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Enough (Falling For A Rose Book 2) Page 6
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“Look, if you have a problem with the way I’m taking care of mom, you’re more than welcome to come over here and do it yourself. I’m sure you have all the time in the world since you have no man, no life, and no business.” The words were meant to sting, and they had their intended effect.
“Oh wait, that’s right, you can’t take an hour lunch break because of your demanding job let alone look after your mother. You can’t even make a trip to see her less than every six months.” Claudia held her hand out and began a slow clap. “Congratulations, smart ass, you played yourself.”
And with that Claudia disconnected the call. She paced back and forth in front of the building before deciding to cross the street to her Toyota. If it was one thing Desiree could do well, it was get up underneath her skin.
By the time Claudia made it back to the car her phone was ringing again.
“What!” she snapped.
The caller hesitated before speaking. “Am I catching you at a bad time?”
All the rage Claudia was feeling dissipated instantly at the sound of Jaden’s voice. Her eyes closed and she sighed. “I’m sorry Jaden, I didn’t even bother looking at the screen before I answered.”
“Then I can be relieved that your vicious tone wasn’t meant for me?”
“Of course not, I’m sorry, it’s my sister.”
“Would you like to talk about it?”
The more he spoke, the more her anger subsided.
“Not really.”
“I would like to see you if that’s possible.”
Her line beeped, and sure enough, it was Desiree. A wave of anger returned. “I’m sorry Jaden, I need to call you back.”
“Do what you have to do, chérie.”
“You know what,” Claudia said. “On second thought, is it okay if I come to you?”
Chapter Nine
Pulling up in front of a massive iron gate, Claudia’s Toyota hummed to a stop. She cursed. If her car broke down in front of Jaden’s home, she would be mortified. Rolling her window down Claudia reached for the buzzer, but the gate opened before her hand landed on the button. As she waited for the doors to completely open, she said a silent prayer for her Toyota to live until she had the decency to make her getaway.
Claudia hit the pedal, and the Toyota drove into the circular driveway. Not without a sputter or two.
“Come on, Betsy. Please don’t fail me now,” she whispered to the vehicle.
Claudia cut the engine, and the car shook as it shut down. She closed her eyes briefly and exhaled. This was not the time for her car to start acting up. With everything she was trying to do with the benefit and continuing to grow her business, she couldn’t afford to buy a new car. Claudia climbed out and strutted up the four steps to the tall white doors. They opened, and Jaden stood before her with an apron around his muscular waist and a thin white sleeveless t-shirt. Claudia’s eyes didn’t hide the satisfactory perusal as her vision traveled over his toned arms and what she knew to be a chiseled chest underneath.
The rise of her eyes took in his strong neck and solid jawline, succulent lips, and black lashes, thick and curled upward to perfection. His gaze tormented Claudia, and she was barely able to pull her eyes away. Jaden’s layer of chocolate brown skin gave Claudia the impression that he’d been created with thoughts of a candy factory in mind.
“Welcome,” he said, his mouth widening into a extensive grin.
Claudia hadn’t come over here to have sex with Jaden in the middle of the day. As a matter of fact, her mind was nowhere near that arena when she made the decision to come over. But this man had managed to rid her of the anxiety she experienced minutes before. Hell, maybe he was exactly what she needed in the middle of the day. With the lurid thoughts rambling around her head, Jaden reached out to her, clasping her hand in his.
“Come in, chérie.”
She didn’t respond, only did what he asked. Jaden led her down an extended hallway past several rooms before they traipsed into a large kitchen. Norma, the family’s housekeeper stood in front of the counter with her hands covered in a batch of what seemed to be white flour.
“You remember, Norma, right?”
Claudia found her voice. “I do, from the dinner earlier this year.”
During the time Samiyah and Jonas were dating, they were both invited over to Christopher Lee Rose’s house for dinner where Claudia and Samiyah met Norma, the family’s long-time housekeeper.
“Hello again, Ms. Stevens.”
“Hello, how are you?” Claudia spoke.
