Stealing My Heart Read online

Page 15

  “Okay?” Rolly had moved in front of him to caressed his cheek, cup it, and lift Marky’s face, brushing a soft kiss across lips parted and panted as his lungs made an attempt to keep up to his racing heart.

  Marky nodded and held up the other wrist. He hadn’t felt such a rush of fear and excitement since his first grand theft auto. His hand bumped against Rolly’s chest and he spread his fingers to lay his palm against the warmth. Under the pressure of his touch, Rolly’s heart rate almost matched his own.

  “Can I have the other one?” If he hadn’t actually been touching him, Marky might have missed the slight gasp, but he felt it, the quick rise and fall of Rolly’s chest against his palm, and smiled. “Please?”

  Rolly obliged, quickly fastening the other cuff in place and drawing Marky’s hands behind his back. He clipped them together, and Marky shifted, a little tug telling him he really was bound. This time, the fear overshadowed the excitement, but Rolly drew his hands together until the cuffs touched. A clatter and metallic ring accompanied something hitting the floor. Marky looked down to see an open, ‘c’ shaped ring lying between his feet.

  “You see?” Rolly picked it up and showed it to him. “Just an illusion. Nothing you can’t get out of.” He moved back to stand behind Marky and wait. After a second’s thought, Marky put his hands behind his back again. Rolly secured them and leaned close. The cool studs on the buttons of his shirt pressed against Marky’s shower-warmed skin. “Good boy,” he whispered, lips against the shell of Marky’s ear.

  Marky shivered, surprised by the thrill of accomplishment and pleasure the words drew from him. He followed Rolly from the room, only belatedly realising anyone might see him naked and bound as he trailed the blond down the hallway. Heat had sparkled right up to his hair line by the time the bedroom door closed behind them, and Rolly’s smile was wide when he saw.

  “Obedient, and shy. Very sweet.” For a moment, Marky wasn’t sure the words were praise, then Rolly was drawing him towards another kiss, a hand on the back of his head guiding him into it. Rolly’s tongue slid against his, weakened his knees and sent heat straight to his dick. He decided the simple act of doing what Rolly wanted so far proved to be well worth the pay off.

  Chapter Three

  Foreplay, Marky soon realised, was an art form he obviously had never learned properly. Tricks usually didn’t want it, and Gig…well, Gig had liked the quick, fake anonymity of the back seat of the cars they nabbed. Rolly seemed to know all the right places to touch; over his belly, that made him shiver. Where to linger; along the inside of his thighs, and over his nipples; and where to ghost over and leave just the faintest sensation of a promise on Marky’s skin. Feather-light fingers brushed the soft skin inside his joints, flickering away so fast he barely had time to gasp his pleasure before they moved on again.

  The frustration of not being able to touch his partner left him squirming and reaching for every sensation. Rolly meted out his contact in maddening brief, but tantalising, doses.

  “You don’t have your hands.” Rolly licked up along his neck, nibbled on his ear. “Use your voice. Tell me what you want.”

  “Mmm.” Marky squeezed his eyes shut and tilted his head to get those teeth back.

  “Say it.” Rolly dashed his tongue just behind Marky’s ear and blew on the damp spot.

  Marky whimpered. How was he supposed to admit that? He ground his teeth in frustration, against his own need, and his inability to admit it.

  “Desperate, yet?”

  The whimper this time sounded too close to a sob, and Marky thought seriously about freeing himself.

  “Do it,” Rolly taunted. “Free yourself and fuck me. You know you want to.”

  “No.” Because, truthfully, he didn’t. He wanted more of what Rolly was doing to him, and he was too ashamed to admit it.

  “You like my teeth?”

  Marky nodded.

  “You want them on your skin?” Rolly trailed a finger down the side of his neck, along his collar bone. “You’re going to have to learn to say it.”

  Marky squirmed towards the simple touch. “Yes.” His breath caught, and he stared up at the man torturing him.

  “You want my little tooth shaped bruises all over your body?” Rolly stroked a hand over Marky’s cock.

  Marky nodded, biting his lip. “Yes.”

  “Imagine them running down the side of your cock.” He simulated the sensation with a light rake of his fingernails.

