In This World, : What Becomes of Us Read online

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  In the eighth grade, Kiki moved to America from Wroclaw, Poland. Kiki and Mia have had a love/hate relationship ever since then. She knew how to turn heads, but Ishigo was not into party girls. He thought she was too easy for him; he preferred a woman who offered a challenge.

  Brought into wealth while she was young, which contributed to Kiki having everything she wanted, never fretted over a thing. For that, Ishigo called Kiki the annoying friend you could not get rid of until the day she left.

  3:45 PM, Sunday, September 11th, 2016

  Another day passed while Ishigo sat and packed his residence and reminisced his life. Ishigo’s dwelling in Chinatown stood behind a restaurant and bar called Ching-Cheng, a family friend owned both buildings. Ishigo leased the place when he arrived back to the states. He grew up in the neighborhood.

  Everyone knew his father, Longwei Xiang, Dragon Head to the Triads of Manhattan, a great man that did dreadful things. And his mother, Yuke Xiang, a shy woman with one of the biggest hearts you could find, but could not produce offspring. Prompted to believe Ishigo had been a present from the heavens. Ishigo’s biological parents dropped him in a basket on the Xiang’s doorstep when he was newborn. Attached to the basket read a note, it explained he was an offer, as repayment for a debt incurred.

  Growing up was painful, but not because of his family. The two elements that plagued him were being an adopted Japanese child in a Chinese neighborhood and the question of his biological parents. When Ishigo was five years old, Yuke became pregnant with a girl, Ishigo’s sister, Ju Xiang, gracing her once more. Tortured until high school when he developed muscles and took part on the school teams.

  With other children, one only needed to look strange, and kids pointed out every little “blemish” they saw. For his biological parents, he gave up after high school. Ishigo’s parents gave him away, and not because they could not care for him. Raised in a loving household, he adopted his devoted accomplice and cat, Gigi. While in Turkey, Ishigo found Gigi and transported her back to the states with him. She never leaves his side.

  Time passed while he packed, Ishigo jumped up when he realized there was a half hour to get ready before he needed to leave. In his rush, he noticed Gigi was nowhere in sight. That threw him into a panic as he raced around the apartment in search of her. A few minutes passed before he entered his bedroom to find Gigi asleep on the bed. She lifted her head and yawned joint with a meow.

  Ishigo’s body relaxed as he raised his hand to his heart and knew she was okay. He felt stupid for freaking out, but Gigi was the closest thing he had to a child.

  5:45 PM, Sunday, September 11th, 2016

  As Ishigo drove around, an hour passed before he saw a sign for Terrigona Hills. Ishigo’s tires screeched to a halt; pleased to see hardened steel entrance gates with security posted out front. Ishigo assured he was in the right place as he pulled forward by the Gremlin, named Hizon, for security. Hizon had been friendly, unlike many Gremlins Ishigo met. So warm that he mentioned the mass traffic the complex seen that day.

  The gates opened to expose cherry blossom trees, it reminded him of a time he visited Japan, during springtime. Cherry blossom trees were Ishigo’s favorite. Once he reached the parking lot, he found a spot with ease. While Ishigo parked his car, he spotted Kiki in the rearview mirror, but she was not alone. He assumed it was just another client since she gave him a last-minute appointment.

  In a noticeable argument, he hoped he was not to blame. To try and be a helpful mediation, he walked right into their conversation.

  “Hello Kiki, we have an appointment to-,” said Ishigo.

  Before he could apologize, Ren interrupted him.

  9:36 PM, Friday, September 8th, 2017

  Sitting in a coffee shop, Ishigo scopes out his next target. In wait, he reminisces the first time he met Kiki, with a moment to laugh off, yet another memory. A year and a half ago, at Ching-Cheng’s, after Ishigo returned from an assignment.

  “Another night, another life,” says Ishigo, as he stroked Gigi’s back.

