Smug Bastard: A Hero Club Novel Read online

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  “Kasey…” I swallowed, sweat trickled down my spine as my skin was covered with goosebumps, sensing doom heading my way.

  “I guess Kyle invited him to the wedding, and he was going to come, but his bike broke down right outside of Pasadena. Do you know where that is?” She barely paused before she went on. “Anyway, I told Amie you were driving right by there.”

  “Not exactly by there,” I muttered. Technically it wasn’t far, but in traffic? It could be well over an hour from where I was.

  “And you would have no problem picking him up since you were driving this way as well. I mean, what are the odds?” She chirped with thrilled awe. “Kyle called him back and told him you are coming to get him. I’ll text you the address where he had to take his bike.”


  “I can’t believe he will be coming. I haven’t seen him since graduation. My stomach is in knots. It’s been so long. Like, nine years.”


  “You know how much I liked him, Kins? I still think he’s the one. I think about him all the time. The one that got away…”

  I tipped my head back onto my seat, my fingers pinching my nose. The one? The guy was an asshole. He treated her and every other girl who fell at his feet like trash. He even had a nickname, which seemed to simply encourage his behavior. I was five years younger and did not see what the fuss was about. He was the total bad boy with all the charming personality traits that went along with it. Gruff, arrogant, rude, and a total womanizer. The friendship between my brother and him was an odd-couple kind of thing. They met playing football, and for some reason, became really good friends. My sister was gaga over him, embarrassing herself by flirting outrageously, while I gagged and rolled my eyes. I felt I was the only one who saw him for what he truly was.

  A genuine pig.

  “Please, please, please, Kins,” Kasey pleaded into the phone. “He won’t come otherwise, and I feel this is kismet. I’m supposed to see him again.”

  “Kismet?” I snorted. “Come on. He was a jerk to you. Why do you seem to forget that part?”

  “He wasn’t. He just didn’t want to do anything to screw up his friendship with Kyle. But we’ve grown up. Things are different.”

  “He might be married with kids by now.” Though I couldn’t see the guy I remembered ever settling down with one girl.

  “No. He’s not. I guess he recently broke up with someone.” Her voice went up two octaves. “See? Kismet. I just ended things with Peter. Please, Kins. Do this for me.”

  Ugh, Peter. Someone my sister dated for four and half years, after meeting him at college. He was so cookie cutter he made my skin crawl. It felt like he was playing a role in a cheesy Hallmark movie. When she found him cheating with his secretary, she realized he wasn’t so perfect. This only emphasized that he was so unoriginal his affair was even cliché.

  “Kase, this isn’t simply picking up someone for a few hours’ drive. I was planning on taking my time getting there. A vacation.” I didn’t want an unwelcome passenger for a ten-day journey. I would not let him disrupt my plans. This was my holiday.

  “That’s another thing I’d like to fight you on, since I need you here, but if you do this for me, I will forgive you for not helping me with Amie and Kyle’s wedding.”

  “Why can’t he fly there?” I tossed out my arms, startling Goat, his eyes fluttering, still appearing bored with my conversation. “He’s not joining me for ten days.”

  “I don’t know, but I guess it wasn’t an option. Kyle had to beg him even to come, and it took some time for him to agree to have you come get him.”

  “See, neither of us wants to do this.”

  “This is your only brother’s wedding. Don’t you want Kyle to have his friends there with him? Don’t you think he deserves this?” I could hear what was not being said, Don’t be so selfish, Kinsley.

  My phone beeped, two texts coming through.

  Can you do this favor for you brother? He really would like him here. It would mean so much to him. Love you—Mom

  Hey, twerp! I know Kase is talking to you but want to add my plea. I haven’t seen him in years. It would mean the world to me. Thanks, Sis--Kyle


  “Kins. Please.”

  I sighed deeply, feeling my will crumbling; making my family happy overpowered my plans. What I wanted. What this trip meant to me.

