Tropical Heat Read online

Page 10

  “I don’t think we should watch this,” Jesse said, stepping back into the shadows. Sydney followed him, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the disaster unfolding. It appeared as if Gracie had finally arrived for her wedding and found Ethan preparing for his upcoming nuptials by getting wasted with Lucas, Josh, and Brittany.

  Snatches of their argument reached them. “We were supposed to have a rehearsal tonight. You were supposed to take care of it.” This from Gracie.

  “Ethan never mentioned a rehearsal tonight,” Jesse whispered for Sydney’s ears alone.

  “But it makes sense. It is the night before the wedding. Maybe he forgot.”

  Jesse’s gaze strayed back to the argument going on at the table. Passersby were starting to notice. A group had gathered to watch.

  Jesse gripped her elbow. “We should go. I can’t watch this. Let’s get some food at the beach bar.”

  This was the woman Jesse had almost married. Sydney’s gaze darted from Gracie’s suit, which was still immaculate after what had to have been a long flight, and back to Jesse’s rumpled t-shirt and khakis. She couldn’t imagine them together. But she didn’t want to watch Ethan’s relationship unravel either. She looked up at Jesse. “Good idea. Beach bar it is.”

  Most of the sunbathers had returned to their rooms to change out of their wet clothes and shower, but a couple of die-hard sunbathers still sat on the bar stools. The nightly beach barbecue was underway. People gathered around the offerings, heaping their plates with food. Others simply came to have a drink and dance. The group of Ethan, Josh, Lucas, and Brittany was glaringly absent.

  Sydney grabbed a burger and a salad. Jesse chose two burgers and fries. Since most of the bar was empty, they took their food back there so they could sit on the bar stools and eat.

  “Seems quiet tonight,” Sydney said around a mouthful.

  Jesse put down his burger. “That’s because Ethan’s not here.”

  “Or Josh, Lucas, and Brittany.”

  He uttered a long sigh when she mentioned Brittany’s name and she was sorry she’d mentioned her. She knew Jesse still felt bad about how things had ended between them. Even if he hardly knew her. Sydney glanced at the empty space where Ethan and his posse had been sitting last night and couldn’t help feeling kind of bad for Brittany. Another party partner gone. She suspected Ethan had been more than just someone to party with to Brittany.

  She looked around. “Do you think there’s going to be a rehearsal tonight?”

  He shook his head. “No. I doubt neither the groom nor any of the groomsmen are in any shape to have a rehearsal.”

  “You’re okay.”

  Jesse leaned over to brush his lips against her forehead. “That’s because I was doing something other than drinking today.” He stared down the path that led to the resort grounds. “But I imagine Gracie has it all under control by now. She’s a take-charge kind of person.”

  With that proclamation, he went back to his burger. Sydney did the same. Tomorrow would be interesting, she thought. She wondered if Jesse would take her to the wedding, or if she’d have to watch from the sidelines. She’d probably have to watch from the sidelines. She couldn’t imagine Jesse trying to explain to Gracie he’d found himself a new girlfriend while he was supposed to be there celebrating her wedding.

  Sydney had finished her burger and almost polished off her salad when they heard angry voices echoing down the path. Jesse’s head jerked up at the sound.

  “You didn’t tell me you were married, you bastard!” Brittany staggered onto the sand. Her hair had escaped the ponytail she’d obviously put it in this morning and tendrils of it blew around her head. Her sunburned face glowed red in the light of the torches and her cover-up had slipped down over her shoulder, showing most of her bathing suit top. She went barefoot, her sandals probably left somewhere else during the day.

  She caught her balance and whirled to face the person she’d been shouting at. Ethan stepped into the light of the torches. “I’m getting married tomorrow,” he said in a much quieter voice.

  “You could have told me that!” She took a swing at him and missed.

  Ethan backed up a couple of feet. “I did tell you. You probably just don’t … remember.”

  By now they had the attention of nearly everyone on the beach, even the bartenders.

