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  • The Art of Discipline: Dani’s Discovery (The Mockingbird Chronicles) Page 14

The Art of Discipline: Dani’s Discovery (The Mockingbird Chronicles) Read online

Page 14

  Emma reached across the table to rub the back of Dani’s hand. “Thank you for trying it, Dani.”

  Dani frowned but satisfied herself with sipping her soda as they finished their lunch in peace. Both were quiet until Emma excused herself to use the restroom. Suddenly seeing a golden opportunity, Dani decided to get a free refill and managed to drink a bit of it before Emma returned.

  Emptying their trays, Dani held onto her soda cup. “You don’t need to throw that away?” Emma asked.

  “Nope, I still have some left,” Dani smiled. “I’m going to draw this out as long as possible.”

  Shaking her head, Emma threw the tray away and began heading toward the stores. “Okay then, let the shopping begin.”

  * * *

  Hearing a slurp come from Dani, Emma pointed to a nearby trash can. Sighing, Dani threw her now empty cup away but was secretly delighted that she had managed to procure the second drink. Smiling, she made her way back to Emma as they entered the next store.

  Shopping was never a popular sport for Dani. She remembered endless hours with her grandmother as she was dragged from store to store, and she had come to regard it more as a chore then a fun experience. As an adult she’d occasionally visit for select items but did most of her shopping either online or used the services of a personal shopper. The experience with Emma, however, proved to be very different.

  Emma was like a whirlwind. She flew in and out of the aisles without caution, pulling off anything that even remotely gathered her interest. Before Dani knew it, they were both overladen with so many outfits, she began to wonder if they were carrying more than Emma left on the racks. When Dani thought she couldn’t possibly hold one more thing, Emma directed them to the changing room. Dumping both piles inside, Emma disappeared, leaving Dani to sit on the bench outside and wait. Shifting a little on the bench, Dani was happy to note that it was at least padded.

  The next 45 minutes consisted of Emma busying herself with sorting through her treasures. Occasionally she’d step out and ask for Dani’s opinion or send her on a mission to find a different size or color of a particular item. Dani did these things willingly, getting a kick out of seeing Emma so happy. If this was all it took to see the petite redhead smile, she’d gladly do it every day.

  When Emma remerged with her original clothes again, however, Dani was relieved. Even though Emma’s errands had kept her busy, the padded bench turned out to be not as comfortable as it originally looked, and she was getting tired of waiting. Dani’s smile of relief quickly turned into a frown when she saw how many of the items Emma had ended up selecting. Out of everything she tried on, she came out holding a single pair of jeans and two tops.

  “That’s it? After all that time…” Dani’s voice trailed off in disbelief.

  “What?” Emma asked.

  “What about that green dress, or the red one, or the blue one?” Dani asked, remembering the two extra trips she’s made to find the identical dress in three different colors and two different sizes.

  “I can’t afford those. I was just having fun.”

  Dani groaned. “I told you it’s my treat. Pick up anything you want, really, no limits.”

  “Don’t be silly, honey. I can manage just fine.”

  “But, I want you to be happy.”

  “I am happy, Dani. Let’s go pay.”

  Dani tightened her jaw, annoyed and a little hurt at Emma’s rejection of her gift. “Fine, let’s make a deal. You can get this store. I get to get the next one.”

  Emma smiled, her green eyes suddenly sparkling with a hint of mischief. “Alright, if you insist. I’ve been meaning to pick up some new pajamas for you anyways. Half the ones you have are falling apart. The Pajama Barn is right across the way.”

  “What? You’re not talking about my red flannel ones? I told you those are my favorites. I don’t need any new…”

  Emma silenced Dani with a quick peck on the cheek. “I thought you wanted to make me happy.”

  Dani sighed. “Alright. Go ahead and check out. I’m going to run to the restroom. I’ll meet up with you in the Pajama Barn, okay?”

  Emma looked at her cautiously. “You’re not going to sneak off to the food court and get another soda, are you?”

  It took all of Dani’s willpower to suppress her look of surprise. The way that Emma worded her question, Dani wasn’t sure if Emma was referring to earlier, or just in general. “No, of course not. Honestly, I just have to use the restroom.”

