Stealing My Heart Read online

Page 6

  “Dante seems to like it,” Saul returned with a chuckle.

  Victor once again thrust his tongue deep into Saul’s mouth, lapping at the hot stud. He wondered if Saul was the one to ask about safe men to bring home with them. He pulled out of the kiss and stared into Saul’s big brown eyes. “Are there others who know about your arrangement with Dante?”

  “A few,” Saul answered, chasing Victor’s mouth with his tongue.

  “Are they interested?” Victor asked.

  “Maybe. Why, you needing, baby? I can give you everything you need.”

  Damn this fucker’s hot. “You can’t feed me and Dante every night. I’ll need a few more people I can trust to bring into my home.”

  Victor surrendered his tongue to Saul’s passion. He felt another hand on his thigh and glanced down without breaking the kiss. Aden smiled up at him. No longer content to simply kneel on the bed, Dante was wrapped around Victor’s lover with his mouth attached to one of Aden’s nipples.

  “You doing okay?” Victor asked, coming out of his kiss.

  “The two of you look sexy together,” Aden said.

  Removing his fingers from Aden’s ass, Victor released Saul’s cock and pulled the bigger man onto the bed. He positioned Saul between Dante and Aden before sitting his ass on the man’s cock. He may not allow Saul to fuck him, but he could certainly give him something warm to rub against.

  Victor began to move his ass back and forth as Aden rolled to his side to give Saul a kiss. Watching his lover’s tongue lick and suck at the big Latin’s mouth had Victor glad he was wearing a cock ring.

  “Fuck that’s sexy,” he groaned. He scooted back on Saul’s thighs enough to reach out and move Aden’s hand to Saul’s big man meat.

  Aden needed no further prompting as he began to stroke the shaft in his hand. He felt a hand on his ass and gazed down at Dante. The warm smile on his best friend’s face warmed Victor. He smiled back with a slight nod of his head. It felt right being with these men, and it seemed they all knew it.

  Dante gestured to Saul’s groin. “He likes me to bite him down there.”

  Worried that Aden might not approve, Victor looked down at his lover. Aden was still engaged in a major tongue battle with Saul, but from the way he was pumping Saul’s cock, Victor knew a bite wouldn’t piss him off.

  Repositioning to his stomach, Victor insinuated himself between Saul’s spread thighs. He decided to test the waters first and licked up the base of Saul’s cock and Aden’s hand.

  Aden glanced down and locked gazes with Victor. A subtle nod and the removal of Aden’s hand, and Victor knew he’d been given permission.

  As he bathed the cock in his hand, he watched as Saul lifted Aden’s slight frame and positioned Aden’s ass on his face. Victor couldn’t help but chuckle as Aden’s eyes went wide at the first lick of the cop’s tongue.

  Dante decided to get into the act by engulfing Aden’s cock just as Victor swallowed as much as he could of Saul’s. The various moans of pleasure turned Victor on even more. He couldn’t remember sex ever being this good.

  After sliding his mouth up and down Saul’s cock several times, Victor began fondling and sucking Saul’s hairy sac as he prepared to feed. From the sounds above him, Victor guessed Saul’s head was in the right place to give him the blood he was desperately in need of.

  Letting his fangs drop, Victor sliced cleanly into one of the plump veins on the upper inside of Saul’s thigh. He heard a slight hiss from Saul, but his donor’s body remained relaxed as Victor began to feed.

  With every swallow, he felt his body becoming more energised. He’d gone too long without the life-saving nourishment, and he knew it. Continuing to drink, Victor wrapped a hand around Saul’s big cock and began to stroke him once more.

  He heard Dante gasp and glanced up to see Aden sucking from his old friend’s neck. The occasion was so monumental for his lover, that Victor decided he’d had enough and quickly sealed Saul’s wounds.

  Moving closer to Aden, Victor ran a hand down his lover’s spine as he continued to drink. He’d known Aden’s talents would reveal themselves when he gave himself over to his vampire lineage, he just didn’t know it would happen so soon. The swiftness of the turn boded well for their ongoing relationship.