  “I’d remember a thing like that!” She stared at him, eyes bright with tears, her hair falling around her face. “And if I didn’t … when we … hooked up … that might have been the time to say something!”

  Ethan opened his mouth to object and then shut it.

  So he didn’t have a pithy reply, Sydney thought. What Brittany said was likely true then.

  Seeming to come to her senses, Brittany glanced around her, realizing everyone at beach party was watching. Pushing her hair out of her face, she yanked up the shoulder of her cover-up and stalked past Ethan. When she reached the path, she turned back. “Have a great wedding.” With that, she continued up the path without looking back.

  Realizing the drama had ended for the moment, the gang at the beach party returned their attention to their dinner and their drinks.

  Ethan’s shoulders slumped. Keeping his head down, he walked toward the beach bar and slid onto a stool on the other side from where Sydney and Jesse were sitting. He hadn’t seen them. Sydney held her breath. What would Jesse say?

  The bartender poured Ethan a double, which he flung back in short order. Then he put the glass down on the bar and prepared to leave. But as he did, his eyes caught Jesse’s across the bar. Sydney exhaled. Here it comes.

  Jesse and Ethan held each other’s gaze for a moment. Jesse was the first to break the silence. He shrugged and gave Ethan a sincere look. “Sorry, man.”

  Ethan’s expression was openly hostile. “Just don’t,” he said. And left the bar.

  Jesse watched him go.

  “Do you still think there’s going to be a wedding tomorrow?” Sydney asked after a moment.

  Jesse still stared after Ethan’s disappearing form. “I don’t know.” He turned back to Sydney. “I’m not sure there should be, if you know what I mean.”

  She could only nod in agreement. Whatever happened between Gracie and Ethan tonight, it would require a great deal of soul-searching and promises to make it right.

  “But I sure don’t want to be there when it all falls apart, either,” Jesse said after a minute.

  “Me, neither. It’s like watching a car crash in slow motion.”

  He reached out and pulled her as close as he could without unseating her from her stool. “Then let’s not watch. Gracie and Ethan are both adults. They’ll work things out the way they think is best. And whatever happens tomorrow will be the right thing for them.” He squeezed her shoulders. “In the meantime, you and I have a whole night to ourselves.”

  Sydney stared out at the dark water. The waves lapped against the shore in timeless rhythm that calmed her, even after watching what had happened between Ethan and Brittany. And Ethan and Gracie. “How about a walk down by the water?”

  By the expression on Jesse’s face, she could tell he was thinking more about what they’d done in the water than a mundane walk along its shores, but he nodded. “Okay, good idea. We need a moment to ourselves away from”—he waved to the direction Ethan had disappeared in—“all that.”

  And before they had to face whatever was going to happen in the morning. Sydney kept her worries about the next day to herself.

  He offered his hand and they wandered across the beaten sand to where the water lapped against the shore. They took off their sandals and walked onto the cold packed sand. Above them, the vast sky was a dark blue bordering on black. A scattering of stars stood out like tiny diamonds.

  Waves rolled toward them, nearly as black as the sky, but tipped with white foam. Sydney couldn’t help thinking life teemed within that ocean. An abundance of life they couldn’t see, yet nevertheless went on no matter what was happening on the surface.

  They walked for a while in silence. Sydney allowed the rhythm of the ocean to bring back the feeling of calm and happiness she’d felt earlier. Behind them, the resort lights dwindled in the distance. The moon was rising, dusting the scenery in her silver glow.

  Jesse stopped in a ray of moonlight and pulled her to him. Every inch of his muscular body pressed against hers, bringing back to mind all that had happened between them during the day. She tipped her head up and his mouth covered hers, bringing those memories back into vivid focus. Thoughts of Ethan, Gracie, and Brittany dropped away, leaving only the night breeze and the cool water rushing toward their feet.


  So much had happened today. So much had changed. And Jesse wanted Sydney to know. He covered her mouth with his, showing her with every movement how much she meant to him. He tried to convey his hopes that their relationship would grow to become so much more. He pulled her harder against him, reminding her of the pleasure his body could give her.

