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- Trouble in the Tunnel (Thomas
Rev. W. Awdry
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Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends™
Based on The Railway Series by The Reverend W Awdry.
© 2010 Gullane (Thomas) LLC.
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends and Thomas & Friends are trademarks of Gullane (Thomas) Limited.
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All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Random House Children’s Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, and in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Trouble in the tunnel / illustrated by Richard Courtney. — 1st ed.
p. cm. — (Step into reading)
“Based on The Railway Series by The Reverend W. Awdry.”
“Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends created by Britt Allcroft.”
eISBN: 978-0-375-98393-1
I. Courtney, Richard, ill. II. Awdry, W. Railway series. III. Thomas the tank engine and friends.
PZ7.T5335 2010
[E]—dc22 2010005871
Random House Children’s Books supports the First Amendment and celebrates the right to read.
Title Page
First Page
Other Thomas & Friends e-books
Peep! Peep!
Thomas was going
to the Mainland.
Cranky lifted him
onto a raft.
“Goodbye!” called Thomas.
The boat sailed to sea.
Thomas bobbed
behind on the raft.
Soon night came.
Thomas could not see.
But he could hear.
Crack! Crash!
The chain snapped.
“Help!” cried Thomas.
The boat
chugged away.
Thomas was all alone.
Thomas was scared!
The next morning,
the raft floated
to a far-off island.
How would Thomas find
his way back to Sodor?
Thomas rattled
around a bend.
He stopped.
Three strange engines
were in front of him!
“I’m Bash,”
said one.
“I’m Dash,”
said another.
“I’m Ferdinand,”
peeped the last.
The new engines said
they could help Thomas.
But they were silly.
They made jokes.
They teased Thomas.
He huffed away.
He puffed up hills.
He chuffed past rocks.
He raced along the track.
Thomas was lost.
Now he needed help!
Thomas found Bash,
Dash, and Ferdinand.
“I need help,”
said Thomas.
“Will you tell me
how to get home?”
The engines took Thomas
to an old tunnel.
“This leads to Sodor,”
they said.
They puffed inside.
The tunnel was dark.
The tracks were twisty.
Smash! Crash!
Rocks tumbled down.
Thomas and the engines
were stuck!
The engines had a plan.
They told Thomas to
puff as hard as he could.
Thomas’ puffs rose
high into the sky.
Back on Sodor,
Percy wondered
where Thomas was.
Then he saw three puffs!
“Thomas!” cried Percy.
He whooshed away
to get help.
Thomas heard something
in the tunnel.
“We’ll save you!”
peeped Percy.
The engines from Sodor
bashed through the rocks.
Thomas was rescued.
Christmas in Wellsworth
Little Engines Can Do BIG Things
Lost at Sea!
Misty Island Rescue
Thomas and the Treasure
Thomas Breaks a Promise
Thomas-saurus Rex
Trouble in the Tunnel (Thomas, Rev. W. Awdry
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