SPELLBOUND: An Anthology of Erotically Retold Fairy Tales Read online

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  “No need. I totally understand. Moira can get on your last nerve.” Sasha sensed he wanted to stay and talk, but one of the stage hands begged him for help and he reluctantly left.

  “That was kind,” a familiar, deep voice said from behind her. Sasha turned, her heart beating wildly in her chest: Aiden Prince.

  “Hi,” Sasha managed. She held out her hand. “Sasha King.”

  “Aiden Prince. I know who you are. We all read the press release and were bowled over by Moira’s generosity,” he said dryly.

  Sasha grinned. “Me too!”

  Aiden laughed. “I met your father once. He acted intuitively and had good judgment.” Glancing at the stage, he added, “about most things.”

  Sasha smiled. Aiden’s cologne smelled like the sea. She felt the heat from his body and an overwhelming desire to reach up, pull his face to hers, and kiss him.

  Someone called Sasha’s name. “I believe you’re up next,” Aiden murmured, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.

  Sasha snapped out of her trance and made a mad dash for the stage. She gave the character a quirky, funny edge that made the other actors and director laugh. Aiden joined the throng and threw his arms around her. “Great scene!” His blue eyes crinkled at the edges as he smiled at her. Sasha smiled back. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the director frantically wave his hands in warning. The cast and crew instantly melted away.

  Moira’s voice, dripping with honey, placed a red-taloned hand on Aiden’s arm. “Darling, I wondered where you wandered off to.” Her stare was so venomous, Sasha backed up and stumbled. Aiden reached out and steadied her.

  Moira leaned in and spoke in a stage whisper. “A word of advice, Dear. Overacting is deadly. You want the audience to laugh with you, not at you.” Sasha flushed crimson and walked off. Moira turned to Aiden, all smiles. She shook her hair. “Where did you want to have lunch?”

  “I have other plans,” Aiden said, peeling her claw off him. Moira watched him follow Sasha to the back of the theater.

  “Lunch!” Ron shouted. He took a long pull from a bottle of Pepto Bismol. “Everybody back at one p.m. sharp!”

  “Don’t let her get to you,” Aiden said, catching up to Sasha.

  “She can do it, every time,” Sasha admitted grimly.

  “Max’s deli is just around the corner. You want to grab a bite and vent?”

  “Food sounds good,” Sasha admitted.

  Max’s Delicatessen, crammed with autographed photos, was filled with customers. Sasha and Aiden were led to a microscopic table for two in the glass-enclosed dining area.

  Like most of America, Sasha knew the cause for Aiden’s hiatus from acting. Two years earlier, he took his infant son to the beach. As Aiden held the baby in his arms, a rogue wave snatched his child from him, carrying the tiny body out to sea. It was never found. Six months later, Aiden’s wife ran off with the masseur, leaving him to grieve in an alcoholic stupor until he waked one day and realized he was killing himself. The grief and pain in his blue eyes was still visible underneath the charm.

  Beyond her initial crush, Sasha liked Aiden. He was thoughtful, fun and actually listened when she spoke. Still, she knew it was suicidal having lunch with Aiden. If Moira found out, heads would roll.

  * * * *

  Moira was late again for rehearsal. It was the big love scene between her and Aiden and Sasha was sure her stepmother would be on time. For once, Aiden lost patience.

  “I say we go ahead with a stand-in,” he said angrily. “I’ve had enough.” The cast and crew clapped. Ron mopped his brow. “She’s only half an hour late,” he pleaded, “besides, Moira refused to hire a stand-in.”

  “Come on,” Aiden said to Sasha, pulling her on stage. “You can be Moira’s stand-in.”

  The crew went silent. Whispers and giggles took over within seconds. Everyone could see the two had a thing for each other. Sasha had done her best to make sure they were never seen alone together, lest Moira find out.

  The irony of playing a love scene with Aiden amused Sasha. Reflected in Aiden’s eyes was a mutual spark of amusement mingled with desire. She shrugged. What could happen in a room full of people? As Aiden drew Sasha to him, she felt little shivers of desire rush up and down her spine. She told herself not to be stupid. I’m a professional.

  Aiden pulled Sasha close. “I need you, Nina.”

