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- Tappei Nagatsuki
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Vol. 1
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—This is really, really not good.
Feeling the hard texture of the ground against his face, he realized that he had fallen facedown on the ground. He couldn’t move, even when he tried, and he already couldn’t feel his fingers. What he did feel was a certain heat, and it overwhelmed his entire body.
—It’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot.
He coughed and vomited the blood he felt rising in his throat—the source of his waning life. So much came out that it frothed at the edges of his mouth. With his hazy vision, he could see the ground in front of him stained red.
—You’ve…got to be kidding me… All of this is mine?
Feeling as though all of the blood in his body had spilled out of him, he reached a shaking hand to try to find the source of the heat that was burning through his body. As his fingertips reached the large cut in his stomach, he understood.
No wonder it felt so hot. His brain must have been mistaking pain for heat. The clean gash that ran through his torso was so deep it had almost sliced him in half. Only bits of skin were still holding him together.
In other words, he had run right into a checkmate in the chess game of his life. As soon as he realized that, his consciousness immediately began to fall away from him.
Before his eyes, he saw a black boot descend, making ripples in the red pool of his fresh blood.
Someone was there, and that someone…was probably the one who killed him.
But he didn’t even think to look that person in the face. It didn’t matter anymore.
—The one thing he did wish was that she, at least, would be safe.
He felt as if he heard a voice that rang like bells. That he heard that voice, that he could hear that voice, felt like salvation to him more than anything else, so—
With a short scream, someone else crumpled upon the carpet of blood.
She landed right beside him. He lay there, weakly attempting to reach her.
Her white hand fell, powerless. He lightly grasped it in his own bloodstained grip.
He felt the fingers of her hand move slightly to accept his own.
“Just you wait…”
He seized his fading consciousness, pulling it desperately back to buy a bit more time.
“I’m going to…”
—find a way to save you.
In the next instant, he—Subaru Natsuki—lost his life.
—This is really going to be a problem.
With no money and no idea what to do, he repeated the thought over and over again in his mind.
Well, it wasn’t completely accurate to say he had no money. The wallet in his pocket was filled with all the cash he owned, enough to go on a little bit of a shopping spree if he had to—under normal circumstances. But in this case, “no money” is really the only way to describe his situation.
“Yeah, but the currency system here is completely different, isn’t it…”
The young man flicked his rare notched ten-yen coin in the air and breathed a deep sigh.
He didn’t really have any features about him that stood out. He had short black hair and was of average height, being neither short nor tall. He was a bit muscular, though, as if he had been working out, and the cheap gray tracksuit that he was wearing really suited him quite well. He had small irises, so the whites of his eyes stood out, but right now, the way his eyes were downcast, he didn’t have a very aggressive or championing look to him.
He looked average enough to be quickly lost in a crowd…but right now, most of those passing by looked at him out of the corners of their eyes as if they were looking at something strange they had never seen before.
But that was to be expected. After all, among all those onlookers, not one of them had black hair, nor were any of them wearing tracksuits. They had blond hair, red hair, and brown hair…some even had blue or green hair, among others, and they were wearing armor, or black robes, or the kind of costume a dancer might wear…that sort of thing.
As he stood before the waves of open stares, the young man crossed his arms and had no other option but to accept the truth.
“This has got to be one of those…” he said, snapping his fingers and pointing out toward the crowd of onlookers. “One of those so-called ‘I’ve been summoned to another world’ deals, right?” he said as an oxcart-like vehicle pulled by a giant lizard-like thing crossed in front of him.
Subaru Natsuki was an extremely ordinary boy, born on Earth, the third planet in the solar system, to a middle-class family in the nation of Japan. If you were to sum up his nearly seventeen years of life, the previous sentence would be enough to describe him, and if you felt the need to add anything else, the extra sentence, “He was a third-year public high school student with a tendency to not show up to class,” would be sufficient.
Placed at a fork in the road of life, such as “whether to pursue a college degree or jump straight into the workforce,” people are generally forced to make a decision one way or the other. That sort of decision-making is something everyone has to deal with and part of what we call life, but in Subaru’s case (you might call it his specialty) he was a bit better than your average Joe at running away from things he did not like. In avoiding such a decision, the number of his unexcused absences had piled up, and before he knew it he was a bona fide truant, the kind parents weep over.
“And to top it all off, now I’ve been summoned to a whole different world. I guess that seals the deal. I’m a high school dropout now. But seriously, what the hell is going on?”
He felt as if he was having a not-so-well-thought-out dream, but even after pinching his cheeks and smacking his head against a wall, he wouldn’t wake up.
