Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel Read online

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  Ishuwa: There is that as one of the ideas, certainly, yes. Another idea then is when you choose to embody or incarnate into a physical body, as an analogy, your body and your belief systems are, in a sense, like a pair of binoculars. Binoculars allow you to focus on a very specific part of a mountainside or a landscape and in that way you don't see the whole mountain or the entire landscape around you. You are only experiencing those portions of life's infinite landscape that you are visually focused on through the binoculars. You only experience that which you believe and thus focus on and in doing so you can lose your awareness of all the expansiveness of the countryside that is outside of the eyes, outside the vision of the binoculars of your body's biological being. In that sense, this can be using focus and limitation in a positive way so that you're not aware of "everything" while you're a human on this world. You can then have experiences that are new, and fresh, and exciting, and you can live in a world of the unknown with the mystery coming into every moment of your experience here in ways that can excite you, in ways that can move you forward, in ways that engage you and others with new life in fascinating ever-unveiling and revealing ways that you enjoy!

  At some point you might start feeling the un-comfort or dis-comfort that can result from playing around in a world where your beliefs or "binoculars" have been focused for to long on "dark" definitions about reality that limit your ability to see your true joyful nature. You might even find it within your creative genius to create the idea that pain is just a part of life and if some experiences are painful to you, you just accept them in your life and define them as being better than other experiences that you could have had that would be more painful in terms of how you create the perception of pleasure and pain in this "haunted house," in this realm of "darkness" where the "light" seems to be absent, where you don’t have a view of the whole "countryside" because you have been focused for so long with the "binocular of beliefs and bodily biology" on only one component of the countryside of life potential where there hasn’t been much "light," hasn't been much information of who you all really are, hasn’t been a full awareness of your inner-nature's true landscape.

  Jefferson: So there's no reason actually to say that "darkness" is evil and "light" is good.

  Ishuwa: Yes! In terms of the Youniverse's actual nature of existence, the you, y, o, u, Youniverse, in terms of how and what energy actually is, there is no good or bad. Light and dark are neither good nor bad in this context that we are referring to in your asking about. The actual nature of the Youniverse is fundamentally neutral. It is neither good nor bad. Within this neutral energy, you have the ability to create the concept and the misperception that there is good, light, dark, bad, right, wrong, evil, holy. However, all of the energy that you use to create these ideas, all of the experiences in which you perceive such ideas, for example if you were to choose the idea of good and bad, right and wrong, holy and evil, the energy itself which makes it possible for you to have that experience is actually neutral and accepts and supports All That Is. You are able to utilize and work with the energy of Existence in a way that allows you to experience the Youniverse in whatever way you choose to!

  Jefferson: I see. So basically these are definitions we create for the sake of the experience.

  Ishuwa: Yes.

  Jefferson: Because obviously everything we do, we do out of the reasoning, out of the idea, out of the understanding that there will be a desirable benefit on the other side of the stick, so to speak, that we will be better off after the living of the experience.

  Ishuwa: You always make the choice that you perceive, based on your current belief system, that you perceive will be most pleasurable, most in line with your true nature of infinite support and acceptance of All That Is, and farthest away from the idea of the misperceived experience of pain, of discomfort, of displeasure, of depression.

  You always make choices based on your belief system, based on the particular "binoculars of belief" that you are currently viewing the "countryside" of your life’s potential from. You always make the choice you perceive will bring you greatest pleasure and the least pain. Pleasure and pain are also things that you have a belief system about. So the mind of your physical body, your physical mind, can create belief systems of what pleasure and pain are that are in alignment with your actual heartfelt nature of pleasure. There is no pain in the actual nature of Existence. However, your mind, your physical mind, can also create experiences of what pleasure and pain are that are out of alignment with your actual pleasurable nature of being.

  So here is one way to discern whether your definitions of pleasure and pain are in tune with your actual nature or out of tune with your actual nature. If you feel any pain, then your definitions are out of alignment with your actual nature. If you feel pleasurable, then your definitions are more in alignment with your actual nature.

  Whenever you are experiencing any pain, you can acknowledge that your definitions and beliefs about life and yourself are too limited. They aren't in alignment with who you really are. They are too focused on a "darker" region of the "countryside of life potentials" where there isn't enough information about who you really are. And you can then expand the range of your vision through the "binoculars" until you see more "light" in the countryside. That is, you can expand your beliefs about who you really are and allow new ideas about who you really are to come into your awareness, into your "field of view." You will then see more clearly how to re-define yourself and make new choices and establish new beliefs that involve less pain and are of greater joy in terms of how you feel, how you feel in each moment.

