Claimed! Read online

Page 11

  Jack glanced around as if assessing the crowd. “Many are called. Few are chosen.”

  “I can do this.” Alex turned the spoon over in his hands. “I seem to remember you have to rub the curve of it over your nose a few times.”

  “Want some pointers?” Jack asked helpfully.

  “No, thanks. I’ll figure it out.”

  By this time the band had caught on and was playing a countrified version of “A Spoonful of Sugar.”

  Alex’s first attempt failed, but the second time he was more successful, keeping the spoon on for several seconds. “Okay,” he said. “I’m ready. Anybody got a stopwatch?”

  “I’ve got five bucks says Chance can beat you!” someone shouted.

  “I’ll put ten on Josie’s brother!” called someone else. “He’s a Chicago boy, like me!”

  Josie stepped back and watched in admiration as Jack and Alex competed in the first annual Spirits and Spurs spoon-dangling contest. The customers gathered around the contestants as beer and laughter flowed freely. It was the liveliest group she’d seen in…well, ten months.

  Alex and Jack took plenty of breaks, and drank their fair share of beer. After an hour, both men were laughing so hard they had to call a halt to the contest. But Jack had accomplished his goal. They’d become drinking buddies, and Alex had agreed to be the DJ at Gabe and Morgan’s wedding reception.

  Alex even went so far as to slap his new best friend on the back and thank him for providing some excellent entertainment. Then Alex came over to Josie and drew her aside. “I get it, now. I understand why you fell for the guy. He’s fun to be around, but…I still want you to be careful.”

  “I will be.” Josie glanced over to the table, where Jack was trying to teach a few of the other customers the spoon trick. “I learned a hard lesson last October, and I’m not likely to forget it.”

  JACK HAD ACHIEVED his stated intention. He and Alex were on speaking terms and Alex had accepted the DJ’s job for the wedding reception. Jack had also found a moment to apologize for trying to hit him when they’d first met, and Alex didn’t seem to hold a grudge. But Jack knew that he wouldn’t necessarily trust him to get involved with his sister.

  That meant Jack’s other, more private intention was proving tough to accomplish. He wanted a chance to hold Josie before he drove home. Matter of fact, he wanted to do more than hold her. But he didn’t have an available spot, and besides, Alex couldn’t know about it.

  Jack had decided to hang around and see if maybe Alex would go upstairs to bed before closing. But it was as if the guy sensed Jack’s plan, and he stuck like glue. Jack had to hand it to him. The guy had stamina.

  Alex couldn’t dance country worth a lick, and he looked like a greenhorn in his jeans and Bulls T-shirt, but he got out on the floor as if determined to learn the two-step. Plenty of women were willing to teach him. Jack saw a bright future for that boy when it came to the women of Shoshone.

  As closing hour drew near, Jack meandered over to the bar where Josie mixed the drinks for last call. “I was hoping your brother would give up and go to bed, but no such luck.”

  Josie raised her eyebrows. “And why were you hoping that, Jack? Feeling daring?”

  “Feeling desperate. I’ve been watching you all night long, and other than a casual brush of bodies here and there, I haven’t had any contact to speak of.” He lowered his voice and leaned closer. “I’m used to ending this kind of evening in your bed.”

  “Not going to happen.” She busied herself with the drinks.

  “If I outwait your brother, there’s always your office.”

  Her cheeks turned pink. “Nope. I’m not going to take the risk that Alex will decide to come down and check on me.” She put three drinks on a tray and went back to mixing.

  “But you wish we could get away with it. I can tell because you’re blushing.”

  “It’s warm in here.” She moved efficiently, squirting mix into glasses from the nozzles attached to containers under the counter.

  Jack imagined squirting the mix over her naked body and then licking it off. “With a little imagination, it could be hot in here. All we need is some privacy. How come we never did it on the bar?”

  “Because there’s no covering for the windows, in case you hadn’t noticed. With light from the streetlamps filtering in, someone might have seen us.”


