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What She Wanted Page 3
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As soon as she walked in his office, he was apologetic and slobbering all over her. “I’m sorry, Kym. I don’t know what came over me.”
“Sorry? No, not sorry Rick, pathetic is much more appropriate. You know I don’t know what came over you either. Wait, is that a play on words? I bet you’re ‘sorry’ now that you ‘came’ all down my throat that day and haven’t stopped since.” She paused to close the door. “But why would you? You had it all figured out, didn’t you? You’d have Kym and Tracy…Ebony and Ivory. Have your cake and eat it too. Now it’s my turn, Brooks.”
“Kym…” Rick began.
She hiked up her ivory Craig Muller trench dress, and propped her legs up on the sides of the chair. Spreading her nether lips with two fingers, she rubbed her flesh-colored pearl and slipped two fingers inside.
“Indulge a bitch, Rick,” she said.
“Kym, I…” he began.
“Right here, right now. If I don’t cum, you don’t go home,” she said.
Day 185 Kym dialed Rick’s extension.
“Mr. Brooks’ office.”
“Mr. Cole put Rick on,” Kym said.
“That’s ‘Mrs. Cole’.”
“Umm, yeah, that’s what I meant. Put Rick on the phone.”
Silence. Click.
“Brooks here.”
“You ready to eat, Daddy?” Kym asked.
“Kym, I’m on the other line,” Rick said.
“Rick, you sound hungry. This heavy cream will fill you up.”
Mrs. Cole was looking the other way when Kym got to his office. Kym pretended the dinosaur wasn’t there. She almost laughed dead in her face. Every time she called Rick and called his secretary ‘Mr. Cole’ she almost fell the fuck out. She walked into Rick’s office and closed the door.
“On your knees,” she said.
Day 193 Kym called Rick’s extension.
“Mr. Brook’s office.”
“Mr. Cole, put Rick on,” Kym said.
Silence. Click.
“Brooks here.”
“You ‘bout to get your red wings today, Daddy. Sister Mary came for a visit,” Kym said.
Day 199 Kym simply walked into Rick’s office.
“Tracy, I need your man for a few.” Kym was unapologetic.
“Actually, Kym, I’m glad you came in. I was just giving Mr. Brooks my two-week notice. I’m starting a home based business.” Tracy walked over and gave Kym a friendly hug. Things had cooled off considerably between Tracy and Rick since he’d been eating Kym’s pussy almost daily. “Don’t worry, we’ll talk later,” Tracy said, leaving and closing the office door.
“Now we’ll have less interference. Don’t worry, I’ll never tell her, Rick. Not unless you make me,” Kym said.
She walked over and locked the office door. She came out of her Chetta B belted sheath dress and got up on his mahogany desk on all fours. She spread her cheeks and tooted her ass up in the air.
“Start in the back and work your way forward,” she stated.
“Ms. Devers…”
“Who?” she asked.
“Kym,” he said.
“And hurry up. I gotta be in court at two o’clock.”
Day 205 Kym called his extension.
“Mr. Brooks’ office.”
“Mr…” Kym began.
Silence. Click.
“Brooks here.”
“Five simple words, Rick. Centurion…Black…Card…Kym…Devers.” Damn, a bitch was good. “Indulge me, Rick,” she said.
“Mr. Douglas, what was your release date?” Kym asked.
He was talking, Kym thought, and I ain’t listening to a damn word he sayin’. They were sitting in Kym’s office similar to Rick’s office a mere two years ago. No, Brooks hadn’t promoted her to supervisor as was his promise two years ago, but she’d made Team Leader, which got her a small office in the Administrative wing, away from the regular work floor.
Kuron Douglas was twenty-three years old, and had just come home from a five ear bid for Aggravated Assault. Kuron was telling her all about his mom, and how she was so excited to have him back home. Hell yeah, she was more than happy to let him stay at her house. His little brother, Kalil, lived there too, but he wasn’t on probation, he was on parole. Kuron’s mom, Kandace, had done a seven and a half year bid at Muncy prison in her thirties.
