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Page 15
• Your mistake was a hidden intention.
I particularly like that last one: perhaps your mistake wasn’t such
a mistake after all. Freud would like that one, too.
Go grab the oblique strategies or some other oracle and see what it
means to you today.
Try that before reading on.. . .
Shakespeare’s Brain Teasers
Some patterns are so unusual that they “wake your brain up.” That
is, they actually overclock your brain (to use the CPU metaphor
again) briefly to attend to this novel input.
For instance, kids make up awesome words. From active verb
forms such as imaginate22 to mash-ups such as prettiful and
the curiously skewed flavoring (as in, “I’m not flavoring that food
today”). It’s a pity that we adults don’t do more of this, because
there’s more to these shifting word forms than meets the ear.
William Shakespeare engaged in a lot of this sort of verbal reengi-
neering. In fact, he’s credited with coining quite a few phrases that
we use to this day:23
• “Full circle”
• “Method to the maddness”
21. See http://www.rtqe.net/ObliqueStrategies.
22. See my IEEE article “Imaginate” [HT04].
23. Described in Brush Up Your Shakespeare! [Mac00].
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Change Is Good
It’s been said that only wet babies like change. We are
creatures of habit. But ingrained habit isn’t the best thing
for the brain; you don’t make new connections that way,
and you’ll become increasingly blind to other alternatives.
Think about your morning routine. The order you perform
your daily preparations in is probably pretty consistent, right
down to small details such as which tooth gets brushed first.
You want to mix that up and get out of the rut.
Use a different hand. Park on the other side. Change the
part of your hair. Use a different kind of towel. Start shaving.
Stop shaving. Eat earlier or later.
These small changes are good for your brain; they help
change the wiring and prevent neural ruts. Seriously. Your
brain is tuned to be adaptive; if there’s nothing to adapt
to, it will get “flabby,” metaphorically speaking.
• “Neither rhyme nor reason”
• “Eaten out of house and home”
In addition to adding new phrases to the lexicon, Shakespeare
would repurpose certain key words to create a sense of wonder
and surprise. For example, he might use a noun to serve as a verb
(as in, “he godded me”). This technique, known as a functional shift,
causes a sudden peak in brain activity.
Because it’s an unexpected input, the brain has to
do some work to figure out the full meaning. But
interestingly, researchers discovered that you’ll
understand what the word means before under-
standing its function in the sentence.24 This tech-
nique helps keep the text active and keeps the
reader engaged—breaking the reader out of the
usual rut of standard idioms and clichés. It’s a verbal whack on
the head.
24. See http://www.physorg.com/news85664210.html for details.
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Although using a functional shift will create a brain burst in your
readers, it will likely cause agita (that is, dyspepsia of the soul) on
the part of one’s copy editor. But it’s still a very cleverful technique.
4.6 Get It Right
In this chapter, we’ve looked at some of the properties of R-mode
thinking. Your R-mode processes are subtle and cannot be forced
into action.
Yet these ways of thinking are vital to achieving a balanced, full-
throttle approach to problem solving and creativity. You don’t want
to focus on R-mode at the exclusion of L-mode, and you don’t want
to continue to focus on L-mode to the exclusion of R-mode. Instead,
you want to structure your learning and thinking to support an R-
mode to L-mode flow.
Start to pick up on subtle clues, and begin to harvest your R-
mode’s existing output. Give your R-mode processes more of a
chance to function using techniques such as morning pages, writ-
ing, and non-goal-directed thinking time (aka walking).
Finally, since memory is a frail and expensive mechanism, be pre-
pared to write down the gems of insight that your R-mode may
deliver, whenever—and wherever—that may be.
Next Actions
New Habits
! Do morning pages for at least two weeks.
! Hone a quick wit. Look for connections or analogies between
unrelated things.
! Involve more senses when faced with a tricky problem. What
works best for you?
! Read something different from your usual material, for exam-
ple, fiction, not science fiction, and so on.
