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Becoming His Slave
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Becoming His Slave
Book One of the Dominion of Brothers Series
Written by Talon p.s.
This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, is entirely coincidental.
Published by
Talon p. s.
3008 Bluff Blvd
Holiday, Florida 34691
This book both in its entirety and in portions is the sole property of
Talon p.s.
Copyright © February 29, 2012 by Talon p.s.
This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook mat not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Amazon.com kindle Direct and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
The Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in Federal prison and a fine of $250,000.
Editor: Princess Obriot
Cover Art: Princess Obriot and Ayla ‘Bug’ Stephan
Becoming His Slave
Book One of the Dominion of Brothers Series
Written by Talon p.s.
WORD COUNT: 263,925 (approx. equivalence of 535 pages)
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To my Bug who after some time got use to me talking
about my characters like they were friends of
the family and thought it was cool.
In addition Special THANKS goes to
my French Butterfly Jade F. Baiser and my Pumpkin Leslie Brown.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Discover other titles by Talon p.s. at Amazon.com:
Quantum Mates: What Torin Wants
Dear Soldier, With Love
Connect with Me Online:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Talonps
Author’s Web Page: http://www.Talon-ps.com
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This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes, BDSM, a M/F relationship, M/F as well as some M/M sexual contact, Violent Dangers and adult language which may be considered offensive to some readers. It is intended for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable. Certain side effects are bound to happen should you decide to continue reading. Symptoms may include, but not limited to: Heavy Breathing, warm sensation in chest and lower regions of the body and sudden urges to wrangle your partner towards the bedroom. (with intentions to gain a deep feeling of satedness only great sexy can bring—your partner will thank me later).
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Trademark Acknowledgement
The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the
following word-marks mentioned in this work of fiction:
ConQuest Knights Armored Luxury Trucks
Lexus Luxury Vehicles
Ford F-150 Raptor Pickup Truck
Berker Ford Excursion
Audi R8
Sikorsky Executive Helicopter
Alcohol Brands:
Tragos Silver Tequila
Dos Lunas Tequila
Asombroso Platino Silver and La Rosa tequila
El Condeazul Blanco Tequila
Clive Christianson Cologne - Imperial’s Majesty
Davidoff Fragrances For Men
L'eau De Tarocco By Diptyque
Aqva Pour Homme Marine Toniq
Nautica Oceans
HM by Hanae Mori
L'Eau de Tarocco by Diptyque
Fashion Designers:
Dolce & Gabbana
Christian Louboutin Designer Boots
Chantelle Africa Lingerie
Les Maçons Danseurs
Bluemarine Underwear
Diesel Underwear For Men
Get Me Off Underwear For Men
Aubade Asako
Berretta Guns
Glock Guns
Desert Eagle Guns
Icelandic bottled water
Tantra Chair furniture for lovers
New York’s French restaurant La Perigord
Hellas Greek restaurant Tarpon Springs Florida
“A lion is most handsome when looking for food - Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi.” Source unknown
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Katianna Dumas was a writer, had been since she left school only now she was finally published. Her genre being that of one of the oldest in written history. Erotica. She explored its art and thought about what that meant often, even now as she followed Amelia into Club Pain for its grand opening night celebration. And the second they stepped out from the entry hall into the large open dance floor and bar area, she knew right away she was entering a new world. One she had never witnessed or played a part in, but from first glance she knew her world and definition on sex was about to change—here at Club Pain, sex and erotica were redefined with BDSM.
The club was already filled to the brim with guests of its flair. Many of which clad in leather, she almost had the notion to stereo type the crowd, it was that obvious. But then why would they not? In here someone who had a taste for darker erotic stimulation didn’t have to hide, didn’t have to feel ashamed or do so under cloak. Everyone here shared those same desires. Well—all except one of course, she was just being paraded in like she was the newest pet Chihuahua for the Heiress Amelia Quinneth, her recently acquired publisher from Quinneth Lovely Publishing.
The dance floor was its own entity that moved in slow tantric gyrations of bodi
es to the dark melodic techno house music blasting from the club’s audio system. The gyrating beat beckoning even the most timid to come out and set their souls loose to meld with the heat.
Clicks of bodies milled about, collecting in the corners and along tall bar tables. Some lucky enough to have been invited to survive those inside private VIP booths encased in glass walls.
