A Cowboy's Christmas (The McGavin Brothers Book 6) Read online

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  Taking that as permission, he kissed his way down the curve of her throat and slowly made his way to one plump breast. She gasped as he began to lick and nibble.

  He swore she tasted like whipped cream on his tongue. Her soft moans and whimpers increased the pain in his privates, but his mouth was in sensual heaven. He could do this all day if he didn’t have to worry about the pressure cooker behind his fly.

  He returned to her lips, urged them to open and thrust his tongue deep. She responded by grabbing his belt loops and wedging him deeper between her thighs.

  Message received. Abandoning the joy of kissing her, he began working her out of her jeans and panties. Happy days and hallelujah, she elected to help him. After he’d shoved them most of the way, she kicked them off herself. Her loafers went flying and came down on the wooden floor with a loud clatter. Now that was enthusiasm.

  He intended to reward that enthusiasm. He was out of his boots, jeans and boxers in no time. Grabbing his jeans, he pulled a condom out of the pocket. After he ripped it open, he threw the wrapper over his shoulder. Get that later, too.

  She watched him, blue eyes bright with passion, her body quivering, her breasts still damp from his mouth. She let out a sweet little whimper. “Hurry.”

  “I’m hurryin’ fast as I can.” He rolled the condom in place. Then he scooped her up and laid her back down lengthwise on the bed. They needed plenty of room to maneuver.

  Climbing onto the mattress, he moved between her thighs. “Wrap your legs around me, darlin’. I’m comin’ in.”

  She followed his instructions, and those long legs sliding against his skin nearly destroyed his control. Jaw tight, he probed once to make sure she was ready for him. Oh, yeah.

  Holding her gaze, he eased in, slow and steady. Too fast and this would be over before it began. Once he was locked in tight, he decided to hang out there and get a grip. This was so right it was scary.

  She dug her fingertips into his glutes. “Badger…I want…”

  “We’ll get there.” The strain of maintaining control made him sound like a mating bullfrog. “But you can’t rush these things.” He drew back and pushed forward again at the same gentle pace.

  She began to pant. “Sure you can. You can rush. Please rush.”

  “Ever see a moonshiner’s still explode?” He continued his unhurried stroke.

  Her laughter sounded strangled. “Badger!”

  “If I rush, then it’ll be like that.” He clenched his teeth against the urge to come, even though he should be able to maintain at this level. But Hayley’s welcoming body was a game changer.

  “That’s what I want.” She sucked in a breath. “Explosions. Moonshine all over the place.”

  “No, you don’t. We’d make a lot of noise and alert the entire house.”

  “Speak for yourself. I won’t make a lot of noise.”

  “Wanna bet?” He never could resist a challenge. He picked up the pace. It was rough on him because he was right on the edge, but from the way her eyes darkened, she had nearly tipped over it.

  “I’ll…take that bet.” The faster he moved, the tighter she held on.

  She would make noise. He knew it in his bones. He could say the hell with it, barrel on through and make his point, but this was their special moment. He didn’t want to share it with strangers.

  Instead of tearing along at a speed that would make them both crazy, he slowed down.


  “You’re goin’ to come, darlin’, but when you do, I’ll be there for you.” He shifted the angle. There. The first spasm. The first catch in her breath.

  “That’s it.” He kept moving as the color in her cheeks bloomed and her sapphire eyes turned navy. “Now you’re close.”

  Her voice was a whisper. “Yes.”

  “Let go, Hayley. Let go.”

  Her breathing grew rough and she arched her back. “Oh. Badger, I’m—”

  He covered her mouth with his, muffling her cries as her climax roared through her. He held her tight as she trembled and shook beneath him. Then he lifted his head and gazed down at her, so flushed and beautiful in the glow of release.

  Her eyes were closed, but they fluttered open and she gulped in air. “Your…turn.”

  “Yeah.” He focused on the sapphire blue in her eyes as he allowed himself to move again. Shouldn’t take long. Her tight channel continued to vibrate with the aftershocks of her orgasm.

