Enough (Falling For A Rose Book 2) Read online

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  “Just call me, Jaden,” he offered.

  Cassie’s brows quirked. “Okay, Jaden. As I was saying, I know you’re a busy man, but if you could afford to spend an hour every other day or so, that would help me out.” Cassie’s smile lit up the room, and she batted her eyes.

  Jaden unbuttoned his jacket and pulled his long arms out of it, tossing it over the back of his chair. Cassie’s read-through was bold since her gray eyes paused on every part of him before returning to his sexy masculine face. Jaden pondered her request. He was always one to help out inner city kids or any kids, for that matter. But, being in such close proximity with Cassie on a regular basis was not something he looked forward to.

  “I would love to help, Cassie, but unfortunately, I’ll have to turn you down.”

  Cassie’s smile fell. “Why?” She almost snapped.

  Jaden grimaced. “As you said before, I’m busy these days, and I’m sure you can find some other gentleman that would be willing to help you out.”

  “I’m not sure about that.”

  “Once you make your offer known, you’ll have a line around the corner.” Jaden offered her a half a grin. Cassie was feeling more disappointed by the second.

  “Not even on weekends?”

  Jaden thought more about her request. “I may be able to come through twice a week at most, but I can’t guarantee it.”

  Cassie wasn’t completely deflated. She offered Jaden a warm smile.

  “I’ll take what I can get,” she cooed.

  When she didn’t rise from her seat, Jaden spoke. “I have a conference call in ten minutes, is there anything else?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Cassie found her feet and moved towards the door. “I was wondering if you’d like to have lunch today.” Before Jaden responded she quipped, “A man’s gotta eat, right?”

  “I’ll let you know.”

  “Great, I’ll check in around noon then.”

  Jaden inclined his head as he watched the animated blonde strut out of his office. Thoughts of Vegas resurfaced. Jaden would rather take Claudia to Morocco, but she’d mentioned Las Vegas before he’d had the chance to offer it. Jaden hit the speaker on his desk phone and dialed Samantha’s extension.

  “Yes sir,” she answered.

  “Samantha booked two tickets to Las Vegas, Nevada this weekend, round trip. I’ll send you the details in an email.”

  “Yes sir, I’ll look out for it.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Oh, Mr. Rose, your nine o’clock is on the phone.”

  “Send him through, Ms. Davies.”

  The phone beeped, and Jaden answered, but his thoughts were on Vegas, and the time he would get to spend with Claudia. She was full of excuses these days, but he had an idea that would free her of all her obligations. The sooner he could get to her, the better.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Samiyah Manhattan strolled into S & M Financial Advisory with a bounce in her step. Humming a little tune that had gotten stuck in her head over her honeymoon vacation, Samiyah sauntered up to Claudia’s office only to find it empty.


  Turning away, Samiyah headed for her office and pulled to a stop at the sight of her missing friend.

  “I went by your office and wondered where you were,” Samiyah spoke.

  Claudia twirled the visitor’s chair she sat in and smiled up at Samiyah. She held her arms out. “Here I am, waiting for you.”

  “I see, what up, girl.”

  “Wow, you’re so calm, relaxed and refreshed.”

  Samiyah smiled demurely. “How can you tell?”

  Claudia gawked. “For one, you’re glowing. Are you pregnant?”

  Samiyah reared back and laughed. “Not that I’m aware of, but hey, who knows after the way my man rocked my whole world. I wouldn’t be surprised.”

  “You lucky, lucky, girl!”

  Samiyah laughed. What’s up with you and Jaden?”

  Claudia sighed. “Girl, I am going through it over here, okay? You being gone on your honeymoon made me hold this ordeal all to myself, even though Octavia and Serena tried to get up in my business.”

  Samiyah chuckled. “You should’ve told them. You know they’re cool.”

  “Yeah, but it’s not the same as talking to you.”

  Samiyah nodded. “So, what is it?”

  “It’s Jaden.”

