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Beautiful Assassin Page 2
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“Besides the one I wanted.” He pulled to a red light, and they stared at each other for what seemed like forever.
“You didn’t want me. If you did, you wouldn’t have let me go.”
“Baby, you’re your own woman. I couldn’t and wouldn’t stop you if you wanted to leave. I want you to have the desires of your heart.”
“Where is all this coming from?”
“Right here.” He patted his chest. Still taken aback by his confession, Celine continued to stare at him.
The sound of screeching tires brought them both out of their thoughts.
A black van approached them as gunfire exploded into the Lexus.
Instinctively, Brian hit the gas and swerved left, then right, before shooting off down the road.
“Celine!” he yelled. Brian shifted gears then reached over touching her. “Celine!”
“I’m okay!” she chimed in, unfolding herself from the fetal position she’d thrown herself in. Knowing Brian wouldn’t leave home without a weapon, Celine hit the button on the glove compartment and pulled out the nine millimeter, cocking it back. She opened the sunroof, stood on the seat, and let the gun sound off until the clip was empty. The van behind them swerved, some of the bullets hitting the passenger side window.
A hand attached to an automatic weapon hung out the window of the van.
“Shit!” Celine swore, ducking back into the car. “We need something stronger!”
“It’s in the trunk!” Brian said.
“We’re screwed, floor it! We have to outrun them.”
As the words left Celine’s mouth, the van cruised closer.
Chapter Two
Brian put the gear in fifth, hitting unlawful speeds. Celine reloaded her clip.
“Put your seatbelt on!” Brian yelled.
She buckled her seat belt quickly. With his elbow, Brian pushed down on the middle console, causing it to spring open. Reaching inside, he pulled out an SR22 Ruger style pistol and hit the brakes, yanking the steering wheel. The tires coughed up asphalt as it spun in a U-turn, coming side by side with the driver of the van. Brian held his arm out of the window and fired, sending a bullet spinning through his neck. The driver covered his wound as blood spurted from it. Brian fired twice more, and the van ran off the road into a lamp post. The hood exploded at the force of the collision. Brian pulled to the side of the road and hopped out of the car. Right behind him, Celine pulled back the handle as they crept over to the vehicle. Brian quickly made his way up the side of the van. The passenger side window was crushed, but the passenger was still alive.
When he turned to see Brian standing at his window, his eyes grew. Brian fired off two shots execution style. There was movement in the back. Celine let off four shots in the back seat. It was the wrong time to be turned on, but watching Brian in action brought back memories of their life together when things were hot and heavy years ago. Her libido was raging.
“Let’s go,” he said, starting back toward the car. She grabbed his arm, halting his steps.
He watched her quizzically as she pushed him against the van, pinning her body against his. She leaned into him, her lips tracing his mouth before sucking them in for an erotic kiss. She moaned.
Brian reached down and grabbed her ass, lifting her off her feet. Her mouth trailed kisses down his jawline as he inhaled deep breaths.
“Woman,” he huffed, “we have to get out of here, but I will fuck you where you stand if you don’t let go of me.” His sturdy hands gripped her jaw as he crushed his mouth to hers. His tongue slid into her mouth, and she moaned, gyrating her hips against him.
“Mmmmmm, I don’t want to stop.”
Sirens blared in the distance, and Brian powerwalked with Celine in his arms back to the Lexus. With her still in his lap, he climbed in and put the car in drive. She wiggled off his lap and reached down to pull out his hardness and slide her mouth down over it.
“Shit!” he swore while hitting the highway. Celine slurped and sucked on him from head to base. One of his hands grabbed the back of her head, his fingers kneading her scalp. She allowed him to guide her up and down, faster and faster.
She moaned, completely turned on.
“Damnit, girl!”
Before long, the plunges in her warm mouth took over his will to extend their sexual encounter as his orgasm pushed forward.
“Damn, I’ve missed you. Don’t you ever leave me again!”
“Mmmmmm,” was all she said as she continued to suck on him.
He exited the highway and pulled to his gate, punching in a code. At his peak now, he guided her faster. When a splitting orgasm tore through him, his cum coated the roof and back of her throat. His head flung back.
Celine moaned, swallowing every ounce of him.
The gate was open, but he hadn’t made a move to pull inside. Celine raised her head with a final slurp. She licked the corners of her mouth, and in her eyes, desire spilled over as her lids set at half-mast. He reached, pulling her toward him, kissing her plump soft lips.
After they had devoured each other, he drove past the gate and around the circular driveway, making their way into the mansion style home.
“Welcome back to the Devereaux Estate, sweetheart.” He reached out and touched her chin. “You’re home.”
The marble floor announced their entry. Walking past the tall columns brought back a plethora of memories and images of their time together. Something had changed. Chandeliers hung in places where there were just light fixtures before. Various art paintings decorated the long hallway, and a dash of red accented the gray and black décor.
“I like what you’ve done with the place,” Celine complimented.
He smirked. “It wasn’t me.”
She arched a brow. “I’ve never known you to bring any outsiders in.”
“You trying to say my place needed fixing up before you left?”