  “Okay then, meet up with you in a few,” Emma agreed, narrowing her eyes slightly at Dani. She was up to something, and Emma didn’t trust that innocent look she was trying to pass off.

  Turning to ‘look’ for the restroom, Dani made a beeline for the first sales associate she saw. Nearly tackling the poor women, she pulled out her platinum card and quickly explained her situation. Dressing room number three was cleared out in record time as Dani quickly sorted through the piles and selected everything she thought Emma even remotely liked. Smiling at her own cleverness, she even arranged for the bags to be delivered to her apartment. Checking the time with her phone, Dani then quickly headed to meet up with Emma, knowing if she was gone too much longer, she would grow suspicious.

  Quickly crossing the way, Dani smiled when she caught up with Emma. “Find anything you like?”

  “Yes, what do you think of these?” Emma asked, holding up a pink t-shirt with matching pajama pants featuring a cartoon cat.

  “I think you’d look adorable in that,” Dani smiled.

  “They are not for me,” Emma smiled back.

  “No,” Dani grabbed the pajamas from Emma’s hand and put them back on the shelf. “I don’t do pink.”

  “You have a pink shirt you wear with that dark gray suit,” Emma argued.

  “That’s different,” Dani argued back, trying to distract Emma with an alternative. Finally finding a black set with a rock and roll band featured on the tee, she tried, “How about these?”

  “Alright, we’ll get both of them,” Emma compromised. “Besides, they are having a BOGO sale, so we need to get at least two anyways.

  “Why don’t you pick out one for yourself then,” Dani almost whined.

  “I plan to,” Emma grinned, as she began to move through the shop and hunt with a vengeance.

  Almost a half hour later, each woman was the proud owner of exactly two new sets of pajamas, which Emma did allow Dani to purchase. Emma was in the process of dragging Dani to another store when Dani realized that she had to use the restroom—for real this time. She tried her best to ignore it but couldn’t resist giving in to the demands of that second soda.

  “Ah, Emma, I need to use the restroom. I’ll be right back, okay?”

  “Again?” Emma asked, concerned. “You feeling alright?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just gotta go,” Dani practically yelled as she dashed into the nearest large department store.

  Emma stopped short, narrowing her eyes again at Dani’s odd behavior. Deciding to wait, Emma turned toward the nearest bench. Pulling at her phone, she was browsing through her e-mail when she felt a shadow fall over her, partially blocking the light.

  “That was fast, Dani…” she said, but trailed off as she looked up and saw who was there.

  “Aren’t you going to say hello to you own father?” Patrick Sampson sneered. “I thought I raised you with better manners that that.”

  Emma jumped to her feet. “You have nothing to do with the way I was raised. Leave me alone before I call the police.”

  “Big words from a little girl,” Sampson replied. He grabbed Emma’s arm, pulling her closer. Emma coughed, gagged by the overpowering smell of cigarette smoke as her father hissed in her ear. “I heard the old man bit it and left you his store. You owe me Emma, and I aim to collect.”

  “I don’t owe you a thing…” Emma started to argue, but yelped as he tightened his grip on her arm.

  “Yes, you do, I helped bring you into this world. If it wasn’t for me, you
wouldn’t be here. I know you’re rolling in it now, and I want my payday too.”

  “How much?” Emma squeaked, hoping if she cooperated he’d loosen his grip.

  “Just fifty thousand.”

  “Fifty! I don’t have that much,” Emma pleaded.

  “Maybe not right now, but you can get it. I’ll be back, my dear. I want you to work on it quickly.”

  Emma whimpered as Sampson released her. Stunned, Emma fell back onto the bench as he turned and disappeared into one of the bigger stores. Pale and visually shaking, Emma fought back the tears, praying that Dani would soon return. Luckily, she didn’t have to wait long. Almost as if in answer to her prayers, Dani returned less than five minutes later.

  “Hey, sorry it took so long. You wouldn’t believe the line…” Dani trailed off seeing Emma’s condition. Dani sat down, putting a protective arm around her. “What happened? Are you okay?”

  Emma shook her head. “He was here.”

