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However, Zeus was the one behind the order that killed her beloved Caleb, so he was the man she wanted most, and she would have him if it was the last thing she did.
Chapter Five
The cell phone in Celine’s pocket rang. She didn’t need to look at the Caller ID to know who it was. Before this morning, she didn’t have a phone. Brian had made sure to give her one, no doubt so he could contact her whenever he wanted.
“Hello,” she answered.
“You’ve been gone a long time.” His voice was smooth and profound.
“What are you doing?”
She waited a beat before answering. “Recon.”
Brian lifted a brow. “Did you get names of the surgery team?”
“What do you think?”
He smirked. “How many of them are still alive?”
“Too many of them.”
“Tell me where you are, and we’ll take them out together.”
“I can handle it.”
“I know you can handle it, but I want to be of assistance.”
“You just want to keep up with my whereabouts.”
“That too. Remember when we caught Dameon slipping?”
Dameon Jackson had been a thorn in Brian’s side for several years. Too many times he’d tried to take over Brian’s territory when the west had an army the size of both the north and south, but Brian had anticipated it and caught him coming out a restaurant with his Queen late one night. His team never saw either of them again. His disappearance had shaken his crew, and they’d dispersed like roaches. His entire empire had crumbled, and all it had taken was cutting the head off the snake. Brian wanted Celine to wait in the car and watch him work, but she couldn’t. Knowing women could be just as deadly as men, she’d left the car just in time to put a bullet through the Queen’s heart. She had whipped a switchblade from her bra and was two seconds away from cutting Brian open while his back was turned to her husband.
“Yeah, I remember. I remember everything.”
“I want you to move your things into my room.”
She heard him, but she wasn’t ready to have this conversation again. “I need to move. I’ll see you in a minute.”
She disconnected the call before he could respond. He didn’t bother to call back, knowing that if she needed to move, distractions could be deadly. Celine walked quietly out the side of the laundromat and strolled down the street. When she spotted her Benz, a tall, slim man with stubble on his jaw leaned against it.
Celine ducked off into an alleyway and watched the man from a short distance. It was obvious he was one of Zeus’s goons, and she was pretty certain he wanted to know who was driving the Benz in their neck of the woods.
“Stupid,” she chastised herself. There was no way she could go back to the car now. She should’ve parked it further down the road, but she didn’t want to be caught walking down their streets either.
Thinking about calling Brian back made her groan. She’d been vague enough on the phone when he’d asked about her whereabouts. But now, she’d have to tell him her exact location, and it would not go over with him well. She watched the goon, and he casually waited like he didn’t have a care in the world. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out her cell and dialed a number.
“Who is this?” the caller answered.
“Marcus, this is Celine.”
“What’s up, girl, I didn’t recognize the number.”
“That’s because it’s a new phone Brian gave me this morning. Listen, can you do something for me.”
“Name it.”
She hesitated. “I need an extraction.” She used a word she knew he would recognize as immediate rescue.
“What’s your location?”
“Jones and Davenport.”
Instead of chastising her the way he would anyone else, he slid a hand over his face. “How long?” he asked.
“Five minutes at the longest.”
“I know, I know,” she repeated.
“I’m headed there now. Keep your phone on.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She ended the call. Celine kept her eyes on the goon. He checked his phone and typed something on the screen. Her mind wondered. She could take him out. It was just him. A single shot to the side of his head would suffice, and she would drive off like nothing happened. But then again, if he wasn’t alone and was just put in place to be bait, she would be dead before she got close to the car.
“Shit,” she swore again.
Although it had been a while since she’d been on such a mission, there was no excuse for absentmindedness. She checked her phone; three minutes had passed. Celine would hold off in the alley as long as she could, but just as the thought had passed through her mind, a red Porsche pulled up. The window rolled down, and Alphonso stuck his head out and spoke low to the goon.
She sent a text to Marcus: New extraction, I’ll meet you on Holly and Vance.
A text message came through: Don’t move, I’m two minutes away.
She texted back: Can’t stay in this spot for another twenty seconds, it’s crowded.
Telling him it’s crowded was code to let him know either Zeus or one of the men in his tightknit circle was in the area.
Celine walked down the alley to a rusty backdoor that led to a restaurant. She knew Zeus had these spots on lock, and it would only be a matter of time before her presence would be given away, but at this point, she didn’t have a choice. With his goons circling her car, it was possible he already knew something was awry. She had to get to Holly and Vance, which was on the other corner, without being spotted. The door opened, and she walked through the kitchen of the restaurant, the click clack in her heels moving fast. She pulled the nine out of her back and held it leveled in front of her. When she came across the chef, his eyes bugged out.
“Keep your mouth close and be still, and you’ll live to see another day,” Celine said.
His eyes moved from her to a phone on the wall then back to her. “Big mistake.” She sent a bullet flying through his head. Celine was running now, the heels a nonfactor as she moved through the restaurant in record speed. Swinging opening the door that led to the entrance, Celine stepped onto the sidewalk then came to a sharp halt. One door down was Alphonso sitting in the red Porsche. There was a brief second of reprieve before their eyes locked.
