Chick with a Charm: A Babes on Brooms Novel Read online

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29


  Teaser chapter

  Praise for Vicki Lewis Thompson’s Hexy Romances

  Casual Hex

  “Thompson fans won’t be disappointed with her latest very charming addition to the Hex series, an entertaining tale of magic and mayhem.”

  —Romantic Times

  “Ms. Thompson weaves a romantic tale that’s sprinkled with magic and reinforced by love . . . a fast-paced read, and a great addition to the enchanting world of Big Knob. Readers will be looking forward to seeing who falls under the spell of the town’s magical matchmaking duo next.”

  —Darque Reviews

  “An enjoyable lighthearted story. . . . Fans will enjoy this jocular jaunt.”

  —Midwest Book Review

  Wild & Hexy

  “Each book that Vicki Lewis Thompson pens is an experience that will have you laughing from the start . . . simply delightful. Wild & Hexy is a zany adventure in romance and magic. Readers won’t be able to resist another visit with the inhabitants of Big Knob.”

  —Darque Reviews

  “An excellent addition that makes me eager for more! . . . You never really know what might happen in the small town of Big Knob, but you won’t want to miss a thing. A must read!”

  —Fallen Angel Reviews

  “There was so much going on in this book that I really didn’t want it to end. . . . wonderfully fun . . . a keeper for sure!”

  —Fresh Fiction

  “If you thought Over Hexed was phenomenal, wait until you read Wild & Hexy! . . . A rip-roaring good time.”

  —Romance Junkies

  “Get ready for a truly Wild & Hexy ride . . . brewing with lots of magical fun, mishaps, and most important of all—romance! . . . Vicki Lewis Thompson has penned a fun paranormal tale.”

  —Romance Reader at Heart

  “Pure FUN from first page to last!”

  —The Romance Readers Connection

  “Sassy, fun, and magical, Wild & Hexy is pure delight from the first page. . . . This novel is one you’ll want to read in one sitting, and then you’ll want to read it again.”

  —Romance Reviews Today

  “A fun book to read from start to finish.”

  —Once Upon a Romance Reviews

  Over Hexed

  “A snappy, funny, romantic novel.”

  —New York Times bestselling author Carly Phillips

  “Filled with laughs, this is a charmer of a book.”

  —The Eternal Night

  “The same trademark blend of comedy and heart that won Thompson’s Nerd series a loyal following.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “Thompson mixes magic, small-town quirkiness, and passionate sex for a winsome effect.”


  “A warm and funny novel, you find yourself cheering. I would definitely recommend it.”

  —The Road to Romance

  “This novel was brilliant. I laughed until I cried and it was a very fast read for me. This genre is the beginning of a new series for Thompson, and if this novel is any indication of the following books, then Thompson has hit the jackpot.”

  —Romance Reader at Heart

  “Vicki Lewis Thompson has a true flair for humor. Pick up Over Hexed and be prepared to be amused, delighted, and satisfied as Vicki Lewis Thompson takes you on an unforgettable ride.”

  —Single Titles

  “Vicki Lewis Thompson sure delivers with Over Hexed . . . a lighthearted tale that won’t soon be forgotten.”

  —Fallen Angel Reviews

  “With her wonderful talent of lighthearted humor, Vicki Lewis Thompson pens an enchanting tale for her amorous characters, steeping it in magic and enough passion to scorch the pages.”

  —Darque Reviews

  “Vicki Lewis Thompson has created another romance blended with humor to make you beg for more.”

  —Once Upon a Romance Reviews

  More Praise for Vicki Lewis Thompson

  “Count on Vicki Lewis Thompson for a sharp, sassy, sexy read. Stranded on a desert island? I hope you’ve got this book in your beach bag.”

  —Jayne Ann Krentz

  “Wildly sexy . . . a full complement of oddball characters . . . sparkles with sassy humor.”

  —Library Journal

  “A riotous cast of colorful characters . . . fills the pages with hilarious situations and hot, creative sex.”


  “Smart, spunky, and delightfully over-the-top.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “[A] lighthearted and frisky tale of discovery between two engaging people.”

  —The Oakland Press (MI)

  “Delightfully eccentric . . . humor, mystical ingredients, and plenty of fun . . . a winning tale.”

  —The Best Reviews

  “A funny and thrilling ride!”

  —Romance Reviews Today

  “A hilarious romp.”

  —Romance Junkies

  “Extremely sexy . . . over-the-top . . . sparkling.”


  “A whole new dimension in laughter. A big . . . BRAVO!”

  —A Romance Review







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  For Serra, who celebrates each visit to my house, tolerates pestering from my cat Eve, guards my door as if it were her own, and faithfully demonstrates the joy of living in the moment.


  Special thanks to the amazing art department at Penguin. I’ve loved all my covers, but the last two really make me smile! As always, I’m extremely grateful for the support from my editor, Claire Zion, my agent, Robert Gottlieb, and my assistant, Audrey Sharpe. I’m lucky to be surrounded with such talented and savvy people.

  Chapter 1

  In all her twenty-six years, despite being somewhat of a rebel, Lily Revere had never cast a spell on anyone. But dire circumstances called for drastic measures. She’d had a crush on Griffin Taylor for three months now, and she was tired of waiting for him to make a move. She needed his devoted attention beginning tonight.

  That required creating an elixir this afternoon before heading off to work, but her apartment manager would stroke out if she built a fire under a cauldron in the middle of her living room. Technically she could manage the fire without burning down the building, but she might set off the smoke alarm, which would alert the manager for sure. She was fond of this apartment, located a short bus ride from downtown Chicago.

  To avoid possible eviction, she’d abandoned the cauldron and settled for a fondue pot on the floor as she brewed her adoration elixir. She didn’t need much of it, anyway. A couple of drops slipped into Griffin’s drink during happy hour tonight should start the process.

