Psychic Prison Read online

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  With my captivity, I really didn't need the added pain. Compared to the hospital, there weren't any orders to administer me pain medication, let alone the common use of Tylenol or Advil to aid me with my troubles.

  "You're a monarch."

  I'm a what?

  "Monarch. It's not hard to understand."

  Oh, I understood what you said the first time, but you're trying to imply that I'm some sort of individual with high authority?

  "You're a powerful supernatural."

  Cool story bro, but I'm unaware of what I am, and I'm pretty positive you're unsure yourself.

  "Working on it." least you making conversation is better than counting cacti.

  There was a long pause.

  Cactus 1. Cactus 7. Cactus 10.

  Why did you return to counting?!

  "I'm bored of talking with you."

  My feelings are hurt.

  "Your thoughts and responses within your mind are rather opposite from your behavior on the outside," she randomly pointed out.

  I knew what she was referring to, and there was a perfect reason for it. On the outside, I looked like a crazy psycho. I was reserved and generally stared into space. That was what the hospital psychiatrist concluded when she attempted to help me 'recover' with the single session I was granted.

  You can't fix multiple problems that arise from trauma in one fucking session. Thus, the reason why I didn't bother playing their silly games. All they wanted was the information to write into their files and use against me in the court of law.

  Their thoughts were focused upon what a waste of time their interactions with me were. How my future was already written, and their assessments were useless in helping me in any way.

  It was their job, a duty to follow the same protocols and procedures their company bestowed upon me, but my health and overall well-being was not their concern.

  They really didn't care.

  Only a few days with the ability to hear others' thoughts, and I'd decided to not make myself vulnerable in the eyes of such inconsiderate, self-centered individuals. Humans were far worse in comparison to the few supernaturals I'd encountered on my way to my determined fate, but did it matter?

  Someone's first opinion of you was all they needed to put you in a box of judgment until you changed their mind. I was the weak, skinny, Asian-white chick of unknown background, with amnesia and a fuck-worthy body, destined to be locked up for a crime I was positive I didn't commit.

  At least if I had, it would have been nice to feel whatever level of confidence I must have carried to do just that. My decision to act and walk in solitude was out of protection.

  It would keep me somewhat off of the radar, or my actions would be easily dismissed due to my psychosis. That way, I could focus on what I needed to discover in myself.

  To try and dig whatever memories must be buried deep down in my subconscious.

  I remained silent for a long time, and when I finally answered the voice, I was confident in my reasoning.

  We experienced death for a short period of time and woke up in that hospital bed. From that moment onward, I learned how cruel this world can be and how people can be so easily used and dismissed for the sake of saving someone else of power. This persona will protect us. Long enough to try and figure out where we stand. From the knowledge we carry, we're going to have no choice but to figure out what got us here...or who put us here. The weak get picked on in prison, and we're not going to endure such circumstances. With you...and those I trust, I'll share the me that I'm comfortable with, but these prisoners and people in power will know I'm not here to play around.

  My eyes lowered to my handcuffs, my magenta-purple orbs glaring at them with resentment.

  These shackles won't stop me. This is all temporary, and once I have my footing and gain the knowledge I need to have an advantage, we'll begin our journey towards freedom.

  The internal declaration quickly flickered a vision in my mind, and there I saw four women. The sound of a honk tried to tug me out of it, but I didn't let it faze me while my focus drifted further into the image that became clearer in my head.

  The four of them were vastly different. One had long brown strands with bits of gold. The longer I looked at her, the further her appearance began to morph until the same woman now had gorgeous turquoise strands and confident black eyes that shifted to a gorgeous mix of amber. The previous navy-blue vest to pants attire was now a stunning white dress that gave off princess vibes.

  She wore a golden crown, bejeweled with various colored gems, and she was grinning confidently back at me, a switch from her previous naive expression.

  The second girl's hair was vivid blue with multiple purple highlights. The pigment was intense enough to give off the impression it was neon-colored. She wore casual clothes and her shocking grey eyes contained hints of gold.

  As my focus remained on her, the previous appearance shifted over to a new look. Her short hair was now long and levitated, while her eyes were striking gold. Confidence oozed off of her as she stood with her arms crossed, wearing an orange jumpsuit.

  She wore a beaming smile, giving off the impression she was a person you'd have fun being around. Compared to the others, it seemed she was the most laid back, but that didn't affect the strength she portrayed in waves.

  Her image didn't change while my gaze lingered on her, almost as if she was a mystery I had to discover on my own. With that conclusion, it was time to move on.

  I shifted my gaze to the third woman. The long orange to gold strands of her hair reminded me of raging flames. She wore a stunning black dress, the intriguing design on the material replicating branches in the midst of blossoms of various colors.

  What almost took my breath away was her massive black wings; their arched beauty could leave anyone speechless. Her lavender eyes were intriguing, their radiant dominance leaving me shivering in this odd vision.

  She wasn't smiling, but her expression that looked back at me was full of pride.

  Finally, the last individual standing to my far right. I had to take a double-take, glancing at her and back at the first woman to see that they weren't the same person.