“I’m fine, thanks for asking. I would shake your hand or even give you a hug, but this one over here has me covered in batter.”
“I see,” Claudia glanced to Jaden then back to Norma. “What is it that you’re making?”
“Well,” Norma said, “We’re baking fresh cinnamon rolls, pastry muffins, and chocolate chip cookies for the kids at the Boys and Girls Club.”
Claudia’s eyebrow rose. “Is that right? Smells so good in here. How did this come about?”
“Jonas is a mentor at the club. Has been for years,” Jaden said, “But while he’s away on his honeymoon, I’ve stepped in for him. I think the boys like me best anyway.” A sexy smile strutted across his lips.
Claudia returned his smile. “I’m sure they do, with you bringing those baked sweets and all.”
Norma and Jaden chuckled.
“That’s not the only reason.”
“You don’t have to defend yourself to me. I can see how it’s easy to become smitten by you.”
Jaden’s eyes never left Claudia as she spoke. He still held her hand in his. Jaden moved to stand before her, blocking Claudia’s line of sight to Norma.
“Why is that, Claudia? Are you smitten with me?” Jaden bit down on his lip, and his dark lashes lowered, piercing her with a savage glower.
Claudia’s voice came out sultry when she spoke. “Maybe. That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
A dazzling smile curved up her lips. Jaden’s gaze dropped down to them. He’d lain awake every night since their trip from Puerto Rico thinking about the lush, soft, fullness of them. Last night’s kiss was even hotter than before, and Jaden wanted to know if the next would be just as scorching.
He could get used to sucking her wet mouth in his and Jaden was willing to take every opportunity he had to feel them. It was ironic that he would make a silent vow, not to sexually have her again until the time was right. Jaden had given her the wrong impression, and he would surely rectify that.
Standing in front of her now, even with Norma behind them, didn’t keep Jaden from closing the small gap and getting right in her face. Claudia held her breath, and her hands slid up his chest.
“Whatever it is you’re thinking of doing to me,” she whispered in a purr seeing the savage gleam in his eyes. “You might want to wait until there isn’t an audience.”
A devilish smile spread across his face, and Jaden held back his words. His eyes traveled from Claudia’s layered mane to her dark brown eyes and full lips. It had taken everything in him not to pull her straight to his master bedroom when he’d opened the door and got a look at her pencil suit attire. His eyes had taken in her bodacious curves, and he’d had a flashback.
Once they’d made it to his hotel room back in Puerto Rico, Jaden had been slow with Claudia. Steady. Her body shook under his touch.
“Is everything okay, chérie,” he’d spoken, in a voice so thick it had made her body tremble.
“I’m fine.”
His hand moved down her shoulder in a sensual caress.
“Are you certain?”
“I am.”
Their eyes had locked in a depth of passion. Then Jaden slid his palms down Claudia’s hips around to her backside and lifted her by the plumpness of her ass. Claudia’s legs wrapped around Jaden’s waist; her arms coiling around his neck. The erection that strained against his pants was packed with force as it pushed against her mound. Claudia moaned.
Jaden’s lips were on her neck, laying soft kisses as he walked with her over to the bed. While he wanted to take his time, the need to savage her ran thick through him. But he’d savored Claudia, and she’d sang his name throughout the night. Now looking at her, the need to finish what they started was tearing at him every night she was absent from his bed. Coming out of his musing, Jaden laid a light squeeze on Claudia’s fingertips.
With trepidation, Jaden switched his focus. “You were having a rough day, something about your sister. Tell me what’s going on with you two.”
Claudia appreciated the way Jaden changed the subject. She was a second away from dragging him to whatever room lay after this one to feel him pumping inside of her again. As long as they were getting to know each other, she should have her fill of him, right? But how would she ever let a man like Jaden go? The question circled her thoughts on more than one occasion, and Claudia didn’t know how to feel about it.
Surely, she could have a platonic relationship with a man. Claudia had many in the past, but Jaden was different. The groove they held together kept a light burning at her center. When it was time to stoke that flame, Claudia wondered if that would be possible.
