Beautiful Assassin Read online

Page 10

  “I thought you might like it.”

  After getting it secured, Brian reached back into the box and pulled out a smaller box wrapped in gift paper. “This one I want you to open.”

  She pursed her lips. “When did you have time to get this?”

  He winked. “While you were sleeping soundly.” He motioned toward the box in his hand, and she took it, opening it carefully.

  Celine popped the top and gasped at the black firearm with a red handle and head. It was in pristine condition. She pulled it out, letting it settle in the palm of her hand. Examining the handgun, an elated smile wafted across her lips. The feel of the custom leather, sleek corners, and lightweight piece hardened her nipples.

  Her eyes connected with his, a thrill of excitement roaming throughout her. He locked the gun in her holster, and it fit like a glove. She pulled him in, and they kissed for what seemed like forever. Tongues dancing, lips sucking, breathing each other in. Hot, sexual desire took over, and within seconds she was on his lap.

  “Turn this limo around,” she ordered.

  A sexy rumble trickled from his throat as he chuckled. He palmed her derriere as they consumed each other.

  “Please,” she begged, “turn it around.”

  “As much as I would love to, I’m not done yet.”

  Her eyes studied his face. “What? There’s more?”

  His tongue snaked across his teeth as he thought about his next surprise.

  “Aren’t you hungry?” His voice was gruff and thick.

  “Yeah, but not for food.”

  The limo pulled to a stop. Brian arched an eyebrow. “We’re here.”

  Whatever it was he had in store next gave him great pleasure. Celine couldn’t help but feel enthusiastic. His vehement excitement was contagious, so instead of questioning him further, she simply followed his lead.

  His door opened and he stepped out, turning to hold his hand out for her. She clasped it and was pulled into his firm chest. The handgun and holster felt like a second skin as she sashayed into the restaurant.

  Celine leaned in and spoke, “Are we being watched?”

  “We’re always being watched, baby girl, but it’s nothing for you to worry about.”

  “Who said I was worried?”

  He cracked a smile. “No one.” They walked in sync, “Just remember our men are always around. We never step out alone. Well… most times.”

  Inside the restaurant, they were escorted to a table previously prepared with lit candles, an array of rose petals, and crystal wine glasses. Brian pulled her chair out, and she sat down. This was so new to her. Never had she seen this side of Brian.

  She’d always thought he didn’t have a romantic bone in his body, and it caused her to question everything she assumed she knew about him.

  “Who are you and what have you done with my Brian?”

  He spoke as he sat down. “I am your Brian, sweetheart. I’m just in beast mode most days.”

  She looked around them. “Most, huh?”

  “You know the business. I have to be.”

  Brian had been running his business over thirteen years now. Celine came into his life when he was in the first two years. So much had changed since she’d left and returned. Brian grew in ways he never thought he would. But it made him a better man and his business stronger.

  A waiter approached with champagne. “Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Devereaux.”

  “Good evening,” they both sang.

  “Tonight, we have Ace of Spades, or as it’s properly known as, Armand de Brignac Brut Rose.” The waiter popped the cork, and champagne flowed over the top. It was caught in the wine glasses as he poured into them.

  “Your dinner is being prepared fresh off the grill.”

  “Thank you,” Celine offered. The waiter walked away. “Our dinner is being prepared?”

  Brian reached across the table, his thumb caressing the palm of her hand. “Yes, my love. Everything is already set in place.”

  Celine shivered from his touch. “I have to ask, is this the way it’s going to be from here on out?”

  “Yes. And I want to apologize for making you wait so long to get to know this side of me.”

  Celine batted her eyes. “Enough,” she waved him off, “you’ve apologized for a lifetime now. I forgave you when I accepted your proposal.”

  “So then you don’t mind bungee jumping with me then?” His eyebrow lifted.

  Celine sat back, horror replacing the pleasant look on her face. Brian guffawed, unable to hold in his amusement. Celine swatted him.

  “Please tell me you’re joking!”

  “What?” he said, his smile potent. “You can’t jump off a cliff with a guy?”


  Brian doubled over in laughter. If it was one thing he was certain of, Celine was not that type of risk taker. She would fight to the death before she’d bungee jump, get tossed out of an airplane, or hang glide. Heights just weren’t her thing.

  “Oh, you got jokes. I see how you do.”

  Brian continued to crack up laughing. After a few more moments, he tried restraining himself.

  “I ought to toss you off a cliff,” Celine said.

  “Aw, baby, don’t be that way. You know it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t mess with you.”

  “Unhuh, we’ll see who has the last laugh.”

  “That will probably be me since I have jokes that could go on for eternity.”

  “Answer me this, why does the waiter think we’re married?”

  He sat back. “Do I really need to explain that?”

  “I mean when it’s official it’s official,” she insisted.

  “I’ll tell you what, how about we go to the justice of the peace right now so we can get this piece of paper because I don’t ever want you to second-guess what we have going on here.”

  Celine turned her nose up. “Justice of the peace? You go through all of this to make a night extravagant to turn around and ask me to go to the justice of the peace? You can’t be serious.”

  “No, I’m not. But I figured if this piece of paper means so much to you then maybe we should.”