  There were obvious differences. This final woman had neon gold hair with vivid orange and red highlights. Her eyes were like a prism, with shocking blues, pinks, and purples that stood out in comparison to the other woman.

  They were the same height, but this woman carried the most power out of the bunch. She casually stood with her hand up, a ball of glowing power gathering in the palm of her hand.

  She wore a skin-tight dress and a dark crown on her head, leaving my imagination to ponder on what side of the spectrum she was on in comparison to the first woman who wore a gold one.

  They both had the same type of jeweled designs, and I was left to only wonder what the symbolism of them meant. The image began to fade away, but I clung to it as tightly as I could when the four women took a step to the side, leaving a space in the middle for one more individual.

  A figure came from the dark shadows behind them, the clicks and clacks of heels making my heart beat like raging thunder. The dominance, the power, the absolute submission I felt to bow and give in to this individual's requests and desires.

  If it wasn't for my frozen body, I would have bowed to her every command, but what left me in a state of shock was when the light shone upon her like she'd walked upon a stage.

  Long, slightly waved hair shifted from black to purple. A single section of blue highlight in the front strands of her dazzling hairstyle portrayed her rebellious side.

  Slim, fit body, long matte black nails, commanding purple eyes, and a koi fish tattoo in the merged shape of a dragon - the same shoulder sleeve tattoo that rested on my right arm.

  The simplistic black dress was mixed with leather straps and a leather corset to accent the woman's slim waist. Her hair blew with every step she took, and the silver necklace she wore around her neck had the single sym
bol of a butterfly with its wings spread out.

  The electrifying power of light purple and blue surged around her commanding presence and the same static energy formed the charged crown that hovered over her head.

  Words wouldn't be able to describe her magisterial capacities, but I could feel it within my very soul, and I had no doubt in my mind that the woman I was staring at was indeed me.

  She stood amongst the four individuals, and the vision that began to fade away told me that these women would all have a purpose in my life at some point in time.

  Those who sent me to this path would have never done so if they believed I'd find a way out, but I was confident this new circumstance was only the beginning of me unlocking my true potential deep within.

  My lost memories didn't matter. I'd regain them in due time, and staring into this woman's purple eyes that glinted with magenta and light blue told me more.

  Be patient. Observe and listen to the words - spoken and unspoken - and work towards becoming far greater than the woman you are now. You are powerful. You are a threat. You are a monarch. Remember your place within the walls of captivity and harm will never bestow itself upon you. The weak are always walked upon, but the strong are respected.

  The words of encouragement that came from our intense stare gave me hope. It reassured me that this wasn't the end. I'd have to grow into the person I once was. This very well could be a blessing in disguise. All I had to do was follow the path to where it would lead me.

  The slam of the door of the vehicle jolted me out of the vision, leaving me to wonder if I'd fallen asleep or was in a complete daze.

  Fuck...did I fall asleep?

  "Cactus You were in a trance of sorts. Saw something pretty?"

  The voice sounded intrigued by what I'd seen or experienced.

  Did you see what I saw?

  "Somewhat," she admitted.

  What was that?

  Her response was stopped by the car door opening up, and the driver leaning down to look at my blank expression as I glanced his way.

  "We're here. Wait as I get the security to come over and sign you in."

  I purposely lifted my handcuffed wrists, showing off the cuffs like they were my latest fashion accessory.

  "Not going anywhere, Sir. Carry on with your duties. I'll sit right here and continue talking to the voice in my head."

  My voice was dry with sarcasm, and my added smile only creeped out the poor driver, causing him to go into a quick frenzy. He closed the door with a slam and swiftly made his way to the massive gates.

  As curious as I was to see the outside of these walls, a part of me felt it was rather useless to bother. I was going to be stuck inside. If I had the opportunity to break out, it wouldn't be from the front gates.

  As you were about to say?

  "A vision of the future," she revealed.

  So that was us?


  We're that...powerful?

  "Our lack of power is from our amnesia situation. Doubt and fear only bring one down in the house of strength and persistence. Build up the areas where you lack. Bring them up until their walls are impenetrable, and there you'll find the power you seek and confidence you once proclaimed as your own."

  You sound like a guru.

  "Returning to my counting."

  There's no more cacti to count.

  A long pause was followed with, "Rock one. Rock t-"

  How are you even seeing the rocks?!

  "I have a wider peripheral vision than you do," she announced. "Drivers coming. Prepare for exit and entry."

  Thanks for the warning.

  She went back on with her counting, the driver returning with two other men. Their guard uniforms were black with purple and gold outlining. They had badges on their left chest pocket and were fully armed.

  Some of the weapons on their waists were far from normal. My memory didn't need to be on point to know the obvious look of the black gun, but the intriguing whip that was wrapped around a clip hook was giving me a bit of excitement.

  How would that feel against your skin in bed?

  "Seems your pleasurable tendencies haven't changed."

  Come again?

  "Funny," she sarcastically noted. "Rock 2305."

  I wasn't joking like that! Also, how did you jump to 2305?

