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On Ice, A Hockey Romance
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On Ice: A Hockey Romance
Trisha Harley McCarthy
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Printed in the United States of America
First Printing, 2019
ISBN: 9781792326196 (ebook)
Cover photo www.123rf.com
Image Id: 25325537
Cover design by Trisha Harley McCarthy
On Ice: A Hockey Romance
"The most exquisite dress, the perfect cake, places were set,
Looking sharp in his tux, rings in his pocket, not to forget.
What was destined to be the most beautiful wedding day,
Abruptly flipped, sending the unwed running separate ways.
Two hearts were broken and neither had a clear reason why,
Both believed the other called it off, resulting in many cries.
They both were successfully duped by their so-called friends,
It took several years before their hearts could begin to mend.
Fortunately, he was traded to another city much further away,
But just three years later, he is traded back, this time to stay.
Will the truth come out hoping to rekindle the old romance?
Or will love be forced to ride the pine with no second chance?"
~ Scott Bowen
I still remember his last words.
“I can’t wait to make you mine in every sense of the word,” he whispered in my ear and then thrust into me with such vigor that I nearly lost consciousness. Then the unthinkable happened. Everything came to a crashing halt. Even to this day, I was still in a daze.
3 Years Ago
Two nights had passed since I’d last seen Ki. We’d been discussing our wedding day while our arms and legs were entangled as sighs of love, our future, and pleasure echoed through the hotel suite.
I’d come to find out Killian Connery was a man of few words. Whether it was by elevating me to new heights of passion with his wicked tongue or by slamming an opponent into the boards, Ki was a larger-than-life. He was a guy men envied and women lusted after. After all, who could resist a six-foot four wall of muscle with mesmerizing, grey eyes and tousled, raven hair? His presence was so magnetic, it pumped up the fans before he even set foot in the ice rink. No one was immune, not even I when I first set eyes on him at the San Jose Otters training camp during his rookie year. Ever since then, I kept track of him, his career, stats, watched every game, and basically acted like your garden variety stalker on the sly. Luckily, one of my primary functions as assistant to the GM was maintaining the roster.
My heart lurched in my chest just thinking about the day I met the new rookie. I was in the owner’s box watching their practice and there came Killian Connery, sprinting across ice in that blue-and-white jersey that was almost too small for a man his size. He was a thing of beauty, if one could classify such a magnificent specimen as ‘beautiful’. Number 88 too as fate would have it—two times my lucky number. And fate didn’t stop there. I was in the manager’s office when Flynn Austin, captain of the Otters, came bursting through the door with Ki in his footfalls. Flynn was laughing at something Ki had said. The sheer size of the two defense players made the office look about as big as a shoebox.
I looked up from my paperwork and locked eyes with the rookie’s steely, inquisitive gaze. Oh my. My mouth went dry, and I lost my ability to form a coherent thought.
“Joe sent for us?” Ki spoke softly. His voice was quiet and deeply masculine.
“Joe?” I squeaked. I sounded like a pubescent boy at choir practice.
“You know, the general manager.” Ki leveled a smile at me that could blot out the sun.
Holy shit.
Flynn chuckled at my obvious discomfort. Asshole.
I cleared my throat and squirmed in my seat. Killian Connery gave me a once-over. My cheeks reddened. If there had been any doubt in my mind before, I now knew for sure. I was in deep water with this man.
“He won’t be back today. Can I help you?” I looked past Ki, fixating on a spot to his right.
“Are you playing secretary?” Flynn asked, amusement dancing in his blue eyes.
I bristled at the insinuation. He knew perfectly well what I was, unless he had gotten smacked in the head one too many times. I wouldn’t be surprised, given how he spent more time in the sin bin than on the ice.
“No, I’m the assistant to the general manager,” I said. My spine was ramrod straight as I stared Flynn down. Ki prodded him in the ribs. He grunted, much to my satisfaction. I hadn’t busted my ass off at college to be classified as a secretary by the team’s biggest man-whore.
