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A Bite To Remember Page 4
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Page 4
"Oh, by the Gods! I didn't think to cover you or the windows! I could have killed you!" Nick said as the thought made his heart about stop beating and breathing difficult.
A calmness came over him and it took Nick a moment to realize his mate was holding him and whispering soft comforting words. "Nick, come back to me. It's all right. Nothing happened and it was just as much my fault. I didn't think to close them last night or tell you about them. You had a fire to get to and I know that was first and foremost on your mind."
"My mate should be first and foremost on my mind and my incompetence at being a mate could have cost you your life," Nick argued.
Jagger sighed. "Look at me, Nick."
Nick shook his head.
Jagger gave an impressive growl, saying, "Do not make me ask you again."
Nick slowly looked to Jagger's dark blue orbs. Damn, he could get lost in those eyes. Remembering how they looked in the throes of passion had all kinds of thoughts running through Nick's mind.
"Oh no! You are not going to distract me on this," Jagger insisted.
Nick went to turn away, but Jagger wouldn't let him. "Nick, we mated less than twenty-four hours ago. Now, unless I'm mistaken, you have never done this before, and I know I haven't, so that means we are going to do things that might upset each other, or hurt each of our feelings, and even by accident shit is going to happen. But, if you think I am going to allow you to pout about it and think that you are not good enough to be my mate, then you better get therapy. As far as I'm concerned, fate handed me a bright and beautiful gift that I will forever be thanking her for."
Sighing Nick took Jagger into his arms, whispering, "Me too, mate. I'm sorry. I normally have more control over myself, but today has just been really odd."
Jagger led Nick to the couch and sat with him. "Blake told me you were at a warehouse fire. Did someone get hurt?"
Shaking his head. "No, well, not really. I had some strange shit happen during the fire today. The doctor wants me to──"
"Wait! What? You got hurt and no one told me?" Jagger gasped.
Nick clasped Jagger's hands tightly. "Hey, precious, I wasn't hurt."
Jagger stood up and then immediately faced Nick looking and sounding extremely pissed. "If you were sent to the hospital I had a right to know. I had a right to be there with you and listen to everything the doctor had to say. If the reverse happened, and it was me in a hospital and no one told you, how would you feel?"
"Jagger, you're a vampire. I knew you couldn't come, so I figured I 'd tell you when I got back."
"I had a right to know when it happened, Nick." Jagger insisted.
Nick knew Jagger was right. He had dropped the ball on that one. Sighing heavily, "You're right and I'm sorry. If anything like that happens again I promise I'll have one of the guys come and get you, but honestly, Jagger, I wasn't hurt."
Nick's eyes suddenly went wide. "You can be in the sun? Holy shit, how did that happen? What in the hell is going on?"
"I don't know and right now I'm focused on you going to the damn hospital," Jagger argued.
Nick sighed. "I am fine, precious, honest."
"Then why did you have to see a doctor?" Jagger asked skeptically.
"For some reason, every sound seemed amplified. I could hear every crackle of flame, every crack of wood, and everyone sounded as though they were screaming, and the smells! Oh, fuck me, you have no idea how things I thought smelled wonderful in the past stink like shit now. The smoke was more pungent, soap and shampoo too fragrant. Jagger, I thought I was going insane," Nick explained.
Jagger looked confused. "You seem okay now."
Sighing. "I feel better. Things are still more intense than usual but not near what they were this morning. The doctor wants me to see an ear, nose, and throat doctor."
Nick watched as Jagger looked at him with concern and then his eyes went wide. "You have super hearing and smell. Did you notice anything else?"
Nick thought a moment then he remembered the fire and how he was able to move and lift things without breaking a sweat. "My strength has increased. I mean, I am a grizzly shifter so I've always been pretty strong, but this morning I seriously lifted things and people like they were feathers."
"Our mating! This has to be happening because of our mating!" Jagger exclaimed.
Nick was completely baffled by what Jagger was saying. "What are you talking about?"