  Sasha gasped. Pressed against him, she felt the bulge in his jeans. For a split second Sasha forgot she was on a stage. When Aiden bent over her and touched his lips to hers, her own lips parted. He glanced at her in surprise before he caught his breath, tightened his embrace, and entered her mouth with his tongue. Unable to stop herself, Sasha let out a tiny moan. Their kisses became more passionate.

  One person clapped in a slow, staccato beat. “Look, Jay, I’m a few minutes late for rehearsal and already they’re replacing me,” Moira said coldly.

  Sasha and Aiden broke apart. There was an eerie silence. Everyone held his or her breath before Ron cleared his throat.

  “No one was replacing you, Moira. Aiden needed to work the scene. Since you refused to hire an understudy—”

  “—Sasha stepped into the breach. How sweet. But I’m here now.” As Moira walked on stage, her spike heels clicking loudly in the theater, Sasha walked off. Moira’s eyes bored into her back.

  “If Sasha thinks she can supplant me,” Moira muttered to Jay, “she has another thing coming. She’s a no-talent. And compared to me, she isn’t even pretty. Right, Jay!”

  Panicked, Jay snatched a half-eaten pear out of one of the crew’s hands and bit down on it. He walked away, mumbling about an appointment and gesturing at his watch. Moira watched him rush off with narrowed blue eyes. She bit down on her ruby lips, breaking skin. A tiny trickle of blood oozed out of the wound and fell on her cashmere sweater.

  That night, Sasha paced the floor of her apartment. I’d be crazy to jeopardize my career and living quarters for a fling. Sasha was a newbie. Aiden was Hollywood. He was used to seducing dozens of women. Having an affair with Aiden isn’t worth the price. Then Sasha thought of how she felt in his arms, the way his blue eyes could be serious or full of laughter and the way his lips devoured her. Suddenly, she knew avoiding him wasn’t just due to the fear of getting fired. She was in serious danger of losing her heart.

  There was a knock on the door. Sasha jumped. It couldn’t be Moira: She had a key and would have barged right in. Sasha flung open the door: Aiden. He carried a bottle of Chardonnay. Sasha’a heart pounded.

  She accepted the gift, and let Aiden in before shutting the door behind him. Sasha set the wine on a table and turned back to him. He rushed to her. Suddenly Aiden was holding her in his arms, kissing her hair, neck and lips. Without a word, they stripped off their clothes as they headed for the bedroom, leaving a trail of discarded clothing and wine behind them. Sasha felt like her body was on fire. She no longer cared what Moira thought or did. All she wanted was to have Aiden inside her.

  Naked, they faced each other. Aiden lifted Sasha up and laid her gently on the bed. He bent over her. “God, you’re beautiful,” he said in a voice husky with desire. She ran a hand over his tanned, muscled chest and down to his engorged cock. Aiden groaned and plunged his tongue into her mouth, moving against her, his shaft teasing her clit, driving her wild with desire. He pulled out of her mouth and slowly flicked his tongue on her neck in one of her most sensitive places. The movement sent shivers of pleasure along her body. Sasha felt her knees go weak as Aiden laid her down.

  She eagerly opened to him and he drove his hot tongue over her slit, arousing her even more. Sasha thrashed and moaned. Aiden moved out. He lifted her up, turning her so her back was to him and she was on her knees. He massaged her breasts as his pulsating cock pressed against her flesh. He stroked her clit with his fingers. Sasha arched her back, pressing against him. Aiden entered her with a groan. The steady, rhythmic motion of pulling out and thrusting in droving Sasha crazy. Just when she thoug
ht she couldn’t bear it another second, Aiden pulled out and turned her over. Staring into her violet eyes, he murmured in a voice ragged with passion, “You’re wonderful. Promise me the old witch won’t come between us again.”

  “I promise,” Sasha muttered, her body trembling with desire as she slid down and took his throbbing cock into her mouth. Aiden groaned and gripped her hair as Sasha led him to the precipice. Pulling her up to face him, he entered her. Sasha gasped. “Don’t stop.”

  He gazed into her eyes, thrusting deeper and deeper, until his final thrust sent her over the edge and she screamed out with exquisite pleasure. A second later, Aiden pulled her further into him as he climaxed.

  * * * *

  The theater was empty. Moira took the elevator up to the third floor, a brittle smile on her face as she imagined Sasha begging for one more chance to stay. But as the elevator door opened, Moira stopped dead in her tracks.

