Naughty Bedtime Stories: First Taste Read online

Page 11

  “Sure thing, Taya. Thank you for sticking around all day, I really appreciate it since it’s been so crazy.”

  “No problem at all, girl. I’ll see you on Thursday!” Waving goodbye, Taya walked briskly toward the back, ready to head home to her boyfriend.

  A pang of sadness filled Shayna. After all, what did she have to get home to? An empty apartment? Sure it was filled with what she loved the most - pictures of her family, a great kitchen and her beloved books, but lately she missed getting home to someone, having someone waiting for her when her day was long, to share her troubles and happy times with. Shaking her head, she made her way to the reception area. Though Taya had said she just had to punch in the security code before she left, as usual, Shayna wanted to make sure everything was okay before going home.

  Everything looked perfect. The desk was clean, no papers lying around from the day, computer shut down and the cash in the safe. The display of the food and toys for the dogs and cats was neatly put on shelves or racks. Suppressing a yawn, Shayna reached up to turn off the light when a flash of red and blue outside the clinic stopped her.

  Frozen, she was unsure of what was happening. Was there trouble in the neighborhood? There had been some gruesome robberies lately. Granted, it wasn’t the best area in town, but seeing a police car screeching to a halt in front of her doors was unusual. Furrowing her brows, her hand still reaching out toward the light switch, she noticed movement from the car. Seconds later, a set of broad shoulders emerged. The man’s uniform was filthy and thorn and soot smeared his face. Drawing in a breath, Shayna was suddenly taken aback by his raw masculinity. She couldn’t see his eyes, but his strong chin, unruly blond hair and strong hands made her heart beat faster. Surprised by her emotions for this stranger, Shayna was shaken.

  The police officer didn’t immediately walk to the front doors of the clinic. Instead, he opened the back door of the car and reached inside. Shayna moved toward the doors to get a better look and when she saw what he retrieved from the car, she dropped everything. In his arms was a dog - clearly wounded.

  Shayna rushed toward the front doors, grabbing her keys from her pocket. The moment the police man was at the door, she flung them open and ushered him inside.

  “Can you help? He’s been shot, I…”

  Seeing the cop close to tears because of his dog’s pain, melted Shayna’s heart.

  “Let’s get him into the examinations room, so I can see where he’s been hit. I might need to take a x-ray to rule out broken bones.” Shayna opened the door into the first room.

  He gently laid his friend on the table, keeping a hand on his fur for comfort. Blood dripped from the dog’s shoulder blade, and fear lodged into Shayna’s throat.

  “Whatever you have to do, please do it. I just want him to survive.” The man’s breath was labored and tears threatened to fall as his hands shook.

  Shayna gently touched his arm, but he recoiled immediately. Looking up at him while she moved her stethoscope around to listen to the dog’s vitals, she felt herself being drawn in by the man’s green eyes. Mentally giving herself a shake, she removed the stethoscope, hung it around her neck and walked over to a cabinet where she fiddled with the bottles to find the right one. Once she found it, she turned back toward the cop and his dog.

  “I will do everything that I can. Right now, I have to sedate him for an x-ray. I need to make sure the bullet didn’t penetrate bone.”

  She waited for the cop to acknowledge her.

  “What’s his name?” she asked gently.

  “Kay… His… His name is Kay.”

  A few minutes later, the dog was sound asleep, and Shayna readied him to take the pictures. When she rolled Kay inside the x-ray room, the cop attempted to follow, but Shayna blocked him.

  “Sorry, but I can’t let you go in here because of the rays from the machine. There’s a couch outside in the waiting room, if you don’t mind. Depending on the results, I’ll most likely operate while he is still sedated.”

  Nodding his understanding, he took two steps back. Before closing the door, she looked at him and saw how lost he was. Turning back to the dog, she prepared the machinery.

  “Alright, sweetheart. Let’s get those pictures of you and get you back to your daddy.”

  Later, as she looked at the films, Shayna sighed in relief. The bone was intact, the bullet didn’t go through. An image of the cop petting his dog with his big, strong hands popped into her mind and a shiver races down her spine.