  Like my sister could smell blood in the water, she spoke quickly. “This would mean everything to Kyle. And, of course, to me as well. I’ve dreamed about seeing him again. That we would have this second chance. I feel in my gut we are meant to be.”

  I glanced over at Goat, my shoulders sagging.

  Shiiiitt. I couldn’t believe I was about to do this.

  “What’s the address?”

  During the entire drive to east Pasadena, I changed my mind every few minutes. One time actually turning around before pulling into a gas station and banging on the steering wheel until I circled back toward Pasadena again.

  When I got close to the exit, I stopped to stretch and let Goat do his business, not in a hurry to get there. “He better not think he has a ride all the way there.” I kicked a rock, talking to my dog, watching him sniff and pee on every bush we passed. “Doesn’t he realize I’m planning to take my time getting there? Knowing Kasey, probably not. He probably thinks this is a straight shot there. I will gladly drive his ass to an airport.”

  Goat looked up at me, tilting his head like he was thinking, Girl, get it together.

  “Stop judging me.” Goat cocked his head the opposite way. “Yeah, I feel your judgy eyes.” I sighed, heading back to the van. Grabbing an iced coffee for me and water for Goat from a nearby cafe, I took a breath, climbed into the van, and headed for my destination down the street.

  Seeing the name of the garage, nerves danced around in my stomach, pirouetting and sashaying across, causing acid to burn in my gut.

  Pulling into the drive, I parked beside a motorcycle, a nervous fluttering vibrating from my throat as I took in the saddlebags attached to the sides.

  S.B. monogramed on the side, told me there was no doubt I was in the right place. And inside, waiting for me, the infamous Smith Blackburn.


  Smug Bastard.

  Chapter 3


  That’s what everyone called him, on and off the field. Instead of being insulted by it, he took on the moniker with pride and caused the girls to fall even more at his feet with a cocky wink in their direction. I would sit in bewilderment at my sister and her friends when they came over to the house or when I did my homework waiting for my sister at cheer practice. They would giggle and act airheaded around the football players, especially Smith. My eleven-year-old mind kept wondering when they all got so stupid. They didn’t have that much brain damage the year before, right? My sister would laugh and pat me on the head like a child and say, “Just wait, Kins. You will be just as boy crazy. One day a guy is going to make you lose all sense.”

  She was wrong. I never did. Not even with Jason. I was defensive and fought his attention for a long time, never believing the popular boy liked me. But I will give Jason one thing; he was in it for the long game, eventually winning me over. Ethan was the same, and after everyone telling me what a fool I was for not giving in to him, that he liked me so much, I finally did.

  They both burned and crushed my heart, and I hadn’t been in love with either of them. I couldn’t imagine the capacity of someone to hurt me if I was. I vowed no guy would ever have that kind of power to destroy me.

  “Well, Goat, here we go.” I scrubbed his nose before pushing the door open and sliding out of the van, wanting to crawl back into the cool air-conditioned car. The heat of the day blasted down on my exposed legs and arms.

  Pushing up my sunglasses, I stepped from the bright sun into the dark, stinky, oil-logged garage.

  “Hello.” A man covered in car grease and sweat turned around, leaning back on a ca
r he was working on. His shaggy, dirty blond hair was tucked under a cap with the garage logo on it. “Can I help you, sweetheart?” His greedy eyes dragged down my body slowly, pausing at my breasts, which were on the average if not small side. Running kept my frame slim, but my love of cookies was high.

  Heading into the desert, I was dressed in cutoff shorts and a tight black tank, my old chucks, with my long, straight, dark hair pulled up in a ponytail. It was casual, but under his scrutiny the outfit made me feel like I was in a stripper thong.

  “I’m here for…” I looked around, my eyes struggling to adjust to the dim light inside.

  “Looking for me, Baby K?” A deep gravelly voice glided to me, curling around my body, my skin flushing as my head jerked to the side. Coming from the waiting area, a beast strolled up to me, a smile inching up the side of his mouth.

  Holy shit.