“Don’t mind my buddy here. He doesn’t know how to act around a lady.” Ki gave me an apologetic grin.
“That’s all right. Flynn and I are old friends, aren’t we?” I ran a cool gaze over him. At least Flynn had the decency to look embarrassed for his assholery. I still hadn’t forgiven him for what he did to my best friend. Flynn Austin was a player in every sense of the word. So, what if his gorgeous blue eyes made women want to toss him their panties? He had the morals of an alley cat, which was an insult to those poor cats.
“How’s Jesse, by the way?”
My mouth fell open. Jesse had cried on my shoulder for weeks after the break-up, and he had the audacity to ask me about her?
“Are you fucking serious right now? You did not just ask me about the woman whose heart you broke, did you?”
“I think I just did,” Flynn sneered at me.
“She is off limits,” I said and felt my stare harden with equal parts defiance and determination. No way I was letting that philanderer anywhere near her again.
Flynn crossed his hands over his chest. “I think that’s for Jesse to decide.”
I got up and rounded the desk, halting my step mere inches from him. “Stay the fuck away from her,” I said, poking that massive torso his.
“Or what? Are you going to run to daddy?” Fuck you. He knew being the owner’s daughter was a sore subject with me. I never used my relationship with my father to further my career. Unlike some, I could separate business from my personal life, and when it came to Jesse Ward, it was personal. I refused to stand by and allow Flynn to stomp on my friend’s heart again.
“Flynn, wait outside,” Ki said quietly before blood spilled—Flynn’s, if I had my way.
We glared at one another until that cocky, blue-eyed jock conceded and left the office.
“I’ll see you outside, man,” he said to Ki before he shut the door.
“I’m sorry about Flynn. He’s not all to blame, though.”
“Isn’t he?” I sounded more bitter than I cared for, but Flynn Austin really knew how to rile me up.
“From what he told me; he didn’t cheat on your friend.”
“Right, and I’m Cinderella.”
Ki chuckled. “You’re certainly as captivating.”
My cheeks warmed and I murmured something incoherent.
“Seriously though, Flynn didn’t cheat on her. Some chick he used to date started the rumor. When it hit the tabloids, things imploded for Flynn, and Jesse broke it off with him,” Ki said, his brow lining with earnest. “He’s really into your friend. In fact, deep down, I think he might actually love her.”
“I see,” I mumbled as I contemplated his words. I’d never heard that side of the story before, only what Jesse had told me. If what Ki said was true—and I didn’t see a reason for him to lie—
I may have overstepped my bounds. “I’m sorry if I jumped to conclusions about Flynn. It’s just that Jesse didn’t do well after the break-up, and I feel protective of her.”
“I understand.”
Ki smiled and closed the distance between us. The heat from his body sent shivers up my spine. He reached out and tucked a wayward piece of hair behind my ear. My knees went weak, and the lack of pouncing prowess was probably the only thing that kept me from throwing myself at him. I was sure he had lots of eager puck bunnies at his beck and call. All he had to do, was crook his finger, and they would come running. My gaze landed on his sensual lips, curved into a hint of a smile. I wondered what they would feel like against mine. He pulled back and the spell was broken.
“Would you consider going out with me sometime?” he asked.
Who—wha— ? I nodded mutely, shocked by the turn of events.
“Is that a yes, Zoe?” My name rolled off his tongue like fine wine—smooth and heady. Fire shot through my veins. Before I could stop myself, my mind was drifting in and out of fantasies involving me and that tongue of his.
“Yes, Ki, I’ll go out with you.” I blinked rapidly.
He pecked my cheek. “I’ll be in touch.”
It hit me like a lightning bolt. Ki Connery was the man I was going to marry one day. Thinking about him sent my heart into a freefall. I let out a bitter laugh. Everything went to hell when I received a single text message on my wedding day.
