my word for it, hang with this bunch and you’ll start thinking of yourself that way before long.”

  “Likely I won’t transform by Friday. That’s when I’m leavin’.”

  “Seems a shame after coming all this way,” Ryker said. “It barely leaves time for our rematch.”

  “No rematch!” Tansy called out.

  Ryker grinned. “Just kidding, Tansy! I do wish you could stay longer, though.”

  “Me, too.”

  “But I know you can’t.” Rory heaved a sigh. “I’ll just start plannin’ for the next visit.”

  “So will I.” Aleck didn’t look at Tansy, but she was still in his peripheral vision, talking with April and Damaris. She’d taken off her hat and sunlight gleamed in the multicolored strands of her hair.

  On Friday, he’d put an ocean between them. The logical concept fit into his brain. But he was no longer certain there was room for it in his heart.


  When April had to take a call from a massage client who wanted to book an appointment, Tansy and Damaris had a moment alone.

  Damaris moved closer and lowered her voice. “As you saw, Rory’s thrilled that you got his brother on a horse. When Kendra dreamed up this idea, he almost texted you to suggest having Aleck ride Diablo over here. Clearly you were way ahead of him.”

  “I have ulterior motives for getting him to town.”

  “We figured that out.” Damaris pushed her glasses more firmly against the bridge of her nose. “Rory’s alerted Michael and Bryce to pay no attention if you and Aleck slip in the back door and up the stairs.”

  “Sheesh. So much for clandestine.”

  “Yes, but you know those guys. If Rory didn’t say something, they’d be all hey, Tansy and Aleck! What’s up? Want a burger and fries?”

  Tansy smiled. “They would, and thank Rory for giving them the word. I hadn’t factored that in. They’ll both be at the GG stockpiling supplies for Thursday. But that brings up another point. Aleck came to see his brother but now he’ll be spending the afternoon with me.”

  “Because he wants to, right?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “Rory’s fine with that. More than fine. He heard something different in Aleck’s voice when he talked about you yesterday.”

  “He did?” That news jacked up her pulse. “Like what?”

  Damaris shook her head. “I don’t want to put too fine a point on it or plant ideas in your head. Just enjoy these few hours together and see where it leads.”

  “I already have ideas in my head. Aleck’s a very special guy and I…yeah, there’s something different about the way I think of him, too. But when I’m honest with myself, I can’t see how—”

  “I know. Neither can I. And yet, look at what happened with me and Rory.”

  “Aleck’s not Rory and I’m not you.”

  “Good thing! How confusing would that be? Just go have fun, okay?”


  Not long afterward, Tansy drove away from April and Ryker’s house with Aleck in the passenger seat. “This truck feels ginormous.” She navigated cautiously through traffic.

  “You’re doin’ a better job than I would. Rented a car in Paris once. Had to battle heavy traffic plus bein’ on a different side from what I was used to. It’s a wonder I survived.”

  “I’m really glad you did.”

  “I’m very glad.” He glanced at her. “Especially today.” Tenderness softened his words.

  Was he falling for her? Was that even possible in such a short time? Was she falling for him? She took a shaky breath. “This isn’t a romantic subject, but there’s a drugstore, Pills and Pop, on Main Street.”

  “Aye. Rory pointed it out on the drive in.”

  “Do we need to stop?”

  “Do you want me to buy a razor, lass?”

  “Not on your life. Your beard is just getting nice. I’m talking about birth control. There’s a coin-operated dispenser in the men’s room at the GG, but—”

  “We don’t have to stop and I don’t need the dispenser. I’m well supplied.”

  “You are?”

  “The McGavin clan believes in share and share alike.”

  “Oh.” Made her giggle.

  “Rory told me to go have fun.”

  “Damaris told me the same thing, although she didn’t supply me with birth control. They’ve also informed Bryce and Michael that we’ll be sneaking in the back way so they should ignore us.”

  “Guess we have everyone’s blessin’, then. That’s somethin’. But I’m not used to conductin’ my private life in the public eye. Makes me a wee bit self-conscious.”

  “We don’t have to go to my apartment. I could show you around town instead.”

  “It doesn’t make me that self-conscious.”

  “Just checking. I’ll park in the back.” She maneuvered around the building. “
Damn, this thing is huge. I usually back in because it’s so much easier to drive out again, but I’m afraid I’ll hit the dumpster.” She put on the brakes. “Would you get out and direct me?”

  “Aye, glad to.” He unfastened his seat belt, hopped out and closed the door.

  After lowering both windows, she pulled the massive vehicle around and located Aleck in her side mirror.

  He beckoned to her. “Come on back.”

  She put the truck in reverse and eased slowly toward him.

  “Go left.”

  She turned the wheel.

  “Good. Straighten it out. Keep comin’, keep comin’…stop.”

  After turning off the engine, she left her borrowed hat on the dash. It needed to go back to Wild Creek and this way she wouldn’t forget in the excitement of having Aleck in her apartment.

  She tucked the keys under the seat, climbed out and glanced at her proximity to the dumpster. A good two feet of clearance. Perfect. She turned. “Thanks for the help.”

  He nudged back his hat and smiled at her. “You’re welcome. Beautiful job, lass.”

  Beautiful man. Speechless, she drank in the magnificence of Aleck McGavin—caring, loyal, giving…and sexy as hell. The truth slammed into her, leaving her shaken. She wasn’t falling for him. She’d fallen.

  Aleck’s breath caught. In the brief span of time he’d known Tansy, he’d savored the changing emotions on her lovely face—determination, amusement, concern, patience, frustration, joy, passion. But she’d never looked at him like this.

  His chest swelled and his throat grew tight. Her gaze mirrored the certainty churning through him. Her reality became his. Now we know, Tansy-girl. Now we know where we are.

  The GG’s back door opened and Michael came out with a bulging garbage bag in each hand. He stopped. “Hey, guys.”

  “Hi, Michael.” Tansy’s voice squeaked. “Aleck and I were just—”

  “Let me give you a hand with those.” Aleck stepped forward, took one of the bags and lifted the lid of the dumpster so he could toss it in. Then he held it open so Michael could throw in the other one.

  “Thanks, Aleck. The glamorous life of a business owner never ends.” He paused. “Are you two coming in, then?”