Her eyes soaked up the sea of people to become characters. Blondes, redheads, raven and snow colored hair, a peacock of unnatural colors and some she wasn’t sure with the leather hoods over their heads. So much leather, patent products and latex clad the skin of its guests. Some more extreme than others, some outright balls to the wall with studded leather straps and chains draped over bare ass chaps, while others more aristocratic. The ladies in evening gowns that had been shortened all the way to their ass cheeks, but missing not one rhinestone on their regalia, men dressed to attract in slacks and historical designer shirt replicas from the 1500’s old English era.
She even spied a pair of twins decked out to the max in Steampunk regalia, complete with tail coats and platform boots. The attire went well with their black dreads adorned with brass cogs and time pieces.
The ebb and flow of the pool of people—the variety never seemed to end, straight, gay, masters and puppets. It was a treasure trove for a writer’s stimuli. And it all revolved around her favorite topic—SEX.
Katianna took a seat in the crescent shaped booth in the first of the ten glass rooms, which for now and until whenever was reserved for Amelia and her distinguished guests. And soon after, those guests poured in. Some just stopping by for the—kiss, kiss, you look delicious—while others stopped and stayed for a drink. And for each and every guest Amelia bragged about her new star writer Katianna Dumas. Which most of them had already heard Amelia talk about her, and many had read at least two books. Amelia was that good of a sales woman.
It was nearly dizzying watching Amelia’s friends come and go. But all that came to a heart throbbing calm—the whole world stopped rotating when Katianna saw him step into sight.
She didn’t care what other women might have thought he was—he was the sultan’s gold in her eyes. One look at him and her mind was desperate to slow down time’s imaginary influence around her like time lapse photography as he came up the few steps that led to the raised platform where their glass partitioned VIP room was. His broad chest and shoulders clad in a black patent alligator jacket that was zipped halfway up and tailored just perfectly so as not to diminish the contours of the muscles she was certain were under there. Black sweater with a thick turtle neck and dark grey slacks. She was no fashion guru, but after a five year former relationship with a male model, she knew when something screamed Dolce & Gabbana. Some fashions were always notable. And this man was decked out to the ultimate, right down to the kid skin, black gloved hands. Katianna closed her eyes just for a moment imagining those gloves moving over her skin. Just the thought sent a ripple through her body.
Her mouth was watering instantly and she could feel the damp yearning between her legs. She’d seen plenty of pretty boys on the runway and at the night clubs, but this was no young creature he was mature—a man’s man—he didn’t just take the cake, he was the cake.
Just behind him, a woman dressed in a patent vinyl body suit that covered very little, shadowed his every step till he reached the door to Amelia’s VIP room. The trailing woman was tall and slender with the exception of her well endowed and very exposed breasts. Her height enhanced all the more with the added height of her platform boots. She would have been able to kiss his chin had she lifted her head, but at the moment her head was forced to bow before him by a weight clipped to the ball gag in her mouth. Platinum blond hair pulled back in a tight pony tail fell just to her shoulders. The two paused just outside the door and with one finger he ordered her to her knees to wait outside. Katianna watched as if mesmerized by the show as the young woman looked about her feet some, careful not to swing the weight held in her teeth, then stepped back and slowly with some effort lowered to her knees and Katianna saw for the first time the woman’s arms were bound behind her back by a pair of thick leather restraint sleeves clipped together both at her elbows and at her wrists, which lent part in her difficulty in lowering. That and the domineering man lent her no assistance rather he did little more than hang the leash that controlled her on a hook fashioned just to the side of the glass door.
And when he stepped in Katianna thought she’d faint from so much stimulation. He was at least 6’4” and she loved tall men. The taller the better, because she had the fantasy of crawling up their bodies to seduce them. The warm quickening she felt eliciting her theca to awaken like a fury that had slumbered too long and was instantly sawing like a giant wild cat ready to be fed. Oh drool.
“Amelia.” He greeted the instant he stepped in. The deep tone of his voice like a predator on the prowl had Katianna’s knees wilting and he hadn’t even spoken to her.
“Dominus.” Amelia nearly sang his name as she stood, extending her hands out. He took both, bringing them both up to be kissed in a gentlemanly display of lordship for the heiress. She glanced around him to the woman he’d left outside, “She’s a new flavor for you.”