  11:11 PM, Friday, March 3rd, 2016

  Late one night, Ishigo finished an assignment, and instead of going straight home he went to the bar at Ching-Cheng’s. When he hung out at the bar, he never had far to get home. The assassination left him to do the only thing he knew best, wash away his troubles with shots. Ishigo intended to throw a few back, then return home to pass out.

  Since everyone knew him, the bartenders let Gigi hang out behind the bar, but only if the owner, Cheng, was absent. Cheng hated cats. Seated at the bar, Ishigo washed away his thoughts while Gigi drank a bowl of milk. Drunk as he was, he yelled for the bartender, Nuwa. She spun around to snap at him, demanding what he wanted, but she knew the answer.

  Out of nowhere, a woman in a red dress approached Ishigo. The woman took a shot at conversation, but Ishigo ignored her. In persistence, the woman said hello again and caused him to spin around in confusion.

  With a delayed reaction, Ishigo asked, “You’re talking to me?”

  “Who else?” said the woman.

  He noticed he was the only guy at the bar as he scoped his surroundings.

  “What’s your name, beautiful?” asked Ishigo.

  “Kiki Kovski, and you?”

  “What a beautiful name, I’m Ishigo Meshuto.”

  Amid conversation, she leaned towards him and slid her tongue into his mouth. Since they had nothing in common, other than their attraction to each other, Ishigo had a tough time as he fought the temptation to bring Kiki into the restroom. Interrupted by another woman who stormed up to them, but they paid no mind. After minutes of nagging Kiki, she answered the woman without removing her tongue from Ishigo’s mouth. He glanced over to see the woman aggravatedly stomp away.

  Kiki gestured towards the door, leading to her question of who’s place was closer. Ishigo answered, “Mine.” Gigi trailed behind as they disappeared into the night. Drunk as Kiki was, Ishigo was sure she had not noticed the cat.

  Upon entering Ishigo’s apartment, Kiki rushed to the restroom. Once done, she wobbled her way into the living room, losing every article of clothing along the way. Kiki shoved Ishigo into the couch and climbed on top of him. He picked up Kiki and flipped her over, with a trail of kisses along her abdomen he excused himself to use the restroom.

  Ishigo returned to find Kiki passed out on the couch, which sobered him. The man, he was, he propped Kiki’s head up and put a pillow underneath, covered her with a blanket, and placed her clothes on the coffee table. Once finished tucking Kiki in, Ishigo cleaned up and sent himself to bed.

  10:42 PM, Friday, September 8th, 2017

  Mia charges towards Ren as she chases him around the apartment. Anyone that laid sight on their displays thought they hated each other the way they bickered. As much of pains they were to one and other; they thrived in each other’s company. The three found their rhythm and stuck to it.

  Even Gigi enjoys the new home, she sleeps around the entire house, compared to when they first moved in and she only stayed in Ishigo’s room. A significant gesture considering how Gigi did not leave Ishigo’s side and never played nice with others like she did Mia and Ren. Every time Ishigo has brought a girl home, Gigi did something to them, which included Kiki.

  As the story continued to the next morning, Kiki woke with scratch marks on her face. Unnoticed before her conversation with Mia. Most women stopped speaking to Ishigo afterward, and yet, she called him to this day, even while with Mia.

  Mia did not approve, but it was not what affected their friendship.

  The Beast

  Ren Kerry

  8:48 AM, Saturday, September 9th, 2017

  Ren regards himself an entrepreneur, millionaire, alluring, etc. The list could run on forever, but he does not acknowledge himself as a narcissist. Ren Kerry, stood in the kitchen as he pours a cup of coffee, and Ishigo walks into the room.

  “How d’you sleep?” asks Ishigo.

  “With Mia,” says Ren.

��Must we do this, this early?”

  Ren laughs at Ishigo as he walks onto the balcony, “Yup.”

  As Ishigo and Mia, he is part of the supernatural realm. Ren’s classification often referred to as a Beast, but he knows little of his race due to his superhuman side being dormant. The reason Ren has any source of information is due to a fortune teller, Maria, who he saw after his parents passed.