  She kissed him back with the same fervor. He opened one eye to find the resort lights twinkling far off in the distance. Ethan, Gracie, and the rest of the wedding party had to be gone by now, getting ready for whatever they’d decided about tomorrow. He should get back, too. He’d been totally remiss in his duties as a groomsman. Not that any wedding duties at all had taken place. But still. And there was one thing he intended to do tonight. Make love again with Sydney, so he’d have that in his mind no matter what went down tomorrow.

  “Let’s go back,” he whispered over the rush of the ocean.

  Her eyes gleamed as she raised her head and her face caught the moon’s light. “Yes, let’s.”

  Hand-in-hand, they walked back along the water. He was going to miss the ocean’s calm once they went home, Jesse reflected. There were so many things he hadn’t had a chance to discuss with Sydney. Like whether they were going to be able to continue this budding relationship once they returned. Like whether they lived close enough to see each other regularly. Like whether she even wanted to. That conversation was going to take some courage. Because he very much wanted their relationship to grow. He very badly wanted to see what he and Sydney could become together.

  But tonight … tonight he intended to enjoy what was left of the night.

  They reached the path that led to the resort and put their sandals back on. Following the trail of lights, they headed back to their hotel room.

  Angry voices stopped them in their tracks.

  “Like I said, this isn’t my fault! There’s no way you can blame me for this! I had no idea he was getting married.”

  Up ahead, Brittany and Gracie faced off across the path. Jesse could imagine what had happened. Brittany had left the beach in tears after her showdown with Ethan. He thought she’d been heading back to her room, but knowing Brittany’s aversion to staying there, she must have left again. She’d tidied her hair and thrown a pair of trousers on over her bathing suit. Somewhere, she’d found her sandals, but she was still wearing the bikini top. On her way back out, she’d apparently met Gracie on the path. It didn’t sound like the conversation was going well.

  “And you didn’t ask?”

  “Ask?” Brittany shot up a hand in protest. “It’s Singles Week.”

  There was a long silence, and then Gracie said, “What?”

  “You didn’t ask?” Brittany mimicked.

  Gracie’s expression darkened. Jesse knew from experience she had a bit of temper. He steeled himself for what was coming next.

  Then Gracie’s shoulders slumped. “No.” Her voice was almost too quiet to hear. “I didn’t ask. I was supposed to be celebrating my bachelorette week at the resort next door. The resort where we’re getting married tomorrow. But I had a work emergency and I just got here to find … this!” She waved a hand at the resort, as if the hotel were to blame.

  Brittany studied her for a moment. Her mouth moved like there was a lot she might say. Instead, she settled for, “Fine. Whatever. Good luck with your wedding.” She stalked away from Gracie and headed back toward the beach.

  Brittany might have meant it kindly, Jesse thought, but her parting words had an ominous ring to them.

  Gracie’s shoulders sagged. She looked down at her feet for a moment before squaring her shoulders and preparing to move on. Her gaze swept over him, recognizing him suddenly.

  She glanced from Jesse to Sydney and then back again. “And then there’s you,” she said quietly. Turning, she headed off in the opposite direction.

  Jesse watched her go. More than anything he wanted to take Sydney back to their room and continue what they’d started. But he feared the mood was broken.

  Beside him Sydney sighed quietly. “Let’s go get some sleep. Big day for you tomorrow.”

  Yup. The mood was totally broken.

  Chapter Nine

  Sunlight splashed the room in warm amber by the time she woke up. From the bathroom came the sound of the shower running. Sydney stretched languidly and surveyed the bright sunlight with squinted eyes. It would be hard to wake up in a bad mood in a place like this with the sun shining most of the year. So unlike the gray weather back home that marked most of the winter.

  And yet last night’s drama between Ethan, Gracie, and Brittany put a damper on her mood. She should be celebrating her growing relationship with Jesse. They should be spending the day together and not worrying if Gracie and Ethan were going to get married tonight. Or worrying they might.

  Then again, she reasoned, Jesse wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Gracie and Ethan’s wedding. And she would never have met him. So maybe she should be thanking Gracie and Ethan … if she ever got the chance.