  Marky groaned, clenched his teeth even as his hips arched up all on their own. “Do it.”

  Rolly grinned. “Ask nice.”

  Marky snarled, lunged up from his back, but Leibow easily knocked him back down and pinned him, lowered his head to play with a nipple. “Suck me…?” Marky managed between gasps. “Your mouth. Your teeth…”

  Rolly glanced up, that infernal eyebrow lifted.

  “Please.” Marky sank back onto the bed, his arms trapped under him, his breath heaving. “God, please. Do something!”

  Rolly kissed and nibbled his way across Marky’s chest.

  “Gah! More.” Marky’s fingers dug into the mattress below him as the man’s mouth closed once again over his nipple, to suck it up gently between his teeth. Marky gasped, a shocked little sound, when Rolly actually bit down. Not hard, just enough to elicit a sting and draw the squeak from Marky. Carefully, he licked the sting away and looked up.

  “Oh, don’t worry. I’ve got so much more in store for you.”

  Marky shuddered at the guarantee underlying the words. “Promise?”

  Rolly stood. He’d undressed himself earlier, and now he canted a hip and stroked himself, long, slow motions that gathered all Marky’s frayed nerves and splintered thoughts to that one point. “Absolutly. Sit up.” He gravitated forward, until the musk of his arousal surrounded Marky and the glimmer of moisture on the tip of his cock prompted him to lick his lips. “You want a taste?”

  Marky nodded, instinct prompting his reply, but Rolly kept his distance just far enough to make it impossible for Marky to lick away that tantalising drop without leaning forward for it, looking desperate to have the other man’s cock in his mouth. So hard to admit he needed it that bad.

  “It’s okay.” Rolly stroked his fingers through Marky’s hair. “Take it. Lick me.” He didn’t move, though, and Marky’s desire to taste, to do what Rolly wanted, finally overcame his self consciousness at showing this weakness. He leant forward, lips parting, and Rolly swayed to meet him.

  Marky had forgotten. The sensation of a cock gliding over his tongue, bumping against the back of his throat He hadn’t done it in so long. Until this moment, he didn’t even know he’d missed it. He moaned around Rolly’s cock, lying heavy and full in his mouth, and let his eyes drift closed. He’d been good at this once. Gig had hated the sensation, but Rolly ruffled his hair and encouraged him.

  “So…good,” he whispered, his voice rough, breaking over the words. “Go ahead.”

  Marky concentrated, focusing his effort on giving Rolly the same pleasure he’d received. Rolly’s hands in his hair kept him grounded, guiding him and lending a sense of security, even with his own hands still trapped. It was easy to get into it, to accept all the little sensations that reminded him how much he loved this part; listening to his partner moan and encourage him as he sucked, the sharp intake of Rolly’s breath when he pulled back and slipped his tongue around the tip. He especially loved the soft strokes of fingers along his scalp, the hand curling, warm and secure around the back of his head, and the pressure of it holding him still for a moment while Rolly pushed into the back of his throat and groaned.

  “Fuck, Marky.” Rolly’s hand slid down around his cheek. “Marky, stop.” Rolly pulled back, slowly removing himself, a bit at a time, from Marky’s mouth. “Stop.” He crouched, lowering himself to Marky’s seated level, one hand still stroking through his hair, the other caressing his check. “Lie down. On your stomach.”

  Marky swallowed hard. “You’re going
to fuck me.”

  “I’d like to.”

  Marky tugged on the bindings. Knowing he could free himself didn’t quite make him feel any less vulnerable. “I can’t.” He dropped his gaze. “Not tied. Please.”

  “It’s okay.” Rolly didn’t even make him free himself. He reached behind Marky and slipped the hook free of the rings. “I still want you.” His hand went back to sifting through Marky’s hair, then rested, warm and reassuring, on the side of his face.

  Marky nodded, pulling him down to the bed and spreading his legs.

  Like everything else so far, this Rolly did with a firm, gentle hand. It didn’t matter that Marky hadn’t bottomed for a good long while. Rolly had released his hands, giving Marky the freedom to touch him, but he still used his not inconsiderable strength to hold Marky’s legs wide. The exposure brought a hot blush back to Marky’s cheeks, and he resisted the hold.