“So, Mr. Douglas, when did you get out of jail?” Kym had already asked him that same question a few times before, but couldn’t think of anything else to say or ask, even though it was her job to find out all his personal business before letting him out to wreck havoc on the unsuspecting society.
“I’m sayin’ though, I been out for like three days now. How many times a week I gotta come to this office?” he said.
There was much, much more to his story. But again, she didn’t hear it because she was caught up and mesmerized by his lips and light brown eyes. His lips were full and succulent. He had the sexiest damn eyes, and his met hers every few minutes, and she tried not to stare…scout’s honor.
Kym called herself being professional, despite the image of the two-headed naked beast flashing through her mind at the moment. She slid her left hand into her lap, and shimmied her David Meister belted dress high up on her thighs to finger her clit behind the desk separating them. If I start masturbating right here in the office that wouldn’t be too professional, she thought.
“So, you’ve been home for three days. Can you verify your home address?” she asked.
She didn’t hear his answer. Instead, she thought about all she’d read in his file during the last couple of days. Kuron had two younger brothers and four sisters sprinkled into the mix. They all had some sort of criminal background. This she knew because she had read his DOC file long before he got out of prison. She could’ve cared less about his criminal past, whether or not he was violent, had DV on his green sheet, or had fifteen kids smeared across the city. All she wanted was that sweet, prime piece of meat between his legs.
And she knew he wanted it too. And why wouldn’t he? He was a convict, like all the rest. He had a debt to society…and to Kym too, she felt. Why shouldn’t she get to sample the goods and get hers? What else were they good for? Didn’t they take from society, frighten the God fearing citizens, and drive up the taxes that paid for their three hots and a cot, 365 days a year? Let them start paying their debt with her…square in her Hot Box.
While Kuron rattled on about his home address and future plans to secure employment with a security company or McDonald’s, Kym continued masturbating, and set up a time to visit his home to set up his electronic monitoring. She’d put that last condition on him herself, in addition to his other probation conditions, so she would know where he was until she had him pussy whipped. No need to have another ‘Pretty Boy Rafa’ on her hands…confessing his love for dusty chicks when she was on her way, smelling like Bath & Body Works.
Speaking of which; the thought of seeing Pretty Boy’s pretty face this morning as she and three male co-workers and former state troopers swarmed down on him, and twisted him up in handcuffs and shackles. She’d sent them all away before she searched him and pocketed the $2500 stuffed in an inside pocket. She rubbed his dick while she patted him down, and squeezed his butt for kicks.
“Thank you, Nico! Now, you enjoy your stay at ‘Summer Camp.’ Know every night that you lay on Cellblock C that I put you there. Think about how you used to eat my ass and lick this pussy on a regular. Remember how this pussy used to grip your dick, and have you screaming out in Spanish. Think about how I warned you not to fuck around on me. Remember all that you gave up, and to think, I was going to let you fuck me in my ass on Friday. Now I’m going to Louis Vuitton to spend your money, bitch,” Kym said.
As Kuron watched her zone in and out of their conversation, thoughts of Nico launched Kym over the edge, and she felt her body stiffen as the familiar s
wirl of liquid silk moisten her hand. Kym shook her head clear of cobwebs, and focused on those light brown eyes across the desk.
“Now, Mr. Douglas, what was your release date?” she asked once again.
Johnson was on his phone barking out orders. “Brooks, did you know that Devers had Serrano violated this morning? He’s on his way to Graterford as we speak. They say his shoulder was dislocated, and he had to be shipped to Hahnemann Hospital first. You know the prison won’t take him with incoming injuries. Brooks, I want her in handcuffs!”
Brooks sighed heavily. “Yeah, I just found out about Serrano a couple of hours ago. Did he have any cash on him? I listened to your message when I got to the office late this morning. I had a doctor’s appointment.”
“No, he was searched by Devers’ co-conspirators here at the office, again at the hospital, and at the Round House. Not unless he could bury wads of cash in his anus, he was clean.” Johnson spit out a list of expletives. “She got to him before any of us knew what was going down.”
