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The Alien Reindeer's Escape Page 5
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Page 5
There was an undeniable attraction between the two of them. Elzarr could never deny that. He shed his clothes as Piper watched with curious eyes. He then shook his shoulders and took a deep breath as he focused on contacting the animal within him. Elzarr’s body changed right before the young woman’s eyes. After he became the full majestic reindeer, he stepped toward her and bowed his head down as she closed her eyes.
“Piper? Can you hear me?” he asked.
Her eyes popped open. They grew wide as she nodded her head. “Oh! I hear you! What does that mean?” she asked.
Elzarr chuckled. “It means that you and I can communicate while I am in animal form,” he replied. He held himself back from telling Piper the part about his bond with her. He then turned to her and asked, “Would you like a ride?”
Surprise and delight crossed Piper’s face. She nodded as he bent down and allowed her to sit on top of his back. To her, he was like a friendly companion. She realized that he would never hurt her. Elzarr turned and took off into the forest quickly, but not so fast that she would fall. Piper squealed in delight as she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his thick neck. Elzarr soared through the woods, hopping over the tall embankments of snow and taking her up on the ridge. He sucked in a deep breath while taking in the beauty of the area. Below in the valley was Christmas Town, the quiet little community with little puffs of smoke coming out from the chimneys. Elzarr soon turned and ran in the other direction, towards the cabin he was claiming as his own. He often went by there to check on it and to make sure his pod was still hidden. Everything looked untouched, so he continued running through the woods carefree and full of adventure.
As they came back to Piper’s cabin, she got off his back and Elzarr shifted into his human form. He started picking up the cold clothing on the porch as she shook her head and opened the front door. They walked in, the Rodii man still naked. Once Piper had shut the door, she turned to him. Her eyes took in his nakedness as her mouth was agape. Elzarr could sense her heart beating hard. She approached him after she shed her coat and her boots and she wrapped her arms around his neck, her chin lifting so that her eyes could meet his.
As Elzarr leaned in he placed his lips on hers. He groaned as both desire and pleasure flooded his body. He scooped her to him and carried her to the bed. As Piper scooted back onto the pillows, she unbuttoned her shirt and her pants; she came out of her clothing, her naked body lying in front of him. Elzarr leaned over her, his lips exploring her body as she moaned and pulled him toward her. They rolled around, and she was soon on top of him, tasting him with her hands exploring his all of his muscles. She could not believe what was happening between the two of them.
Chapter 11
Piper groaned while her hands clung to him as his lips trailed over her curves. He lifted over her, his mouth covering hers in a kiss that made her swoon with dizziness. Their naked bodies melted together as one. She didn’t care that he was an alien or a shifter or whatever he was. Her body reacted as her heart fell for him, every touch warming her soul. He was the most beautiful male species she had ever laid eyes upon. Elzarr’s warmth covered her body, his touch caressing her just right.
The long phallus sparked at her opening, her legs splaying wide, inviting him closer. He lifted over her, his long hard member gingerly penetrating through her soft warm folds, entering Piper’s slippery tunnel while she clawed at his back. This is it, she thought as he penetrated her, and claimed her. Elzarr’s breaths came in quickly as he peered into her eyes, his body moving over her while pleasure took hold. She couldn’t love another human being any more than she was beginning to love this person. The lovemaking that had started slowly and gently began to pick up pace as he thrust into her faster and harder. His moans caressed her ears like a beautiful song. Piper moaned as she collided with him, her body rocked with an explosion as her pelvis moved around with him in ecstasy. Elzarr pumped hard, his moans coming louder until an explosion within her followed. As he thrust his manhood in and out of her wet tunnel, he began to empty himself inside her. Piper didn’t care that they used no protection. True love did not need protection.