! Try a different genre of movie, vacation, music, or coffee.
! Order something you’ve never had at your favorite restaurant.
! Turn each problem around. What can you learn from the
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Try This
! Deliberately vary your morning routine or other consistent
! Hold a design session using Lego blocks or office supplies.25
! Take a class or start a hobby that involves more R-mode pro-
cessing. Work on it daily.
! Use the buddy system: have a buddy help keep you motivated,
and discuss your progress.
! Think of a metaphor, or set of metaphors, that would largely
describe your current project (it may be helpful to think in
terms of something very tangible). Try to come up with a few
jokes about it using metaphor or exaggeration.
! Look at experts you know. What “quirky” habits now make
more sense to you?
! What words can you add to your workplace lexicon?
25. You get extra credit if you can use a red stapler.
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I never set out to be weird. It was always the other
people who called me weird.
Frank Zappa
Chapter 5
Debug Your Mind
Intuition is great, except when it’s not.
It’s a popular vision that leaders are dili-
We are not rational
gent, thoughtful decision makers. They
gather all the relevant facts, weigh them,
and come up with the logical, rational
decision. But in fact, that idealized process is basically never fol-
r /> lowed, even by expert, high-pressure decision makers.1
Instead, we make decisions and solve problems based on faulty
memory and our emotional state at the time, ignoring crucial facts
and fixating on irrelevant details because of where and when they
occur or whether they are brightly colored. Especially if they are
brightly colored.
We need to debug the system.
The modern idea of “debugging” a computer comes from a real
bug—a moth trapped in a relay of the Mark II Aiken Relay Calcu-
lator (see Figure 5.1, on the following page). While running a series
of cosine regression tests, the operators spotted an error. Looking
into the matter, they found the moth. The operators removed the
bug, dutifully taped it to the log book, and so truly debugged the
This is pretty well-worn territory; see, for example, The Power of Intuition: How to Use Your Gut Feelings to Make Better Decisions at Work [Kle04].
The term itself has a long and rich history which has been strongly associated with a “bogeyman.”
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Figure 5.1: The first bug in the system (Sept. 9, 1945)
Although that’s a fine metaphor (and occasionally literal truth)
in hardware systems, the idea of debugging your mind is, well,
kind of gross. But we really do have “bugs” in the way we think—
fundamental errors in how we process information, make deci-
sions, and evaluate situations. James Noble and Charles Weir sum
up the problem nicely:
“Development is always done by people; clients and users are
people; and under strict genetic testing most managers can be
shown to share at least 50% of their genetic code with homo monti-
Unfortunately, the human mind is not open source. None of us has
ready access to the source code to fix these bugs, but I can help
show you where they occur so that you can be more aware of the
influence of these erroneous processes on your thinking. We’ll look
at four broad categories of problems:
• Cognitive biases: How your thinking can be led astray
• Generational affinity: How your peers influence you
Process Patterns for Personal Practice: How to Succeed in Development Without Really Trying [WN99].
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• Personality tendencies: How your personality influences your
• Hardware bugs: How older portions of your brain can override
the smarter portions
Being aware of these bugs is the first step to mitigating them.
5.1 Meet Your Cognitive Biases
Cognitive biases come in several flavors. These mental “bugs” can
affect your decision making, memory, perception, rationality, and
so on. There are a lot of them. Wikipedia lists some ninety common
cognitive biases. I’ve met some folks who surely had a few more
than that.
Here are some of my personal favorites:
Just seeing a number will affect how you then predict or
decide some quantity. For instance, if I keep mentioning
something about having 100 books for sale, I’ve primed you
with that number. If I now offer you a book for $85, you’ll tend
to anchor on the 100, and the 85 sounds like a bargain.
Fundamental attribution error
We tend to ascribe other people’s behavior to their person-
ality, instead of looking at the situation and the context
in which their behavior occurs. We might excuse our own
actions more easily (“I was tired; I felt a cold coming on.”).