  Samiyah pulled her chair out and sat down crossing her legs. She placed her elbows on the desk and rested her chin in her upturned palms.

  “I’m listening.”

  “He’s… everything.”

  “Mmhmm, continue,” Samiyah said.

  “We’ve been around each other since we left Puerto Rico, and he’s so attentive, and suave, I don’t even know how to take him. You know we went dancing. I mean, he took me to a dance studio where he taught me how to tango.”

  Samiyah’s smile became bright, and her eyes twinkled. “Sounds like love to me.”

  “Girl don’t I wish! The way he speaks to me and treats me like I’m the only woman in the world is working overtime on my emotions.”

  “Sounds like the way Jonas treats me.”


  “Mmhmm, they are brothers, so yah know.”

  Claudia sulked in her seat.

  “I don’t understand your grief,” Samiyah continued.

  “Samiyah, I can’t keep going around acting like this is okay. I’m…” Claudia paused and nibbled on her bottom lip.

  “Spit it out girl; you’re what pregnant?”

  Claudia gasped her mouth falling open. “Girl no!” Claudia moved to Samiyah’s office door and shut it quietly.

  “Octavia and Serena’s doors are closed, they have clients,” Samiyah pointed out.

  “That’s not the point.”

  “Okay, so tell me what’s the problem?”

  Claudia trod back to her seat and plopped down. “I’m falling in love with him.”

  Samiyah’s lips curved into an excited grin, but Claudia was shaking her head no. “This is not a good thing.”

  Samiyah frowned. “Huh, why not?”

  “We’re talking about a Rose brother! The most elite men in Chicago. We’ve talked about this. You know what kind of women they’re usually seen with.”

  “And what am I? Chopped liver,” Samiyah asked with her arms held out. “I’m nothing like those women, and like you said, we’ve had this conversation before so why are you worried about it?”

  “Because, what if he’s just around for a while. You know to have a little fun then be off to the next woman giving him attention. I’ve had men come and go before, but this is different. I never fell in love with any of them, and frankly, it’s not fair for Jaden to do this to me. He knows what kind of allure he has over me.” Claudia stuck her lip out. “I’m afraid, Samiyah. I’m scared I’m going to fall for him and he’s going to break my heart.” Claudia’s voice softened. “Then I’ll be a wreck, and I don’t have time to deal with this kind of thing. You know my mom fell and we had to take her to the hospital and now my sisters down here and—”

  “Whoa!” Samiyah said as Claudia rambled on.

  With her brows furrowed Claudia said, “What?”

  “Slow down just a minute. You can’t just ramble all that out without intermission. Back up, first, your mom fell!”

  Claudia’s shoulders sagged. “Yes, I was with Jaden. We’d spent the day making sweet treats for the kids over at the boys and girls club when we went to check on her. We got there and she was passed out in the middle of the bathroom floor. I freaked out!”

  “Oh my God, I’m sure you did. Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, she’s fine now, and pouting every now and again about all the attention Desiree, and I are showing her at home.”

  “What was the reason for her falling out?”

  “Getting out the shower and just lost her footing, I guess.”

  “That’s why Desiree’s in town.”

  Claudia pur
sed her lips. “She called me earlier that same day saying she would be down for the weekend. With my mom falling that just pushed her trip ahead. And you know she didn’t give me any slack.”

  Samiyah frowned. “Oh my,” she said. “You need a girl’s night out, huh?”

  “Sho you right.”

  Samiyah watched her friend for a moment. “Did you tell Jaden you’re falling for him?”

  “Um, no ma’am. I’m not about to make a fool of myself.”

  “Then how do you know?”

  “Know what?”

  “You said, Jaden knows what kind of allure he has over you. How can you be certain of that if you haven’t told him?”

  Claudia thought about her question. “I’m sure Jaden is well aware of the lure he has over all women.”

  “Do you really think Jaden would just stop seeing you for no reason and move on to someone else?”

  “When he gets bored like most men do, yeah.”