  Knowing his lover wouldn’t get what he needed from Dante anyway, he allowed Aden to drink a few more moments before bending down to kiss his temple. “That’s enough, my love. Seal the wound with a swipe of your tongue.”

  Aden did as instructed before breaking away from Dante’s neck. His eyes were still fully dilated when he looked at Victor. “I can’t believe I did that.”

  Victor pulled Aden into his arms and kissed him, tasting the familiar essence of his best friend. “You feel okay?”

  Aden nodded. “Like I could rule the world,” he joked.

  Victor chuckled. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

  The four men repositioned with Aden and Dante in the centre of the bed in a traditional sixty-nine position. Victor watched as Aden devoured Dante’s cock, taking the full length down his throat.

  Victor glanced up and met Saul’s heated gaze. “Our men are gorgeous together.”

  “They certainly are.” Saul leant over the moaning, slurping bodies of their lovers and kissed Victor.

  Victor sucked on Saul’s tongue as he lifted one of Aden’s legs. He broke the kiss and grinned at the sexy cop. “Let me watch you fuck Dante.”

  Saul pressed against Dante’s back, fitting his cock into Dante’s waiting ass. “He likes it hard,” Saul said, looking down Dante’s body to where Aden’s lips were still wrapped around Dante’s cock.

  “Start slow and let Aden adjust. I could tell him, but I don’t think he’d hear me right now,” Victor chuckled. Aden was definitely lost to the outside world as he made love to the crown of Dante’s shaft.

  Victor pressed the head of his cock to Aden’s stretched ass and eased his way inside. Like he’d told Saul to do, Victor started easing his way in and out of Aden’s body slowly. Dante’s hand landed on Victor’s hip, scraping the flesh with short nails. With Dante aware of his surroundings, Victor’s pace increased.

  Aden began to whimper as Victor fucked him with force. On each thrust, Victor watched as Aden’s cock drove deep into Dante’s throat. Victor wondered if Aden had ever enjoyed the dual pleasures two lovers could bring.

  Victor wished he could see more of Saul’s cock disappearing in and out of Dante’s hole, but he knew there would be plenty of opportunities to watch the big man fuck his friend.

  Aden pulled his mouth from Dante’s cock and gasped. “Please. I need to come.”

  With a loving nip to Aden’s shoulder, Victor reached down and tapped Dante on the cheek. “Will you remove Aden’s ring?”

  Without taking his mouth from Aden’s cock, Dante began to do as asked. The moment the binding was worked up the length of Aden’s shaft, he began to fill Dante’s mouth.

  Victor groaned and fucked his lover even harder. Dante made eye contact as he sucked the seed from Aden’s cock. “Damn that’s hot.”

  “Uuhhh,” Dante growled as he apparently joined Aden in climax. The rich scent of cum filled the air as Aden’s orgasm seemed to set off both Dante and Saul.

  Victor wrapped his arm tighter around Aden’s waist and buried his face in his lover’s neck. He scraped the soft flesh with his fangs and lapped at the small drops of blood. The smell of Aden’s blood mixed with the hands of all three men roaming his body had Victor pumping Aden’s ass full of his cum with the cock ring still in place.

  With each spurt, Victor was amazed. Apparently even the ring was no match for the sexual powers of the men in his bed.


  At his computer, Aden pulled up a brand new pirate site that had just been launched. He shook his head as he saw the number of illegal downloads. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  What was even worse than the downloads was the attitude of those stealing from him. For
some fucked up reason, they thought they had a right to take money out of his pocket. He let out a loud frustrated groan.

  “Something wrong, love?” Victor asked, coming up behind him to kiss Aden’s neck.

  Aden pointed towards his computer screen. “Leeches are after my books again. Can I drain them? Pretty please?”

  Victor chuckled. “Why do you let these people upset you so much?” Victor asked, picking Aden up into his arms. Victor sat in the vacated chair and arranged Aden on his lap.

  “Because I know if I don’t let it upset me, I might as well give up writing. Hell, as it is, there are more people stealing my books than paying for them. Doing absolutely nothing is to let them win.”