“No, I’m just saying you don’t bring in outsiders.”
“And I didn’t this time.”
Their steps brought them to a massive door that stood taller than both of them stacked on top of each other twice. He pushed open the doors.
“Get your asses up!”
Startled eyes met hers. Four men jumped to their feet, and a woman with almond shaped eyes, hair to the middle of her back, lush lips and a thick frame rounded the sofa sitting in the midst of the large room. Celine sized her up, and the woman did the same. It was evident from her frown that she disapproved of Celine standing so close to Brian.
“Boss,” one guy said, “what happened?”
“Where’s Cedric?” Brian asked.
“In position,” the man replied.
“Get him on the line, now,” Brian growled. “Marcus, go get Celine’s bags out of the Lexus.”
“I can get my own stuff,” she said.
He side-eyed her. “Not here you won’t.”
Celine wanted to object, but she didn’t. This was Brian being Brian, controlling, exertive and expressionless when in front of his crew. Marcus disappeared to retrieve her things.
“In my office,” he demanded, and they all moved inside his office. Brian sat behind his large mahogany desk. The woman still held wary eyes on Celine. They strolled from her bikini bra to her smooth cocoa brown belly, tight jeans that accentuated her curvy hips, to her spiked heels. When the woman made it back up to her face, she was met with an icy stare.
“Can I do something for you?” Celine asked.
The woman smirked, easing her butt on top of Brian’s desk, facing him. “Naw, I’m good,” she replied.
Brian smacked her on the hips. “Behave.”
She held her hands up. “What?”
Celine’s anger had returned. Whoever the woman was made it clear that Brian was who she claimed. But she didn’t know the depths of Celine’s pettiness. Celine strolled to Brian and eased down in his lap, making sure to rub her booty over him a little before relaxing against his chest. She cro
ssed her legs and dared the woman to make a move.
The men in the room eyed each other, knowing Celine was not to be toyed with. The phone on Brian’s desk rang, and Raphaël put it on speaker.
“Yeah Boss,” Cedric spoke through the speaker.
“Tell me why I had some of Zeus’s goons gunning at me tonight?” He paused, waiting for an answer.
“What?” the men in the room yelled.
“It’s your job to stay on top of their movements at all times, and someone dropped the ball. I shouldn’t have been surprised. Should I relieve you of your duties?”
The room grew silent. A small voice disturbed the silence: “Brian?” All eyes shifted to Mama Devereaux standing in the doorway.
“Mom, what are you doing up?” Brian asked, his voice softer.
She rubbed her arms, her eyes settling in on Celine. She gasped. “Celine!”
Celine stood and walked over to her. “Hey Mama Devereaux.” She pulled her in for a hug.
“Oh baby, it’s been so long since I’ve laid eyes on you.” Mama Devereaux caressed her face. “The spirits were speaking to me in a dream, and I had to make my way down here to see what was going on. Are you okay, honey?” She checked Celine’s arms, touching her like she was in an examination room.
“I’m fine, Mama Devereaux, everything’s fine.”
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Of course, you know I couldn’t lie to you.”
Mama Devereaux granted her a smile and leaned to look at Brian. “What about you, is everything all right?”
Mama Devereaux was a spiritual woman; she probably talked to God more than Moses did. She could tell you what to wear before going out because the weather would be sunny, rainy, or frosty. If something was wrong, she could sense it, and God always ordered her steps.
“I’m fine, Mama. Please go back to sleep.”
Mama Devereaux ignored him and looked back to Celine. “When was the last time you ate, honey?”
“Oh, I couldn’t have you trying to cook at this hour, Mama Devereaux.”
“Who said I was cooking, chile? I’ve got leftovers.”
Celine laughed. “Well I could use a good meal.”
“Oh great, follow me.”
Celine looked back at Brian and winked. He flashed a smile, knowing Celine had purposely agreed to a meal to get his mother out of the room. In the hallway, she ran into Marcus carrying her bags.
“I can show you to your room.” His eyes roamed the length of her, appreciating her womanly curves.
“I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced.” She gave him a once over.
“We haven’t. I’m Marcus.”
“Thanks for grabbing my things. You didn’t have to.”
“Hey, what Boss man says goes, right?”
She put weight into her left leg, causing her hip to stick out. He followed the movement, his caramel eyes shifting back to her face. “Right,” she said. “Well, I’m going to grab something to eat with Mama Devereaux. Are you hungry?”
He licked his lips then rubbed his chin. “Nah, I’m good.”
“Are you sure? You look like you could stand to eat a meal or two.” His sexy dark laughter caught her by surprise. “Come on.” She pulled him by the arm. “Besides, you have to show me to my room afterwards, right?”
He followed her but not too closely. If she was the Celine he’d heard about, he knew she was off limits. But she was gorgeous in an exotic way. Who could fault him for wanting her?
In the kitchen, Mama Devereaux pulled out a pot of collard greens, meatloaf, corn on the cob, and black eyed peas. “Would you like a plate, dear?” she asked Marcus.
“Sure would.”
A warm smile lit up her face. She went about the task of fixing two plates and put everything else away.