  Cries and moans came from Sasha’s apartment. Careful not to make any noise, Moira walked up to the door and listened. Sounds of sexual release floated out. Moira’s pale face hardened like the mud packs she used every night until her flesh resembled grey stone. Her hands clenched into fists and the red nails dug into her palms. Firing Sasha isn’t good enough. Moira’s eyes gleamed with malicious pleasure as a new plan occurred to her: one that would destroy Redmond’s little princess for good; and open Aiden’s eyes to see how much of a fool he’d been to turn to Sasha when he could have had Moira.

  * * * *

  It was opening night. Sasha glowed. She was making her debut and she was crazy about Aiden. Her body was still sore from him. She smiled: The rumors were true. But Aiden was not just built—he was knowledgeable, generous and considerate in the bedroom, as well. As she stood daydreaming with a stupid smile on her face, Moira’s voice startled her.

  “The big night. Excited?”

  “Totally,” Sasha agreed, her eyes sparkling.

  Moira casually glanced around the darkened theater. “Would you join me in my dressing room for a few minutes before the show?”

  Sasha nervously checked her watch.

  Moira smiled. “I won’t keep you long. I want to apologize for my bad behavior.” Moira dragged Sasha into her dressing room and shut the door. “You’re father always drank one of my martini’s before a performance. He insisted it brought him luck.” Moira poured a light green liquid into two chilled martini glasses. “Appletini was his favorite.” Sasha hesitated. Moira giggled as she handed the glass to Sasha. “It’s only one drink. Bottoms up!” Moira brought the frozen glass to her lips. Sasha nervously gulped half the appletini down.

  “I’ve got to run,” Sasha said. “I haven’t even done my makeup.”

  “Break a leg,” Moira said sweetly as Sasha dashed out of the room. Moira’s glass was still full as she put it down, a triumphant smile on her face.

  * * * *

  The night was disastrous. Sasha giggled, stumbled and staggered all over the stage, slurring what lines she could remember. When she finally collapsed in a dead faint, she was carried off amid boos and hoots of derision. Redmond King’s daughter had brought disgrace on the name. Everyone except Aiden avoided her. Unable to bear seeing the disgust in his blue eyes, she locked the door and refused to see or speak to him.

  The moment she was fully conscious, Bill Hunter gently fired Sasha. He collected her keys and escorted her out.

  Thoroughly humiliated, Sasha knew she was ruined. People detested Moira, but they would never believe she drugged a cast member. The gossip making the rounds was that Sasha had succumbed to first-night nerves and drank too much.

  Bill glanced at her as she was leaving. “Have you heard of Rosetti’s?” Sasha nodded. “My cousins own it. They’re great guys.” Sasha didn’t respond. “I spoke to Rocco. He’s the oldest and he put it to the others who all agreed. You can be the hostess and you could stay with them for a while. But I’ve got to warn you, the restaurant is hopping and they’re always at work so the apartment is a disaster.”

  Sasha didn’t care. When they arrived at the restaurant, it was closing time. Even before she entered she heard someone singing an aria from La Traviata.

  “That’s Arturo,” Bill said with a smile. “He trained to be an opera singer until he found his true calling as the restaurant’s chef. He loves what he does, so he sings all the time.”

  When Sasha entered the restaurant, seven dwarfs were lined up waiting to meet her. Rocco was the maître d’ and maker of all executive decisions. Virgil took one look at Sasha, blushed, and dropped a plate. Ollie was yelled at for putting sugar in the salt shakers. Niccolo kept sneezing, whining that someone had stolen his Echinacea. Gus glared at her. “She’ll probably leave her pantyhose in the shower,” he grumped loudly to Arturo, who shoved him in the ribs and whispered, “Be nice.” Henry yawned and seemed asleep on his feet but that was his normal modes operandi.

  Sasha acknowledged the introductions as though through a thick fog. Bill led her up a set of narrow, crooked stairs. Dirty and clean clothes were tossed everywhere, including over the grand piano. There were as many books and magazines out of the bookcases as in. Two cats flew by as she entered. Catnip was strewn across the light wood floors.

  “I told you it wouldn’t be a pretty sight,” Bill apologized.

  Sasha smiled. “It’s fine. I’m just so tired, I can barely keep my eyes open. Where do I sleep?”