  Air was sucked out of my lungs, along with any logic and understanding. All I could do was stare at the man in front of me, trying to see the boy I had known long ago. Before Smith and my siblings graduated from high school and he left town, Smith was constantly over at our house. I was between eleven and thirteen then. Pictures of him still hung up in our house, reminding me Smith had been tall, built, with dark hair and blue eyes, but the person walking up was no longer a boy in any sense of the word.

  Though he still had the bad-boy thing down.

  Wearing dark jeans, a T-shirt, and steel-toed boots, he stood at least six four, his body almost filling the hallway. Broad and muscular, his black shirt struggled not to hug every inch of his chest and arms. Tattoos covered one arm, making me wonder if he had more underneath and where. His chocolate-brown hair was mussed perfectly, and a thick scruff, which could be considered a beard, highlighted his full bottom lip. A scar I didn’t recall from school cut up his top lip, but instead of taking away from his looks, it only added to his mysterious, sexy bad-boy aura.

  Kasey always said he could model, but I never really thought about it until now. He was better looking than any man I had ever seen in my life or on the cover of a magazine. Smith Blackburn was sexy as hell.

  My sister will totally faint when she sees him now.

  Kasey had never dated the rugged, dominant type. She liked being the one in control. Though I could see them together. They would be that disgustingly beautiful couple… and their offspring… Ugh.

  For some reason the idea of bringing my sister’s future boyfriend across the country to her like I was a FedEx driver, interrupting my vacation, sizzled anger and resentment inside.

  Smith’s gaze dipped down my frame, but quickly his piercing blue eyes popped back up. Not a single emotion or response, as if I were still the thirteen-year-old he last saw. An odd flare of irritation locked my spine at the idea he still saw me as the same little girl.

  “Been a long time, Baby K.” His deep voice shifted my feet, my fingers tucking an imaginary strand of hair behind my ear.

  “Yeah.” I cleared my throat, my nose wrinkling at the old, annoying nickname. Five years is a huge difference at that age, but no preteen liked being called a baby. Especially by a jerk. “It has.”

  Maybe not long enough.

  He smirked, as if he sensed my irritation and thrived off it. He folded his arms as his gaze rolled over me again. “Lucky me that you were so close when my bike broke down.”

  “I wasn’t that close,” I muttered, the intensity of his gaze making me look around, not able to fully lock on him.

  There were a lot of sexy, good-looking guys in San Diego, but his presence seemed to be on a different plane. He had that quality you find in celebrities: intense, sexual, encompassing, and invading. You couldn’t get away from his presence. It demanded all the attention without a word.

  “Like it was meant to be.” He tilted his head. “Kismet.”

  My head darted up, the word punching into my chest. It was exactly what Kasey said. Irrational rage flamed up my throat.

  “If you want to call me being nice for driving back an hour out of my way to shuttle your ass to the airport kismet…” I lifted an eyebrow. “Then sure, this was all meant to be.”

  A smile twitched the side of his mouth, his gaze relentless on me. “Just as spunky as I remember.”

  “And just as condescending as I remember.” I folded my arms and countered. I hated that men still considered a girl having any kind of strong opinion being spunky, plucky, or spirited. Would we say the same about a guy? No. So by having a thought of my own, I was “feisty.” He always had the knack to make me want to lash out. While everyone worshiped him, I felt like the only one not caught in his web.

  His smile grew, enjoying tormenting me again.

  “So… are you two?” The mechanic’s attention darted between us.

  “No!” We both said.

  “Nah, man, she’s like my little sister.”

  The mechanic’s eyes glinted, a hungry smile on his face.

  “Well then, sweetheart, maybe you’d like—”

  Humor dropped from Smith in a blink, a growl hummed in the back of his throat as he stepped up to the guy, towering at least six inches over him. He didn’t even have to say a word. The guy instantly stepped away, holding up his arms.

  “Don’t you have a few parts to order?” Smith nodded back toward his bike waiting to be worked on. “A job to do?”

  “Yeah, yeah.” The guy hustled back, not even looking at me as he headed for the office. “Sorry, man, she’s smokin’ hot, and I thought she was up for grabs,” he said before disappearing into an office.