Elzarr afterward rested beside her while pulling her into his embrace. His chest moved up and down with deliberate breaths while Piper listened to his heartbeat. Soon, their breathing had synchronized, and they fell asleep in each other’s arms and slept solidly throughout the night. Life could not be any more perfect than when Piper awoke the next morning. Shards of sunlight pierced through the window promising a beautiful day. She snuggled into Elzarr’s embrace as he leaned over and kissed her. Once again, he took her to the heights of pleasure she had never known before. The romp energized them, giving them each purpose.
Piper slipped into one of her father’s old flannel shirts afterward as well as a pair of faded jeans. Life now had a great expectancy, like the beginning of a new chapter. Breakfast smelled wonderful as she hummed while cooking it. Elzarr had been in the shower and came out, fully dressed and ready for the day. They had just eaten their breakfast together, when suddenly, something banged on the door.
“Who in the world?” Piper yelled as she jumped up. Elzarr jumped up as well and put his hand out to stop her.
“No, something’s not right. Stay here,” Elzarr said as he walked toward the door.
The big strong man who had shifted into a majestic reindeer that would scare off any intruder opened the door just a crack. Elzarr shook his head as he stepped back and allowed another man to walk in. The other man wore a black flight suit, made of material Piper did not recognize. His eyes matched Elzarr’s, but with a slightly different appearance. He peered at Elzarr, completely disregarding Piper.
“Ki’gar, what are you doing here?” Elzarr asked the man. He made a motion where he brought his right fist to his chest over his heart and nodded slightly.
“Elzarr, your time on Earth is over. You are to return to Azanie at once. King Jalros summoned all able males back to Azanie to fight the invasion of the Hatas.” Ki’gar stood grim-faced while staring back at Elzarr.
Elzarr didn’t immediately refuse, but he shook his head. “The Hatas? They’re invading our home?”
“At this very moment, yes. King Jalros wants you back to fight. You understand what the Hatas will do to the Rodii and we cannot allow that to happen,” Ki’gar told him.
Piper went to Elzarr’s side and put her hand on his arm. “Elzarr, who are the Hatas and what does this mean?” She trembled as she knew this news could not be good.
Elzarr turned to her. “The Hatas are a most evil, disgusting race of beings. They like to take over entire planets where they feel that they can get the resources they so desperately want. And besides taking over planets, they like to enslave the males of the planets, ones like Ki’gar and me,” Elzarr said, as he turned to face Ki’gar. “This isn’t my fight. I have made Earth my home. Piper is now my mate.”
Ki’gar finally regarded Piper. “You have claimed a mate? That’s all good, but your King summons you and you know the laws,” he said.
Elzarr bowed his head and shook it. He turned to Piper. “I must leave then,” he said sadly.
“No! You can’t! We just found each other. We just…” Piper stifled a cry as Elzarr embraced her.
“I will come back to you,” he said into her hair.
“Don’t count on it. If we are too late, he will likely be enslaved along with our King,” Ki’gar tells her.
She pulled Elzarr quickly into her bedroom, where they then had what could be their last words with each other. Ki’gar paced as he waited for them to return. When they finally did, Ki’gar nodded and they two males of their kind began to leave the cabin.
Before Piper could react, Elzarr was out the door, shedding his clothes and shifting into his reindeer form. She ran to him. “Please don’t leave me!”
He turned to Piper and nodded. “I’m sorry. I’m bound to my King. He would send other Rodii to take me by force if I don’t come now. I’ll come back,
” he said inside her head. And then he was gone.
Piper cried. “But I’m your mate,” she said to the emptiness he left behind.
She withdrew to the empty cabin, Elzarr’s scent still lingering in the air around her. Hugging herself, she wandered into her bedroom and peered at the unmade bed. Piper cried hard as she slipped down to the floor, her mind thinking of the last couple of weeks with him. Her heart ached so greatly that she thought she might pass out and die.
Ki’gar said the Hatas could enslave them. The Hatas beings were ruthless and attacking Azanie. Surely there was someone who could help them. Piper remembered that Elzarr had spoken about the Rodii and some other beings called the Nubli working with the Terrans at Area 51. She knew what she had to do.