Brooks put his head on the desk. “Johnson, Serrano said Kym pulled her weapon on him last night. If it was her County issued Glock and she failed to write a report, we could get her on insubordination. It’s better than nothing, and it might be enough to start the process to rid the department of her.”
“Have somebody follow her. I know she’s out spending the money she got off Serrano. If she leaves for lunch, follow her. I’ll check with the lieutenant and see if we can put a trace on her vehicle,” Johnson said.
Twelve months ago…
“Kymmie, I miss you.”
“Ricky, where are you?”
“I’m just getting out of Accounting and I’m starving. Meet me for lunch and make my day.”
“I don’t know, Ricky. Your dad keeps a pretty tight leash on me these days around the office.”
“That’s ‘cause he don’t know it’s me you’re coming to see. Please Kymmie,” Ricky begged.
“Okay, you know I can’t say no to you. I’ll be right down. Your dad is probably just jealous ‘cause he knows I got some young, swole up meat waiting for me down at Temple U,” Kym said.
Kym smiled at the thought of the knife she twisted in Brooks’ back each time she slipped out to Temple University for lunch. Fucking Brooks’ nineteen year old son, a Temple Owl, was the ultimate payback for her. The first time she fucked Rick, Jr., it was purely for spite. Afterward, she did it ‘cause it felt good. The fact that she used the son to get back at the father was simply all in a day’s fuck.
Brooks used to disrespect her on a daily, now it was her turn. There simply were no words for sucking and fucking both father and son, sometimes on the same day. At the time, she simply enjoyed being a teacher to Rick’s student.
Seven months ago…
“Rick, I need $1500,” Kym said.
She was at Annie’s Spa on Ogontz Avenue in Mt. Airy. Her feet were soaking, her nails were being polished, and she was moving over to have her eyebrows waxed, and false eyelashes applied next. It never occurred to Kym that Rick Brooks, Sr. might say no, or not right now, not with the goods she had on him.
“Kym, that shit is impossible. I can’t right now, I’m in the middle of something,” he said.
She almost dropped the Curve and choked on her Double Mint gum. “What?” she asked.
“Kym, I’ve got to go.” CLICK
She redialed his number. “Brooks, I said need $1500.”
“What the fuck, Kym! Don’t you fuckin’ get it? I’m busy. Goodbye,” he said.
“Brooks, before you go…” she began.
“What, Kym?” he said, cutting her off.
“Break it off with Tracy today,” she said.
“Ricky, I’m pregnant,” Kym said.
“What?” he asked astonished.
“I’m pregnant, and it’s yours,” she said.
“But, Kymmie, how? We always used condoms,” Ricky said.
“Ricky, I’m pregnant. I don’t want to keep the baby.”
“Kymmie, I don’t know what to say to you.”
“Ricky, call Daddy.”
Ricky hung up and called Rick. “Dad, we need to talk. I have something to tell you.”
Even before Ricky said anything, Rick knew that it had something to do with Kymber Devers. Kym had him by the balls, literally and figuratively, and was fucking with his head. She was fucking his son and fucking him over at the same time. She had him raked over the coals, and was laughing all the way to the bank with his cash. First, he had broken up with Tracy, more to spare her feelings, and now there was something with Ricky, Jr.
“I need $1500,” Ricky said.
“Ricky, how long have you been seeing Kym?” Rick asked his son.
“Dad, I love her. I been seeing her for a while, and she’s not really that much older than me. She got pregnant, and she doesn’t want to keep the baby. I know she works for you. I promise I won’t fuck things up between us, and make things bad for you. I don’t want to make her mad, so I need the money.”
That bitch, she had him hemmed up, and there was nothing he could do.
“Ricky, meet at Citizen’s Bank on Cheltenham Avenue,” Rick said.
Kym walked up to the Douglas household, ready to fuck this young nigga, and build her stable back up. It was exactly a week after their initial meeting at her office, and it was time Kuron learned who was fucking whom. She felt like she was losing control of everything she’d built up to this point.
Losing Pretty Boy had been a blow but…fuck it…fuck him. She wouldn’t tolerate disrespect from a convict. He had blown rule numero uno; no other pussy unless she gave the go. She told them from the beginning; she told them what to do and who they could do, and petite Puerto Rican waifs with big tits didn’t fit into that category.