  A few fast strokes and he erupted, shuddering violently in her arms. He swallowed the triumphant yell that rose to his throat. This stolen moment was theirs alone.

  Eventually he roused himself and gazed down at her. He’d meant to say something funny or clever, but her beauty addled his brain. Nothing funny or clever occurred to him. Only the truth. “You were wonderful.”

  Her smile would melt the polar icecap. “So were you.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Yes. I don’t think I’ve ever been this hungry in my life.”

  “Then while I duck into the bathroom, why don’t you check out what Mrs. Stanislowski left for us?”

  “I’m on it.”

  When he returned, striding into the room naked as a jaybird, she’d put on his shirt.

  “I hope you don’t mind. I didn’t feel like putting on my—”

  “That shirt looks way better on you than it does on me.” He pulled on his boxers and reached for his jeans. “But why didn’t you feel like puttin’ on your clothes?”

  “Because this is more decadent and sexy. If all I’m wearing is your shirt, I can continue feeling that way while we eat breakfast.”

  “That sounds mighty promisin’. Let’s eat fast.”

  “You might not want to. She made us each an omelet.”

  “She did?” He walked over to the table and lifted a silver lid covering one of the plates. “What do you know? But they have to be stone-cold by now.”

  “They are, but there’s a small microwave on the dresser.”

  He glanced over there. “So there is.”

  “She left a note telling us it was there for warming up the omelets.”

  “Because she knew we’d take care of business and let them get cold. I didn’t notice many details when we came in.”

  “Funny, neither did I.” She gave him the once-over. “But we’ll know this room inside out before the holidays are over.”

  “To hell with the room. I’d rather know you inside out.”

  “That can be arranged.”

  “So you’re good with this plan?” He pulled on his jeans, zipped and buttoned them.

  “I love this plan.”

  “Excellent.” He fastened the elaborate Western belt Ryker had talked him into buying.

  “That’s a pretty belt buckle.” Hayley walked over to take a closer look. “I didn’t pay much attention to it before.”

  “I can understand that. You were too mesmerized by my manly physique.”

  She fluttered her eyelashes at him. “Yes, Badger, I was, you gorgeous hunk of burning love.”

  He grabbed her and pulled her close. “Keep talkin’ like that and I’m liable to haul you back to bed.”

  “Oh, no! A fate worse than death!” She pulled his head down for a kiss.

  Just like that, he was hard again. But he’d promised her breakfast. With great effort, he ended the kiss. “You said you were starving.”

  “Changed my mind.” She combed her fingers through his hair. “The omelets are already cold. Let’s eat them later.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  After another amazing orgasm that nearly took off the top of her head, Hayley agreed to do the sensible thing and eat the food that Mrs. Stanislowski had made the effort to provide. Badger was fine with her wearing his shirt during the meal and she was more than fine to render him shirtless as they ate breakfast. It wasn’t every day that a girl could sip coffee and stare at a chest like his.

  He finished off his coffee and put down his mug. “I don’t mean to rush y
ou, but I have another surprise.”

  “Another one? How have you had time to arrange something else?”

  “By goin’ to bed late and gettin’ up early.”

  “I believe you. Are you exhausted?”

  “No, ma’am. If I could look forward to what we just had every day, I might not need to sleep at all.”

  “You mean the omelet.”

  He grinned at her. “Right, the omelet.” His gaze softened. “You’re the best, you know that? I can’t imagine why some guy hasn’t begged you to marry him.”

  “One did. But it wouldn’t have worked.”

  “Why not?”

  “He knew I wanted to have at least one kid, maybe two, and he was all for it.”

  “That sounds like a good start.”

  “It was. I said I wanted to keep working even if we had kids. He was fine with that, too.”

  Badger nodded. “Still on the same page.”

  “Then he promised that whenever possible, he’d help me with the kids.”

  “Whenever possible?”