“Now if you two want more, you’ll have to get it yourselves.”
They snickered. “No problem, Mama Devereaux,” they both answered.
“Celine, before you leave, make sure to see me okay?”
“I will.”
Mama Devereaux placed a gentle kiss on her upturned cheek and left the room.
Celine and Marcus dived into their food. “She’s still got it,” Celine said.
Marcus nodded, agreeing without speaking.
She giggled. “So how long have you known Brian?”
He wiped his mouth with a napkin. “We were best friends in high school, but when we both went to college, we lost contact.”
“How did you end up here?”
He grinned. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“How’s gunrunning good?”
His expression turned serious. “I don’t know how things worked when you were here, but this is a legit operation.”
Celine twisted her lips. “Says who?”
He chuckled and pointed his fork at her. “You’re off the chain.”
They polished off their food and washed their plates.
“Let me show you to your room.”
She followed him through the familiar surroundings into a huge room fit for a queen. The décor in this room had also been upgraded, and it tickled Celine that Brian took the time to care. She unfolded her arms and twirled around to Marcus. He sat her bags in a chaise lounge and backed into the door frame.
“I don’t bite, Marcus.”
“That may be so, but I can’t say that I don’t.”
A lovely smile covered her face. “Okay, how did you know this is the room I’d be staying in?”
“We knew where he was going when he left. You were the topic of conversation on many nights.”
“Is that right?”
“That’s right.”
“What about?”
He held up his hands in surrender. “A man’s got to have his secrets.”
She laughed. “So he does.” Her eyes roamed over his medium height, caramel skin and full lips.
“I’ll let you get to it then.” He turned and walked away.
Celine went into the bathroom and turned on the shower but didn’t find any supplies. With quick steps, she ran to the door. “Marcus!” At the end of the hallway, Marcus turned to her. “I need towels and bath supplies.”
“Give me a minute.” He disappeared around the corner. She went back into the room to check the bathroom again, bending down to open the cabinets. She found a lone towel and pulled it out. Celine removed her clothes and wrapped the towel around her. When she stepped back into the bedroom, Marcus stood there with a handful of towels and wash cloths.
“Thank you,” she said, traipsing up to him to take the towels out of his hand.
“Have you lost your motherfucking mind?”
They both turned at his baritone voice. Brian stood in the door with an ominous glare.
“I was just dropping off some towels.”
Brian cracked his neck. “Get out.” He snarled.
Within seconds, Marcus was gone.
Chapter Three
Brian stepped to Celine, reaching out to inspect her shoulders. “Whatever you need, ask me for it.” His voice was just below a growl.
“You were busy. Besides, I wouldn’t bother you with something so easily resolved like getting towels.”
He inhaled a deep breath. “Whatever you need, Celine.” That was a command.
“Fine.” She folded her arms. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to take a shower.” She turned, but he caught her by her arm.
“I want you with me.”
She raised a quizzical brow. “Then why did you put me in here?”
“I was trying to give you space if you needed it. I know you’re still hurting.”
She exhaled and rubbed her face. “You were right to do so. I appreciate it.”
“I still would rather you stay with me.” His eyes weighed heavy on her.
“How would your girlfriend feel about that?”
“Don’t be ridiculous. You come precedent over anyone.”
“Does she k
now that?” Celine wiggled out of his grasp and headed to the bathroom.
He followed her. “I’ll take care of her. She knows her role.”
“Which is what exactly?”
“Celine, you’ve been gone for five years. You married and led an entirely different life.”
“Of course, I get it, she’s been your girlfriend since I’ve been gone, right?”
“I wouldn’t call her my girlfriend.”
Celine chuckled. “Of course you wouldn’t.”
“Look, I’m no good with relationships. I won’t pretend I am. I’ve never had one woman, and I never wanted just one.”
“So why are we having this conversation?”
“If you’ll let me finish,” he said. “Until you came along, I was fine the way my life was. But you did something I didn’t expect.” She waited patiently for his next words. “You made me think about marriage, babies, love…” She watched him carefully. Brian never got remotely close to mentioning love. Ever, so to say she was surprised was an understatement. “What we had back there in the car, what was that all about?”
She sighed, Celine didn’t want to divulge her passions for him. She was sure he already had a clue, but now just wasn’t the time. She couldn’t lose focus on her mission. So they’d had a random rendezvous. That’s where she had to leave it.
“Don’t look too deep into it,” she said. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to take a shower. Alone.”
He bit his bottom lip and took a step back, sliding his brawny hands into his pockets.
He wavered, exhaling a deep sigh, then tilted his head, turning to take his leave. She closed the bathroom door and stepped into the shower, letting thoughts of revenge take over the thoughts of loving Brian.
No matter what, she had to remain focused.
“I don’t want you to worry. Everything will be okay. If God is for us, who can be against us?” Caleb reached over and rubbed Celine’s jaw. She closed her eyes and held on tight to his caress.
“I know, baby, we’re just so close. I love you so much.”
“I love you, too. Remember, we’ll always be connected. Now stop worrying and get ready to meet me in the recovery room.”