  “Jack, give it up. We can’t do anything tonight, and that’s that.”

  “I’m not the kind of guy who gives up easily. I’ll just hang around a little longer and see what develops.”

  “You’re wasting your time.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  She paused to give him a bemused smile. “Gabe’s right. You’re stubborn as a mule. Apparently I never told you no before.”

  “Why would you? We had a good thing going on.”

  “We did, but now that I think about it, I went along with whatever you wanted. I never denied you a single thing.”

  He leaned closer, breathing her in. “And I like that in a woman.”

  “I’ll bet.” She speared an onion and an olive with a plastic toothpick and plopped them into a martini glass. “But you’ll come away empty tonight, Jack, so you might as well face defeat and head home to the ranch.”

  Jack turned back to the dance floor. “Your brother has worn himself out trying to learn the two-step, not to mention the mental exhaustion of going to that interview. I predict he’ll sleep like a rock.”

  “Go home, Jack.”

  “Not yet, Josie.” He knew, even if she didn’t, that persistence usually paid off. Everyone might want to label him stubborn, but he considered himself a master of persistence. The only person he’d never been able to outlast was his father, who’d been the grand master.

  His mother, from what little he knew of her, hadn’t understood the concept at all. She’d given up at the first sign that ranch life would be hard and might require some sacrifices, or so his father had told him. Jack had no respect for that.

  The band finished their last number and began packing up their instruments. Customers drifted out the door, and a few came over to thank Jack for the spoon-dangling lessons. That crazy stunt had brought back memories of his father, too. Jonathan Chance had loved to give people something to talk about.

  Jack smiled as he remembered the annual prank involving the life-sized plaster horse standing on the porch roof of the feed store. Every fall, Jonathan and Jack would sneak into town with a ladder and a can of blue paint. When they left, the horse’s privates would be blue. No one ever caught them, but everyone in town knew the culprits.

  Alex came over to the bar. “I’ve had it.” He stuck out his hand. “But I wanted to say thanks for a very interesting evening.”

  “You inspired me to get back in training.” Jack met Alex’s gaze as he shook his hand. “I’m thinking of lobbying to make spoon-dangling an Olympic event.”

  “You draw up the petition and I’ll sign it.” Alex paused. “So I guess you’ll be shoving off now, right?”


  Alex glanced over at Josie. “Need any help closing up?”

  “I’ll be fine. You go on to bed.”

  “I’ll help if she needs it,” Jack said.

  Alex hesitated. “On second thought, I think I’ll stay down here and stack the chairs.”

  Josie reached across the bar and grabbed his arm. “Seriously, Alex, it’s under control.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “I’m sure. Don’t act like a chaperone. I can take care of myself.”

  Alex looked back at Jack as if he had doubts. “If you say so. I really am beat. See you later, Jack.”

  “You bet.” Jack raised a hand in farewell. Yes. He started moving around the room stacking chairs on top of tables while Josie got out the industrial-sized broom. They’d done this together a hundred times. More than a hundred.

  Jack went to fetch the long-handled dustpan. “Feels nic
e, doing this again.”

  “Just so you don’t expect a reward after we’re done.” Josie swept the debris into a pile so Jack could load it into the dustpan and dump it in the trash.

  “I’ll settle for a kiss.” Or at least he’d start there.

  She put the broom away. “You’re pushing it, Jack.”

  “One kiss. That doesn’t seem like too much to ask.” He dumped the dustpan and put it in the closet, which happened to be near the main light switch. He killed the lights, figuring semidarkness could hide a multitude of sins, or a multitude of pleasures.

  Her voice sounded hollow in the now-empty room. “I know those moves of yours, and I’m not going along with your evil plan.”

  “It’s not evil.” His eyes adjusted and he walked over to where she was standing by the bar. “Surely you can spare me one little kiss.” He could feel her heat even before he reached her. Her breathing was shallow and quick. She wanted his touch as much as he wanted hers.

  “I don’t think we’re capable of one little kiss, Jack.”

