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Page 8

  Lady Emma knew not what to think of this declaration; she hoped, she feared, she meditated; but her attention was too strongly excited to be satisfied without some gratification; After a pause, she pursued the subject.

  “And this friend of yours, sir, of what degree and fortune is he? “

  Edmund smiled; but, commanding his emotion, he replied, “His birth is noble, his degree and fortune uncertain. “

  Her countenance fell, she sighed; he proceeded. “It is utterly impossible, ” said he, “for any man of inferior degree to aspire to Lady Emma’ s favour; her noble birth, the dignity of her beauty and virtues, must awe and keep at their proper distance, all men of inferior degree and merit; they may admire, they may revere; but they must not presume to approach too near, lest their presumption should meet with its punishment. “

  “Well, sir, ” said she, suddenly; “and so this friend of yours has commissioned you to speak in his behalf? “

  “He has, Madam. “

  “Then I must tell you, that I think his assurance is very great, and yours not much less. “

  “I am sorry for that, Madam. “

  “Tell him, that I shall reserve my heart and hand for the man to whom my father shall bid me give them. “

  “Very well, Lady; I am certain my lord loves you too well to dispose of them against your inclination. “

  “How do you know that, sir? But tell him, that the man that hopes for my favour must apply to my lord for his. ” “That is my friend’ s intention— his resolution, I should say — as soon as he can do it with propriety; and I accept your permission for him to do so. “

  “My permission did you say? I am astonished at your assurance! tell me no more of your friend; But perhaps you are pleading for Wenlock all this time; It is all one to me; only, say no more. “

  “Are you offended with me, madam? “

  “No matter, sir. “

  “Yes, it is. “

  “I am surprised at you, Edmund; “

  “I am surprised at my own temerity; but, forgive me. “

  “It does not signify; good bye ty’ e, sir. “

  “Don’ t leave me in anger, madam; I cannot bear that. Perhaps I may not see you again for a long time. “

  He looked afflicted; she turned back. “I do forgive you, Edmund; I was concerned for you; but, it seems, you are more concerned for every body than for yourself. ” She sighed; “Farewell! ” said she.

  Edmund gazed on her with tenderness; he approached her, he just touched her hand; his heart was rising to his lips, but he recollected his situation; he checked himself immediately; he retired back, he sighed deeply, bowed low, and hastily quitted her.

  The lady turning into another walk, he reached the house first, and went up again to his chamber; he threw himself upon his knees; prayed for a thousand blessings upon every one of the family of his benefactor, and involuntarily wept at mentioning the name of the charming Emma, whom he was about to leave abruptly, and perhaps for ever. He then endeavoured to compose himself, and once more attended the Baron; wished him a good night; and withdrew to his chamber, till he was called upon to go again to the haunted apartment.

  He came down equipped for his journey, and went hastily for fear of observation; he paid his customary devotions, and soon after Oswald tapped at the door. They conferred together upon the interesting subject that engrossed their attention, until Joseph came to them, who brought the rest of Edmund’ s baggage, and some refreshment for him before he set out. Edmund promised to give them the earliest information of his situation and success. At the hour of twelve they heard the same groans as the night before in the lower apartment; but, being somewhat familiarized to it, they were not so strongly affected. Oswald crossed himself, and prayed for the departed soul; he also prayed for Edmund, and recommended him to the Divine protection. He then arose, and embraced that young man; who, also, took a tender leave of his friend Joseph. They then went, with silence and caution, through a long gallery; they descended the stairs in the same manner; they crossed the hall in profound silence, and hardly dared to breathe, lest they should be overheard; they found some difficulty in opening one of the folding doors, which at last they accomplished; they were again in jeopardy at the outward gate. At length they conveyed him safely into the stables; there they again embraced him, and prayed for his prosperity.

  He then mounted his horse, and set forward to Wyatt’ s cottage; he hallooed at the door, and was answered from within. In a few minutes John came out to him.