  "There are a lot of rocks on the ground. That one is shiny. I want it."

  Do you have a rock problem?

  "Shiny jewels bring joy to me. Don't ignore it."

  That's not a jew-

  "Me. Want. It."


  The door opened up and the driver reached in to unlock the additional chain that kept me in my spot within the car.

  "Out you go, crazy!"

  "Finally. Someone acknowledges my fragile mind," I said dully while taking my time getting out of the car.

  The two security guards exchanged looks, their eyes taking a long, observant glance down my thin frame. I made a silent vow to make sure I ate a lot to gain some weight.

  If I was cursed with a fast metabolism, that plan would be fucked, but that also meant I'd get to eat more food.

  Good or bad...hmm.

  "Shiny rock!"

  Right, right, right. I'll ask for your rock. Jeez.

  "Take her away, boys. Good riddance. We have enough nut cases in the open."

  Even with his weak insults, I gave him a prideful grin, my eyes twinkling with mockery.

  "Thanks," I told the driver and gave him a saucy wink. "If we ever see each other again, let's play Rock-Paper-Scissors."

  The fear in his eyes made me giggle maliciously, and the security guards forced me to move forward.

  We only took a few steps before my body was forced to stop - not by the guards, but my own feet fought to move a step further.

  "Let's move it!" the guard to my right ordered, but I lowered my gaze to the floor until my eyes locked onto a very specific rock.

  It didn't seem to be a rock, at least that's not what it began to shift into. It truly was a crystal of some sort. It triggered some thoughts of various crystals that were used in astrology to spiritually aid you with connecting to the universe.

  The way it glittered reminded me of pyrite, the stone for abundance and riches. The longer I stared at it, the further it tugged at my being, and I made the automatic decision that it was now mine to proclaim.

  "Move it!" The guard to my left tried to tug me forward, but I looked up at him.

  "No." My voice went cold. "I want to stay here."

  The man's angry voice shifted to confused before he quickly nodded. "Yes, Your Majesty."

  Majesty? That's new.

  I looked at the man on my right. "That rock. The one that twinkles. Pick it up and put it in my pocket."

  "Yes, Your Majesty," he replied without hesitation, leaning over to pick up the specific rock I'd requested and with ease put it in the right pocket of my black tights.

  "If anyone asks, say the rock keeps me grounded, prevents me from losing it, and no one shall remove it from my grasp," I ordered both of them. "Absolutely no one, or I'll bring this whole prison down."

  "Yes, Your Majesty!" they both agreed, leaving me to smile with satisfaction. "We may go now."

  As if those words snapped them out of the trance they were in, the two of them exchanged frightened looks before swiftly moving me forward - with delicacy - to the entrance gates.

  That...was fucking awesome! How did I do that?

  "The power of fearlessness can make a crowd bow to your every desire. Remember that when you're in situations that test your worth." Her wise words were followed with, "Thanks for getting my rock. It'll bring us divinity when the time is right."

  Why do I feel like we have a thing for shiny stones?

  I only said "we" because now that the stone was in my possession, I felt a tinge of power from it. The events occurring moments earlier already were making this prison thing tolerable, and the stone was a reminder o
f my new ability.

  "They have a purpose. You'll thank me later."


  Who was I to argue? I now had the apparent abilities to see the future and command random people to do my bidding when I wanted something strongly enough.

  We reached the set of massive, fifteen-feet-tall gates. The loud sound of them opening up made all of this more real. The reality was sinking in. My fate was somehow determined by whoever plotted for my captive demise, but the hint of fear that tugged at me was crushed by the motivation to survive.

  This wasn't the end. Only the beginning.

  Before entering this hell of imprisonment, can I at least know your name?

  The voice paused in her counting, and when she spoke, it was with the softest touch of emotion.


  The simplicity of her name gave me a wave of calm, filling a part of me that felt lost and incomplete. Her name triggered an emotional longing, a bond that I knew would grow if we relied on one another like we once had before our amnesia predicament.

  A smirk grazed my lips, and I closed my eyes for a moment.

  Saphire. Let us begin this new journey, together. I may be a novice with many of my past skills and abilities, and I surely won't be perfect, but continue to guide me with your bouts of wisdom. Protect me if I need a shield to reflect harm. We will discover our past, and that discovery will lead us to our destined future."

  "Your words of commitment bring me joy and pride. I accept your offer of friendship and together, this partnership will blossom into what we once had and more."

  Opening my eyes, I noticed the tall man waiting for me in the middle of the open gates. His uniform was like the others, and his hard stare met my calm eyes.

  "What is your name, prisoner?" His emotionless inquiry only made me smile, and I hoped my boost in boldness sparkled in my magenta-purple eyes.

  "Alisha Butterfly."

  This was the start of my rise towards my supernatural monarchy.

  Psychic Prison For Supernaturals

  "LISTEN UP, NEW PRISONERS! I'm not repeating shit, so sit the fuck down and pay attention!"

  My tired eyes blinked a few times. I attempted to stay awake as I watched the other prisoners make the hard decision of finding a seat in the small room that looked like a classroom.