  “I don’t think you believe that. Jaden seems pretty structured to me. From the moment I met him, he’s been nothing but open and charismatic.”

  Claudia bit the inside her jaw thinking about Samiyah’s words.

  “You’re saying this vibe we’ve got going is real?”

  “I don’t see why not, but the only way for you to know for sure is to ask. What’s the worst that can happen? At least then you’ll be clear about his intentions, and if you need to pull back to protect your heart, then do so.”

  “I’ve kind of already started.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve been dodging his calls, and when I do answer the phone, I keep it short and sweet.”

  “How do you want this to turn out? I’m asking just for the sake of knowing what you want.”

  Claudia flipped her heels off with the curve of her feet and pulled them into her chair as she pondered. “I want more. I want to know him in every way, be his shoulder to cry on, love him, mentally, physically, in every way possible.”

  A small smile appeared on Samiyah’s face. “That’s what you tell him, sweetie.”

  “Samiyah, I can’t tell him that.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m a coward. What if that’s not what he wants, I’d be crushed. I’d rather just continue to ignore his calls and blow him off to save myself the heartache.”

  “Then you’ll always wonder what if. And whenever you come over to our place you’ll possibly be in his company. Can you imagine, Jaden with a girlfriend, wife or confidant other than you?”

  The images assaulted Claudia’s mind, and her stomach churned. By the look on her face, Samiyah guessed she didn’t like that picture at all.

  “Exactly,” Samiyah said. “But it’s inevitably up to you.”

  Claudia’s head fell into her hands, and she groaned.

  “Find your courage. I’ve witnessed you grow since we were teenagers. If anyone deserves their happily ever after, it’s you. Don’t be discouraged because of what you think can happen. Go for it with everything you’ve got.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  When Desiree opened the door to find Jaden on the porch, surprise registered across her face. “Jaden, right,” she asked, holding a finger out at him.

  “Yes, how are you, Desiree?” His voice dripped with a profound thickness.

  “Much better than the last time you saw me. Claudia’s not here.”

  “I’m aware. I would like to speak to you and Ms. Stevens for a moment if at all possible.”

  “Oh, sure,” she widened the door allowing him entrance. “My mom is in the living room, this way.”

  He followed Desiree to the living room where Adeline sat with her feet propped up on the couch watching soap operas. Upon his entrance, Adeline’s face brightened. “Jaden, how are you, son?”

  Jaden sauntered to Adeline and bent down to scoop her up in a tight embrace, “I’m doing just fine. How are you, Ms. Stevens?”

  “Oh, I’m spectacular. Been having these girls fussing over me ever since that incident.” Adeline rolled her eyes, and Jaden chuckled.

  “That’s what they’re supposed to do.”

  “Yeah, I hear you, but I’ve had enough. You think you want to be fawned over until it happens. Then suddenly, you have no tolerance for it. Know what I mean?”

  “As a matter of fact,” Jaden drawled, “I do.”

  “I’m sure.” Adeline swept her legs off the couch and sat up. “What brings you by today? I know you didn’t come by just to visit lil ole me.”

  “I would’ve checked on you sooner, but it’s been hard for me to get in touch with Claudia for more than five minutes. Any idea why that is?”

  He glanced from Adeline to Desiree.

  “I told that girl to get out of the house. Her last couple of days have consisted of her going back and forth to work. She’s also got this fundraiser she wants to put together, but I’m afraid she won’t have enough money to fund it unless she pulls from her savings. And she won’t do that because she likes to save every penny she has.”

  “She went to the bank for a loan, ma,” Desiree injected. “But other than that, I may have something to do with your short conversations.”

  Jaden held a firm eye on Desiree. “Why is that,” he asked smoothly.

  Desiree sighed. “I’m hard on her, I always have been. It’s a long story, but I know she likes you a lot and I don’t mean to be so intolerable.”

  “What can you do to fix that, Desiree?”

  Jaden’s question was more of a statement. He was telling her to do something about it. His bravado made Desiree smirk.

