House of Shadows Read online

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  ‘He requires you to go with all speed to the priory at Bermondsey, to investigate the death of a ward of our lord the king. He gives you this Royal Commission as a temporary Coroner of the Verge, as the former coroner is laid low with the ague and is likely to die.’

  John knew that the royal household had its own coroner, the ‘Verge’ being the area of jurisdiction radiating twelve miles around wherever the perambulating court happened to be.

  ‘Where the hell is Bermondsey?’ demanded Gwyn.

  De Wolfe shrugged. ‘Somewhere in London, as far as I know.’

  His clerk looked slightly aggrieved at their ignorance. ‘Bermondsey Priory is a famous house, on the south side of the Thames, just below King William’s White Tower on the opposite bank.’

  The coroner was more concerned with his mission than with the geography. ‘Does Hubert not say what he wishes me to do?’ he demanded.

  Thomas rapidly read to the end of the short message. ‘It seems that the circumstances of the death of this lady are suspicious, but the justiciar says that you will have the details when you arrive. He will be absent in Normandy, but the prior will acquaint you with the situation. The last sentence emphasizes the urgency of your arrival at the priory, in order to examine the corpse.’

  ‘God’s bones, she’ll be pretty ripe by the time we arrive!’ grunted the Cornishman. ‘That messenger must have been on the road for almost a week and it will take us another week to get there!’

  As it turned out, the delay was somewhat less, as the herald had made a forced ride with numerous changes of horse and had covered the journey from London to Exeter in four days. Together with the fortunate voyage of the Saint Radegund, it was not much more than a week before they found themselves jogging into Bermondsey.

  This was even less of a community than Woolwich, as it consisted mainly of the priory, with a few cottages sheltering under its walls. The surroundings were bleak, especially on this icy winter’s day, being a waste of marshes that ran along the Thames, which was about a quarter of a mile from the priory. The fog was thinner here and the coroner’s trio could see humps of reedy mud rising above a network of reens and ditches, as the great river had poorly defined edges that changed with the tides and the rainfall.

  The priory was built on the first solid ground that rose slightly above the swamp, and as they rode towards the gatehouse de Wolfe could see that the walls formed a substantial rectangle of masonry, within which buildings could be seen, one of them a church. Though Gwyn was not impressed by his first sight of their destination, Thomas’s eyes lit up as he saw a new ecclesiastical establishment. He crossed himself vigorously and muttered some Latin prayers under his breath.

  As far as the coroner was concerned, this was a new challenge to his professional reputation, as he had secretly been proud to have the summons from the justiciar, ahead of all the other county coroners in England. It was true that he had a special relationship with Hubert Walter – and indeed Richard Coeur de Lion himself – as he had been part of the king’s bodyguard in the Holy Land and had accompanied him on the ill-fated voyage home when he returned from the Third Crusade.

  Still, to have been appointed coroner of the verge, even if only as a locum tenens, was an honour, for this unique post was responsible for the investigation of deaths, assaults, ravishments and fires that might involve the king, his court and anyone associated with that grand if cumbersome entourage.

  With these thoughts in mind, he followed the lad on the pony to the gatehouse on the western side of the walls. It had a wide gate under a stone arch to admit wagons and a side gate for pedestrians. As soon as they dismounted and untied their sparse belongings from the saddles, the boy from Woolwich rapidly roped the horses into a line and vanished into the mist without a word, leaving the three men standing outside the forbidding oaken doors like orphans left outside a poorhouse.

  De Wolfe strode to the small door and saw that alongside it there was a bell hanging from a bracket, with a cord dangling from the clapper. He rang it vigorously and a moment later a large man with a face like a bulldog appeared. He wore a faded cassock, and John, correctly taking him for a lay brother, dragged Thomas forward to explain who they were. Grudgingly, the porter motioned them in, and without a word slammed the door to the secular world behind them.

  They found themselves in a wide outer court, the west end of the church forming the further end, with a cemetery visible over a low wall on their left. A line of buildings formed the right-hand side, and without a word the door-ward pointed to another gate about a third of the way down this stone façade.