  “What, is it you, Master Edmund? “

  “Hush! ” said he; “not a word of who I am; I go upon private business, and would not wish to be known. “

  “If you will go forward, sir, I will soon overtake you. ” He did so; and they pursued their journey to the north. In the mean time, Oswald and Joseph returned in silence into the house; they retired to their respective apartments without hearing or being heard by any one.

  About the dawn of day Oswald intended to lay his packets in the way of those to whom they were addressed; after much contrivance he determined to take a bold step, and, if he were discovered, to frame some excuse. Encouraged by his late success, he went on tiptoe into Master William’ s chamber, placed a letter upon his pillow, and withdrew unheard. Exulting in his heart, he attempted the

  Baron’ s apartment, but found it fastened within. Finding this scheme frustrated, he waited till the hour the Baron was expected down to breakfast, and laid the letter and the key of the haunted apartment upon the table. Soon after, he saw the Baron enter the breakfast room; he got out of sight, but staid within call, preparing himself for a summons. The Baron sat down to breakfast; he saw a letter directed to himself — he opened it, and to his great surprise, read as follows: —

  “The guardian of the haunted apartment to Baron Fitz-Owen. To thee I remit the key of my charge, until the right owner shall come, who will both discover and avenge my wrongs; then, woe be to the guilty! — But let the innocent rest in peace. In the mean time, let none presume to explore the secrets of my apartment, lest they suffer for their temerity. “

  The Baron was struck with amazement at the letter. He took up the key, examined it, then laid it down, and took up the letter; he was in such confusion of thought, he knew not what to do or say for several minutes. At length he called his servants about him; the first question he asked was—

  “Where is Edmund? “

  “They could not tell.

  “Has he been called? “

  “Yes, my Lord, but nobody answered, and the key was not in the door. “

  “Where is Joseph? “

  “Gone into the stables. “

  “Where is father Oswald? “

  “In his study. “

  “Seek him, and desire him to come hither. “

  By the time the Baron had read the letter over again, he came.

  He had been framing a steady countenance to answer to all interrogatories. As he came in he attentively observed the Baron, whose features were in strong agitation; as soon as he saw Oswald, he spoke as one out of breath.

  “Take that key, and read this letter! “

  He did so, shrugged up his shoulders, and remained silent.

  “Father, ” said my lord, “what think you of this letter? “

  “It is a very surprising one. “

  “The contents are alarming. Where is Edmund? “

  “I do not know. “

  “Has nobody seen him? “

  “Not that I know of. “

  “Call my sons, my kinsmen, my servants. “

  The servants came in.

  “Have any of you seen or heard of Edmund? “

  “No, ” was the answer.

  “Father, step upstairs to my sons and kinsmen, and desire them to come down immediately.

  Oswald withdrew; and went, first, to Mr. William’ s chamber.

  “My dear sir, you must come to my lord now directly— he has something extraordinary to communicate to
you. “

  “And so have I, father— see what I have found upon my pillow! “

  “Pray, sir, read it to me before you shew it to any body; my lord is alarmed too much already, and wants nothing to increase his consternation. “

  William read his letter, while Oswald looked as if he was an utter stranger to the contents, which were these: —

  “Whatever may be heard or seen, let the seal of friendship be upon thy lips. The peasant Edmund is no more; but there still lives a man who hopes to acknowledge, and repay, the Lord Fitz-Owen’ s generous care and protection; to return his beloved William’ s vowed affection, and to claim his friendship on terms of equality. “

  “What, ” said William, “can this mean? “

  “It is not easy to say, ” replied Oswald.

  “Can you tell what is the cause of this alarm? “

  “I can tell you nothing, but that my lord desires to see you directly — pray make haste down; I must go up to your brothers and kinsmen, nobody knows what to think, or believe. “

  Master William went down stairs, and Father Oswald went to the malcontents. As soon as he entered the outward door of their apartment, Mr. Wenlock called out. “Here comes the friend—now for some new proposal! “

  “Gentlemen, ” said Oswald, “my lord desires your company immediately in the breakfast parlour. “

  “What! to meet your favourite Edmund, I suppose? ” said Mr. Wenlock.