  Bill led her to the largest bedroom. “In here. Rocco made sure the linen was fresh.” Bill started to straighten up but Sasha slipped out of her shoes, tossed the undershirts and socks off the bed, pulled down the comforter, climbed between the sheets, and fell into a sleeping death.

  Throughout the next few weeks, Sasha found herself surrounded by seven kindly men who watched over her like hawks. Rocco insisted she start work as soon as possible. “It’s good for her,” he told Arturo who accused him of being mean. “She needs to have something to get up for. A job will force her to become part of the living again.”

  The dwarfs were warm, loving people who appreciated everything Sasha did for them and who tried their best to make her come out of her shell. In return, she kept the apartment clean, did the laundry and shopping, and accompanied them on the piano when they sang with their friends on Sundays.

  “She’s okay for a woman,” Gus barked. But it was practical, intelligent Rocco who brought home issues of Back Stage and Variety, leaving them on the coffee table for her to see. Sasha still cringed at the memory of that night.

  “You have to get your feet wet,” Rocco urged her. “You know you want to act again.” Sasha took his advice and auditioned for roles in off-Broadway productions, soon winning roles and raves for her performances. Her self-confidence was gradually restored.

  Arturo took Bill aside one evening. “Sasha still seems sad, but it’s not just the disaster at the theater, is it?”

  Under Arturo’s steady gaze Bill broke down. “I think she’s in love with Aiden Prince.”

  Arturo sighed. “I’m sorry, Bill. We all know you care for her. Did he turn against her too?”

  “No,” Bill admitted grudgingly. “but she insisted she didn’t want to see him.”

  “Maybe not then, but what about now? Why don’t you tell him where she is?”

  “I’ll think about it,” Bill mumbled.

  Arturo put an arm around him. “You’re a good man. You’ll do the right thing.”

  * * * *

  Sasha took her third curtain call flushed with excitement and pride. Four months passed since the disaster with Moria’s play. Jay had come back into her life, exuberant as ever, insisting Sasha was star material. The bad memories were fading, but there was still emptiness in her heart. As she walked off stage, Sasha saw Bill talking to someone waiting in the wings: Aiden. He held a bouquet of white roses, a single red rose in the center. Sasha’s heart almost stopped beating. By the time she reached them, Bill had gone.

  “I missed you,” Aiden said, handing Sasha the flow

  “Ditto,” Sasha agreed. “Only—” Aiden raised an eyebrow. “—I was too ashamed to face you. I knew everyone despised me.”

  “Not true. When I learned you had gone, I searched for you for weeks. I was worried sick.” Aiden put his arms around her, pulling her to him. He looked into her eyes. “Don’t ever do that again.”

  Sasha smiled and did her best Mae West. “Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?”

  Aiden laughed. “You know, no one has been able to deliver that line well.” They left the theater together. He took her to a tiny, romantic restaurant Uptown with flickering candles on all the tables. Afterward, they went to Aiden’s sublet on the Upper West Side. They took their time undressing each other. Sasha felt suddenly shy. When they were naked, Aiden pulled her close. She shivered. When she kissed him back, the kiss deepened.

  Despite their previous knowledge of each other, it felt like love’s first kiss. Sasha slid her arms around Aiden’s neck and their kisses turned more passionate. She could feel the heat in her lower body and a wetness as his cock nudged her. He grabbed a chair and sat on it, pulling Sasha down on top of him where he could see her face as he entered her. She gasped in pleasure and moved rhythmically as she straddled him. Sasha moaned and increased the momentum.

  “Wait,” Aiden whispered in a ragged breath. He grasped her legs around his waist and moved down on the white fur rug, plunging into Sasha deeply; her legs resting on his shoulders. The two climaxed seconds apart.

  * * * *

  Sasha’s unexpected success ate into Moira’s soul. Aiden avoided Moira. Her spies told her he had finally located a successful Sasha, and they were dating. Breaking a nail getting out of her Rolls, Moira was livid.

  Something has to be done about Sasha once and for all.

  Moria’s twisted, warped brain snapped. Dressed in a dark glasses and a wig, she asked around the seedy bars in lower Manhattan if anyone knew about a hit man. Big Sal had a broken nose and a pock-marked face. His dead eyes were beady. He never smiled. Moira liked him straight off. They met at a greasy diner in New Jersey and sat in a back booth. She slipped him a picture of Sasha.