  He let out a weary sigh. “In other words, whenever his sorry ass wasn’t busy with whatever he had goin’ on, he’d lend a hand.”

  “Yes. That’s what he offered.”

  “He’d help you, but it was still your job even though they were his kids, too.”

  “Yes! Oh, Badger, thank you!” She left her chair and went around the table to kiss him. “You can’t imagine how many guys don’t get that.”

  “Yeah, I can.” He drew her down to his lap and nestled her head against his shoulder. “I listened to soldiers for ten years. They’d brag about how much help they were to their wives when they went home on leave. It never dawned on them that when they weren’t there, she had the entire job of raising their kids plus holdin’ down a fulltime job because kids cost more than what an airman makes.”

  “Right.” Cuddling with him was almost as much fun as sex. But he’d mentioned a surprise so she reminded him of it.

  “Whoops. We need to get goin’. It’s scheduled for eleven but I can probably get it moved to eleven-fifteen. It just means we won’t have as much time to do it.” He stood and set her gently on her feet.

  “Do what?”

  “Can you trust me that you’ll like it and let it go at that?”

  “That’s a powerful lot of trust. And let me say that if it involves skydiving, you’ll be horribly disappointed in my response. I’m not as plucky as I look.”

  “No skydivin’. But if we don’t get a move on, we’ll lose our window of opportunity.”

  “Then let’s make it happen.” Hayley commandeered the bathroom for a few minutes so she could dress and repair her makeup from what she carried in her purse. She hadn’t brought a brush, so she finger-combed her tousled hair. Nothing to be done about the telltale flush on her cheeks.

  When she came out, the covers on the bed were straightened and the dishes were stacked. Badger looked the same as he had when they’re arrived at the B and B.

  “How do you guys do that?”

  “Do what?’

  “Roll around on a mattress with a woman for an hour plus and then, when the interlude is over, you manage to pull yourself together and appear as if nothing happened.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talkin’ about.” He gathered her close. “But I surely do like how you look right now.”

  “Like I’ve been playing mattress bingo?”

  “Like you’ve been enjoyin’ yourself.”

  “I have, Badger. Thank you for arranging this.”

  His brown gaze warmed. “My pleasure.” He gave her a quick hug and released her. “Time to go.”

  When Hayley stepped out of the privacy of their room, she hoped no one would be around. She wouldn’t mind staying in her cocoon of sensual bliss.

  No such luck. Although no guests were in evidence, Mrs. Stanislowski sat at the reception desk working on her computer. She glanced up and took off her reading glasses. “Hello, there! Was everything all right?”

  Hayley gave her a quick smile. “Yes, thank you.”

  “It was all perfect.” Badger oozed Southern charm as he tucked an arm around Hayley’s waist. “Whoever made that breakfast knows her way around a fryin’ pan.”

  “That would be me.” She gazed at him, clearly dazzled.

  “Well, ma’am, it was lip-smackin’ good. If you wouldn’t mind puttin’ breakfast up there again tomorrow, we’d be much obliged.”

  “Certainly. Same time?”

  Badger glanced at her. “That work for you, darlin’?”


  He tipped his hat to Mrs. Stanislowski. “Then we’ll see you in the mornin’.”

  Once they were on their way, she turned to him. “Can you even tell me where we’re going?”

  “Wild Creek Ranch.” He glanced at the clock on the dash. “And I’d better step on it.”

  “Did you send the text saying we’d be a little late?”

  “I did. While you were gettin’ dressed. It’s no problem.”

  “Good.” She settled back in her seat. “Does it have anything to do with Ryker?”

  “No, ma’am.” He chuckled. “I’m not goin’ to tell you.”

  “At least I know we’re not going up in the plane if it doesn’t have anything to do with Ryker and we’re headed to the ranch.”

  “We’re not goin’ up in the plane, but that would be fun sometime. There’s a lot to do right now, but maybe after Christmas.”

  “I’d love that. I forgot to ask how long Luke’s staying, but he’d love it, too.”