  “And it doesn’t to you?”

  “Of course it does, but it’s not going to tell me something I don’t already know.”

  “And what is it that you know?”

  “That you’re the love of my life and nothing, not a piece of paper, not this life and not death can take that away from us.”

  Celine watched him carefully. It was amazing how much he’d shown his love for her now that she was back.

  The waiter approached, cutting into the haze that surrounded them. He announced their dinner, as if it was about to give them a live show. The steak sizzled on their china. The side salad looked even more tempting. Butter bread set in a basket next to the risotto.

  They ate and laughed as the evening wind down. Patrons came and went, but they were so enthralled in each other that they didn’t notice. That was until someone special entered.

  “How’s your meal?” Brian asked.

  “Delicious. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get the rest of it down.”

  “You’ll get the chance to work it off in just a second.” Celine’s mind went straight to the gutter, but Brian had something particularly different in mind.

  “I’m ready whenever you are,” Celine purred.

  His eyebrow quirked. “Are you sure, I want to make sure you’ve had your fill.”

  “Of food yes.”

  Brian relaxed in his chair. “Three o’clock, salt and pepper hair by the window.” He watched her as she cast a glance to the man sitting comfortably with the woman, both dressed impeccably, the two also enjoying a night on the town.

  “Who are they?” she asked.

  “Doctor and Nurse Jenkins.” He let his words sink in. Her head turned sharply to him.

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  “I am.”

  Celine had so many question
s. How did he know they would be here? Why didn’t he tell her ahead of time? She needed to prepare herself for this.

  As the thoughts whirled around her head, he interrupted them: “You are always ready.”

  Her chest heaved as she took in deep breaths, her adrenaline now heightened. Celine stood slowly to her feet, her eyes on the target. Her pulse quickened and her heartbeat sped up. A warm hand covered hers.

  “Easy,” Brian said. “I have the perfect spot picked for you outside, follow me.”

  Celine was okay with using a spot to take out her marks. But this was personal, and she wanted nothing more than to show him how personal it was. If she could have it her way, she would walk right up to him and put a bullet through his head. As his wife screamed, she would slide a knife through her cerebral cortex.

  Brian intertwined his fingers with hers and guided her out of the restaurant. As they passed by, Doctor Jenkins did a double take, familiarity on his keen features.

  “See someone you know, sweetheart?” his wife asked. Doctor Jenkins and his wife Nurse Jenkins had been a part of the Saint Mary’s Hospital for twenty-six years. They’d always been pillars of the community and thrived on their successes. But they were not without flaw. Doctor Jenkins had made a deal that would undoubtedly put him and his wife in harm’s way.

  He looked back toward the door again. “I thought I did, but I might be seeing things.”

  “You know everyone so that wouldn’t surprise me.”

  “Working in the same place for almost thirty years will do that to you.”

  “No, you mean working in a hospital. At some point and time, everyone has to visit the hospital.”

  He agreed, nodding. “I still haven’t gotten used to people seeing me out and calling my name. And the stories they come up with.” He shook his head. “As if they expect me to remember when their son was in fifth grade and had to go to the hospital for a sprained leg.”

  Mrs. Jenkins laughed. “Doctors are important in people’s lives. They’re the glue that holds everything together.”

  He smiled graciously. “So are the nurses.”

  “Not nearly as much as doctors though.”

  “Honey, don’t downplay your position, you’re being ridiculous. Your job is just as important.” Doctor Jenkins swatted the air and looked around, a frown on his face. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  “Sounds like some sort of insect buzzing around my ear—” His words were cut off at the horror-stricken look on his face.

  “Honey?” Mrs. Jenkins questioned.

  Blood soaked through his forehead and trickled down his nose to his lips, dripping off his chin. A curdling throat scream tore through Mrs. Jenkins. She jumped from her seat but was silenced as a bullet flew through her heart. Her body tumbled to the table, crashing into their meal. Nearby patrons screamed, and employees scrambled to the couple as the restaurant erupted in chaos.

  Outside, Celine took apart her sharp shooter and placed it back in its case. Behind her with his hands thrown in his pockets was Brian, his smile mischievous and undeniably sexy.

  Once they had gotten into position, he had presented Celine with another gift box, which thoroughly surprised her.

  “I thought you were done giving gifts tonight.”

  “Why, I told you I wasn’t.”

  She smiled demurely. “You’re right. Should I expect more?”

  “I don’t know, maybe, maybe not.”

  Celine removed the bow from the box to find a matching black and red sharp shooter with chrome edges. It sparkled in the moonlight, enacting a thrill of excitement that rippled through her.

  “Oh my God!” She danced a little jig and pulled the gun out setting it up within seconds. Her hands felt around the custom leather, embracing and caressing the gift as if it was a baby she’d just birthed.

  “I thought that’s what this one was for.”

  He frowned. “You can’t shoot from this distance with the handheld, baby. Come on now, you know that.”

  He was right, it had taken her longer to hit the target because of her excitement. In fact, her first attempt missed, flying right past the doctor’s head. She watched him wave his hands as if he’d felt something but knew if he had, he would surely be dead.