"You have increased hearing, scent, and strength and I can walk in the sun and eat real food and it tastes so good! This happened to us right after we mated. Whatever is happening to us, it's because we're mates!"
Jagger sat fidgeting with the seatbelt in Nick's truck as his mate drove them toward King Destrain's home. He had tried to stay at the club and just let Nick go, but his mate was adamant they both needed to talk to Destrain. Gods, he didn't want to go there.
"What's wrong, precious?" Nick asked.
Jagger felt little love tingles run through his body at the endearment Nick had called him twice now. No one had ever thought of him as precious before. Hell, he had been his leader’s third in his Coven and precious wasn't how his people saw him. He was never cruel, but he did make sure their laws were followed and if not they were held accountable for whatever the offense may be. Just as whoever took his place would do to him, if they ever found him.
The truck slowed and Jagger looked around as Nick parked to the far side of the street. "What are you doing? Is something wrong with the truck?"
Nick turned off the engine. "No, but something is wrong with my mate and he seems determined to keep whatever is bothering him to himself. Now, normally when people want to have secrets, I don't push, but I don't like my mate keeping things from me. I don't think that is a good way to start a mating and I don't know if I──"
"I'm rogue!" Jagger rapidly replied.
When Nick didn't say anything, Jagger chanced a glance in his mate’s direction. Nick sat with his brow raised. "And?"
Jagger looked at Nick in confusion. "I don't understand the question."
Sighing heavily, Nick said, "I know what being rogue means to a shifter, but I want to make sure it is the same for a vampire."
Jagger knew he had to look as uncomfortable and nervous as he felt. "I left my coven without word or permission from my leader. I did not go to another coven as is expected. I had heard rumors the dragons and phoenix were once again joining forces and all that wanted safety could come. The closer I got to Crystal, the more questions I asked the shifters I would see. They told me of how not only had the dragons and phoenix come together, but so did the pixies. They spoke of how the great powers were once again reunited and how anyone could go to Crystal or Maddox and not fear harm. Hearing them talk about their dreams of becoming business owners and finally living without fear had me changing directions."
"Jagger, maybe I'm not being clear on my question. When a shifter goes rogue, it is normally a death sentence. It all depends on the reason for leaving. If your people find you, will they try and destroy you?" Nick asked with a calm Jagger could tell the man was not feeling.
Jagger looked at his mate imploringly. "Yes."
Nick looked away angrily and then back at Jagger. "Why did you leave?"
Jagger drew in a slow breath and brought his lips together in resignation. "Ezra and I were born just a month apart. Our fathers were very close. We were raised together, went to school together, trained together, and when we grew into young horny men, we became sexual partners. We knew that one day our La Vie would come and didn't want to take the chance that we might lead another on and hurt them. We just didn't know or understand how long that could take. The thing is, I do love Ezra."
Nick growled, and Jagger quickly clarified. "Only as a best friend, Nick, I swear."
"You can't tell me that you could have a sexual partner for centuries and not fall in love," Nick stated firmly.
Jagger tossed his hands in the air, exacerbated. "What the fuck is
wrong with people? It isn't like Ezra and I screwed every night. Hell, we got together every couple of months or so. There was no kissing or cuddling or declarations made. We stretched each other and fucked. When we were done, we went our separate ways. It was for sexual release not companionship. Fuck, the first time I ever kissed was with you!"
Nick's eyes went wide, and he smiled wide. "Really?"
"Yes, really," Jagger stated emphatically.
Nick sat back, asking, "So what happened?"
"Ezra found his La Vie. We never even shook hands after that happened. I guess Ezra told Jewel about me and from that point on things went to hell. Whenever Jewel would even see me he would get nasty and make snotty comments at me. Ezra tried to calm his mate, but it just wasn't working. Soon our clan was taking sides and things were getting really ugly. I knew that unless I left, there might be a clan uprising and I couldn't let that happen. So, I packed my stuff, left my car behind, and grabbed a bus out of town. I didn't know where I was going at first, not until I started talking to those shifters," Jagger explained.