  Dani paled. “Where? Which way did he go? Did you call the police?”

  Emma shook her head again. “No, I didn’t even thinking about calling. He was just here, and now he’s gone.”

  Dani turned Emma toward her, placing a hand on each arm. “Emma, did you see which way he went?”

  Emma didn’t want to say, but her eyes betrayed her as they flicked to the nearby department store. Dani looked over her shoulder before she started to get up. “Call the police.”

  “No, Dani, stay here. Please don’t.”

  “Emma, call the police. I’m not going to let this bastard get away.”

  “Danielle,” Emma voice suddenly switched, getting a deeper tone. “Don’t you dare. He’s gone now anyway. Take me home, please.”

  Dani gave in, pulling Emma close for a hug. “If that is what you want, of course I’ll take you home.” Encouraging Emma to stand, Dani took her by the arm and started to escort her out when she noticed Emma wince. “What?”

  “Nothing, just my arm…” Emma didn’t finish as Dani grabbed her arm and yanked up the sleeve, gasping as she saw red marks which were already darkening into bruises.

  “I’ll kill him,” Dani muttered, her tone as dark as her threat.

  Emma shook off Dani’s hold and put a hand on each side of her cheek, forcing their eyes to meet. “No, Danielle. Promise me you won’t confront him. I won’t let you.”

  Dani bit her lip but couldn’t resist Emma’s plea. “Alright. This time,” she warned. She then pulled out her phone and started to dial.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Calling the police. I told you I wouldn’t go after him. Doesn’t mean they can’t. If nothing else, we can at least document this.”

  * * *

  Entering Dani’s apartment, both women let their purses drop and kicked off their shoes. Dani led Emma to the couch and gently sat down next to her before drawing her into a hug. “Want to talk about it?”

  Getting comfortable, Emma laid her head on Dani’s chest and tucked her feet up under her. “I still can’t believe that I had to file assault charges in order to get a restraining order.”

  “Well, at least the paper work is in motion now,” Dani began to rub Emma’s back. “If he shows up, we can call police and have him arrested.”

  “Yeah, doesn’t really change the fact though. I can’t believe he thinks that I have access to fifty thousand dollars,” Emma said as she absently traced circles on Dani’s leg,

  Dani took a deep breath, making a fast decision. “You do.”

  “I do what?”

  “Have access to fifty thousand dollars,” she answered, pulling Emma into her lap. “I can give you the money if you think it would get him to go away.”

  Emma looked up into glacier blue pools. “I can’t let you borrow against your business, and I won’t borrow against the bookstore.”

  Dani shook her head. “No, Emma, I would have to shift some funds, but I could have it to you when the bank opens in the morning.”

  Emma shifted a bit before looking back into Dani’s face. “Thank you for the offer.” She placed her hand on the side of Dani’s face. “But I won’t be paying off his bribe in any shape or form.”

  Leaning into Emma’s caress, Dani reiterated, “I just wanted you to know the offer was there.”

  “Thank you,” Emma replied, giving Dani a lingering kiss before snuggling into her once again.

  The women relaxed for a while longer before a knock at the door caused Emma to tense. Giving her a gentle kiss on the top of her head, Dani slowly moved her before standing. Looking out the peephole, she smiled and opened the door.

  “Delivery for Danielle Ryan,” a wiry teen stated, bringing in four overstuffed bags from the clothing store they had visited earlier in the day.

  “Thank you.” Dani handed him a tip before closing the door behind him and locking it. Turning back to Emma, she gave her a shy smile. “I thought you might enjoy having a few more items to pad your wardrobe.”

  Emma slowly stood and walked toward the sacks, “You bought me everything I tried on?”

  Dani shook her head. “No, I left that green top and brown skirt there, as well as a few other things. I tried to get the stuff you seemed to like—and a couple of things that I liked,” she added with a twinkle.

  Emma shook her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you did this for me.”

  “I wanted to do it.”

  Emma looked up at Dani and shook her head again. “It’s too much. I want you to return it.”

  “It’s not too much. You need the clothes, and I’m giving them to you.”

  “Dani, I’ll just have to wait for the insurance check to come. Then I can buy more.”