  “I’m not sure, I guess lighten up.”

  “I’ve got an idea,” Jaden’s bass-filled voice drummed.


  “Yes, I want to take Claudia on a trip. If you could hold things down here at the house without troubling her. That would be a start.”

  “A trip, huh?” Adeline said. “Where are you going?”

  “I’ll let her tell you when she gets back.”

  “When are you leaving?” Desiree asked.

  “Tonight.” Jaden glanced from Adeline to Desiree. “Would that be a problem?”

  The two women shrugged. “What about her business?”

  Jaden fancied them with a sexy grin. “Let me work out the details, you just do your part.” His voice was stern as he watched Desiree. Jaden and his brother’s intoxicating stares were enough to make a woman do whatever they wanted. Desiree was sure she hadn’t agreed to something so quickly without putting up a fight before. She could see why Claudia was so taken by Jaden and why she’d seemed depressed lately with him not around.

  “Well alright,” Adeline said. “Have fun and bring me back a souvenir.”

  “Will do,” Jaden rose to his feet. “I’ll see myself out.”

  “No, no!” Claudia swatted her steering wheel. “Come on Betsy don’t fail me now!”

  The Toyota Camry stuttered, and smoke billowed from the engine. Claudia let out a series of harsh expletives as she pulled the car to the side of the highway. With the steering wheel clutched in both her hands she shook it, and her head fell into the horn. It blared, and she jumped.

  “Shit,” she swore.

  Claudia pulled her cell phone out and went through her contacts. “David, Gerald, Paul,” she muttered going through the choices of men that could possibly come and help her. When she came to Jaden’s name, she paused with her finger hovering over the call button. Samiyah had given her sound advice, but Claudia was still hesitant on whether to take it. To reveal the way she felt to him was scary in more ways than one.

  There was a sharp knock on her window and Claudia jumped as she glanced up.

  “Need help?” The stranger asked.

  Claudia opened her door and stepped out with her hair swaying with the wind. “Yeah, my engines busted I believe. I just need to call triple A.”

  The young fare skinned brother smiled and pointed behind her. Claudia glanced around to see a
tow truck.

  “I’m not triple A, but I think I can get the job done.”

  Claudia grinned. “Oh my luck is never this good. How much?”


  “You got it, let’s go!”

  “Grab whatever you need out of your vehicle, and you can sit in mine while I get your Toyota hooked up.”

  Claudia did take note of the way the man’s gaze landed on every part of her. “What did you say your name was again?” she asked.

  “Marcus.” He held his hand out for a shake. “And you are?”

  “Claudia, nice to meet you, Marcus.”

  “Very nice indeed,” Marcus stated.

  An hour later, Claudia’s Toyota was with her friendly neighborhood mechanic. She’d went to pay Marcus for the tow, but instead of payment, he’d asked for her number. When she declined, he’d given her his. That gave Claudia a chuckle.

  “You’re not used to taking no for an answer, huh?”

  “Not when I’m determined.”

  “I would rather pay you. I don’t want to give you an impression that I’ll be calling you.”

  “Why,” he glanced to her ring finger. “Are you married?”

  “Um, no.”

  “Long term relationship?”

  “You don’t have to keep guessing. I’m single but not looking.”

  “Unless the right man comes along,” he said.

  Claudia smirked. “And I guess you’re the right man, then?”

  Marcus put on a full-blown smile. “I can be.”

  Claudia gave a rueful grin with a shake of her head.

  “The least you could do is tell me how your repairs went. If all else fails, I know a mechanic who could get it done for you at a reasonable price.”

  Claudia laughed. “Laying it on a bit thick, aren’t you?”

  “What can I say, I try.”

  “Thank you for your kindness, Marcus, I think. See yah.”

  Claudia crawled into the back of her Uber and closed the door. Marcus waved her off and she waved back. She gave out directions to the driver, and he pulled away. When Claudia’s phone rang, she checked the screen to see Samiyah’s face.