"Why didn't you go to your──what do you guys call your leader?" Nick asked.
"Our leader is called a Re and I couldn't," Jagger said as he looked away.
Nick didn't let Jagger get away with that, though. "Why not?"
"Because Ezra was the leader’s son and he was very ill. We still don't know how he got so sick so fast, but he did and then when he died, Ezra took over as Re. I was the third in our clan and I heard talk from some of our people about how Ezra shouldn't be allowed to be Re. They felt if he could not control how his own mate treated his best friend, then how was he going to protect his people. Jewel wasn't a bad guy. In his mind, he was protecting his mating. It was just best if I was the one to leave," Jagger explained.
Nick didn't say anything as he turned to face front and started the truck. Pulling out he said, "Just so you know, if anyone tries to harm one hair on your head, they will learn how my grizzly kills. I don't give a damn what coven, clutch, shimmer, or whatever, they lead."
Jagger could do nothing but stare in shock at his mate. So focused on his mate, he didn't know they had arrived at the King’s home until Nick stopped and turned off the truck. "Okay, let's get in there and see if Destrain or Dain can help us."
Reluctantly, Jagger opened the door and stepped out of the truck. Nick waited until he got close and then took his hand. Making their way to the door, Nick pressed the doorbell.
A man that had to be damn near seven feet tall with short dark hair and eyes that were so silver, Jagger could swear he could see within his very soul, answered the door. He didn't smile or give any indication of them being welcomed. "Nick, Destrain said you needed to speak with us. Who is your friend?"
"Wyn, if you don't stop scaring my mate, I'm going to have to kick your ass," Nick said with a laugh.
The guy, Wyn, laughed, saying, "You could try. Come on in, and congratulations on your mating."
Jagger walked in but the thank you he had prepared to say stuck in his throat when another huge man stepped into view, this one had long dark hair. Jagger muttered, "What the fuck did they put in the water here?"
"Dad, that's too much," someone said sounding very frustrated.
"Well, I like salt," said another.
Walking into the kitchen, Jagger saw Rhys sitting at the table with another man with shoulder length dark hair. Both seemed to be watching the other two and laughing.
"Yes, well, too much of that and you might as well go to the pastures and get the salt lick. Now, do you want to learn this or not?" the shorter man said.
Flour was all over the counter, floor, and from what Jagger could tell, both men, as they tried to prepare what looked like blobs of something, if the plate was any indication.
Wyn cleared his throat. "Nick is here with his mate."
Rhys turned and smiled wide. "Jagger! Holy shit, you’re Nick's mate? Congratulations."
Jagger gave a small smile, muttering, "Thanks."
"I'm sorry about the mess. Twix and I thought it might be nice to try and do things together. He suggested cooking. Right now, I'm thankful I have someone that does this for me, because I suck."
Nick laughed. "Well, it's a good thing you're such a good king, gives you something to fall back on."
Destrain went to the sink and washed off his hands then turned to Nick. "Why don't we all sit down and you can tell me what the problem is."
Jagger sat at the table next to Nick. Twix got everyone drinks while Nick explained what happened to him this morning. Jagger could tell his mate was trying to get answers without outing him as a rogue, but they needed to figure out what was going on and half talk was not going to do that. "I'm a vampire that is categorized as a rogue within my clan."
Everyone stopped talking and looked at Jagger like he had lost his mind. Dain was the one that broke the silence. "Did you just say that you're a vampire?"
"Yes," Jagger answered.
Shaking his head, Twix said, "Vampires don't exist, Jagger. They are myths from movies."
Jagger snorted, "And so are pixies, dragons, and phoenix to most humans. That doesn't make it true. I am a vampire. Created, then left to die by the fairies."
"A vampire! That is so cool!" Twix exclaimed.