  It was official. She needed to get laid. Maybe she should go in to one of those online shops for a battery driven friend once all this was over. Shayna shoved all her inappropriate thoughts away and locked them deep into her mind. She had a dog to save.

  * * *

  Ryan sat on the couch in the waiting room as Shayna asked. He hated waiting. It had been one of the worst days in his career as a K-9 cop. Seeing Kay go down after a shot had been fired was scary as hell – all that blood. Rage burned through Ryan’s veins. If he ever got his hands on the jackass who fired at his dog, there would be hell to pay. Ryan started pacing, his mind whirled with emotions and he couldn’t seem to turn them off.

  Luck was on his side that the vet hadn’t left before he’d arrived. Taking a chance, he drove down this way, instead of straight to the vet his unit was attached to. He wasn’t sure if Kay would’ve survived the trip downtown. Ryan had noticed the sign on earlier trips to this neighborhood, and had decided to drive by. All he saw was the light on and a shadow inside. Truth be told, he didn’t quite notice her at first, his focus had been on Kay, but the second she put her hand on his arm to comfort him everything stopped.

  Her blue eyes showed him understanding and compassion and her hands had been gentle not only with him, but with Kay as well. She was professional to the core, yet he longed for nothing more than to run his fingers through her golden locks, get that white coat off her to explore what was hidden underneath and slowly kiss her everywhere. Just thinking of her and those luscious lips, blood began rushing to his cock.

  Shaking his head to clear it, Ryan resumed his pacing for a bit, until he gave up and sat down on the couch once more. Running his hands through his hair, he tired to go through what happened earlier; after all he still had a report to fill out when he got back to the precinct. He needed to think of something, anything to keep his mind from the vet, her sweet ass, and Kay’s pain.

  * * *

  Opening the door, Shayna peeked out to wave the officer inside. He was sitting on her couch, head in his hands looking absolutely lost and her heart melted. All she wanted to do was go over there, run her hands through his hair, kiss him silly and tell him it will all be all right. Truth be told, she wanted to do more than that.

  She cleared her throat to get his attention and his head snapped up. His eyes zeroed in on her like a missile. Standing up, he walked briskly over to Shayna and she opened the door a little more, to grant him access. Having him inside the tiny room, made her even more aware of him. Sensitive to how close he was standing, how his heat seeped into her, while his scent wrapped around her she closed her eyes.

  Whoa. She took a deep breath, trying to find her calmness and her professionalism, but failing miserably. This is so not the time, girl. Don’t even go there. She opened her eyes and looked up at the cop. With her five foot-six inches frame she felt tiny beside him. He was at least a foot taller than her, not to mention he wasn’t on the skinny side either. He was broad and very muscular, built like a street fighter.

  “I have good news and bad news.” Glancing at him, she could see the tension working in his jaws. “The good news is that the bullet didn’t fracture the bone. The bad is that the bullet was lodged in there.” Shayna pointed at a dense point in the picture. “It’s right there; can you see it? It doesn’t look like it was a close up shot though, especially since the damage is minimal. But I will have to keep him through the night, just to make sure that there will be no complications.”

  “He w
ill be alright?” Hope fired in his eyes. He was still in his dirty uniform; torn in places and covered with dirt and blood, yet the fierceness in his eyes and his body language drew her closer to him. His tentative smile made her knees weak.

  Dear god… that smile and those dimples.

  All she wanted to do was touch him, feel him. She couldn’t even form the words, so she simply nodded. Relief flashed across his handsome face, and he pulled her into his arms, kissing her on the top of her head, laughter bubbling from him.

  “Thank you.” His arms were still around her, and in a blink of the eye, he turned more serious. Shayna looked at him and his eyes searched hers catching her off guard.

  “I…. I better get ready for tonight. I’m sure you have a ton of paperwork to get done as well.” Inwardly she wanted to smack herself. Way to go, Shayna. Perfect timing.

  The cop released her, and took a step back.

  “You’re right, I do. I hate leaving him like that though…” Indecision clouded his face.