  “Then two big ones. And then I’ll go home.” He gathered her into his arms and groaned. “God, you feel good.”

  “This is such a bad idea.” But she cupped the back of his head and pulled him down.

  “Yeah, just terrible.” He met her halfway and groaned again as he tasted her sweet, sweet mouth. No kiss had ever been so long anticipated or so thoroughly enjoyed. At first he used his tongue only to explore and caress, but primitive urges soon had him thrusting into her mouth and reaching for the snaps on her shirt.

  She broke away, gasping. “Jack, we really shouldn’t.”

  “I know. But I’m dying, here.”

  “Me, too.” She caught his hand and drew him away from the bar. “My office. We’ll lock the door.”

  He managed to swallow a shout of triumph. Thank God she needed him as much as he needed her.

  The office was even darker than the main room of the bar, and once she closed and locked the door, he couldn’t see much of anything. But he could feel, and as soon as he located her, he had no trouble finding the eager mouth she lifted to his, or the buckle to her belt and the metal button and zipper on her jeans.

  She helped by toeing off one boot so that he could get her out of half her jeans. That was really all he needed.

  “Your chair,” he said between frantic kisses. “Let’s use that.”

  Her reply was breathless. “Okay.” She helped him search in the darkness for her desk chair. “Here it is.” She guided him to it.

  As he sat down, he was already unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. The armless chair squeaked as he leaned back and fished in his jeans pocket for the condom he’d brought in hopes he’d get to use it. Ripping it open, he shoved the wrapper back in his pocket. He wasn’t leaving any evidence behind.

  “Now?” Her voice quivered with eagerness.

  “Almost.” He rolled on the condom and reached for her. “Where are you?”

  “Here.” She took his hand and placed it between her spread thighs.

  He sucked in a breath as he caressed her, sliding his fingers up and in. “You’re so wet.”

  “I’ve been like this all night.”

  “If I’d known that…”

  “You know it now. And now that you do, could you please do something about it?”

  “Be glad to.” Cupping her bottom with his free hand, he guided her into position so that she straddled him on the chair. Then he slowly withdrew his fingers so that he could replace them with his cock.

  She slid down with a low, soft moan of pleasure. “I thought we couldn’t.”

  “But we can.” Cradling her bottom to him, he closed his eyes and murmured his heartfelt thanks for this moment.

  “You’re welcome.” She braced her hands on his shoulders. “This is one kind of riding I don’t need lessons for.”

  “No. As I recall, you’re an expert.” His heart thudded rapidly in his chest as he waited, because this was Josie’s show. She had to make it happen.

  “Even experts can use extra practice.” As she rose up, she tightened around him.

  Oh, yes. He remembered this, and he was about to have the ride of his life.

  She began slowly, sliding up and down with those tight muscles that massaged his aching dick and provided the most exquisite torture imaginable. He wanted her to go faster, but he’d be damned if he’d ask for that. She’d pick up the pace when she was ready.

  She bounced a little faster, and then…she went for broke, her bottom slapping against his thighs in a piston-like movement that made him grit his teeth against the climax that hovered ever nearer.

  He couldn’t hold it. He wanted to, but… “I’m going…to…come…” he said, gasping.

  “So…am…I…” Breathing hard, she changed the angle, and then…her spasms hit as she let out a long, keening wail through clenched teeth.

  He erupted, his hips jerking upward and impaling her even deeper as he trembled in the grip of an orgasm that went right off the Richter scale. Some deeply buried instinct of self-preservation kept him from crying out.

  “Oh, Jack.” She slumped forward and rested her forehead against his. “That was so foolish. And so wonderful.”

  “It’ll be okay. No one ever has to know.”

  “We can’t keep up this hiding forever. Sooner or later we’ll have to go public.”

  “That’s your decision. You have the protective brother.”

  “And you have the nervous bride and groom.”

  Jack had to admit Gabe might look upon this development with skepticism. A love affair always had the potential to blow up, especially with the kind of history he had with Josie.