  You can enhance your ability to discern pleasure and pain in a way in which you use your "heart" rather than your "head." Learn to recognize what feels good to you rather than what you think feels good. We are saying you in general terms here, not necessarily talking about you, Jefferson.

  Jefferson: Thank you! If we get a handle on this idea, maybe it's going to assist and support us to apply self-forgiveness because we are going to look back and say that was the best I could have done with the information I had in that particular moment.

  Ishuwa: Yes! Very good! We feel that is in alignment with the whole idea now. Humans expand in their awareness as they come to understand more of who they actually are, and it becomes even easier for them to forgive because their awareness of who they actually are expands. They realize there is no need to hold any grudges against other people for they also more clearly see that other people are actually expressions of their self.

  Jefferson: I see. So the danger in clinging to such a belief system that says, "Who I am is determined by what I have accomplished," is that we then tend to identify ourselves mostly with results.

  Ishuwa: There are many people who feel that who they are is what they have accomplished.

  Jefferson: You were talking about pain and pleasure. Do you think that as we evolve, our ability to work out our definitions with more flexibility will also increase?

  Ishuwa: Yes. There will be fewer definitions as well.

  Jefferson: How does it work in your world? How does it work in your society? For example, do you attribute the fault of something adverse that happens to you as being caused by someone that you perceive is outside of you?

  Ishuwa: That would not occur in our awareness. No. We would not have that experience. We do not place fault on another or blame someone or something else for anything. We operate from the realization that the Creator exists in all things and in every moment and very simply then that is who we are. The Creator is what all things are, exists in all things, and so we don't in any way, shape, or form, experience the sense of separation or experience something as being "outside," thus then, to blame another would only amount to blaming our self. We don't blame or place fault on another, instead we take complete responsibility for all that we are experiencing and all that we are!

  We are very in tune with the idea that all that we are experiencing is of ourself, and all that is of ourself is what
we are experiencing. There are an infinite number of potential experiences in life, forms of expression in life, and we are always in great joy and excitement for life however it is that we are choosing to create and experience all that we are in any given moment. We know what we are experiencing in each moment is in alignment with our greatest joy. We know that it is most appropriate. It is the result that is of our infinite self. It is a result that we need not work to accomplish. We only need to allow our selves to acknowledge that we are always accomplished in the most accomplished way we possibly can be when we simply recognize the beauty that we are in all expressions that are being expressed by all that we are.

  Jefferson: I think it was Einstein that said something like, "a mind that evolves can never go back to the state it had been at previously." My question based on this would be, is it possible for beings like yourself that are experiencing life through "binoculars" of a higher or wider level of consciousness, is it possible for you to also experience a higher degree of darkness or forgetfulness?

  Ishuwa: It is possible to focus on other lifetimes using the idea of timelines and tap into other experiences that could be considered of a deeper pain, of a less aware state of being of the nature of their actual existence, but that wouldn’t be something that would occur very often. It could occur, but it would occur through a choice. A conscious choice would be made to make that type of adventure. The idea isn't that we can’t go back and experience what you might consider a lower frequency. The idea is that it isn’t something that would be any need for us to do. It's something that wouldn't really excite us.

  Jefferson: Oh.

  Ishuwa: Every possibility is a possibility in that sense. There are an infinite number of possibilities. So we wouldn’t count out the possibility, but we know it generally wouldn’t be in our greatest joy.

  Jefferson: I see. Is that the reason why you aren't already interacting in physical form with us down here on Earth? Is it because you are of a different vibrational frequency than us and you have to wait for us to catch up in order for our frequencies to match so that kind of interaction can happen?

  Ishuwa: The idea of catching up isn’t so much a requirement. It's simply more in terms of physics. The idea is that when two conscious energies are at a similar vibratory frequency then they are able to come together resonantly and interact in whatever way, shape, and form they may choose. Your current frequency is such that we can’t really come together fully and be in contact physically.

  Jefferson: Oh, is that right?

  Ishuwa: The physics of it won’t really allow for that to happen at this timing as you create your timing to exist. So there is, in a sense, a natural component that repels, that provides a sense of distancing that then is built into the equation, so to speak. And if you as a society simply make the choice through your own efforts, desires, and collective agreements to attain a particular collective frequency that is more in resonance with ours, as we move more into a direction of frequency that is more in resonance with where you might choose to go, then we can meet at a similar frequency of rapport.