  “Tell you what. Leave me your number and if anything happens, I’ll give you a call right away, okay?”

  A twinkle came alive in his eyes and a crooked smile played across his face. “If you wanted my number, all you had to do was ask.” He winked at her, and Shayna could feel heat rising in her cheeks. At least he found his humor now that he knew Kay was going to make it.

  “Funny. A name with the number would be nice while you’re at it.”

  The smile slid off his face just as quickly as it appeared. “Ryan Michaels. Sorry, I was just…”

  Shayna held up her hand to stop him.

  “It’s all right, your focus was on Kay. Truth be told, so was mine.” Shayna extended her hand out. “I’m Shayna Mitchell.”

  For a slow second, Ryan just looked at her before he took her hand. Instead of shaking it, he turned it over and kissed her knuckles while looking her in the eyes. The tension almost unbearable, like a bow that had been strung too hard.

  Shayna’s breathing changed when the intensity in Ryan’s eyes grew stronger, making it harder for her to breathe. Still, he held her hand, unwilling to let her go.

  * * *

  Moving closer to her, Ryan slipped a hand around her waist and pulled her closer. He touched her cheek gently. They were so close, Ryan could see the little flecks of green in her blue eyes. Her lips were slightly parted and his gaze locks on them. Pulling her even closer, her eyes open a little wider and he knew she could feel his engorged cock.

  Yeah, sweetheart. You have that effect on me. Most likely half the male population as well. Leaning closer, he was half an inch from kissing her when his radio crackled to life.

  “Dispatch to Officer Michaels. Dispatch to Officer Michaels. Come in.”

  Sighing, Ryan releases Shayna and reaches for his radio. Fuck. So close. Cursing in his mind, he reached for the radio, regretting like hell that dispatch chose to contact him now. Five more minutes and she could’ve been under him, writhing in pleasure while he was driving his dick into her over and over. A small sigh escaped him when he answered the radio.

  “Michaels to dispatch. I’m here, come in.”

  * * *

  Static from the radio filled the silence in the room, and Shayna took a step back.

  What the hell just happened? I never do this. Shaking her head at her silliness, she stored away her disappointment of not being kissed and moved into the recovery room to check on Kay. She needed to make sure his vitals were stable, and that he was recovering from the anesthesia.

  She tried to ignore Ryan in the background talking to the dispatch, since she didn’t want to intrude.

  While Shayna was checking Kay, Ryan walked in. The very second he was in the room, she could feel his presence. He had an aura that was impossible to ignore. It radiated and enveloped her.

  “How’s it looking? Is he alright?” His deep tone sent shivers down her spine, making her toes curl and her pussy throb to life.

  Removing her stethoscope, she inwardly sighed at the sight of him; the damaged uniform was a perfect fit, making it impossible to ignore the planes and ridges of his muscles. His skin was tanned, a five o’clock shadow evident on his strong chin, adding to the rough sexiness. Looking into his green eyes, Shayna was drawn to him yet again. They smoldered, and when his sinful, luscious lips turned up into a small smile, she could feel her knees weaken.

  “Get a grip of yourself, girl! You’re a mess.” Scolding herself helped her maintain focus. Kay… He asked about Kay, how he was doing.

  Mentally kicking herself in the ass for behaving like a total moron, she opened her mouth to respond. “He’s waking up. Everything looks fine. I still want to keep him here for the night though. Just in case something should happen.”

  Nodding, Ryan moved closer to Shayna.

  “Will he be able to walk properly?”

  “From what limited experience I have with gun shots, I would say he should have no problems at all. No major nerves were damaged, which is good. I can’t guarantee that there won’t be periods where he will be in some pain from the wound; especially when it gets colder, but he should physically have no problems.”

  “Physically? Will there be mental damage?”

  Shayna raised her arms, palms up. “I don’t know. Just like people, animals can get mental scars after traumatic experiences. There are no studies yet, because frankly, most people don’t give a damn and think it’s easier to just euthanize and start all over with a new dog. Basically, your guess will most likely be better than mine, since you know Kay better than me.”