  “And what are you supposed to do in the meantime, walk around naked or in the same outfits all the time?” Dani shook her head again. “No, the clothes are yours.” Picking up the sacks, she headed to the bedroom. “In fact, it’s about time we cleared out the closets anyways. I’ve been meaning to donate Uncle Sean’s things, and this gives me the excuse.”

  “Danielle,” Emma tried.

  Dani ignored her and kept walking to the bedroom. Putting the sacks down on the bed, she opened the closet and began pulling out handfuls of her uncle’s clothing. She hadn’t given it much thought and had just pushed them to the side, but in a strange way, it felt good. It was time.

  “Danielle Elizabeth Ryan,” Emma entered the room, hands on hips.

  Dani turned and looked at her hard. “No, that isn’t going to work this time. You are keeping the clothes, even if I can’t sit for a month of Sundays.”

  Emma couldn’t help the smirk forming on her lips. “A month of Sundays, huh?”

  Dani pausing as she pulled out a well-worn blue shirt and smiled slightly at the memories it held. “Yep, Uncle Sean once told me if I did anything as stupid as trying to jump off the old water tower again, he’d paddle me so hard I wouldn’t be able to sit for a month of Sundays.”

  “You jumped off the old water tower?”

  “We had a bungee cord,” Dani protested.

  Emma began laughing as she walked toward Dani, taking the pile of clothes out her hand and laying them with the rest on the bed. She then pulled Dani into a hug, before quickly turning her and giving her a hard swat.

  “Hey, what was that for?” Dani asked, rubbing her backside and sticking her lip out in a little pout.

  “For being your wonderful self, Danielle Ryan,” Emma replied as she reached up and gently nipped her lip with her teeth. Then, with a smirk she began to help organize the closet.

  * * *

  “I still can’t believe you told the waitress you’d rather have water instead of the soda I ordered you,” Emma commented as she looked over her menu.

  “I just don’t want one,” Dani replied in a hiss of a whisper.

  “Since when do you turn down soda, Dani?” Emma asked, looking over her menu at her dining companion.

  “Since now,” Dani explained, burying her nose in her own

  “I thought you always had soda with dinner,” Emma pressed.

  “I did, until you told me I had to have water with my meals. I’m just trying to be a good little girl and do what you’ve told me,” Dani said sarcastically.


  “What?” Dani put down her menu and glared at Emma. “I get bitched at if I want the soda and bitched at if I don’t. What do you want from me?”

  Emma leaned back in her chair, lowering her menu as well. Crossing her arms in front of her, she merely stared at Dani. The waitress chose that moment to reappear, order pad in hand, but then slowly moved away when she realized that the diners weren’t quite ready to order yet.

  “I want to know what is going on, Danielle,” Emma said.

  Dani refused to meet Emma’s eyes, merely shrugging her answer.

  “Danielle,” Emma warned.

  “I-can’t-drink-another-diet-soda-because-I’ve-already-had-three-today,” Dani said in a rush.

  “Wait, slow down and tell me again.”

  Dani took a deep breath. “I said that I can’t have a soda because I’ve already had three today.”

  “Is that all? Dani, I’m proud of you for sticking to our agreement. It’s nothing to get upset about.”

  “But I snuck the other one at the mall. When you went to the bathroom, I refilled my cup.”

  “I know.”

  Dani’s eyebrows shot up. “You knew?”

  “Yes. I told you, Dani, it’s up to you when you choose to drink the sodas, not me. You chose to have the two at the mall; it’s not a big deal.”

  “But I let you think I’d only had one,” Dani stammered.

  Emma grinned. “Yes, you did, and perhaps we can discuss later. Now though, we need to decide what to order so we don’t scare the waitress off a second time.”

  Giving Emma a small nod, Dani looked once more at her menu. “Emma? Can I have French fries?”

  Emma laughed. “Yes, Danielle, you may have French fries tonight, as long as you promise to try some type of vegetable too.”

  Grumbling, Dani nodded before returning to her menu.

  The rest of the meal was pleasant. They made small talk, avoiding the topic of Sampson like the plague, and tried to just enjoy each other’s company.