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Don't Eat That!
Don't Eat That! Read online
Text copyright © 2008 by Veronika Martenova Charles
Illustrations copyright © 2008 by David Parkins
Published in Canada by Tundra Books,
75 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, Ontario M5A 2P9
Published in the United States by Tundra Books of Northern New York,
P.O. Box 1030, Plattsburgh, New York 12901
Library of Congress Control Number: 2007943129
All rights reserved. The use of any part of this publication reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, or stored in a retrieval system, without the prior written consent of the publisher—or, in case of photocopying or other reprographic copying, a licence from the Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency—is an infringement of the copyright law.
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Charles, Veronika Martenova
Don’t eat that! / Veronika Martenova Charles; illustrated by David Parkins.
eISBN: 978-1-77049-015-4
1. Horror tales, Canadian (English). 2. Children’s stories, Canadian (English).
I. Parkins, David II. Title. III. Series: Charles, Veronika Martenova. Easy-to-read
spooky tales.
PS8555.H42242D55 2008 jC813’.54 C2007-907590-8
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program (BPIDP) and that of the Government of Ontario through the Ontario Media Development Corporation’s Ontario Book Initiative. We further acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council for our publishing program.
Title Page
In the Garden Part 1 The Fig Tree
(Leon’s Story)
The Storm
(My Story)
Uncle Wolf
(Marcos’ Story)
In the Garden Part 2
Where the Stories Come From
“I have a job for you today,”
my mother said.
“But Leon and Marcos
are coming over,” I told her.
“They can wait,” she said.
“What do I have to do?” I asked.
“Cut the grass,” she said.
“I’ll get the lawn mower.”
I waited in the garden
under a cherry tree.
The cherries were red and ripe.
I reached to pick one.
“Don’t eat that!” Mom shouted,
and she gave me the lawn mower.
Soon Leon and Marcos came.
“You’ll have to wait.
I won’t be long,” I said.
Marcos reached for a cherry.
“Don’t eat that!” I yelled at him.
“Why not?” Marcos asked.
“I don’t know,” I answered.
“My mom said not to eat that.”
“I know why,” said Leon.
“It’s because a small creature
might live in this cherry tree.
It could jump on you
and make you shrink.
Then you’d be small like a baby.”
“What?” I said,
and stopped cutting the grass.
“Okay,” said Leon.
“I’ll tell you a story.”
(Leon’s Story)
There was once a boy called Daku.
He lived with his tribe
in the bush.
Every time Daku went hunting
with his friends,
his grandmother would say,
“Don’t eat figs!”
She said human-like creatures
lived in the fig trees.
They would catch people,
swallow them, and spit them up
over and over again.
The people got smaller each time,
until they, too,
became small creatures.
But Daku laughed at the stories.
“Such creatures don’t exist,”
he would say to his friends.
“Grandma only says that
to scare me so that I’ll obey.”
One day, Daku and his friends
were hunting
far from their tribe’s camp.
They were hot and thirsty.
Nearby, stood a big fig tree,
bent low with fruit.
“Look!” called Daku.
“Let’s go and eat some!”
“No way!” said Daku’s friends.
“What if some creature
does live in the treetop?
We’re going back home.”
Never mind, thought Daku.
All the more figs for me to eat!
Daku went to the fig tree,
picked some fruit, and ate it.
It was juicy and sweet.
Something dropped onto his back.
Daku toppled over.
A red creature with a huge head
stared at him with hungry eyes.
Its fingers and toes
were like small suction cups.
Before Daku could run,
the creature pounced on him.
Daku felt stinging pain
all over his body.
He was too weak to resist.
Opening its toothless jaw,
the creature slurped him whole,
only to spit him out seconds later.
Daku felt dizzy and strange.
Suddenly he remembered
something else Grandmother said:
The creature only eats people
if they are alive.
Daku closed his eyes
and pretended to be dead.
The creature walked around him
and poked him with a stick,
but Daku didn’t move.
He lay still until night came.
Finally, the creature left
and climbed to the treetop.
Daku jumped up and ran
until he reached the camp.
“What happened?”
asked his grandmother.
“You ate some figs, didn’t you?”
“How did you know?” asked Daku.
“You’re smaller, that’s how.
It’s lucky you escaped.
Next time,
listen to what I tell you.”
And from then on, Daku did.
“Wow!” said Marcos.
“Did Daku go back to kindergarten
because he was so small?”
“Daku was a hunter,” said Leon.
“He didn’t go to school.”
“I wonder if he ever got back
to his normal size,” I said.
“Maybe, but only if
he stayed away from fig trees,”
said Marcos.
“I know why we should not eat
these cherries,” I said.
“If we eat them,
we could turn into
parrots or donkeys.”
“What do you mean?” asked Leon.
“Listen to this,” I said.
(My Story)
Avi and Ben were brothers.
Late one afternoon
they went to visit their aunt
in the next village.
Suddenly, a storm broke out.
The boys spotted a small cottage
by the road.
nbsp; The door was open.
From inside, two big dogs
ran to the door, barking.
Then, two women appeared
in the doorway.
“Don’t worry,” they said,
and called the dogs back.
The boys thought
the women looked kind.
“Please, may we stay the night?”
Avi asked them.
“Yes,” the women replied.
“Come in and have a bite to eat.”
When the boys sat down at the table,
Ben noticed something strange.