  “Shh.” Rolly caressed his chest, his stomach, trailed fingers down his inner thigh. “Stick with me, and before long, you’ll be trained to hold them open yourself.”

  “Trained?” Marky’s eyes went wide and his breath caught.

  Rolly only smiled and leaned down to kiss his stomach. “Don’t worry. I’m only going to do what you want.” He leaned over Marky, one hand still holding his thighs apart. “Do you want me to fuck you?”

  Marky nodded, reached up and touched Rolly’s hair. “Yeah.”

  Rolly took his time preparing Marky with long fingers perfect for teasing, stretching and playing with him until he was beyond ready for the real thing.

  “Please!” He grabbed for Rolly’s hips, tried to draw him closer, even lifted his ass off the mattress to bring them together. It only pushed him further onto those cruelly inadequate fingers and he moaned.

  “Please what?” Rolly crooked his fingers inside Marky and grinned.

  “Fuck.” Marky’s head dropped back, his hips came up further. He gave up what was left of his dignity. “Now. I want your cock in me. Fuck me already!”

  Rolly chuckled, drew his fingers free, gripped Marky’s hips and settled between his legs, cock laying heavy alongside his own. “Now?”


  The sting was inevitable. Rolly eased into Marky’s body, hands steadying him through the discomfort. “Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.” He bent for a kiss, and the warm distraction, Rolly’s tongue gently prying for entry, eased Marky past the moment of pain. When he started to move, the sensation of ribs and knobs sliding past his nerves ripped through Marky like a tidal wave.

  “Oh, shit. You got the good condoms…”

  “Of course.” Rolly lifted himself up a bit, caressed the side of Marky’s face. “The best.” He caught Marky’s gaze. “I never settle for anything less than the best.”

  “Oh.” He blinked up at Rolly. “I’m just a Greenback.”

  “You’re much more than just anything, I think,” Rolly said, moving again, ever faster, harder, until he’d pushed Marky past thought to an almost embarrassingly quick orgasm. If Rolly noticed, or cared, he didn’t utter a word. His own climax came quietly, but the grip of his arms around Marky was tight..

  “Nothing but the best,” Rolly whispered in his ear after a few minutes. “I’m going to get us a cloth. Wait here.”

  He did, though he was shivering a little by the time Rolly came back. The warm cloth was nice against his skin, and the feel of Rolly’s body when he lay back down even nicer. Marky turned his back to Rolly, and stared at the wall. He didn’t pull away, though. It was comfortable in that field of warmth, and after a few minutes, when his companion turned and curled around him, he slowly relaxed into the curve of his body. He fell asleep to the sensation of Rolly’s fingers stroking through his hair.

  * * * *

  He woke up to blinding sun in his eyes, and rolled over.

  “Wha—” He shifted again, to find his arms lifted above his head, strapped to the headboard. “Hey!” His rattling and shouting brought a huge man to the door. “Who are you?” Instinctively, Marky curled his knees up, glad the sheets still covered him.

  “Hal.” Hal leaned in the door, arms tucked across his chest. “Who are you?”

  “Undo me.”


  “Yes you can! Untie me!”

  “Boss said you had no manners.” Hal turned to go.

  “Please!” Marky yelled after him. “Please. Please will you untie me?”

  Hal turned back, his gaze steady, if maybe a little sympathetic. “Sorry, man. Not part of my instructions.” He left the door part way open when he left though.

  “For god’s sake! I have to piss! Hal!”

  After a minute, the door opened again. “You aren’t going to piss all over my bed are you?”

  “Rolly! Let me go!”

  “Don’t panic.” Rolly settled on the edge of the bed and reached above Marky to lay his hand over Marky’s wrist, just under the cuff. “Kiss first.”

  Marky squirmed. “Untie me first. Why…”

  Rolly didn’t let him finish the question, though, leaning down and kissing him, sliding his expert tongue along his lower lip.

  Marky moaned. He couldn’t deny the sensation growing in his gut, but still. He tugged at his hands, rattling the metal against the bed frame. He had to turn his head away to gather enough breath, enough composure to think. “Please. Rolly, untie me.” There wasn’t much breath behind the words, though, and he glanced back, worried Rolly wouldn’t understand he really did want to be free.