  The coroner’s team made their way to this inner entrance and saw a small wicket-gate in the centre. Stepping through, they entered a long inner court stretching down to the high boundary wall in the distance. On their left were more buildings, with several doors and a row of shuttered windows on the upper floor.

  ‘God be with you, brothers,’ came a voice from nearby. Turning, they saw that a small lodge lay inside the gate, from which a tubby monk now emerged. In his element, Thomas de Peyne advanced on him, inevitably making the sign of the cross, and greeted him in fluent Latin.

  ‘Why can’t they damned well talk English?’ grumbled Gwyn. ‘Then we’d know what they’re gabbling about!’

  Thomas ferreted in his shoulder-bag and produced the scroll that had carried Hubert Walter’s commission to Exeter. He displayed the ornate red wax seal of the Archbishop of Canterbury and allowed the guardian of the inner gate to read the text. Suitably impressed, the ruddy-faced monk bobbed his head in deference to the king’s coroner and, to be on the safe side, to Gwyn as well. Then he said something to Thomas and trotted off towards a doorway in the nearest building.

  ‘That was Brother Maglo and he’s taking us to the prior, but first of all will show us where we will be accommodated,’ explained their clerk, delighted to be within a house of God once again. ‘This is the cellarer’s building and above it is the guesthouse.’

  Inside, the ground floor appeared to be a series of storerooms with several small offices where monks were keeping lists and tallies of all the food, drink and supplies needed for the bodily health of the inhabitants, their spiritual health being dealt with deeper inside the priory. The whole place smelled of damp, mouldy grain and a hint of incense. As they reached the far end of the central corridor, their guide spoke in English for the first time, in a voice with a strong Breton accent.

  ‘Sirs, these are the stairs up to some of the guest-chambers and the dormitory. You will eat here, in this small refectory, as the kitchens are through there.’

  Maglo pointed first into a large room at the foot of the staircase, then to a door in the end wall from behind which came a clashing of pots and pans. They climbed the bare stone stairs to the upper floor, where a long dormitory lay above the cellarium below. The first quarter was partitioned into four small rooms, two on each side, the rest of the attic being laid out with a dozen mattresses along the floor. A large crucifix hung over a door at the end.

  ‘That is the way down into the cloister and to the church,’ explained Brother Maglo. ‘You, Sir John, have this cubicle here. Your assistants will sleep in the first two beds of the common dormitory.’

  Having firmly established the statuses of the new arrivals, the rotund Cluniac hurried back to his post, after a final word to explain that someone would soon come to escort them to the prior and afterwards see that they were fed and watered.

  De Wolfe entered his cell, which had no door, and dropped his saddlebag on to the mattress, the only furniture in the room. His luggage contained little apart from two clean tunics, a couple of pairs of hose and several clean undershirts, all packed by his cook-maid Mary, as his surly wife Matilda was utterly bereft of any domestic skills.

  A hairbrush and a specially sharpened knife for his weekly shaves completed his belongings – he suspected that Gwyn and Thomas had even less, though his clerk always carried his Vulgate and prayer book, together with writing m
aterials. As a token of respect for a religious house, he unbuckled his sword belt and pulled the supporting baldric from his shoulder, then hung them on one of the pegs fixed to the wall, with his grey wolfskin riding cloak alongside it.

  Going out into the main dormitory, he found that his assistants had dumped their meagre possessions into small cupboards that stood against the wall. Gwyn had opened the shutter of the nearest unglazed window and was peering out.

  ‘Bloody cold, Crowner, inside and out,’ he observed glumly. ‘The fog’s clearing but it looks like snow. At least the weather will keep the corpse all the fresher.’

  De Wolfe and Thomas moved to his side and looked through the narrow slot in the thick stone wall. Below them was a narrow sloping roof of grey tiles, extending around a large square, with a patch of frosty grass occupying the centre.