  “So, do something about it.”

  Aden sighed. As exasperated as he was with the thieves, it was nice to have a partner who supported his anger. “I’m trying, but in order to get the books down you have to jump through hoops and then they put the damn things right back up the next day. I’d much rather just drain them.”

  “I’ll see what I can come up with. I know a few people that might enjoy such an activity, but I’m not one of them,” Victor mused.

  “I don’t know why, you didn’t seem to have any problem taking care of Josh.”

  Victor’s expression turned serious. “Yes, perhaps I could start paying them visits as I did Josh.”

  Aden grinned and circled Victor’s exposed nipple with his finger. He loved it when his lover got all protective. Josh had made the mistake of phoning Aden’s cell phone one too many times. He still didn’t know what Victor had done, but he’d assured Aden, Josh was still alive. Although he did grin when he said his ex-tormenter would be forever afraid of things that went bump in the night.

  He pinched Victor’s protruding nub between his thumb and forefinger and delighted in the hiss he received in return. Aden parted the black leather vest and touched the tip of his tongue to Victor’s other nipple.

  “You’re looking awfully sexy. Are we going somewhere?” Once he’d sampled Dante’s blood, Aden had easily slipped into the vampire way of thinking. No longer did he get jealous of Victor when he gave pleasure to others in order to feed. Of course it helped that Victor never did it without an equally horny Aden by his side.

  “No. We’re having a dinner party, or had you forgotten?”

  Aden chuckled at the term. “In other words, we’re having Saul over for dinner.”

  “Yes, and he’s bringing a few friends with him.” Victor ran his hand down Aden’s chest to the silk pyjama pants he’d taken to wearing around the house.

  Aden moaned as Victor’s touch began to produce a large amount of pre-cum. He glanced down and smiled at the large wet spot forming on the front of his pants. Aden had been giving a lot of thought to his changed views on sex.

  Although they’d discovered Aden’s blood was enough to sustain Victor between real feedings, his lover needed what only Saul and the others could provide. He no longer retained his human’s way of thinking when it came to sex. It had taken countless visits to convince dear old dad to allow Victor to feed from him, but the practicality of doing it full-time just wasn’t there.

  “If you want to make love to them, I’ll understand,” he finally said.

  Victor’s hand stilled. “No. You’re the only one I’ll ever make love to.”

  “Okay, then if you want to fuck them, I’ll understand,” Aden amended.

  Victor shook his head. “I don’t want to. I’ll admit, I’ve found certain pleasures in Saul and Dante’s bodies, but yours is the only one I have a desire to be inside of.”

  Aden scratched his head. He thought he had a grip on the vampire sex issue, but now he wasn’t so sure. “I don’t consider it cheating anymore. I know that you need it in order to feed.”

  With a hand on his cheek, Victor leaned in and kissed him. “While you’ve been busy trying to accommodate your vampire half, I’ve done a good deal of thinking. Bringing pleasure to my donors is one thing, but I feel it would be a betrayal of my love for you to fuck anyone else. Are you unhappy with the way things are?”

  “No. I’ll admit I take pleasure in our evenings with Saul and Dante, but it’s the time we spend alone that I enjoy the most.”

  Victor’s hand pushed under the elastic band of Aden’s pants. “Good. Then we’re in agreement.”

  Aden moaned as Victor’s hand encircled his cock. He decided to show his lover one of the special powers he’d learned in the previous hours. Aden leant back, giving Victor more room to play and closed his eyes.

  He concentrated on sucking Victor’s cock.

  “Fuck!” Victor groaned, thrusting up against Aden’s ass. “What the hell was that?”

  “A new talent. You like?”

  “I more than like. Do it again.”

  Aden closed his eyes once more and imagined fingering his lover’s asshole as he sucked him.

  “Damn. That’s the best thing you’ve learned so far,” Victor moaned.

  Aden smiled, pleased with himself. He loved giving Victor pleasure. “We’ll have to experiment with it. I’m not sure how close you have to be for it to work.”