Zoe, I can’t go through with it.
Present Day
I eased upright in the bed. My nightie was drenched with sweat, again. Dreams of Killian Connery and that damn text he sent had become less frequent over the years, but yesterday’s email triggered them all over again. Ki was returning to San Jose in a trade with Detroit. The shock of the announcement led me to realize that I still loved him, and it annoyed the hell out of me. I craved normal, not heartache. I wanted the past to stay in the recesses of my mind where it belonged, yet fate had other ideas by throwing Ki back into my life.
I decided to leave early to process it all, ignoring several calls and texts from my father, the instigator of this entire fiasco. He’d had no problem with passing on Ki’s contract after our split, despite the fact Ki was the team’s pride and joy. It was the sole time I could recall my father making a business decision based on emotion. Now; three years later, Ki was back, and I could no longer hide from my past or the truth. My reckless heart skipped a beat with each thought of Ki, while my mind rebelled at the circumstances that thrusted him back into my life.
“Connery, GM wants to see you,” Coach Burrell shouted from the doorway of the locker room.
Shit. I never figured I’d be back in San Jose again, ever. I knew it hadn’t been a coincidence when my contract came up for renewal right after my split with Zoe. Because of some freak trade, the Otters opted on my contract for a better draft position for the upcoming season. I now found myself back home in the thick of things where I had left my heart. I had plenty of time to go over the events in my mind that led to my being jilted at the altar without any explanation. Zoe had disappeared without a trace and I had no way of reaching her. I learned later that her father had whisked her out of the country to some unknown destination. In the blink of an eye, I’d been abandoned and traded. The life I knew was no longer mine.
Just thinking about her sent a fresh dose of sorrow straight to my heart. Fortunately, I’d learned to hide it, especially from Jesse. She deserved my loyalty and love since she picked up the pieces of my shattered life after Zoe dumped me.
I scrubbed my hand through my hair in frustration and apprehension. Rumor had it Zoe was dating Flynn—my former best friend and Jesse’s ex. What a damn mess. Chas Winston, my agent, reiterated the stipulations of my contract with the Otters Organization. I had no say in the trade—if I didn’t agree, I would be in breach of contract. I found myself between a rock and hard place with no way out. I’d fallen from grace with the Otters Organization. One minute, I was team captain, leading scorer in the Western conference, and marrying the owner’s daughter, the next banished to Detroit and into obscurity.
I tossed my towel in the bin and finished dressing. The locker room was mostly deserted since I had stayed after training to continue some relentless drills in the hopes of wearing myself out. The more tired I was, the less my mind had a chance to wander. I hit the button on the elevator to the executive suites on the fourth floor. I was lost in my own thoughts when I heard laughter. Her laughter. I froze in place and closed my eyes. I knew I should ignore the temptation and not turn my head in the direction of the voices headed my way. Thankfully, the elevator door opened, and I stepped in. Before it closed, I caught a glimpse of her. Zoe Simmons, the love of my life, holding hands with Flynn Austin. The shock of seeing her again opened the gaping wound in my heart—pain I wasn’t prepared to live through again. The worst part of it all, I hadn’t had any closure. No explanation. No nothing, just silence.
As if fate was intent on toying with my emotions, Zoe glanced my way. She stopped short. A sharp gasp escaped her lips. Our eyes met for no more than a heartbeat before the doors shut, cutting off our contact. I leaned my head back against the elevator wall and steeled myself against the riot of feelings churning in my gut. The mere sight of Zoe sent me into a tailspin. The elevator doors opened. Thank fuck. I couldn’t escape this private hell that my life had become soon enough. I would meet with Joe and get the hell out of here.
