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Chapter 4
Ridge walked into the local dance club and his senses were assaulted by the vibrating music that filled the air. He headed for the bar. Ty, the bartender grinned at his old friend. "Well, what brings you here tonight? Bars aren't your scene."
He took a seat and reached for the basket of peanuts in front of him. "I had to get away for a while." His gaze scanned the dance floor before returning to the bartender.
"Since you don't drink, what can I get you?" Ty leaned on the bar casually grabbing a nut from the basket.
"Just get me coffee." He grunted as someone slapped him on the back. Turning he saw a man that at first he didn't recognize at first, but when he grinned it became clear.
"Ridge Cauthen, how are you? I haven't seen you since your return." The man sat on the stool beside him.
For a moment Ridge just stared straight ahead, but the man continued to talk. "I heard you came home a hero. That's great man, I always knew in school you'd be one to reckon with."
Ty brought his coffee and Ridge nodded thanks. He finally turned to the man beside him. "How's the family? Someone told me you have two kids now." Why was this married man here? Shouldn't he be home with Stacy, his wife? Ridge had dated Stacy steady in high school. He'd thought that they'd one day marry, but soon after graduation it became evident that they weren't a match.
"Two girls, what a hand full. Stacy is home with them." He nudged Ridges shoulder. "I just had to get away for a while, too much to handle."
Ridge bristled at the man's tone. If he had a family at home, the last place he'd be was a bar. Then he realized the thought that ran through his head was exactly what he was doing. He turned back to the man. "I'm going home to my family; you should do the same thing." He tossed some money on the bar and gave the bartender a nod.
The man beside him grunted in disgust. "What makes you the expert on relationships?" The man staggered forward and poked Ridge in the chest.
For once Ridge tried to control his temper. This man was drunk and he didn't want any trouble. Turning, he headed for the door, but the man pursued him. "Hey, didn't you hear my question hero?" He spat out behind Ridge. "Maybe you're jealous that you didn't marry my wife. Well, your loss my win. She wanted a real man."
The hair on the back of Ridge's neck told him this wouldn't end well. Turning to face the man, he placed his hands on his hips to tower over the smaller man. Ridge was an impressive six feet, three inches tall and pure, rippling muscle. Any sober man would be heading the other way, but this man was past the point of logical thinking.
"I heard you loud and clear, but I didn't seem to think it warranted a response. As for my relationship with your wife, that was over before the two of you ever dated and it wasn't for the lack of being a man, it was the point that we grew apart." He continued to stare the man down as he crossed his arms across his impressive chest in a pose of dominance.
The man turned to see the small crowd that had gathered to see what was happening. This spurred him on. "Well, isn't that sweet? You grew apart." He came dangerously close to Ridge's personal space. "If you weren't such a hard man to be around, maybe you'd still be with her."
Why was this man pushing the envelope? He had to know he'd lose this fight. Ridge had no intention of beating this man to a pulp, but he was really close to decking him just to shut him up. The man evidently didn't know how short his tether was these days. Slowly he leaned toward the man and in a low tone he spoke, "I don't think you want to continue this conversation. I suggest you go back to the bar and get some really black coffee, then return to your family where you belong." He straightened back up and turned again to leave.
A gasp came from the crowd as the man hit Ridge in his lower back. It only made him grunt and turn. "Let's not go there. I don't want to hurt you." He desperately tried to contain his growing anger.
"Oh, I want to go there." The man spouted as he broke out in a sweat, raising his hands as though he were in a boxing match.
The crowd was growing and he knew it wouldn't be long before the police would be there. Rolling his eyes at the man's audacity he decided it was time to end this before it got out of hand. Before the other man could react, Ridge had him turned around and on the floor. "Now, go get some coffee and go home. I'm not in the mood for this and you're not in the condition." He growled in the man's ear.
Behind him the door opened and an officer stepped up beside him. "You can release him now Ridge." The officer reached down and put his hand on Ridge's shoulder. "Ty told us he was badgering you."
"He needs some coffee before he heads home Roger." He looked up at his old friend, the sheriff.
"Sorry you had to put up with his drunken stupidity." Roger looked down at the man that was now almost dozing on the floor. "I'll make sure he gets home safe and sound. Stacy's probably worried about him."
"Thanks Roger." He released the man and stood up, dusting off the knees of his jeans. "I'll see you later."
"Tell the family hello." He said as he pulled the man up to his feet and helped him over to the bar where Ty had a steaming cup of strong, black coffee.
Ridge headed to his truck in a foul mood. All he'd wanted was to get his mind off things, but he'd almost ended up in a bar fight and he was completely sober. He'd never been a drinking man and it was a good thing.
Stepping up into his truck he took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and turned the key in the ignition, hopefully dinner was over with at home and all was quiet.
His hopes were dashed as he pulled into the drive. Mallory's truck was in the same place. Well he had to face it sooner or later, she would be present on this ranch often, so he might as well get used to it. Groaning, he walked into the house and followed the laughter down the hall.
The family sat in the dining room watching Chase tell an animated tale. He leaned in the doorway as his brother finished his story. Maggie looked up and saw Ridge. "There you are. I made your favorite dessert, strawberry shortcake with extra cream." Her eyes danced as she watched her brother walk over to kiss the top of her head.
"Thanks munchkin, that's what I need to clear my head." He smiled down at his sister.
Their mother looked up at her oldest son. "Not before you eat some steak, gravy and biscuits." She was already up fixing him a plate.
"Mom, I can fix my plate." Since he'd been home from Iraq, she'd been waiting on him constantly. It was as though she thought he was helpless.
"I know, but let me wait on you." She winked at him and handed the loaded plate across to him as he sat down beside Maggie. He noticed the grin on Mallory's face. The beating of his heart became pronounced and almost painful. No, he thought; keep her out of your head.
The family shared small talk until Ridge finished eating. Maggie and his mother cleared the dishes while his father and Mallory discussed the new horse he'd purchased. Then she stood up and thanked them for dinner, excusing herself.
Ridge sat for a while before heading up to bed, his thoughts on the pretty vet. The vision of her filled his dreams that night.