But people who are normal in all respects can be driven to
extraordinary actions, including theft, murder, and mayhem,
especially in time of war or personal crisis. It doesn’t have
to take such extreme conditions; as we saw earlier, context
is everything. Remember that behavior is oftentimes more
because of reaction to a context than because of fundamental
personality traits.
Self-serving bias
This is the tendency to believe that if the project is a success,
I’m responsible. If it tanked, then I’m not. This behavior is
probably a protective mechanism, but remember that you’re
part of the system—whether it turns out well or not.
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Need for closure
We are not comfortable with doubt and uncertainty—so much
so that we’ll go to great lengths to resolve open issues and
to remove uncertainty and reach closure. But uncertainty
can be a good thing: it leaves your choices open. Forcing
premature closure, as in Big Design Up Front (BDUF),4 cuts
off your options and leaves you vulnerable to errors. Artifi-
cially declaring a decision, such as the end date of a project,
doesn’t remove the inherent uncertainty; it just masks it.
Confirmation bias
Everyone looks for choice facts to fit your own preconceptions
and pet theories. You could argue that this entire book (and
most books) are giant examples of confirmation biases of the
Exposure effect
We tend to prefer things just because they are familiar. This
includes tools, techniques, or methods that aren’t working
well anymore or that are even actively causing harm.
Hawthorne effect
Researchers have noticed that people have a tendency to
change their behaviors when they know they are being stud-
ied. You’ll see this when you introduce a new practice or a
new tool on a team. At first, while everyone is watching—and
everyone knows they are being watched—results look great.
Discipline is high, and the excitement of something new
fuels the effort. But then the novelty wears off, the spotlight
moves away, and everyone slides inexorably back to previous
False memory
It’s actually pretty easy for your brain to confuse imagined
events with real memories. We’re susceptible to the power of
suggestion; as we saw earlier, memory isn’t written to some
static store in the brain. Instead, it’s an active process—so
much so that every read is a write. Your memories are
constantly rewritten in light of your current context: age,
BDUF was a popular design technique that demanded heavy initial investment
in design and architecture despite uncertainty and volatility in the details that often invalidated the design.
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/> experience, worldview, focus, and so on. That incident at your
sixth birthday party? It probably didn’t happen that way, and
it may not have happened at all.
Symbolic reduction fallacy
As we saw earlier, L-mode is anxious to provide a quick sym-
bol to represent a complex object or system, which loses at
least the nuances and sometimes even the truth of the matter.
Nominal fallacy
A kind of symbolic reduction problem; this is the idea that
labeling a thing means you can explain it or understand
it. But a label is just that; and naming alone does not
offer any useful understanding. “Oh, he’s ADHD” doesn’t
enhance understanding any more than “She’s a Republican”
or “They’re from Elbonia.”
And all this is just the beginning. Our irrational nature could take
several books.5
Failure to Predict
It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.
Yogi Berra, Philosopher
Symbolic reduction is an especially pernicious problem because it’s
so deeply ingrained in our usual analytical, programmatic think-
ing. Indeed, the only way the brain can keep up with the complex-
ity of reality is to reduce large, complex systems to simple, easily
manipulated symbols. This is an essential mechanism in the brain
and a very useful one in computer programming and knowledge-
based work. But if you take it for granted, you fall into the symbolic
reduction fallacy.
We’ve seen examples of the symbolic reduction fallacy before; for
instance, when you’re trying to draw a human hand, the L-mode
reduces the complexity of light, shadow, and texture to “five lines
and a stick.” That reduction can be thought of as taking complex
reality and treating it as if it were comprised of very basic, archetyp-
ical elements: platonic solids.
And it has; see the excellent Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions [Ari08] for more.
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Named for Plato, these ideal forms supply a sort of universal, com-
monly understood set of building blocks.
Think of a kid’s building block set
with cubes, blocks, cones, archways, and The future hides in the
columns. From these basic shapes, you platonic fold.