Alphonso squinted and rubbed his chin as he spoke to someone else in the car. When their heads snapped up, alarm shown on their faces.
“Shit,” Celine spat.
When she turned to see Brian and Marcus, they were pulling in her direction, Celine ran toward the car. Gunfire. To Celine, it sounded like a small handgun that sent off pops of hot metal. Then rapid gunfire. Either more people were shooting at them, or the weapon had gotten bigger. Celine jumped in the back seat, and Marcus hit the gas as Brian and Celine hung out of the window letting bullets fly. They were now in pursuit of Zeus’s gang in his neighborhood.
With the car in reverse, Alphonso hit a hard right, and the tires on his vehicle spun to a stop. The goons in the passenger and back seats fired off shots at Marcus, Brian, and Celine. Alphonso hit the gas, and the car lurched forward in the opposite direction.
“Where’s your car?” Brian yelled.
“Down the street on the right.” Celine called back. She shot daggers at Marcus through the rearview mirror.
“Throw me the keys,” Brian commanded.
“It’s my fuck up. I’ll drive the car.”
“Celine, throw me the keys!”
Brian was boiling mad, and she knew why. Tossing the keys to him, she braced herself for the break when Marcus stopped and she hopped out behind Brian.
“Stay with Marcus!” he yelled.
“I’m coming with you, and there’s nothing you can do about it!”
They jumped in the car and sped off behind Marcus. Celine checked the mirrors as did Brian
“You lied to me!”
“I did not!”
“Celine, don’t fuck with me!”
“I didn’t lie. I just didn’t tell you my location at the time. I really did get the names of Caleb’s team!”
“Fuck that, Celine!”
Her eyes bugged out and a hard slap flew across his face. He hit a hard left and reached over, his massive hand covering her throat. She slapped him again, then again across his face. He increased the pressure around her throat as he jumped on the highway, the Benz swerving drastically. Instinctively, her hands clutched his burly hand as she struggled to pull his fingers from her throat. He held her tightly for another few seconds before releasing her in a shove against the seat. He hit one hundred miles per hour in a race to get in the safe zone.
“Are you trying to kill us?” he shouted.
“No, just you!”
He held her with a feral gaze; Celine didn’t know that he was more upset that she’d put herself in harm’s way on the opposite side of town where he couldn’t get there quick. He could lose her, and he would go crazy.
“What the hell were you thinking?”
“I didn’t mean to be spotted. I was in the clear until I hit the corner and saw one of them leaning against the car.”
“Come on, Celine! Didn’t you think they’d notice? Do you think I’d noticed if there was a luxury vehicle parked down the street and around the corner from my place of business that I didn’t own?” He gave her a chastising look.
“I know, okay. I didn’t want to walk down the street. I figured they would see me before they saw the car.”
“Well, you were wrong.”
“You’re right, I was wrong.”
“Damn right you were.”
“Why are you so upset? I’ve done this before.”
“But you were careful, Celine. We’re already at war. I had plans to come at them silently and take them out before they knew what hit them. Now we’ve made it known we’re around, and they’ll be on high alert. I know you’ve got a vendetta, and you want revenge, but you’re working against me! Work with me, Celine! It’s in our best interest.”
She huffed, her chest rising and falling as she took in his words. He was right; she’d been off balance ever since he burst through her motel room door.
“Why didn’t you just leave me alone, Brian?”
He ran a hand over his face. “Because I can’t, Celine. Don’t you get it?” His voice lowered as he said, “I want you, Ma, Ma,” then rose in exasperation, “And I can’t have anyone fucking with you!” He reached out and caressed her face. “Come here,” He pulled her closer, rubbing her shoulders and neck. “You drive me crazy, woman.”
“We’re even,” she said, watching him. She didn’t want to understand the tug on her chest or why she felt the need to lean in and kiss him without regard. The fear in his voice at the thought of something happening to her was enough for her to believe he really felt for her. She wondered how much. Could it even be possible that they could be together? Celine tried to shake the thoughts, but they refused to go away. They rode safely back to their side of town.
“Now, we’ve gotta switch it up.” He gazed at her and caught the soft look in her eyes. “Are you with me?”
“Hell yes,” she replied.
Chapter Six
Back at the house, Brian gathered his top crew members and began to bark out orders. “Raphaël, I need you to close up your area. Same thing goes for all of you!” He made sure to place his sight on each one of them.
“Nobody gets past the checkpoints that are unfamiliar. You got it?”
“What about your meeting tonight at the Cell?” It was his youngest goon Red who had posed the question.
“I’m still going.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Cedric added.
“Why not?” Brian asked.
“With this new load of heat, you’ll probably need to lay low.”
Celine smirked. “Are you serious?”
“If he wasn’t,” Sade said, “he wouldn’t have said it.”