  Ren tries to pick up every woman he meets, and it was stressful to Mia, but ever since she awoke, he appeared resentful and caused more trouble than usual. As the three share a birthday, Ren’s story begun one year ago, with the unfortunate consequences of his twenty-sixth birthday. Whether it was chance or just Kiki’s mistake, they were glad they met.

  11:05 AM, Sunday, September 11th, 2016

  One year ago, on the deserted shores of Staten Island, New York, with Ren, Ace, and a few girls, is where it started. To celebrate Ren’s birthday, they started the day early. The three women assumed the nicknames Ren gave them were adorable, but they neglected to notice he forgot their names.

  “Ladies, what’s the plan?” asked Ren.

  Blondie threw her hands into the air and said, “Party!”

  With an approach to match her striking presence, Blondie was nothing, but trouble. Ren did not mind; Blondie’s vanity blinded him to her flaws. Long curls of umbrae; midnight, blond and platinum laid her back with autumn colored eyes to match. Plump lips painted in bubblegum pink, a milk chocolate complexion, and noticeable hourglass shape. With ease, Blondie struck fear into the other girls.

  “We’re at the beach, you want to swim or screw?” asked Candy.

  The beach was so unpleasant that swimming had been off the menu, but this was open knowledge as she sat with a menaced smirk. Candy was a slight bit taller than Blondie, with short vivacious fuchsia colored hair; a full, hipped figure; caramel complexion; toned body; and turquoise eyes. Candy’s eyes against her skin made him drool, right along with her Puerto Rican flare. Shier than most Latino women Ren dated, Candy’s tongue still spat fire.

  “We could get food,” said Mint.

  Last, there was Mint, the quiet one. A petite Korean woman, with a peachy complexion, and sapphire colored eyes. As bright as her eyes were, Ren knew they were contacts. Mint’s hair tied up into pigtails laid straight as a pin, jet black with neon green tips. Anyone that met her confused her for a twelve-year-old because she was so small, this included Ren. Once he learned how old she was, Ren felt stupid and asked her on a date. Mint’s modesties drew his interest, and it did not hurt she was cute.

  These three gorgeous women were Ren’s central hookups. In yearn of a foursome for his birthday, Ren requested the three women to get along and behave, but he should have known better. Not long after they arrived, Blondie and Candy teamed up together to pick on Mint. Ren could not help but pity Mint and her social awkwardness, as he ran his palms over his face, she stood in tears.

  “Go home, I’ll call you tomorrow,” said Ren.

  Mint replied, “O-Okay-ay,” while tears and snot ravaged her face.

  Mint rushed past Ace and knocked on to the ground. As Ace stood up, he grabbed his phone and texted Ren. With a constant vibration in his pants pocket, Ren looked at his phone and saw multiple text messages from Ace that read;

  I tried to cheer Mint up, but she was such a bitch.

  What d’you do?

  Sorry, these chicks are crazy.

  Damn, I wanted that girl.


  Ren’s last text ended their conversation.

  The girls swung their hands in front of Ren’s face, “Hello?”

  “Sorry, where was I?” asked Ren.

  “Party?” asked Blondie.

  Blondie’s question reminded Ren of what he told the girls before Ace’s text messages distracted him. Continuing to inform them of a rave happening that night, the acquaintance that invited him was DJing. As Ren told the girls of the event, he caught an awkward and perplexed expression on Candy’s face.

  Curious, Ren asked, “What’s wrong, Candy?”

  “I’ve never been to a rave.”

  “I will not force it on you,” said Ren.

  Even though Candy’s presence at the rave made no variation to Ren, if she chose not to go it meant no threesome. As the day moved forward, he stressed over the girl’s constant bickering. The day was getting later, and complete disappointment set, Candy retired home sooner than he hoped. With a farewell, they parted ways. Ren soon realized Ace was missing for a time.

  “Good, now I’ve got you to myself,” said Blondie.