Thankful for a bank full of funds, Piper flew to Nevada and then drove to a military surplus store once she had landed in Las Vegas. She purchased everything needed to blend into the desert environment.
However, when she arrived, the gatehouse turned her away. What was she thinking? That they’d let her in just like that? Even when Piper told them that she needed to talk to them about the Rodii, they acted as if they had no clue as to what she was talking about.
Piper knew she had to be innovative to reach Area 51. After researching online many sci-fi intrigue stories, she looked around for outfits that would hide her heat signature while blending into the desert. This tactic might allow her to reach the compound undetected. Most people would have sworn that such things did not exist, but she knew better. She’d fallen in love with an alien, one who could shift into a human form as well as a reindeer form. It seemed too surreal, but it was true.
The infrared goggles fit snugly on her face and the suit hid everything very well. A vast expanse of desert lay before Piper as she came to the barriers of fencing and razor wire. She hoped it wasn’t electrified and when she pitched a rock onto it, nothing sparked, which surprised her. She carefully looked around for the hidden cameras that she knew had to be nearby. The slow pace was painful, but necessary, so as to not alert the motion sensors when she climbed the fence. Piper scaled the fence with nothing but the wind at her back and not a single sign of life nearby. Her outfit would keep her from releasing much of a heat signature, so there should be no reason for alarm. Once she cleared the razor wire unscathed, she jumped and landed on both feed with a thud. Dust blew up around her as she froze in place and waited for it to settle.
The large compound had guards who were pacing back and forth while on watch. There were too many around for her to easily go without notice. Piper watched from a safe distance and waited for them to cross paths in their paces. Several paused and spoke. They had a routine and she took the time to memorize it, eventually finding an opening in which to rush through while all eyes looked elsewhere. Piper had to do this; she had to reach the interior and plead her case on behalf of Elzarr and the Rodii.
Piper snuck around the corner of the building, looking for a window or a door. Finally, an alcove with a door appeared ahead. The young woman ran toward it, causing a light cloud of dust to form behind her. She was a fast runner and made it to the door, however, without being detected. It opened on its own, which surprised her. Behind her, there were suddenly several guards yelling for her to a stop. All Piper could do was hope that they would not shoot. She ran fast and hard down a long, narrow hallway and found a set of double doors. As the guards were closing in behind her, she thrust herself through the doors.
Suddenly, light flooded her eyes, someone yelled about an intruder. Others surrounded her, the military in their camouflage garb and the Nubli who helped the Terrans encircled her. She lifted her arms and hands and knelt before pleading her case as quickly as she could.
Chapter 12
Elzarr struggled as he ran away from Piper. It was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do. Ki’gar explained along the way what was happening with the Hatas.
“You have to realize, Elzarr, the Hatas won’t stop at just our planet. The fact that we’ve had a strong connection with Earth and the Terran system will lead the Hatas to this planet. It will be just as terrible for your mate as it is for our people. By the way, I am sorry about that. This is all bad timing, I know,” Ki’gar said.
Elzarr nodded as they reached the spaceship. “Have you alerted the Nubli here about the situation?”
Ki’gar nodded. “Already on it. I sent a transmission while on the way through the Terran System before I landed.”
Elzarr noticed that Ki’gar had already picked up his landing pod as they reached the area. He chuckled about that. “I see you are prepared to leave right away,” Elzarr said.
“How do you think I found you so easily? The tracker in the pod led me right here. It is a good thing; you’re doing this to save her,” Ki’gar replied as he put his hand on his old friend. Together they entered the little spaceship and it took off in a flash. It was always an interesting thing for Elzarr to leave a planet at immediate hyper speed. It was easier to leave without undue notice and looked more like a shooting star rushing through the sky than an actual spaceship. Ki’gar regarded his friend. “I assume this planet still knows nothing about us?”
Elzarr shook his head. “No, they don’t. They don’t have a clue about the threat that’s out there,” he said to his friend.