  A smile creased Rolly’s face. “I wasn’t going to keep you as my sex slave.” His eyes twinkled. “Unless you wanted me to.” But he did reach over to undo the clip holding Marky to the bed.

  Marky slithered out from under him, clutching the covers around his waist. “Then why’d you do that?”

  “I had to go out. I needed you to be here when I got back, and I didn’t want to put that on Hal. Honestly, I tried to get back before you even woke up.”

  “You can’t just do that to a person!”

  “That’s what Hal said.”

  “Well Hal was right!”

  “Yes.” Rolly nodded. “Hal was right. I’m sorry.”

  “You’re—you should be.” Marky twisted his wrist, rubbed at the skin under the cuff.

  “You want to take those off?”

  Marky sat on the other side of the bed. “Why did you need me to be here when you got back?”

  “To be sure you were safe.”

  “You couldn’t just ask me to stay?”

  “I told you.” Rolly shuffled across the bed dropped a hand on his shoulder and kneaded softly. “I had to be somewhere. I worried you might leave before I got back.”

  “You could have just asked,” Marky said. “Nicely. And said please.”

  Rolly kissed his shoulder. “And you would have stayed?”

  Marky rubbed at the cuffs again. Nodded. “I would have stayed.” He turned and caught the grin that crossed Rolly’s face. The look, unguarded and happy, prevented Marky from pointing out he had nowhere to go until Dean’s room for him was free.

  * * * *

  The days passed too quickly. Marky might have spent more of that time than was healthy in Rolly’s bed, but he had no place else to be. Even cuffed and often bound, he had never felt safer. He couldn’t stay forever, though, and that’s why he gulped with surprise and remained silent when Rolly suggested it.

  “Say something.” Rolly was lying on top of him, chest to chest, with his chin resting on his hand on Marky’s breastbone. He reached up and wiped a bit of sweat off Marky’s temple. “I shouldn’t have asked.” He rolled off Marky to flop on his back on the bed.

  “It isn’t that I don’t want to.” Marky sat up, pulled the sheet into his lap and smoothed the edge of it between his fingers. “I…” He sighed. “I just can’t.”

  “Why? You have everything you need here.”

  “Everything I want,” Marky corrected, and turned his gaze to Rolly. “I
t would be easy. Stay here and let you take care of everything, make all my problems go away. And it’s tempting, believe me.” He shifted, leaning on his arm and running his fingers over the scars on Rolly’s chest. “But it wouldn’t solve anything. I’d be staying because I’m too afraid to face what I’ve done. Where I came from.” He smiled softly. “This creature you’ve captured, this isn’t me. It’s a fun fantasy, but it isn’t…my life. I need to have a life. One I didn’t screw up or run away from.”

  Rolly pulled away from his touch to sit on the edge of the bed with his back to Marky. “So you’re leaving.”

  “Not leaving.” Marky crawled across to him and draped his arms over Rolly’s shoulders. “Standing on my own two feet. You deserve something more than a bimbo in your bed, and I don’t want that life. I’m better than that.”

  “That isn’t how I think of you.”

  “Not now. Not yet. But you will, if this is all I ever do.”

  Rolly wrapped his fingers around Marky’s wrists, covering the cuffs he only took off now when he was showering. “Where will you go?”

  “Dean’s shelter and Peter’s deli to start. I’m not above a helping hand, but I won’t be kept.”

  A deep breath and a sigh accompanied Rolly’s nod, and he twisted around to face Marky. “You’ll come back?”

  Marky grinned. “I am not leaving you, Roland Leibow. I’m finding myself.”

  Rolly nodded again, and pressed a kiss to Marky’s brow, crawled up on the bed with him, and pushed him onto his back. “One more for the road, yeah?”

  Marky grinned and stretched his arms above his head. “Just one?”

  One of Rolly’s hands slid up Marky’s arm and he fingered the cuff at his wrist. “What’s this now? Again with the restraints?” He had a serious glint in his eye, and Marky shivered. “Tell you what, Marky.” He kissed him, as he curled his fingers around Marky’s wrist. “I’ll tie you up and take care of you, but you have to trust me.”