Shit, she thought. Getting herself worked up about the ‘what if’s’ would certainly drive her mad.
“Let’s not ruin the tranquility you’ve bestowed upon me by talking about my sister.”
Jaden arched a brow, a half grin making an appearance. “That I’ve bestowed upon you?”
Claudia smirked and turned her chin up. “Yeah, you.”
Something like a low animalistic growl crawled through him. Claudia’s belly was flopping all over the place. She needed a distraction, taking a deep breath, Claudia side stepped him. “Do you need some help, Ms. Norma?”
“If you don’t mind getting your hands dirty. Do you have work or can we make a day of it?”
Claudia glanced back at Jaden. “I think I could spare a day.”
Jaden folded his brawny arms unable to tear his gaze away from her. As Claudia sauntered over to the sink, his eyes traveled down her silken skin hovering around her abundant hips. Claudia washed her hands and strutted to a corner of the room where she kicked off her shoes.
“I hope you don’t mind if I get comfortable.”
The question was directed at Norma, but Jaden responded, “Never.”
Claudia was fighting like hell to keep her focus on Norma. Being around Jaden kept her unbalanced. She was still trying to figure out how to keep the flutter in her chest from going wild when in his presence.
Norma smirked. “Get as comfortable as you like, Ms. Stevens.”
“Norma, you should call me Claudia. There’s no need for the formal address.”
“If you wish.”
Jaden moved across the room headed for the sink. As he washed his hands, Norma spoke to Claudia. “If you’d like to mix this batter right here, I can check on the cookies in the oven.”
“These smell so good,” Claudia said pulling the sweetly scented bowl across the island to her. “You have no idea how much better my day just became.”
Jaden turned off the faucet, bringing an air of heat with him as he crowded her space.
He pulled an empty tray from the counter and sat it in front of him, layering sections of a crème filled dough on the sheet.
“I’ve decided to start my own nonprofit, Caregivers Organization. I’m in the beginning stages of creating a fundraising benefit for it. I was taking a look at Morgan’s on Fulton when Desiree called,” Claudia announced.
“That sounds like a lovely nonprofit,” Norma chimed. “If you ask me, caregivers don’t get enough recognition.”
“That’s true, but my organization is more focused on being a resource for caregivers in the city of Chicago, than in recognizing them for their efforts. However, now that you mention it, there should be some sort of awards ceremony for them.”
“Maybe you could add it to what I’m sure is a long list of duties.”
Claudia smiled. “Yeah it’s worth it though.” She peered over at Jaden who hadn’t spoken a word. His penetrating gaze seeming to go on forever. Flustered, Claudia set her focus back on the task she’d been assigned.
“Are you doing this alone?” Jaden finally asserted.
“Yes, I am. Why, do you want to help me?”
“I’d love to help. I’ve got a few contacts. I’m sure I could pull their attention to the matter.”
“When?” Norma asked. “Before or after you finish gawking at her from across the table?”
Claudia choked back a laugh and Jaden turned his mischievous grin on Norma.
“After,” he said.
More giggles left Claudia. “Oh you find that funny,” his dark voice beat. Jaden grabbed the tray and took it to the oven, sliding it in next to the cookies. He shut the oven door and strolled over to Claudia, wrapping his arms around her from behind.
She laughed, bending and twisting trying to escape his grasp.
“Oh my God, let me go,” she laughed, but he didn’t. Even Norma was tickled. She’d never seen Jaden this taken with any young lady and Norma had a growing suspicion that their friendship was more than they let on.
“That’s enough you two.” Norma slung a hand towel at them. “At this rate, the boys will be getting these treats in a few days instead of later today.”
“So true!” Claudia chimed in, still caught in Jaden’s embrace. “Unhand me, man!” Jaden tickled her more for good measure, and Claudia wiggled, desperate to escape him. Once his fingers had calmed, Claudia was able to regain her composure. Jaden’s masculine arms squeezed her, and he brought his lips down on her shoulder in a tender, sweet kiss.