“Except the Nubli and the military. They know. And they are working with the Terrans in the place they call Area 51. Like I said before, I contacted them to let them know that I was coming here to get you. They didn’t know that you had arrived,” Ki’gar said as he gave Elzarr a scowl.
Elzarr laughed sarcastically. “I was trying to be on my own, alone without the need of any fanfare.”
Ki’gar nodded. “Aw, I see. I am sorry my friend. Your king needs you, and your mate needs you to save her,” he replied. It seemed ironic that by escaping Earth they were saving it.
Elzarr had plenty of time during the flight to think about his last moments with Piper. He had just claimed her, and they had just made love. Because they had expressed their love to one another, he could feel Piper with him even then as they were streaking toward the outer edge of the Terran system. His heart was bound to hers, and he felt her angst and sadness. He only hoped that the words he spoke to her would help her understand and that she would be able to find a way to hide from this threat somehow. His mind flitted back to their final moments.
Piper had tears in her eyes and pulled him into her room. The bed was still messy, ruffled from their time together moments before. Elzarr never felt such peace and happiness and joy as he did when he was lying in her arms. She was everything to him, and his very existence wanted to turn and live for her. He never expected to meet her, but he felt as if he were destined to come to Earth and meet this human woman in the way that he did.
“Please, Elzarr let’s not do this. Shift right now and I’ll climb on your back and we can run away. Surely, we can outrun him if we get a head start,” she said as her eyes pleaded silently with him.
“Oh, my darling, my sweet human. Ki’gar is not the enemy. Although I was running from my people, wishing that I could have my own life, he is right. The king needs me. If I don’t go, if I don’t help fight because I am a capable and able warrior, Azanie could be lost to the Hatas. And Piper, the Hatas won’t stop at Azanie. If they are able to breach our defense and then search through our records, they will discover our close ties with Earth. They will use those ties because that’s who they are. They want to take over planets to turn every single being on those planets into their slaves. They have a huge slave population from the other plants they have conquered. If we can’t defeat them, they will eventually make their way to Earth. You and your people will be in danger,” Elzarr said.
“I’m not worried about Earth. We have a capable military,” Piper replied.
“NASA and the Air Force are not capable to meet them in the skies to fight them off. They will come in and overpower your military. Even the Nubli which are at Area 51 can’t fight off t
his threat. Collectively, yes, we can fight them and maybe win, but some won’t know they are coming until it is too late,” Elzarr told her.
“Then what can I do?” Piper asked as tears filled her eyes.
“The best thing you can do is hide. Hope and pray that somehow, we can beat the Hatas. And if so, I will come back and I will find you when it is all settled,” Elzarr replied.
It was a tearful goodbye as he tore himself away from her. Piper followed them out the door and watched as he undressed and shifted into his reindeer form to leave.
Azanie came into view from the bridge. Elzarr’s jaw flexed with uncertainty as he spied the hoard of Hatas ships revolving around the planet as if they owned it. Ki’gar moved his hand over the controls for stealth mode and the ship blended in with the space backdrop, coming in without notice to the aggressors. At least they had that over the wretched Hatas.
A hailing came through the radio. It was from the king’s tower. “They are taking Rodii prisoners to Zora. We have lost a great deal of our military assets to them. It’s much worse than when you left,” Commander Rokinean said through the speaker.
They moved through the hoard undetected and quietly landed on the protected terrain close to King Jalros’ palace. The commander and King Jalros himself met Ki’gar and Elzarr as they exited the pod.
Elzarr stood at attention and averted his eyes in respect to the king. Jalros smiled as he approached. “Good to see you’ve found our very capable warrior, Elzarr,” Jalros said as he smiled at the two of them.
Elzarr broke attention as his eyes took in the devastation in the distance. “Sire, it seems I’m too late,” he said. He felt ill over not being there to help when the invasion first started, but then again, he is just one Rodii. His heart was lightyears away with Piper and he feared he would never see his mate again, after just having claimed her.
“Ah, Elzarr, you’ve found your mate in the Terran system and we’ve torn you from her,” King Jalros said sadly.