  Her job as bartender would make that easy, and three hours after sipping his drink, Mr. Handsome would be fixated on her. If they had sex within twelve hours, the spell would strengthen, growing more powerful with each sexual encounter. Yummy prospect.

  Lily wouldn’t have to worry about being too tired to have sex with Griffin after work tonight. Performing magic jacked her up more than chugging down three triple espressos in a row. It was a side effect not experienced by many witches, but she’d inherited the tendency from a great-aunt and she’d learned to live with it.

  While Daisy, her golden retriever, watched expectantly, Lily opened the magic circle that contained the steaming fondue pot and a small basket of herbs.

  “Come, Daisy.” Lily beckoned the dog into the circle and guided her to sit on one side of the fondue pot. Daisy was critical to the project. She doted on Lily, and that was the quality Lily intended to transfer to the elixir.

  It seemed like the only way to get Griffin off the dime. He’d been a happy hour regular for weeks, and only a stupid woman would miss the heat in his hazel eyes when he looked at her.

  When he’d failed to go beyond those burning glances, she’d asked around, thinking he was engaged or married. Nope. Finally she’d taken the initiative and suggested meeting for coffee. He’d politely—and with obvious regret—turned her down.

  Lily wasn’t much given to analyzing a guy’s motives, but Griffin flipped all her switches, so she’d made an exception in his case. She’d concluded that his lawyerly self had decided they weren’t a good match based on her nontraditional job and cheeky personality. Lily thought that was plain dumb, especially considering the chemistry between them.

  Lily hadn’t been this interested in a guy in ages. On top of that, her older sister Anica’s budding romance with Jasper Danes had become annoying. If conservative, predictable Anica could end up with a hot guy like Jasper, then Lily should be able to snag someone of similar sex appeal.

  Griffin Taylor, for example. His close-cropped brown hair and square jaw made him look like a jock, an impression intensified by the way his suit jacket hugged his broad shoulders. Lily knew from barroom conversation that Griffin worked out and would probably look great naked, but he was also smart, and Lily really liked smart men.

  Anica and Jasper’s engagement party loomed on the horizon, and Lily wanted to go on Griffin’s arm. The elixir should guarantee it.

  Closing the magic circle, she sat on the opposite side of the fondue pot and gazed at her dog. She’d always wanted a dog and Anica had convinced her to adopt Daisy, probably hoping that would take Lily’s mind off her obsession with Griffin.

  Daisy was great—Lily couldn’t ask for a better companion, especially because the dog had turned out to possess more than a touch of magic herself. She seemed to understand every word Lily said and apparently could read a bit, too. If Lily asked Daisy to bring her Vogue from the magazine rack in the living room, the dog sorted through the rack and brought back Vogue.

  No doubt about it, Daisy was special and Lily was grateful to have found her. But when all was said and done Lily still wanted what Anica had: a guy who adored her.

  “Okay, Daisy, this is it. You must stay very still.” Taking a deep breath, Lily picked up a handful of herbs from the basket, sprinkled them in the steaming water and began to chant.

  “Pure devotion fills me up. I have found it with this pup.”

  Daisy regarded her with that wise, brown-eyed stare that was her trademark. Because Daisy was seven years old, she might not appreciate the pup reference, but Lily had discovered that very few good words rhymed with dog.

  She continued with the chant she’d created specifically for this spell. “Pure devotion, strong and true, makes a lover stick like glue. From the dog into the brew!”

  The mist that had hovered over the fondue pot gradually rose and swirled around Daisy’s head.

  Lily hadn’t tried this particular spell before, so she was pleased that at least something was happening. Daisy snorted, as if the moisture had gone up her nose, but she didn’t move from her assigned spot.

  Both Lily and Anica, a powerful witch in her own right, had evaluated Daisy after retrieving her from the animal shelter, and they’d concluded Daisy was an unusually sensitive dog in addition to being very smart. Apparently she was used to creating spells, because she’d taken Lily’s magical activities in stride.

  After the mist had swirled around Daisy’s head a while longer, it changed direction and dove into the fondue pot exactly the way a genie would disappear into a magic lamp. Lily was gratified with the results. Anyone watching would have to conclude that something from Daisy had been transferred into the liquid in the fondue pot.

  Lily hoped it was the devotion she’d talked about in the chant, and not some other doggie trait like ear scratching or tail wagging. By tonight she would know.

  As Griffin walked into the Bubbling Cauldron on Rush Street with his friends from work, he wondered for the hundredth time why he tortured himself. The brown-eyed, dark-haired beauty who tended bar wasn’t for him. He was looking for steady and serene, and Lily Revere was neither.

  After witnessing the destruction of his pare
nts’ marriage when he was eleven, he’d concluded two things: A guy should pay lots of attention to a woman’s personality before he walked down the aisle with her, and everyone in a divorce could end up the victim of an unscrupulous lawyer.

  Griffin had gone to law school to become a better divorce lawyer than those who had handled his parents’ split. In his practice he’d come to realize that many couples with totally opposite goals had been lured by something, usually good sex, into a marriage that never should have happened.

  If he were a different kind of man he might have had an affair with Lily. But he didn’t believe in purely recreational sex. When he went to bed with a woman, he wanted a connection that went beyond lust.

  He couldn’t see making that sort of connection with Lily. From everything he could tell, she was more interested in having a good time than planning a future. Griffin didn’t want a party girl, even if the blood sang in his veins every time he looked at her.

  He’d made love to her many times in his fantasies, though. Knowing that he would never act on those fantasies, he should steer his law-firm buddies to a different bar for happy hour and quit putting himself in temptation’s way. So far, for some reason he didn’t care to examine, he hadn’t been able to do that.