  You need not catch up. If you want to dialogue with us more as a collective society, then your society would simply have to choose to make the choice to do that. More of you are making that choice now, but you're usually not aware of making such choices because you do so on realms of your consciousness that can at times be considered sleep states, when you are asleep at night or daydreaming in the day. There are other ways in which this can occur during your waking hours but always through your own choice.

  Jefferson: I see. So it would be almost as if you would go half way and we would go half way?

  Ishuwa: Yes!

  Jefferson: And then we would meet physically at the point where our frequencies would be resonating together, right?

  Ishuwa: Basically, yes.

  Jefferson: Okay. If there was an extraterrestrial on Earth today, would they have to lower their consciousness to ours and "plunge into darkness" and possibly forget the great being that they are and start behaving the same way we do?

  Ishuwa: There is that possibility if one of us was to just take that plunge. But you see, perhaps you have heard this analogy before from other channels, the idea is we don’t really take the plunge into the big deep blue of your oceanic consciousness of collective human beings by our self as just one individual.

  Jefferson: Ah, I see.

  Ishuwa: We have a strong hearted group-mind, and we wouldn’t get lost in the way that you are suggesting which could occur if one person went there all alone. We understand that going there all alone wouldn’t serve us. We realize that we could in that way get lost.

  We recognize that humanity on your planet did choose, in a sense, for a long period of Earth years to make that choice. As a collective of human beings on Earth, you did, in a sense, plunge into the big deep blue by embarking into the oceans of planetary Earth consciousness. It may seem as though you got lost in this deep dark realm of "haunted houses." However, before you took the plunge, you set up a homing device, in a sense.

  There are mechanisms that you did place outside of Earth and onto the surface of the sea of consciousness so that you wouldn’t get lost forever in this dark realm with its spaciousness and physical universe of stars, solar systems, comets, suns, and so on and so forth. You made arrangements to have a tether, to have access to an oxygen hose, so to speak. You have a communication line that is connected to you.

  Earth and humans are now, in a sense, choosing to pull them selves back up to the surface of greater awareness and reconnect to the communication line to get more "oxygen from the air hose," to "strengthen the tether," to remember more of who you actually are. Our communication with you now is one of the ways that you have chosen to rekindle awareness of who you really are and to resurface once again. It is no accident that we are here. Together with us and others, you are all coming together and choosing to rise to the surface once again and recognize how lofty you are as spacious, beautiful, creative beings within the realms of the infinite one Youniverse that we all are together!

  Jefferson: Okay! So we are re-emerging now and stepping up into a greater community of intelligent life that can include interactions with the inter-stellar Alliance of Worlds.

  Ishuwa: Wonderful. You're doing it, and you're acknowledging that you're doing it! You are recognizing it! This helps to support the choices that you have been making to do so. Simply recognizing it and acknowledging it helps the seed to grow into a plant, helps the plant to grow into a tree, helps the tree to grow blossoms and flowers and to even bring fruit that can then create a new cycle of nourishing foods for thought and joyful consumption in ways that are delicious!

  Jefferson: Yeah, that's great! Thank you! As we are re-emerging into this greater community of intelligent life, wouldn't it be naive to think that all extraterrestrials have good intentions?

  Ishuwa: There are a few in your realm that have their own agendas that aren’t necessarily in your highest good as we perceive the choices humanity would like to take now, the directions humanity would like to take now in reconnecting more to the heart, more to their feeling nature, more to who they actually are, re-awakening, coming out of the haunted house with greater ease and with more frequency to experience the light of play.

  There are a few who aren’t interested in seeing that type of growth process for human beings. But they are fewer and farther than you may think. And the more and more you stay focused on uplifting expressions and directions, and as more humans realize it is in choosing what is truly uplifting for them and embellishing their day in that way, talking about it, appreciating it, acknowledging it, writing about it, and dreaming about it, and creating art, and music, and plays, and films that support that direction, then the stronger their frequency moves in that direction and thus the farther away they move from the few extraterrestrials that are still choosing to bounce around in the darker places of what could be considered control and misinformation, misdirection, and lack
of true guidance.

  Jefferson: I see. I would like to ask you something that I find right now in this moment of our conversation intriguing. On two other occasions I have asked you the name of your planet and you have chosen to say the planet of the Yahyel rather than saying something like, "the name of my planet is Saturn," or "Venus." Are you by any chance endangering yourself by giving us a helping hand that could raise our level of consciousness and —

  Ishuwa: No. We simply find it more adventurous to allow for that label, that name, that title, to come through at a particular timing. Our planet, as we mentioned briefly before, is in a very supportive place, and it has a good long future. It is very nurturing, not only to our society, but also to others who come and visit it just as they come and visit our craft from time to time.