She whipped out her Curve. Big girls don’t cry; they get even. “Kuron Douglas, please,” she said.
“This is him.”
“This is Officer…” Kym began.
“Yeah, I know who you is, Ms. Kym. Where you at?” Kuron said.
“I’m in front of your door, Mr. Douglas. Are you alone?”
“Why don’t you come in and find out for yourself. The door is open,” he said.
Smart mouthed niggas paid big bank. Not only did they eat pussy, and fuck on demand and like it, they paid more often and shut the fuck up about it. Kym wasn’t prepared for the sights and sounds that smacked her when she opened the front door.
Kuron was dick deep in pussy on a chaise lounge. Some chick was curved awkwardly over and around the cushions and him at the same time. There were so many limbs moving and jerking, Kym thought there might be two different women in the tangled mix. She could see his purple dick dipping in and out of legs cocked open, and the woman’s moans were drowning out his rapid breathing and loud cursing.
“Bitch, I’m ‘bout to come, don’t stop!” He yanked her head back, and bit her neck as his body jerked. “Come get some of this, P.O.,” he said to Kym.
Kuron untangled himself from the mass of limbs, his dick in hand, and stood over the quivering mass of breasts and legs. The first shot of semen landed dangerously close to Kym, yet she moved closer.
“Get up. Open wide,” he ordered the tangled mass, as he aimed at her face and dumped the rest on her lips.
Kym stood there, mesmerized by the scene in front of her, oblivious to everything except the scene unfolding in front of her. She never heard the whispered sounds of Timberland feet as they approached her from behind. She heard the click of the revolver as it rested against the back of her head.
“Don’t move, bitch. Don’t say a fuckin’ word.”
She stood motionless as her Glock was upholstered from her waist. She was fucked.
“Damn, you easy, baby.”
Kym whirled around. She knew that voice! “Diesel, you sneaky bastard, give me my Glock,” she snapped.<
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“Not so easy. You gotta earn it back,” he said.
“Smythe, are we forgetting who’s in charge here?” she asked.
“We’re gonna pretend until we’re ready to let your ass go.”
Kuron walked up on Kym and grabbed her left breast. She looked around him. The mass of legs and breasts had disappeared. He dipped his head low and kissed her lips. Kym jerked back. No kissing…ever. It was too personal, and led to shit other than the mechanics of fucking for pleasure.
Diesel grabbed her arms from the back and pinned her against his hip. “Let the man give you what you need, Ms. Kym. You a bad bitch, you know. You here now, so let that shit go.”
This time Kym gave in, and let his tongue work its magic into her mouth. She met his tongue with hers. Diesel’s hand snaked up the back of her jersey dress. He dug in and spread her legs from behind. She felt his fingers slip into her ass, and pushed back against the flat of his palm. Kuron’s left hand slid up her leg and into her panties, while his right hand pulled her titties free from her bra.
Fuck it, she felt she was in it now, and might as well make the best of it. Kym stripped outta her blue multi-colored Nicole Miller jersey tunic like she was on stage. She grabbed Kuron’s head with one hand, and his dick with the other, stroking both simultaneously. When he was aiming at her with his loaded weapon, she peeped it. It was nice from across the room. Up close, it felt like silk, and was big enough to keep her from palming it. She couldn’t wait to taste it.
“Don’t start, P.O. If you do, I will finish,” Kuron said.
Now that she was in it, her excitement was palpable. She had never done two niggas at once, and she knew they were about to give back to her all that she had been dishing out. She felt Kuron move in and dip low. She gave up her titties one at a time. He licked both of them at the same time, squeezing them together, and deep throating her nipples.
Not quite against her will, she felt hands on her shoulders, and dropped to her knees. She felt Diesel’s hands pushing her forward. She stroked his dick with one hand, and kneaded his balls with the other. Kym wanted to eat his man; she wanted to do what she saw the tangled limbs doing on the chaise. Kuron was hard again. He dipped her head low and rested his dick on her lips.