“You know the harder you laugh, the deeper your dimples become.”
Claudia blushed. “I hardly pay them any attention anymore.”
“I wonder why that is? They’re beautiful.” He placed a kiss on her cheek absentmindedly, and Claudia blushed again.
Norma cleared her throat, and Jaden held his hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry, mademoiselle,” he said to her. “Maybe we should put Claudia out, she’s interrupted me.” The mirth in his gaze had Norma chuckling now.
Claudia gasped. “Hey, I’ll have you know, I’m over here doing what was asked of me. You, sir, are the distraction.”
Norma pointed at them both. “If my opinion is anything to the both of you, then I’d say you’re collectively a distraction. Even I’m wasting time chastising you two. Why don’t you go on a date or something? You’ve obviously got a thing for one another.”
“We’ve been on a date,” Jaden said.
“Well, maybe you should go wherever it is you young folks go after dating for a while.”
Instantly, Claudia had a vision of Jaden standing at the altar with an Armani suit tailored to his muscular frame. Just as quickly, she shook the thoughts.
“What do you think, Claudia?”
“Hmm? About what?”
“Would you like to accompany me on a trip?”
Claudia’s mind whirled. “Um,” she stuttered flabbergasted. “I suppose it’s possible. I’d have to check with my sister to see if she has time to look after my mother. Where would we be going?”
Jaden rubbed his chin. “I’m thinking some place fun where we can let loose and play on the wild side.”
Claudia’s belly flopped. “The wild side?” It was the one thing she was trying to elude. Didn’t her mom and sister already think she was irresponsible? However, the term took on new meaning with Jaden. And if the dangerous gaze in his eyes was any indication of that, she was ready to be as foolish with him as foolish could be. You only live once, right?
“There’s only one place I know of like that,” Claudia spoke.
“I’m listening.”
“Vegas, baby.”
Chapter Ten
Over the next four hours, Jaden, Claudia, and Norma had officially completed their baking. They worked around the kitchen while chatting about a
last-minute trip to Las Vegas, Nevada.
“Have you ever been before?” Jaden had asked.
“Once, in college.”
“I assumed you had a good time with your girls?”
“Who said I went with girls?”
Jaden peered at her. “Did you?”
Claudia smirked unable to hold back on him. “Yeah, Samiyah and I went with two other girls from our dorm.”
Jaden perked back up. The thought of Claudia in Vegas with a man, boyfriend or not, didn’t sit well with him.
“So that means I’ll have to make it the time of your life to outdo your girls.”
Claudia thought back to her time in Vegas. She gambled 1200 dollars and won 535. They’d found themselves at clubs partying past the midnight hour. Coming out of her thoughts she chimed, “You’ve got a task on your hands if you plan on outdoing our girl’s trip.”
“Oh, I’m sure, but trust me, I think I can handle the job.”
His voice sent an effervesce of heat trailing down her neck. It nestled between her breasts and her nipples instantly hardened. Rattled, Claudia moved toward the containers to add more sweets to the already growing pile. They all crawled into Jaden’s Jeep and pulled up in front of the Boys and Girls Club as soon as the evening school buses arrived to let the children off.
“Jaden!” One of the kids yelled running toward him.
“Hey Zander, how’s school?”
Zander rolled his eyes and puffed. “My teacher tells me I should focus in class. She says I wonder off in space a lot, whatever that means.”
Jaden smirked. “It means you’re not paying attention. Why is that?”
“She talks a lot. Sometimes it’s hard for me to keep up and I lose interest.”
“Hmmm, tell your mom to come see me before you leave.”
“Okay,” Zander said. “Did you bring us some sweets, today?” His eyes lit up, hopeful.
This brought on a full smile from Jaden. “Sure did. Now, who’s your favorite brother?”
“You are!” Zander sang.
Jaden looked to Claudia. “See, I’m his favorite.”
Claudia shook her head. You’re my favorite too, she thought.