Thank god for Jesse. She taught me life went on, and so did the beating of my battered and broken heart. Damn, I didn’t realize being back would be so hard. Seeing Zoe brought it all back like it was yesterday—our wedding day. The day we planned to pledge our love and forever after, surrounded by friends and family. For some masochistic reason, I’d tucked away my marriage vows—my last tie to Zoe and the past. I couldn’t bring myself to part with them out of some misguided sense of devotion to her. Even now, my heart betrayed my mind. Why couldn’t I sever ties completely? Something held me back every time.
As I approached the door to Joe Wharton’s office, I knew that once I crossed this threshold, I was stepping back in time and risked being pulled back into Zoe Simmons’ orbit.
Chapter 1
No matter how I tried to reassure myself that seeing him again wouldn’t affect me, I literally gasped at the sight of Ki staring back at me from the elevator. My eyes greedily took in every detail of him. From the tailored suit that stretched across his broad shoulders and the white, button-down shirt offsetting his olive skin to the slate colored tie that matched his eyes. His hair was shorter than I remembered. He must’ve cut it after the previous season ended, when player superstitions no longer mattered. The stubble along his jawline was new too, adding to his bad boy appeal.
The hallway light reflected in his platinum cufflinks—my birthday present to him once upon a dream ago. He only wore them on special occasions. I could only imagine he made a statement by wearing them today. Shaking my head, I pushed back the emotions threatening to break free from the cage I’d locked them in. The elevator doors closed, and I realized that my mouth had fallen open somewhere along the line and that I had been staring the entire time.
“Asshole.” Flynn’s mumbled curse brought me out my trip down memory lane. I forgot he was standing next to me. I frowned.
“You’re going have to deal with it and him. We have no choice.”
“You don’t say,” Flynn growled.
I hated Flynn’s dark side. It rarely emerged, until Ki Connery came up in a conversation. Even then, I didn’t like the person he turned in to when it happened. I flashed him a warning look.
“That’s why my father called this meeting with Joe. As he put it ‘so we are all on the same page’.”
“You know he is with her, don’t you?”
My mood tanked further. I understood Jesse and Ki were an item. How could I miss it, when every tabloid and talk show plastered their
faces on every headline?
“State the obvious, Flynn,” I snapped.
I hit the elevator button in frustration and the bell dinged. As soon as we ascended, Flynn pinned me to the elevator wall, pressing me into it his large body. His hands snaked around my waist and drew me close.
“Tell me you aren’t thinking of him,” he whispered in my ear.
I pushed him away in a huff. “Tell me you aren’t thinking of her,”
Fire flared in his deep blue eyes. I knew that look. Anger, pure and simple. Flynn did his best fucking when he was in this mood. Though, I doubted it was me he wanted to fuck. I pushed that revolting thought out of my head. It would inevitably bring images of Ki and Jesse to mind and my heart lurched at the thought.
“We’re both liars, Zoe.”
Flynn smashed his mouth against mine in a punishing kiss. A deep groan rumbled from his throat as his body pressed into mine. I liked every minute of his brutal assault. My body responded to his as I let passion take over. My worries vanished momentarily—exactly what I needed to not to fall into Killian Connery’s trap again. My arms wrapped around Flynn’s neck and I ran my hand through his downy hair. He coaxed my lips open as his tongue fucked mine relentlessly. His hand cupped the curve of my breast. I leaned into him, loving the feel of his large hand as he squeezed me. Pleasure pooled between my thighs as his other hand kneaded my ass. His erection pressed against my belly, sending me over the edge. I hiked my leg up around his waist to bring us closer. I wanted to throw caution to the wind and have Flynn screw me senseless. I couldn’t care less that we were in the elevator on the brink of arrival. I just needed him to make me forget and take away the hurt.
Our moment of reckless abandon came to a screeching halt when the elevator stopped at the executive floor and the doors slid open. Much to my horror, my father, Ki, and Joe caught an eyeful. My face flushed crimson. Flynn on the other hand was grinning from ear-to-ear as he swaggered his confident ass into the corridor with my lipstick smeared all over his mouth.