  “That’s right, I’ll be meetin’ him tonight at dinner. Did you tell me what he does for a livin’?”

  “I don’t think so. He’s the marketing manager for a group of upscale restaurants in Portland.”

  “Sounds impressive.”

  “It is. He makes good money, but…”


  “I don’t know. He’s good at it. I just never thought it fit him.”

  “Why not?”

  “He should’ve been a cowboy.” Then she laughed. “Like in the song. Instead he wears a tie and spends a lot of time in meetings.”

  “Ever ask him about it?” He turned off the main road onto the ranch road.

  “Once.” She gripped the armrest to steady herself over the bumps. The snow had been plowed, which left frozen ruts.

  “What’d he say?”

  “After putting all that money and effort into getting a business degree, he felt obligated to make use of it.”

  “I know how that feels.”

  “You do?” She hadn’t meant to lead up to the subject of his college days, but this was the perfect opening. Maybe he’d tell her what she already knew. Then she wouldn’t have to worry that she’d slip up and accidentally reference it.

  He sighed. “Sure do. Anyway, it’ll be good to meet Luke. I’m lookin’ forward to it.”

  Or maybe he’d let the subject drop. She considered asking him directly and decided against it. He might not be in the mood to reveal elements of his past he’d rather forget.

  When they got to the ranch, Badger drove over toward the barns and Hayley guessed her surprise. “A sleigh ride!”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He smiled at her. “Ever been on one?”

  “No, I haven’t!” She gazed at the green sleigh with red trim, perfect for the holiday. “I’ve lived in snow country all my life and always thought it would be fun. But I never made it happen. This is great! Who’s the guy standing by the sleigh? I don’t recognize him.”

  “That’s Jim Underwood, Faith’s dad. He’s takin’ us out.”

  “This is so cool.” She was out of the truck by the time Badger walked around to get her. “You have the best ideas.”

  “And you have the best smile.” He hooked an arm over her shoulders as they walked toward the sleigh. “Makes me want to keep comin’ up with these ideas.”

  When they reache
d the sleigh, Badger introduced her to the tall, angular cowboy waiting for them.

  He tipped his hat and greeted her with soft-spoken courtesy. “Call me Jim,” he said. “Everyone does.”

  “Call me Hayley.” She shook his calloused hand. “I’m so excited about this.”

  “Badger thought you would be.”

  “And who are those two fine horses you’ve hitched up to the sleigh?”

  “This here’s Bert, the taller one, and the other’s Ernie, the stockier one.”

  “From Sesame Street?”

  “Yes, ma’am. My daughter named them.”

  “I love those names. I watched Sesame Street.” She turned to Badger. “Did you?”

  “I wasn’t…um, no. But I surely would like to meet these two.”

  Hayley glanced at Jim. “Is it okay if we say hello to Bert and Ernie?”

  “Absolutely. They love attention.”

  As she and Badger loved on the two geldings, she was dying to ask him how come he’d never watched Sesame Street. Not now, though.

  Shortly after that they were settled in the sleigh, lap robes tucked around them, and Jim climbed up to the bench seat in front. He turned around. “All set?”

  “All set,” Badger said.

  Jim clucked to the horses, and they started off, bells jingling.

  Hayley couldn’t stop grinning. She turned to Badger. “I love this,” she murmured. “This is about the most romantic thing I can imagine.”

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “I told your momma about the sleigh ride and that it was a surprise.”

  “I’ll bet she was dazzled.”

  “She was, although I don’t think anyone could be as dazzled as you.”

  “Me, either. This is epic.”

  “And the perfect setting for this.” He reached into his jacket pocket.

  The ring. He was going to play it straight, too, because they had an audience. She took a shaky breath. She’d have to be equally convincing.

  He must have seen the panic in her eyes, because his expression was kind and his touch gentle as he cupped her cheek. “We haven’t known each other very long, darlin’.”

  She gulped. “No.”

  “But from the moment I first saw you, I knew we were meant to share somethin’ special, somethin’ timeless.”