  “No, sir. “

  “What, then, is the matter? ” said Sir Robert.

  “Something very extraordinary has happened, gentlemen. Edmund is not to be found—he disappeared from the haunted apartment, the key of which was conveyed to my lord in a strange manner, with a letter from an unknown hand; my lord is both surprised and concerned, and wishes to have your opinion and advice on the occasion. “

  “Tell him, ” said Sir Robert, “we will wait upon him immediately. “

  As Oswald went away, he heard Wenlock say, “So Edmund is gone, it is no matter how, or whither. “

  Another said, “I hope the ghost has taken him out of the way. ” The rest laughed at the conceit, as they followed Oswald down stairs. They found the Baron, and his son William, commenting upon the key and the letter. My lord gave them to Sir Robert, who looked on them with marks of surprise and confusion.

  The Baron addressed him—

  “Is not this a very strange affair? Son Robert, lay aside your ill humours, and behave to your father with the respect and affection his tenderness deserves from you, and give me your advice and opinion on this alarming subject. “

  “My Lord, ” said Sir Robert, “I am as much confounded as yourself—I can give no advice—let my cousins see the letter—let us have their opinion. “

  They read it in turn—they were equally surprised; but when it came into Wenlock’ s hand, he paused and meditated some minutes.

  At length—“I am indeed surprised, and still more concerned, to see my lord and uncle the dupe of an artful contrivance; and, if he will permit me, I shall endeavour to unriddle it, to the confusion of all that are concerned in it. “

  “Do so, Dick, ” said my lord, “and you shall have my thanks for it. “

  “This letter, ” said he, “I imagine to be the contrivance of Edmund, or some ingenious friend of his, to conceal some designs they have against the peace of this family, which has been too often disturbed upon that rascal’ s account. “

  “But what end could be proposed by it? ” said the Baron.

  “Why, one part of the scheme is to cover Edmund’ s departure, that is clear enough; for the rest, we can only guess at it— perhaps he may be concealed somewhere in that apartment, from whence he may rush out in the night, and either rob or murder us; or, at least, alarm and terrify the family. “

  The Baron smiled.

  “You shoot beyond the mark, sir, and overshoot yourself, as you have done before now; you shew only your inveteracy against that poor lad, whom you cannot mention with temper. To what purpose should he shut himself up there, to be starved? “

  “Starved! no, no! he has friends in this house (looking at Oswald), who will not suffer him to want anything; those who have always magnified his virtues, and extenuated his faults, will lend a hand to help him in time of need; and, perhaps, to assist his ingenious contrivances. “

  Oswald shrugged up his shoulders, and remained silent.

  “This is a strange fancy of yours, Dick, ” said my lord; but I am willing to pursue it, —first, to discover what you drive at; and, secondly, to satisfy all that are here present of the truth or falsehood of it, that they may know what value to set upon your sagacity hereafter. Let us all go over that apartment together; and let Joseph be called to attend us thither. “

  Oswald offered to call him, but Wenlock stopped him. “No, father, ” said he, “you must stay with us; we want your ghostly counsel and advice; Joseph shall have no private conference with you. “

  “What mean you, ” said Oswald, “to insinuate to my lord against me or Joseph? But your ill-will spares nobody. It will one day be known who is the disturber of the peace of this family; I wait for that time, and am silent. “

  Joseph came; when he was told whither they were going, he looked hard at Oswald. Wenlock observed them.

  “Lead the way, father, ” said he, “and Joseph shall follow us. “

  Oswald smiled.