One woman was stirring
boiling soup with her fingers,
while the other one
took bread from the oven
with her bare hands!
Ben was scared.
They must be witches, he thought.
The women put soup and bread
in front of the boys.
“Don’t eat that!”
Ben whispered to Avi.
“I think we’d better be going,”
said Ben, pushing the food away.
“Nonsense,” said one woman.
“You MUST stay.
The storm is getting worse.”
She snapped her fingers,
and the dogs blocked the way.
“You can eat in the morning,”
the woman said.
Avi and Ben climbed up
to the loft, but did not sleep.
During the night they watched
through the railing to see
what the women were doing.
Around midnight,
one of the women opened the door
and sent the dogs out.
“Fetch,” she said.
Moments later, four donkeys
entered the cottage.
The women took their saddles off
and the donkeys turned into men.
The monstrous dogs watched
the men carry in water
and cut wood for the fire.
Then the men were fed
soup and bread. With every bite
they looked more like donkeys.
The women put their saddles on
and the dogs herded the donkeys
into the barn.
In the morning, the women laid
soup and bread on the table.
“You MUST eat before you go,”
they ordered.
“But we are late,” said Ben.
“Perhaps we could eat it
on the way,” said Avi.
“All right,” the women agreed.
They handed the food over.
The dogs followed the boys out.
“Thank you for the food,”
said the boys, and they ran
with the dogs racing after them.
No matter how fast the boys ran,
the dogs kept up behind them.
“The bread!” called Ben to Avi.
“Throw it!”
They threw it to the dogs.
When they turned back,
the dogs had finished the bread
and were turning into donkeys.
“Lucky we didn’t eat that!”
the brothers told each other.
They kept running all the way
to their aunt’s village.
But on the way back home,
they took a different path.
“I wonder what was in
that bread,” said Marcos.
“I think the witches spiced it
with a potion,” I said.
“They also had one for turning
people into pigs and chickens.”
“I bet your mom told you
not to eat the cherries because
she is going to make you
cherry pancakes,” Marcos said.
“Do you want to hear a story?
It’s about a girl who was told
not to eat pancakes.”
(Marcos’ Story)
Once there was a little girl
named Bella.
One day, she asked her mother
to make her some pancakes.
But Mother was so poor,
she didn’t even have a skillet.
“Go to Uncle Wolf’s house
and ask him to lend us
his frying pan,” said Mother.
Bella went to Uncle Wolf’s house.
“What do you want?” he asked.
“Mama sent me to borrow
your skillet,” said Bella.
Uncle Wolf opened the door
and gave it to her.
“Tell your mother to return it
full of pancakes,” said Uncle Wolf.
When Bella reached home,
she told her mother
what Uncle Wolf had said.
Mother made two pancake stacks.
One was for Bella
and one was for Uncle Wolf.
After Bella ate her pancakes,
Mother said,
“Now, take the pan of pancakes
back to Uncle Wolf,
and don’t eat any of them!”
Along the way, Bella began
to sniff the pancakes.
“They smell wonderful!
I think I will have one,” she thought.
She ate one, then another.
Soon the pancakes were all gone.
So, Bella scraped some mud
from the road, patted it flat,
and made a stack of mud cakes.
She reached Uncle Wolf’s house
and gave him the mud cakes.
Uncle Wolf bit into one.
“YUCK!” He spat it out.
“What is this?”
He looked at Bella and said,
“Tonight I will punish you.”
Bella ran to tell her Mother
what Uncle Wolf had said.
Mother closed all the windows
and doors, but she forgot about
the chimney.
When night came
and Bella went to bed,
she could hear Uncle Wolf.
“I’m going to punish you.
I’m right outside!”
Then Bella heard,
on the ceiling.
“I’m going to punish you.
I’m on the roof!”
Bella hid under the covers.
“I’m going to punish you.
I’m in the chimney!” he said.
Bella curled up in the corner.
“I’m going to punish you.
I’m in your room!”
Bella held her breath.
“Now I’m at your bed …!”
“Leon!” shouted Marcos.
“You’re not listening.
What are you doing?” he asked.
Leon was standing under the tree
squishing the fallen cherries
with his foot.
“Look! The cherries are moving!”
Leon called.
We went to take a look.
Leon was right.
The cherries were moving,
because they were full of worms.
They worms were fat and white,
and they wiggled all around.
“What’s wrong?” I asked Marcos.
“I’m going to be sick,” he said.
“He ate those cherries
when you were cutting grass,”
Leon told me.
My mother came into the garden.
“Aren’t you finished yet?”
she asked.
“What’s taking you so long?”
“Leon feels sick,” I told her.
“He ate the wormy cherries.”
“I should have told you about
the worms,” said my mother.
“But I didn’t think
you needed to hear the details.
Anyway, I made you some snacks.
Are you coming in?” she asked.
“Thanks, Mom,” I said.
“But we’re not very hungry now.”
What do you think happens next
in Uncle Wolf’s story?
How can Bella save herself?
Can she make things right?
What can she offer to do?
Have fun inventing the ending
of the story yourself.
Many folktales warn the hero
not to eat things, often fruit.
The Fig Tree is inspired by
an Australian legend
about a vampire-like being.
The Storm is from Eastern Europe,
and Uncle Wolf is based on
an Italian folktale. The story of
the boys eating wormy cherries
comes from my childhood. I have
remembered it to this day!
Veronika Martenova Charles, Don't Eat That!
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