  ‘This is the cloister walk, with the garth in the middle,’ observed Thomas. ‘That must be the chapterhouse and prior’s quarters opposite, with the dorter and frater over to the right.’ These last were the dormitory and refectory for the monks, the lay brothers and domestic servants eating elsewhere. The lofty church formed the side of the cloister to their left, blocking any view of the marshes and river to the north.

  Their inspection was interrupted by a creak as the far door opened and another monk appeared in a long habit of Benedictine black which swept the ground. He was tall and thin, with a ring of sparse grey hair below his shaven pate. A mournful face reinforced John’s impression that Bermondsey Priory was not a very joyful establishment. He seemed to glide up the dormitory as if he was on wheels rather than on a pair of feet, and when he reached them he inclined his head in a faint greeting.

  ‘I am Brother Ignatius, the prior’s chaplain and secretary. I bid you welcome, though regrettably the reason for your visit is not felicitous.’

  He addressed his opening speech to Thomas, whom he saw as a fellow priest, but it was the coroner who answered and gruffly introduced the trio.

  Ignatius swivelled around on unseen feet and indicated the door through which he had entered. ‘I will conduct you to the prior, who is anxious to speak to you. Then no doubt you will be glad of some refreshment after your long journey.’

  The others could almost hear Gwyn’s stomach rumbling at the prospect, for the outsize Cornishman needed to be refuelled every few hours and the last scratch meal on the Saint Radegund was poor fare by his standards. They followed the secretary through the door and down a narrow flight of steps to a dark vestibule with several doors.

  ‘That one leads into the nave of the church, should you wish to leave your beds to pray,’ said Ignatius. He pointed to one on his left but unlatched another door, which opened into the ambulatory walk around the cloister.

  They walked along the flagstoned arcade, which opened between pillars to overlook the sparse lawn of the garth. At the other end of this side of the square, yet another door admitted them into a short corridor. It was noticeably warmer in here than the cellarer’s building or the dormitory, and the cynical Gwyn suspected that the head of the house made himself far more comfortable than his minions. Their guide waved a hand at several rooms on the left.

  ‘Those are various offices, including mine, but the prior’s parlour is up here.’ He turned into an alcove on the right, where a flight of wooden stairs led to the upper floor. The atmosphere got milder still as they ascended, and when they reached a square hall above it was positively warm, helped by the fact that a window in one wall actually had glass instead of a shutter, a rare luxury indeed. An open door in the opposite wall revealed a small chapel, which Thomas decided must be for the prior’s private use.

  The thin monk tapped on another door and entered, reappearing a moment later to beckon them inside. The coroner strode in, determined to assert his royal authority from the start, as he had long experience of some churchmen, with their superior and often supercilious attitudes, coupled with a reluctance to cooperate with his investigations. However, it transpired that in Bermondsey Priory he need have no fears on that score, for Prior Robert Northam was only too anxious for any help he could get. He rose from behind his table and bowed his head courteously to the coroner.

  ‘I am glad to see that you have arrived safely, Sir John. Your reputation goes before you and I only hope that you can settle this distressing matter expeditiously.’

  He had a mellow voice, but there was a strong undercurrent of anxiety in his tone. De Wolfe explained that his clerk and officer were indispensable to his work as coroner, and Robert Northam acknowledged them warmly. He was a stocky man of about fifty, with a bush of dark brown hair, which contrasted all the more with the baldness of his tonsure. His face was square and his features strong, deep lines being etched at each side of his mouth and across his forehead. Though the priory was a French foundation and many of its monks were from Normandy or further south, Northam was English. He had spent some years at the mother house on the Loire before being sent as prior to Bermondsey in 1189.

  At a gesture from his superior, Brother Ignatius fetched a chair and placed it for the coroner on the opposite side of the table to the prior, who motioned for Gwyn and Thomas to sit on a bench near the fireplace, where a sea-coal fire threw out a comfortable glow across the chamber.

  With his secretary standing dutifully beside him, Robert Northam sat down again and began explaining the situation to de Wolfe. ‘I do not know how much you know of this tragedy, Sir John. I doubt that Hubert Walter was very informative, knowing his nature.’