  “We will go where Heaven permits us, ” said he; “alas! the wisdom of man can neither hasten, nor retard, its decrees. “

  They followed the father up stairs, and went directly to the haunted apartment. The Baron unlocked the door; he bid Joseph open the shutters, and admit the daylight, which had been excluded for many years. They went over the rooms above stairs, and then descended the staircase, and through the lower rooms in the same manner. However, they overlooked the closet, in which the fatal secret was concealed; the door was covered with tapestry, the same as the room, and united so well that it seemed but one piece. Wenlock tauntingly desired Father Oswald to introduce them to the ghost. The father, in reply, asked them where they should find Edmund. “Do you think, ” said he, that he lies hid in my pocket, or in Joseph’s? “

  ”’ Tis no matter, ” answered he; “thoughts are free. “

  “My opinion of you, Sir, ” said Oswald, “is not founded upon thoughts— I judge of men by their actions, — a rule, I believe, it will not suit you to be tried by. “

  “None of your insolent admonitions, father! ” returned Wenlock; “this is neither the time nor the place for them. “

  “That is truer than you are aware of, sir; I meant not to enter into the subject just now. “

  “Be silent, ” said my Lord.

  “I shall enter into this subject with you hereafter—then look you be prepared for it. In the mean time, do you, Dick Wenlock, answer to my questions: —Do you think Edmund is concealed in this apartment? “

  “No, sir. “

  “Do you think there is any mystery in it? “

  “No, my lord. “

  “Is it haunted, think you? “

  “No, I think not. “

  “Should you be afraid to try? “

  “In what manner, my lord? ” “Why, you have shewn your wit upon the subject, and I mean to show your courage; —you, and Jack Markham your confident, shall sleep here three nights, as Edmund has done before. “

  “Sir, ” said Sir Robert, “for what purpose? I should be glad to understand why. “

  “I have my reasons, sir, as well as your kinsmen there. No reply, Sirs! I insist upon being obeyed in this point. Joseph, let the beds be well aired, and every thing made agreeable to the gentlemen; If there is any contrivance to impose upon me, they, I am sure, will have pleasure in detecting it; and, if not, I shall obtain my end in making these rooms habitable. Oswald, come with me; and the rest may go where they list till dinner-time.

  The Baron went with Oswald into the parlour.

  “Now tell me, father, �
�� said he, “do you disapprove what I have done? “

  “Quite the contrary, my lord, ” said he; “I entirely approve it. “

  “But you do not know all my reasons for it. Yesterday Edmund’ s behaviour was different from what I have ever seen it—he is naturally frank and open in all his ways; but he was then silent, thoughtful, absent; he sighed deeply, and once I saw tears stand in his eyes. Now, I do suspect there is something uncommon in that apartment—that Edmund has discovered the secret; and, fearing to disclose it, he is fled away from the house. As to this letter, perhaps he may have written it to hint that there is more than he dares reveal; I tremble at the hints contained in it, though I shall appear to make light of it. But I and mine are innocent; and if Heaven discloses the guilt of others, I ought to adore and submit to its decrees. “

  “That is prudently and piously resolved, my lord; let us do our duty, and leave events to Heaven. “

  “But, father, I have a further view in obliging my kinsmen to sleep there: —if any thing should appear to them, it is better that it should only be known to my own family; if there is nothing in it, I shall put to the proof the courage and veracity of my two kinsmen, of whom I think very indifferently. I mean shortly to enquire into many things I have heard lately to their disadvantage; and, if I find them guilty, they shall not escape with impunity. “

  “My lord, ” said Oswald, “you judge like yourself; I wish you to make enquiry concerning them, and believe the result will be to their confusion, and your Lordship will be enabled to re-establish the peace of your family. “

  During this conversation, Oswald was upon his guard, lest any thing should escape that might create suspicion. He withdrew as soon as he could with decency, and left the Baron meditating what all these things should mean; he feared there was some misfortune impending over his house, though he knew not from what cause.

  He dined with his children and kinsmen, and strove to appear cheerful; but a gloom was perceivable through his deportment. Sir Robert was reserved and respectful; Mr. William was silent and attentive; the rest of the family dutifully assiduous to my Lord; only Wenlock and Markham were sullen and chagrined. The Baron detained the young men the whole afternoon; he strove to amuse and to be amused; he shewed the greatest affection and parental regard to his children, and endeavoured to conciliate their affections, and engage their gratitude by kindness. Wenlock and Markham felt their courage abate as the night approached; At the hour of nine, old Joseph came to conduct them to the haunted apartment; they took leave of their kinsmen, and went up stairs with heavy hearts.