Celine cut her eyes at Sade; she’d been giving her major attitude since her arrival. Celine couldn’t blame the woman. Jealousy was at the core of her disdain. If the shoe were on the other foot, she would feel the same. Unfortunately, Celine didn’t care.
“Bitch, speak when you’re spoken to, hoe.”
Affronted, Sade’s eyes bugged out. “Are you going to let her talk to me like that?” She crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for Brian to put Celine in her place.
“You opened that can of worms, and I wish you wouldn’t,” he replied. “If you just shut the fuck up, maybe, just maybe, you both could get along.”
Sade’s light skin turned red. She bit down on her tongue, gritting her teeth. If Brian told her to shut up, she did. But she wasn’t finished with Celine yet, not by a long shot.
“Cedric, you know I’m not one for laying low, brother. Why would you even suggest it?”
“Because he’s right,” Marcus interjected. “You would be an easy target if Zeus gets wind of your appearance at the club. The fact that it’s in the middle of both of our territories is reason enough.”
In the time Brian had built his empire, he’d grown to take advice from some well-respected men. Marcus wasn’t with him in the beginning, but knowing him personally because of their past friendship made him comfortable enough to take his advice and add him to his circle.
“This deal is too important,” he said.
“All of your deals are important,” Dominique offered.
“So, all of you think I should lay low. You act as if we’ve never been on high alert before.”
Celine sauntered toward the lone window and peeked through the blinds. “I don’t think you should lay low.” She kept her back to the group, “That’s what Zeus will believe you’re doing. Let’s just say for instance that he already knows you’ll be at the Cell. The same way you’re closing the blocks now is the same way you can shut them down there. If anything goes awry, we’ll make sure to give ‘em hell.”
Celine couldn’t see the sexy smile that traveled across Brian’s lips, but Sade did. She wanted to go over and smack the taste out of Celine’s mouth, but she’d wait for her moment.
Brian looked to Marcus, Cedric, Raphaël, Red, Sade, and Dominique.
“You heard the lady,” he concluded. “What do you say we give ‘em hell?”
The Cell was crowded as usual when Brian and his men pulled to the front door. On the drive over, Brian’s mind scattered with thoughts of what Zeus might pull off next, his impending meeting, and how he could keep Sade from losing her cool. He knew Sade was a ticking time bomb, but he didn’t want her to get too cocky. She was good for business, and he needed her to focus. Sitting across from her now had only intensified the ride. With her legs crossed, her foot bounced as she glared most of the ride toward him and Celine.
Celine made a move to exit. “Hold on,” he said. Celine glanced at him quizzically. He gave her a soft smile. “I know what you’re used to, but things have changed a bit.”
“How so?”
“Whenever there is a possible threat, we wait to be cleared before getting out.”
She smirked and sat back. “What are you, the president?”
“Something like that but with more power.”
Celine reached out to him, sending a gentle caress across his face. Where the motion came from, she didn’t know. He caught her hand before she moved it away and placed a kiss on the back of her soft skin.
The door opened, interrupting their brief intimate moment. Brian stepped out first, letting his eyes land on all the activity around them before holding a hand out for Celine. Gracefully she accepted, allowing him to pull her close into the safety of his broad chest.
Right behind her, Sade glided out, placing herself on his left side. Swiftly he pulled Celine to his right, and they walked past the line through the ent
rance. Everyone watched them as they were decked out in brand name clothes and expensive accessories with a squad following closely behind.
Men gawked openly at Celine and Sade in their form fitting clothes and high heels. Celine’s hair draped down her shoulders, feathering her arms every time the soft tresses brushed against her cocoa brown skin. Sade’s hair sat on top of her head with Chinese chopsticks holding her bun together. They couldn’t be more different, but their attitude for the moment had aligned. Both were on guard and ready for anything that might occur.
Inside the club, the group made their way toward a staircase.
“I’m staying down here,” Celine announced.
Brian turned to her. “I need you with me.” Celine watched him for a second.
“You need me down here.”
“I’ll stay down here with her,” Sade offered. They both turned to her.
Celine peered at her. “I don’t need a babysitter.”
“I’m not here to babysit you.” Sade lifted a brow. “What, I can’t be a bitch, but I can’t play nice either?”
They fell silent for a second, then Brian grabbed Sade’s arm and pulled her to the side. “I need you on your A game tonight. Can you hold it down for me?”
She gave him a sharp glare. “Don’t I always, or have you forgotten since your little girlfriend showed up?”
He lifted his hand to her face, and she flinched, assuming he would smack her. Instead, his palms grazed her neck, his thumb rubbing an affectionate circle around her throat.
“I need you to keep your head clear. Keep a look out. Be better than you normally are. You’re still my ace in the hole.” Her face softened. “You got it?”
“Always.” He placed a kiss on her forehead and released her. It was the only physical contact she’d received from him in days, and she wanted to make him proud. No one would be taking her spot, and she’d make sure he noticed how on top of her game she was.