  Victor waved a hand and suddenly they were both naked.

  “I thought we were having company?” Aden asked with a chuckle. He turned and straddled Victor’s lap.

  “We are, but I think I’d like to experiment a bit with this new power first.”

  “Yeah? What did you have in mind?”

  “How about we fuck each other? Me with my cock and you with your mind.”

  Aden nodded enthusiastically as Victor made sure he’d properly stretched himself. It had become Aden’s custom to take care of preparations soon after getting out of bed. With their combined sexual appetites, it seemed much easier to always be ready.

  As Aden slowly sank down on Victor’s cock, he concentrated on the feeling and transferred it to his lover.

  “Oh, yeah, baby, that’s it, right there.” Victor began to thrust in and out of Aden’s ass. “I can’t wait to see what power you’ll discover next.”

  Aden rested his head against Victor’s shoulder as the bigger man held him up enough to drive in deep. He grinned, knowing Victor felt everything he did. No matter what happened in the years to come, Victor was his and Aden knew nothing would ever change that.

  About the Author

  An avid reader for years, one day Carol Lynne decided to write her own brand of erotic romance. Carol juggles between being a full-time mother and a full-time writer. These days, you can usually find Carol either cleaning jelly out of the carpet or nestled in her favourite chair writing steamy love scenes.

  Email: [email protected]

  Carol loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

  Also by Carol Lynne

  Campus Cravings: Coach

  Campus Cravings: Side Lined

  Campus Cravings: Sacking the Quarterback

  Campus Cravings: Off-Season

  Campus Cravings: Broken Pottery

  Campus Cravings: In Bear’s Bed

  Campus Cravings: Office Advances

  Campus Cravings: A Biker’s Vow

  Campus Cravings Theron’s Return

  Campus Cravings: Live for Today

  Good-time Boys: Sonny’s Salvation

  Good-time Boys: Garron’s Gift

  Good-time Boys: Rawley’s Redemption

  Good-time Boys: Twin Temptations

  Good-Time Boys: Forbidden Freshmen

  Cattle Valley: All Work and No Play

  Cattle Valley: Cattle Valley Mistletoe

  Cattle Valley: Sweet Topping

  Cattle Valley: Rough Ride

  Cattle Valley: Physical Therapy

  Cattle Valley: Out of the Shadow

  Cattle Valley: Bad Boy Cowboy

  Cattle Valley: The Sound of White

  Cattle Valley: Arm Candy

  Cattle Valley: Bent, Not Broken
r />   Cattle Valley: Recipe for Love

  Bodyguards in Love: Brier’s Bargain

  Poker Night: Different Suit

  Poker Night: Full House

  Karaoke at the Tumbleweed

  Joey’s First Time

  Between Two Lovers

  Corporate Passion

  Legend: Healing Doctor Ryan

  Fabulous Brits: Moor Love

  Naughty Nooners: Dalton’s Awakening

  Gaymes: Highland Gaymes


  D.J. Manly and A.J. Llewellyn


  A.J. and D.J. would like to dedicate this to all our readers who have spent their hard-earned dollars on our books. Thank you! We love you!

  Chapter One

  Drew leaned back against the counter, and placed the heels of his hands on the metallic surface. He planted his legs comfortably apart, allowing his head to fall back as he closed his eyes. He tried to concentrate on what Will was doing to his cock, swirling his tongue slowly around the circumference, and then licking the length of his shaft from his balls to the head.

  Okay…maybe he needed a mood shift. After all, a cold sterile ancillary control pod wasn’t exactly a walking wet dream. Who am I kidding? I’m was always ready for head, always in the mood. Reaching out one long arm, his dark brown hair fell over his eyes as he reached for the panel of buttons. One of the perks of being Commander was this nifty contraption that redecorated in seconds.

  Snap. Will’s blue eyes flew open and he surveyed the altered state of the control room with a mixture of awe and pleasure. It looked like a pirate’s galleon.

  “You like?” Drew stroked the strong, muscled face still going to work on him. Will moaned, pulling back on the cock in his mouth and plunging back down again.