Subaru sighed. He had drifted away from where he was, getting all sorts of curious looks, and was now sitting against a wall in an alley just off the main road.
“Assuming I really have been summoned to a fantasy world…the state of civilization appears to be the usual, medieval-like setting. So far, I haven’t seen anything mechanical, but the roads are pretty well paved…and of course I can’t use any of my cash.”
As for whether he could communicate with the people here, and regarding the value of goods, those were things that Subaru checked immediately upon realizing he had been summoned to a different world.
Fortunately, he had no problem communicating, and he was able to confirm that commerce was handled in a currency of gold, silver, and copper coins. His first contact, a merchant at a fruit stand, wasn’t all that welcoming to him, though.
As for why Subaru was so quick to accept and understand his current situation, the fact that he was a modern Japanese youth poisoned by anime and games had something to do with it, and for that he was very thank
ful. It wouldn’t be an overstatement to say that as an adolescent boy, this sort of otherworldly summoning was the kind of thing you’d dream would happen to you, but on that note…
“Without a little bit more of a welfare safety-net thing going on, a laid-back guy like myself isn’t going to be able to deal, you know?” Subaru complained.
Given his current situation, and pitiful starting equipment, he couldn’t help it.
His belongings consisted of a cell phone (which looked like it would run out of batteries soon), a wallet (filled with membership cards from various video rental stores), a cup of instant ramen he’d bought from a convenience store (pork bone and soy sauce flavor), a bag of crispy snacks bought from the same store (corn soup flavor), his favorite gray tracksuit (unwashed), and well-worn sneakers (two years old). That was it.
“I don’t even get a single Excalibur? I’m done. What am I supposed to do in this getup?”
Well, there’s only so much you can hope for when you’re summoned to a different world on your way back from the convenience store. It had happened in the blink of an eye.
Subaru had already gotten hungry and eaten half of the one thing he had that might have been of any use—his pack of crispy snacks—before realizing that he had just gone through his only source of food. But worrying about it wasn’t going to help him now.
Even if he’d wanted to put his hopes on the possibility that this was being staged as part of an elaborate reality TV show, the large lizard carts and look of all the people passing by nipped that in the bud.
“The fact that no one seems to be paying attention to them means that they’re probably normal…both those giant lizards and the half-humans.”
Subaru grumbled and looked on as people with strange outfits and colorful hair passed by, but out of all of them, the ones who really drove home the fact that he had been summoned to another world were the half-humans.
Without having to look too long Subaru could see people with dog ears and cat ears, and there were even some who looked like they were lizardmen. But of course there were also ordinary humans, the same as Subaru.
“So this is a world with half-humans…and probably wars and adventures, too. As for whether there are any animals I’m used to around… I’m not too sure, but given that lizard cart thing…it looks like they use animals in the same way we do.”
After putting all of that together, Subaru let out a long breath, but not a sigh. If things unfolded the way he had fantasized about before about otherworldly summoning, he ought to be able to use his knowledge of modern civilization to hold sway over everyone else…but there were a lot of things that still didn’t make any sense.
“The truth is, I have no idea what to do next, and I still have no idea how or why I was summoned. I don’t remember stepping into a mirror or falling in a pond, and if I’m to believe this is the otherworldly summoning format I’m used to, where is the beautiful girl who summoned me?”
The lack of a main heroine in this otherworldly summoning setup was a big hole in the plot. If this were taking place in a 2D world, someone in the creative department was seriously slacking off. If Subaru was really summoned for no reason and then abandoned just like that, it put him on the same level as single-use disposable goods.
Now that Subaru had finished establishing the state of his surroundings, he really couldn’t think of anything better to do than return to his default state of escaping from reality.
“I guess if I keep this up, it’s no different from locking myself up in my room back home.”
The thought of his parents crossed his mind, but right now he wasn’t in a position where he could just sit around feeling homesick. Thinking he had to do something about his current situation, he stood back up and turned back toward the main road, but… Just as Subaru was about to walk out onto the main road, he almost bumped into someone who moved out in front of him.
“Oh. Sorry ’bout that.” Subaru gave a short apology and tried to continue past, but…
“Hold up!”
…he was grabbed firmly by the shoulder and pulled back into the alley. Nearly falling over himself as he turned around, Subaru looked up to see that the person who had thrown him back was a man with a large build.
Behind that man were two of his buddies, and the three men stood in such a way as to block Subaru from exiting the alley onto the main road.
The way they moved, it didn’t appear this was the first time these men had done this, and Subaru had a bad feeling about what was going to come next.