  Since she spooked him with her laughter, he ignored it hoping to get laid. Had Ren let her, Blondie would have screwed him right there. After they suction cupped each other’s faces for another hour, Ren suggested they go somewhere else. In disbelief to how swift she gathered their stuff, he thought it to be desperate.

  1:13 PM, Sunday, September 11th, 2016

  After a twenty-minute hike, they reached Ace’s house, and as Ren suspected, he was not home. Ren figured Ace was still chasing Mint. Either way, it did not matter to him having had a key. Ren did not live with Ace, but he protested girls at his place. The women he screwed proved to be untrustworthy; Ren learned the hard way that these women preferred to steal, or dollar signs blinded them. After a while, he stopped bringing women home to protect his privacy and belongings.

  “Where are we?” asked Blondie.

  “Ace’s place,” said Ren.

  “I thought-,” said Blondie, as Ren interrupted, “You thought, what?”

  Ren assumed every girl was the same; only wanting to travel to a rich guy’s loft in Manhattan, he chuckled at the thought.

  “You assumed what, that I’d take you back to my place? Nope,” said Ren, as he lifted his head to look up at her, “Look, it’s my birthday, and two chicks left, either we have fun or leave, which one?”

  Blondie noticed his impatience and said, “I’ll stay.” Since birthday sex was no longer an illusion, Ren relaxed.

  3:36 PM, Sunday, September 11th, 2016

  Two hours later, Blondie absorbed the life out of him. As Ren began to cum, his phone buzzed in his pocket and startled he leaped.

  “Sorry, the bathroom is over there,” said Ren, as he pointed towards the hall.

  Happy that life no longer cock-blocked him, he answered his phone. To Ren’s surprise, Kiki was on the other line.

  “Wonderful evening, Mr. Kerry. You requested a two-hour notice before our meeting.”

  “Please, call me Ren.”

  “Will you be on time?” asked Kiki.

  “Yes, thank you. I’ll see you soon,” said Ren.

  “See you soon,” said Kiki.

  Ren hung up and panicked as he realized the time. In fear of lateness, he scrambled around the house. Ren left clothes at Ace’s place, which made it convenient and subtracted having to stop home. That saved him at least thirty minutes.

  Showered and dressed, Ren glanced at Blondie to see the frustration on her face. Knowing no matter what he said; there was a problem.

  “I’m sorry, but-,” said Ren.

  Blondie interrupted, “What the hell, Ren?”

  Instead of a reply, Ren ran past her, as she laid naked on the couch. Once in his car, he reversed, but halfway out of the driveway, Ren parked and texted Ace.


  Sorry had to run.

  Ok and?

  I left someone in the house.


  Unsure of what to say, Ren delayed his response to Ace.


  I’ll give, but you owe me!

  No problem.

  With no reply, Ren continued out of the driveway and raced the streets.

  5:59 PM, Sunday, September 11th, 2016

  Later that evening, after he drove for an hour and a half, Ren arrived at massive gates. In front of the entrance sat a security box, inside, Hizon. Ren described him as something seen out of a horror movie. Unlike the warmth Hizon showed the o
thers, Ren felt he was one of the rudest, weirdest, and ugliest things he ever saw.

  After minutes of argument, Hizon called Kiki, who confirmed Ren’s appointment. With confirmation, Hizon opened the gates and allowed him to roll forward. As he passed Hizon, Ren stuck his tongue out and scrunched his face. The tires spun and spat cherry blossom petals as he sped the empty road.

  The complex was one of the most secluded and prestigious places money could buy. Ren pulled into a spot with ease and noticed two women when he exited the vehicle. As he locked his car, Ren made his way towards them. In curiosity of their identity, Ren intruded on the conversation and assumed one of them had to be Kiki.

  “Hey sexy ladies, which one of you are Kiki?” said Ren, as he ignored Ishigo’s existence.

  11:21 AM, Saturday, September 9th, 2017

  Mia searches the apartment for Ren but soon grows tired.

  “Damn him, he’s gone, again,” says Mia.