  John nodded his agreement. ‘He told me virtually nothing, prior, other than that a ward of the king had been found dead and as the regular coroner of the verge was gravely ill I was to get here with all speed.’

  Northam sighed and steepled his hands beneath his chin as he prepared to tell the story yet again.

  ‘This house is blessed – or possibly cursed – with a reputation for being a refuge or perhaps a lodging for ladies of high rank. Sometimes I think we should have been a hostel rather than a priory!’ He sounded more resigned than sarcastic, but John sensed a certain bitterness in his tone.

  ‘We are too conveniently placed for London, virtually within sight of the great city across the river. When the king, God bless him, or one of his high officers of state has a lady in need of protection or safe accommodation, they tend to get landed on us here. We seem to specialize in royal wards, of which there seems an endless supply!’ He folded his arms and leaned on his table, bending forward so that his dark eyes were fixed on de Wolfe.

  ‘A month ago we had a message from the Archbishop that yet another ward of King Richard was to be housed here, though thankfully Hubert Walter said it was only to be for a short period – in fact, until she was married in the great church of St Paul on the other bank.’

  John felt it was time he broke into the monologue. ‘Was that an unusual request, prior?’

  Northam turned up his hands. ‘It has happened before – we are within easy riding distance of both the abbey of Westminster and the city’s cathedral. This particular lady was from the midland shires and thus a more local domicile was needed for her to be prepared for the nuptials.’

  John waited with more than his usual patience for the prior to continue.

  ‘The lady – or really girl, for she was not yet sixteen – arrived in mid-January, with her tirewomen and some of her guardians. She was Christina de Glanville, distantly related to Ranulf de Glanville, the renowned former justiciar of England, who died six years ago at the siege of Acre in the Holy Land.’

  De Wolfe grunted. ‘I was there myself, as was my officer Gwyn. We well remember de Glanville and his tragic death.’

  The prior rapped his table with his fingertips. ‘Then tragic death seems to run in the Glanville family, for two days before the wedding his great-niece was found dead in one of our cellars!’

  ‘Why was she a royal ward, prior?’ asked de Wolfe.

  ‘When she was a child, her mother died giving birth to a son, who wou
ld have been the heir except that the infant died as well. Christina was the only child of Sir William de Glanville – and to complete the tragic circle, he also died alongside his uncle while fighting the Mohammedans at Acre.’

  ‘Is the Glanville family not from Suffolk, sir?’ ventured Thomas from across the room.

  Robert Northam nodded. ‘They are indeed – and the girl’s father left a very substantial estate there, as well as other property elsewhere. As there was no heir of the age of majority, it all escheated to the Crown on his death and his only surviving child was made a ward of King Richard.’

  ‘But presumably she was placed in the care of a guardian, unless she was sequestrated in some other religious house?’ suggested the coroner.

  ‘Indeed she was, Sir John. At first she was placed in the Gilbertine convent of Sempringham in Lincolnshire, being only ten years of age at the time of her father’s death. Then her uncle, her late mother’s brother, arranged for her to live with his family as a more congenial home for a young girl.’

  ‘Wasn’t that a long way from her own estates in Suffolk?’ asked John.

  ‘Her father had had several manors and mines in the shire of Derby as well,’ replied the prior.

  Brother Ignatius diffidently murmured further details from alongside his superior’s chair. ‘The lands of Sir Roger Beaumont lay adjacent to the Glanville manors in Derbyshire, so it was convenient for him also to be appointed administrator of the escheated estate. The king agreed and Chancery drew up the deeds.’

  De Wolfe, cynical fellow that he was, felt the first twitchings of suspicion when he heard this. ‘No doubt there was some financial advantage for him in this arrangement?’

  The prior took up the tale again. ‘Roger Beaumont took half the income from the Glanville properties, the remainder going to the Exchequer on behalf of the king. It was reasoned that this was his due for sheltering Christina and the labour of running the very extensive estates, which were scattered over three counties.’