Destrain held up his hand. "Wait! Did you just say you were created by fairies?"
"As you know the fairies and the pixies have been at odds for thousands of years. The fairies decided that they wanted to create super shifters. Those that could take on and defeat all leaders to all kinds, so they decided if pixie dust could create shifters then so could fairy dust. However, they didn't just want shifters, they had to be stronger, faster, just plain more than regular shifters, so they added the blood of their greatest warrior to the mix and the vampires were born. They were pissed at what they had seen. Thinking we were nothing more than a failure, they killed hundreds, but then finally gave up and left my people to die. Fearing they would return to finish them all off, Volak found a way out of their prison and took the people to safety. He was declared the Re, meaning King. Through much loss, we found we could not tolerate sunlight nor eat human food. We were starving. Then one day while out seeking to find our people nourishment, Volak smelled something savory. It was in the butcher shop. He rushed in and that is the moment his fangs dropped and he fed."
"His first meal was a cow?" Twix asked in surprise.
Smiling, Jagger replied, "No, the butcher."
Swallowing hard and dropping back in his seat, Twix mumbled, "Oh."
"Before the man expired, Volak stopped feeding and begged the man to not say anything. The man was about to argue, but then his eyes became glassy and he repeated what Volak had said."
"That is a glamour or something, right?" Nick asked.
"Yes, but it is nothing like the movies. I can't go in and rearrange a brain or anything, it is only good for feeding. Not wanting the humans and fairies after us, Volak made a law that unless your life was threatened, a vampire that purposefully kills a human shall be put to death. He found a location for everyone to live and began building his clan and their lives. He was an honorable man," Jagger finished with a catch in his voice.
Nick grasped his hand, gently asking, "Is that the leader you said just died?"
Nodding, Jagger swallowed the knot in his throat. "Yes."
Removing Nick’s hand from his own, Jagger placed his elbows on the table and rubbed his face. He had never really mourned the loss of his leader and suddenly his heart hurt. It hurt to breathe. A man he had looked at as another father was really gone.
Nick took Jagger's shoulder and pulled him close. It was calming, but not enough to stop the tears from falling. He didn't know how long he had been like that, however, when he got himself under control, he sat up straight, whispering, "I'm sorry. Volak died two months ago and I've been on the go ever since. I guess I never took the time to actually mourn my loss."
Hesitantly Jagger looked up and was surprise
d to see Rhys and Twix with tears in their eyes and sadness in Destrain and the other tall man standing behind Rhys.
Wyn sat forward, asking, "Why are you rogue?"
Jagger told them all what he had Nick, and Dain then asked, "So are you here asking to be in our shimmer?"
Jagger drew back in confusion. "I'm not a pixie."
"No, but you are mated to Nick," Dain replied.
Seriously confused, Jagger turned to Nick. "I thought you said you were an alpha?"
"I am. But anyone that enters into Maddox is taken in by Destrain. He is the leader of our town and therefore we are also brought into his shimmer. It allows others that come to know they have extra protection. When we mated, you already became part of my band," Nick explained.
"Band?" Jagger ask confused.
Nodding, Nick replied, "When I left my Sleuth, I was alone at first. I came across Logan and Sut first. They had both been kicked out of their perspective groups for being gay. We decided to band together, and slowly, more and more men came to us. We were worried about being labeled as rogues so we applied and got accepted as our own group. We called ourselves a band because we are not just one type of animal. It worked for us because we could stay together without fear of death and it worked for the council because they could direct people to our band to join us so they would not be rogue. So, like I said, since we mated you are now part of my band."
Dain shrugged. "And that, by default, makes you part of our shimmer and therefore, you are not rogue. Now from the beginning, what happened after your mating?"
Nick told them everything and Dain looked at Destrain. Neither man said a word, but then Rhys spoke, "I've heard that there are some paranormals that transfer some of their abilities when mating. Now, I have never heard of an honest to goodness vampire but that could be the case here. Dad, did you bring your library?"