  They’d slept late, but the wedding wasn’t until sunset, so they still had some time to spend together today.

  Jesse emerged from the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist. A puff of steam followed him out of the bathroom. Oh no, the towel had to go. Sydney got out of bed and walked over to him.

  He folded her into his strong warm arms and drew her close. His skin was still damp from the shower, his hair standing on end where he’d rubbed his hand through it in an attempt to tame it.

  “So, what’s up today?”

  He smiled down at her, his broad smile with the dimples that turned her thoughts to one thing only. “I was thinking maybe some breakfast and then…”

  Her hands bunched in the towel where it was held together by a precarious knot. “I’m not hungry. Not for food.”

  His warm laughter echoed through the room. “We’ll miss the breakfast buffet.”

  “Then we’ll eat lunch instead.”

  His hands covered hers. “Well, this wasn’t the way I thought today would start, but I do like your way of thinking.” Grasping the edges of the towel, he pulled it apart.

  “Ah, now that’s better.”

  “Yes,” he agreed. “But you’re a very bad influence.”

  They performed an awkward dance, walking backward, neither wanting to leave each other’s arms, until they fell into a heap on the bed.

  Jesse rose up on one elbow, gazing down at her. She couldn’t look less sexy, Sydney thought, wearing her old t-shirt and with her hair still tousled from sleep, but Jesse didn’t seem to notice. He gripped the hem of her t-shirt in one hand and drew it over her head. Beneath, she was wearing the briefest pair of pink lace panties. He examined those in great detail, running a finger down over the front. She felt the heat from his hand as if they weren’t there at all. Seeing her reaction, he gave all his attention to that spot, until she arched her back, pushing against his hand.

  He gripped her hips and stood her up, so he could pull the last scrap of lace from her body. She stood before him and he sat up so they were eye to eye. He watched as she reached for a condom on the bedside table and sucked in a breath as she rolled it onto him. Then he pulled her toward him. Still locked in each other’s gazes, she straddled his lap and slowly lowered herself onto him.

  He placed his hands under her buttocks,
supporting her, and together they began to move. It was strangely intimate as every inch of their bodies met, and they stared into each other’s eyes, intently watching each other’s passion. They raced toward fulfillment until their desire crested and they collapsed into a heap of sighs.

  Jesse stretched out, pulling Sydney with him. He reached for the edge of the sheet and drew it over them to protect them from the chill air coming from the air conditioner. For a long time, they were content to lie there together, enjoying the each other’s quiet company. Until Sydney’s stomach rumbled loudly.

  Jesse chuckled. “Thought you said you weren’t hungry.”

  She sat up, covering her stomach with one hand. “I’ve worked up an appetite.”

  “Better feed you then.” He said the words sincerely, but he reached out to pull her back into his arms.

  She darted out of his reach. “Quick shower first.”

  “Quick,” he agreed. His words were punctuated by a loud growl from his own stomach.


  Jesse lay back on the bed, listening to the sound of the shower running in the next room. When he’d awoken in the morning, he’d been dreading this day. Because despite his complicated feelings for both Gracie and Ethan, he had hoped they’d be happy together. After what happened last night, he wasn’t so sure. Maybe Ethan had simply been on a binge, he reasoned. Sowing the last of his wild oats, as the saying went. Whatever that meant.

  His burgeoning relationship with Sydney took the edge off his concern for Gracie and Ethan. It made him realize they were both adults and they’d work things out in whatever way was best for them. And if that meant getting married, he would do what he came to do, stand up for them and wish them well.

  His stomach rumbled again as he stretched and closed his eyes. He hadn’t slept well last night. Maybe a quick nap…

  A knock at the door startled him awake. The shower was still running. He grabbed a pair of cargo shorts and went to see who it was.

  He was completely surprised to find Gracie standing on the doorstep. First Brittany, now Gracie. He could only imagine what Sydney might think. And what he imagined wasn’t good. He cast a glance back inside to find Sydney still in the bathroom.