  He sighed. “We’d better keep it quiet for now, at least.”

  “I agree. And I need to get upstairs before Alex gets suspicious.”

  “Chances are he’s out like a light. He won’t even hear you come in.”

  Jack wished to hell he’d been right about that, but when he and Josie finally got themselves back together and opened the office door, someone was sitting in the shadowy room at one of the tables. It could have been a ghost, if Jack believed in ghosts.

  He wished to hell he did. He’d rather deal with a ghost than this guy.

  “Okay, Chase,” Alex said. “We need to talk.”


  JOSIE SHOULD HAVE known better. Actually, she had known better, but she’d allowed lust to overcome her good judgment. One thing she was certain about—she wasn’t letting Jack shoulder the blame for this.

  “I’m the one you need to have a talk with, Alex.” She walked over to the table. After the complete absence of light in her office, she found it easy to see in the semi-darkness of the bar. The streetlamps outside the front windows gave the room a soft glow. “Leave Jack out of this.”

  “Can’t.” Alex pushed back the chair he’d taken off one of the tables and stood.

  He was about the same height as Jack, and Josie knew for a fact he was in great shape from hiking and rock climbing. In a fight, a fight she vowed to prevent, she couldn’t predict who would come out ahead.

  Jack came to stand beside her, his gaze firmly on Alex. From the tension radiating from him, he obviously expected a fight. “Go upstairs, Josie. Your brother and I will take this outside. Nothing will get damaged.”

  “Are you crazy? I’m worried about damage to both of you! I could give a flip about the furniture.”

  Alex shifted his stance. “I’d like nothing better than to punch you out, Chance, but that wouldn’t accomplish anything. I meant what I said. I want to talk.” He glanced at Josie. “I guess it’s up to you whether you stick around or not.”

  “Damn right it’s up to me, and I’m staying.” She was relieved that Alex didn’t have violence in mind, but she didn’t trust either man to keep the conversation cordial if she left them to their own devices.

  “All right.” Alex grabbed another chair off the table and set it upright. “Have a seat.
Chance can get his own chair.”

  Jack didn’t move. “I prefer to stand.”

  “I see. Then so will I.” Alex gestured toward the chair. “Josie?”

  “I’ll stand, too.” The better to move between them quickly if she had to.

  “Just as well, I guess,” Alex said. “This won’t take long. It boils down to one thing, really. I’m sure you didn’t drag Josie into that office, so I have to assume she cares for you.”

  Josie wasn’t comfy having her emotional state bandied about. “You don’t know that, Alex. It could be simply an overwhelming physical attraction.”

  “Come on, Josie. You were with this guy for six months last year. When he left you high and dry, you were destroyed.”

  She winced. “Not destroyed. Upset, maybe.”

  Alex seemed to realize he shouldn’t have revealed that much. “Well, okay, you were upset, a lot more than you would have been if the attraction were only physical. Besides, you’re not the type to have meaningless sex.”

  “Are you absolutely sure about that?” Josie faced her brother.

  “Well, yeah. Yeah, I am.”

  “You know what I think? I think you don’t like the idea that your baby sister might want to have meaningless sex, so you assume I’m not the type to do that.”

  Jack cleared his throat. “He’s right, Josie. You’re not the type.”

  She whirled on him. “You, too? Listen to me, boys. Girls can be interested in sex for its own sake, just like you manly men.”

  “I didn’t say they couldn’t,” Alex protested. “I just said it’s not like you, and I stand by that. It’s not. Especially given your history with Jack.”

  He was right, and she knew he was right, but damn it, she didn’t like having her feelings put on display when she had no idea how Jack viewed their situation.

  She crossed her arms protectively over her chest. “Do you have a point with your dissection of my emotional involvement?”

  “Yes. Because I think you are emotionally involved, and I want to know where Jack stands on the matter.”

  Josie wanted to die. Alex was trying to force some confession out of Jack. “You’re seriously asking about his intentions toward me?”