  Trying her hand at it a second time was golden as the bullet hit its intended mark. Now they were headed back to the limo, gift box in hand. Brian took the weapon off of her and handed it to their chauffeur.

  The driver popped the trunk and placed the gift box inside. After they climbed inside the limo, Celine jumped into Brian’s lap. She couldn’t wait to be with him anymore than she had to. If he wanted to surprise her further, it would have to be done at home because she was more than ready for him.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Brian pulled Celine’s dress to her waist and snatched her thong off. It ripped with ease as if the material was made with tissue. Their kisses were predatory, and their hands roamed: Celine’s on the back of Brian’s head, squeezing his neck as her head fell back while his tongue latched to her skin. When his dick grazed her clitoris, a meow escaped her lips. Then he entered her hard, taking her rough like he knew she liked it.

  “Brian! Shit!”

  “Yes, baby, tell me how I make you feel.”

  “Aaaah, baby…” she moaned.

  Her mouth fell to his in a blissful scorching kiss. Her hips rotated and bounced up and down, causing them to serenade each other.

  “Tell me how I make you feel, sweetheart.”

  Celine panted. “You make me feel so gooood!” He pulled the top of her dress down and took in a swollen nipple.

  “Aaaaah Sssss!” Celine moaned. “Damn, damn, damn, daddy, daddy.” She was racked with spasm after spasm as her body bent and buckled, succumbing to the onslaught of his love.

  “Fuck!” he yelled. He flipped her onto the floor of the limo and submerged himself, pounding into her like his life depended on it. Their screams and howls went unnoticed by the driver since the partition provided a soundproof shield. He did, however, notice the extra rock the limo had. Driving down the street gave off its set of humps and bumps, but when there was none, the vibration he felt no doubt came from his bosses.

  “Aaaaa, baby, I’m coming! Celine moaned.

  “Come with me, love,” Brian crooned. They erupted together, both holding tight to each other as their worlds collided. Celine heard a buzz in her ear that seemed to go on for eternity.

  “Oh my God,” she said. “That. Was. Amazing…”

  “Damn right it was.” They huffed and puffed, trying to catch their breaths. “I missed this pussy so much. Girl.” He shook his head. “Don’t you ever leave me again.”

  Celine smiled and shook her head. “I won’t, don’t worry about that.”

  The limo came to a crawl then paused. “We’re here,” Brian said.

  “Where’s here?”

  He pulled her into his chest, scooping her off the floor. Opening a stationary door, Brian retrieved some wet wipes and offered them to Celine. She grabbed a few and cleaned herself.

  “Let me,” she said, taking more to clean him.

  He watch her as she worked, sliding the moist towelette up and down his shaft.



  “You should’ve let me do that.”

  Celine frowned. “Why?”

  “Because now I’m horny all over again.”

  She smiled then giggled when he grabbed her, nuzzling her neck. There was a light tap at the window.

  “Yeah!” Brian yelled out.

  The chauffeur cleared his throat. “Um, sir, madam, we’ve reached your next destination.”

  Brian gazed at Celine. “Saved by the bell.”

  “As if I wanted to be saved.” She purred.

  They were both supercharged and ready for another round, but it would have to wait. Their night was only getting better.

  “Will I need this?” Celine asked with her hand on her weapon.
r />   “Only if you choose to use it instead of…”

  Her eyebrows arched. “Instead of?”

  “Well, you’ll see. Keep it, just in case.”

  They stepped out of the limo and were greeted by a woman in all black, red hair, and copper brown skin. The heels she wore gave her three extra inches and her smile was daring. She held out her hand.

  “Good evening, Mister and Missus, I’m Rose, and I’ll be your tour guide tonight.” She winked at Brian and took Celine by the hand. “Come with me.”

  They strode inside a tall office building and headed across the gray marble floors to an elevator. The doors slid open upon their arrival. Celine and Rose stepped in first, and Brian placed himself behind them. The doors closed and they descended for what felt like three floors. The doors opened on the opposite side and together they stepped out.

  “Welcome to The Garden,” Rose announced.

  Celine looked around, her eyes landing on mirrored floors and ceilings. Long drapery hung from various entrances and exits in the building, indicating each opening took you down a different pathway.

  “Since you have a package already picked out, I’ll lead you straight to your room. But first, put this on.” Rose handed Celine a mask. A simple black and sleek mask that clasped around her face, leaving her eyes exposed. She turned around and gave Brian one.

  Celine watched him put it on and giggled. “You look like my handsome Zorro.” Her amusement kicked up a notch, then she was laughing. Brian grinned his pearly white teeth on full display.

  “If you like it, I love it, baby.”

  Celine shook her head and laughed. “What have you gotten us into?”

  Brian wiggled his eyebrows. She’d always loved his humor. It was a breath of fresh air.

  Standing beside them, Rose smiled. “Both of you look great in your masks. Follow me.” She strode through the first walkway and took them down a hallway that held a soft blue glow of light.

  “This is the red room.” They all glided into the chamber. The floor was carpet and there were three pieces of equipment sitting about. Rose turned to Celine. “Your torturer has something special planned for you tonight, so you behave.” She looked to Brian, “Remember your safe word.”