  Ryan stood close to Shayna, stroking Kay’s fur slowly. Seeing how tender he was with the dog made Shayna long to feel those hands on her own skin, making her crazy with need.

  “He’s a good dog and my friend. I’ll do anything I can to help him mend. Even if he never gets back to work again. Doesn’t matter. As long as he’s alive and well.”

  Leaning a hip on the table Shayna turned toward Ryan. “Kay’s your first service dog?”

  “No. But he’s the first one I trained myself.”

  Standing with his arms crossed and his legs a shoulder width apart, he looked strong. Shayna reached out to touch his forearm.

  “It gives you two a special bond. I’ve seen it a number of times.” Shayna smiled gently.

  “Have you worked with service dogs before?”

  “Professionally, no. I’ve always wanted to, but can’t get in.” Shayna shrugged. “I saw my dad work with service dogs for many years, and I watched the bond grow between them. It was beautiful and magical at the same time.” Shayna chuckled. “Although, if you ask my mom…he was married to his dogs, not to her.”

  Ryan placed his palm over hers. His large hand covered hers completely, making her feel even smaller, but very secure at the same time. Heat seeped from him to her core, making her pulse jump. A shiver raced through Shayna’s body, robbing her, once again, of her breath.

  “You speak as if he’s no longer here.”

  Her smile slid off her face. Pulling her hand from his grip, Shayna hugged herself before moving away from him. “He was killed on duty. Shot. Bear tried to protect him to the end, but he was shot as too.” Tears welled up in her eyes at the memory. She had been the first one there, had seen the perpetrator shoot both her dad and his dog.

  “I’m sorry for asking. I didn’t mean to bring up painful memories.” Ryan pulled her in for a hug, comforting her. When she quietly began to cry, he held on and stroked her back gently over and over, trying to soothe her.

  “Thank you. Guess I needed that. “A sigh escaped Shayna. “Mom never wanted to talk about it, and I’ve just lived with it. I was there when it happened. Saw the whole thing. I guess seeing you with Kay brought up more than I thought it would. Sorry.”

  She tried to pull away from Ryan’s comfort, but he tightened his hold on her. Confused, she looked up at him.

  One hand still firmly held her around her waist, the other one cradled her face and h
is thumb gently stroked away stray tears.

  “Never apologize for showing your emotions. They don’t make you weak, but stronger. Losing your father must’ve been traumatic, but seeing it happen, and then not talking about it to anyone…” Ryan shook his head.

  Shayna gave him a weak smile. “I survived.”

  * * *

  When Ryan heard her last words, something in him snapped. She was so strong, or at least she appeared to be. Underneath she was frail, insecure and had more courage than some cops he knew. Mine. Without another thought, he leaned in and kissed her.

  Her sharp intake of breath revealed her surprise, but it only lasted for a few seconds. Her hands snaked up around his neck.

  Her lips were soft, inviting and tasted like strawberries. To him, Shayna felt like a fresh breath, like a bout of rain on a dry summer day.

  * * *

  The kiss began tentative, but soon became a rhythmic dance. Sucking, licking and little nips from both of them increased the tension. Ryan pulled her even closer, flush against his own fevered, hot body. A small groan escaped her lips when she felt how much he wanted her. The evidence pressed against her stomach.

  His cock felt hard and huge and she knew he would fill her more than enough. Her clit throbbed with the need to be touched, her breasts ached and she leaned closer to him, pressing them against his hard chest.

  When he released her lips, a small sound of complaint escaped Shayna’s lips, only to be replaced by a moan seconds after when Ryan began exploring her neckline with his lips, tongue and teeth. His hands traveled down her back to her ass, grabbing and lifting her to accommodate his height. Shayna needed no more encouragement as she wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning into his mouth. Grabbing her ass harder, he thrusted against her, causing delicious friction that both of them craved.

  Almost there, almost… Just a little harder. Shayna felt the beginning of an orgasm closing in on her, starting in her clit and spiraling outward. A groan escaped Ryan’s lips as he nipped at her ear.