“She’s not mine. I’ve been contracted to train her.”
Her brows raised and she gave him a wicked half smile “Let me guest. Dane?”
“Who else do you know is too lazy to train his own subs?” He winked at her.
“Well I hope you charged him extra this time.” She quipped back at the Dominus.
“The meter is still running on this one.”
Amelia’s arm wrapped around him in a half hug and saddled him around to make all the introductions. Of course, saving Katianna for last as she always did, but unlike all the other times Katianna was nearly climbing out of her seat waiting for her turn.
Amelia’s graceful hand went up in a wave towards her guests, “Of course you know Renai and Richard. My fashion designer Vashon Rayneux, his partner and assistant designer Yigal Beullai.” Amelia pivoted the attention to the next woman in the group, dressed more conservative than the others, but her tight, body clenching black high-waisted skirt matched with a cream colored silk halter blouse that fell in a loose swag over her breasts, still made her an eye-catching sight for most of the men. “This here is Tabitha Angelios from Plethora Magazine. Here for the interview on Club Pain.”
He nodded to the woman and shook her hand softly, but no kiss this time.
Finally it was her turn.
“And this is Katianna Dumas. My newest star writer. Katianna this is Dominus Trenton Leos.”
Katianna’s heart was fluttering as the man took her hand and gently pulled her to her feet, he leaned in, drawing her hand closer and finally bringing her fingers to his lips so slow as if to tease and he kissed the back of her knuckles, soft full lips with just a hint of moisture. When he straightened she was trapped under the gaze of easy brown eyes, soft like coffee with lots of cream framed with thick dark lashes. —Ohhh yum— She felt her chest cave and tarnish with heat in a single breath under that gaze.
Shiny dark almost black hair kept neat and clean around the ears, but a nice heavy mob of it on top to give it the disheveled shag look and plenty for a woman to rake her nails through and just enough facial hair to accent his manly facial features in shadow and framed his lips. Kissable lips that were far from her reach, unless you were a rock climber and by the look of the hard body under his clothes, rock was a well fitted word. She was going to thoroughly enjoy putting words to this man tonight.
She coyly brought her hand up to wipe at her lips just to be sure she wasn’t actually drooling.
That’s when it dawned on her that he wasn’t releasing her hand. He was taking her in and he seemed particularly interested in her small stature.
“How tall are you Katianna?” That air of predator hinting to something of his own amusement.
“Five-three.” She lied, hoping to get away with
it since she was wearing platform boots.
His eyes narrowed and he eyed her carefully, than glanced at her boots noting the thick soles. “Take them off.”
It was a command rather than a request, but before she could either comply or protest Amelia was stepping up to the rescue. “Dominus—gently—” her hand easing around his arm, “She doesn’t play.”
Trenton glanced at Amelia with a hint of aggravation, maybe even a touch wounded that Amelia would bring in something to catch his eye then tell him hands off. He glanced back at Katianna, shifting into a more seductive gaze, “Please.” He offered. Now it was a request and Kat couldn’t possibly deny him such a simple thing. Especially if it meant he was still looking at her and not the blonde in the cat suit outside the door. But the woman outside the door had been tall and slender. Katianna was petit and more than just, she was only a smidgen of the woman she imagined it would take to feed this man’s ferocious appetite and she feared losing even a couple of inconsequential inches would deter any chances of keeping his gaze in her direction.
His eyes watched her with acute amusement, he even offered to hold her arm keeping her balanced as she released the buckles, slipped her feet out and she dropped four inches.
“Liar.” He grinned devilishly as he called her out. He’d measured her well enough to know she didn’t even stand five feet let alone top it. His eyes lighting up like a lion that had just caught his favorite prey and now he was just going to sit and snarl over it awhile. Eating it only when he decided the need suited him. And the beast’s heavy gaze had her burning even hotter now.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you kitten.” He kissed her hand again before waving her back to her seat and sitting next to her. His arm stretching out to resting up on the back almost reaching for her. Not so close that it might offend on a first time encounter, but close enough to say to everyone else he was claiming her, as if someone else might risk to question it, but one look around at the others and she didn’t get the impression that anyone ever questioned this man.