“Umm… May I ask what you three fine fellows plan on doing with me?”
“Oh, it looks like this one here’s a smart one! Well, nothing to worry about. Just give us everything you’ve got on you, and there’s no need for anyone to get hurt.”
“So that’s the deal, huh? Yeah, I guess it would be. Ha-ha… This really sucks.”
The men’s gazes were filled with scorn and ridicule. They looked like they were in their twenties, with the meanness of their personalities reflected in their faces and dirty appearances. They didn’t look like they were half-humans, but they certainly weren’t saints, either.
You couldn’t call it an unusual plot development. Encountering thugs was a way to show the dangers of everyday life. In other words…
“Damn, I’ve triggered a compulsory event.”
As he looked at the men smirking, Subaru tried to hold the status quo with a fake smile and considered his options. He was in quite a pinch, but since the beginning of time, in stories where humans are summoned to other worlds, those humans tended to be able to wield some kind of superpower. If Subaru had been summoned to this world under the same conditions as the stories he was familiar with, it was very likely that he had been given some sort of power. With that thought, Subaru felt that his body was a little lighter than usual.
“I’m starting to get the feeling that this world’s gravity is, like, only a tenth of my world’s. I can do this. I can do this! I’m going to mow you all down and make this the first chapter of my glorious future! You’re only here so I can pull experience points off of you, you scum!”
“What the hell is he going on about?” said one of the men.
“I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure he’s making fun of us. Let’s kill ’im,” replied another.
“Took the words right out of my mouth… You’re going to regret this!” returned Subaru, before flying forward with a straight jab from his right hand, aiming for the big man in front. Subaru’s fist collided with the man’s nose, but he also cut his fist on one of the man’s front teeth and started bleeding.
—I hit someone for the first time in my life! Wow! It hurts way more than I expected.
Subaru was confident in his fighting form, but he had never been in a real fight before. The man who was punched fell to the ground. Without taking a moment to pause, Subaru leapt at another of the men, caught off guard, as his next target. With a clean arc he landed a kick on the side of the next man’s head, slamming him into the wall of the alley.
This was going even better than he’d expected, and he started to be sure of the notion that he was invincible in this new world.
“I guess in this world my stats are pretty good! What a rush! Now to finish this!”
Turning back around, Subaru bent forward to beat down the last man standing, when his eyes centered on what that man was holding in his hand: a glinting knife.
Immediately Subaru dropped to his knees, bent over forward, and with a spectacular single motion prostrated himself, pressing his forehead against the ground.
“I’m sorry, that was absolutely terrible of me, I ask that you forgive me and please find it in your generous hearts to spare my life!”
Prostration—it was the most exteme form of showing absolute submission to another and the lowest form of Japanese humility. Just where did all of that fired-up feeling go? Subaru felt as if he could hear the blood drain from his body. Desperately clinging to any hope
of mercy, he tried to make himself seem small and continued to apologize.
With a knife involved, fighting was out of the question. No matter how you might train yourself, if you were stabbed, it was all over. All things in life are transient.
Before he knew it, the two that Subaru thought he had defeated were back on their feet. One was holding his bleeding nose and the other was shaking his head back and forth, but other than that both looked as though they were in surprisingly good condition.
“What?! You mean to tell me that my one-hit knockout punch only did that much damage?! What about my superpowers?!”
“I dunno what you’re going on about, but shut your trap! You’ve really done it now!”
It looked as though Subaru had been completely wrong about being summoned into another world coming with the promise of some kind of powers. He wasn’t really any stronger than he had been before.
One of the men stepped on the back of Subaru’s head, scraping his forehead against the ground and causing him to bleed. Another then kicked him in the face, and Subaru curled into a ball as tightly as he could as he was subjected to further acts of violence.
After all, the one who hit first was Subaru. The men didn’t hold back at all.
—Crap, this really, really hurts. Like, I could die. No, seriously.
Unlike in his own world, there was no guarantee that these thugs wouldn’t take his life. At this rate, it would be better to try one last-ditch effort to retaliate before he was beaten to death…
“Stop moving, you whelp!”
“Ow! No, don’t… Ow! Ow! Ow!!”
The man with the knife stomped on Subaru’s hand as he tried to get up, then readjusted his grip on the knife so that the tip was held back toward his arm, ready to strike.
“After we make sure you can’t move we’re going to take everything you’ve got. That’s what you get for acting tough, you punk…”
“I-if you’re looking for money or valuables, I’m sorry but you’re out of luck. After all, I don’t have a cent on me…!”