  “Up for grabs?” My mouth fell open, my feet moving without thought, fury bustling through me like a truck.

  “Whoa, Baby K.” Smith moved in front of me, his hands circling my biceps, his tall frame looming over my five-six height, holding me in place.

  “Don’t call me that.” His touch discharged electricity down my arms, and I jerked away, scowling at Smith.

  “Five minutes and already causing trouble.” He rubbed his chin, shaking his head slightly, his attention centered on me, forcing me to look away.

  “You ready?” I plucked my sunnies off my head, shoving them on my face as I turned for the van. “What airport do you want me to drive you to?”

  He stepped outside with me, grabbing the saddlebags off his bike and throwing them over his shoulder. “No airport for me.” He brushed by me, putting on his sunglasses. Crap, he was intimidatingly sexy. “I was told we’re in this for the long haul together.”

  Danger. Danger.

  “I wasn’t planning on going straight there.” I watched him stroll to the passenger side.

  “That’s okay. I wasn’t either.” His dark eyebrow hitched up.

  “I had my trip planned already; everything’s all set out.”

  “That sounds… organized.”

  “Are you judging me?”

  He held up his hands. “Wouldn’t dream of it. Just seems it takes out all the fun and point about driving cross country.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Being flexible and open to what is out there is the adventure. Checking off sites and staying in planned spots doesn’t seem like you are experiencing anything out of your box.”

  “Now you think you know me?”

  “No.” He lifted his arms again. “Just an observation.”

  “Well, since you are interrupting my vacation, I didn’t ask for your opinion. Also, that’s such an arrogant, man thing to say.”

  “Man thing?”

  “Men never have to worry about driving cross country by themselves. Never have to worry about being assaulted, drugged, or raped. You don’t even contemplate how every moment we have to be on guard. And the fact some guy sees me traveling by myself or I stop to have a drink in a bar? I’m a target.”

  “Yeah.” He dipped his head. “You’re right. We don’t.”

  I nodded, feeling like I won some debate. Should have known better.

  “Even better you have me with you then
, huh?” He reached for the handle, Goat’s head popping up over the dash.

  “Oh, my dog is scared of—” I put out my hand, needing to warn Smith, but the door was already open, leaving him and Goat face to face. I waited for the growl, to see Goat shrink away from this huge man. Sadie’s boyfriend, Nathan, was tall and trim, but not at all as daunting as this beast, and Goat still hid from Nathan.

  Goat tipped back, his body stiffening like he was going to faint, but stopped when Smith’s deep gravelly voice spoke.

  “Hey, boy.” Smith held out his hand, letting Goat sniff him. Goat smelled him and leaned back, his weight shifting between his paws, but he didn’t growl or run. Goat timidly leaned forward again, sniffing and then bumping his head into Smith’s large hand, inviting him to pet him, nuzzling the huge man.

  My mouth dropped open. What the fuck happened?

  “Aren’t you a sweet dog.” His low voice cooed softly as he stroked Goat’s white fur, blue eyes meeting mine as I opened the driver’s side.

  “That’s Goat.”

  “Goat?” Smith snorted, rubbing his chest. “Should I ask?”

  Goat leaned up, licking his face, causing my mouth to drop more.


  I shook my head. “He doesn’t usually like men.”

  A sexy grin lifted Smith’s mouth, making something between my legs pulse. “Guess it makes me special.”

  “Or not a real man.”

  He sniggered, his eyes flashing, looking directly at me. “Would you like to check for yourself and find out?”

  The ache between my legs made me scramble into the driver’s seat, infuriated at my betraying body. This made no sense. I hated this guy.

  I unlatched Goat, and he moved to the back, jumping on the bed, which took up most of the rear.

  “Are you ready to go, or what?” I buckled in, snarling as I turned on the car.

  He chucked his stuff in back, then settled in the passenger seat.

  “That depends, Baby K… Are you ready?”

  “For what?”

  “A real adventure?” He winked over at me.