Split Screen Scream - Debra Parmley Read online

Page 10

  “Don’t be so sure. It could’ve been a woman.”

  She crossed her arms. “Well, this burglar, whatever it was, stared at me.”

  Damn. She had to have been terrified.

  “Then what happened?”

  “He left. With all my jewelry. Most of it was costume, but he got a few nice pieces that could bring money.”

  “I’m glad you weren’t hurt.”

  “He got in through a window, but I got it replaced. And then I got Lacey.”

  “Good. Sounds like you handled things well, and she’s a great pup.” He held out his hand to Lacey.

  Lacey, done with sniffing Reed’s shoes and barking at him, came near to sniff the hand he held down for her.

  When she started licking his hand, Christie uncrossed her arms and chuckled softly. “She likes you.”

  “Dogs always do.”

  Christie smiled, some of her hurt feelings over his desertion soothed, now that she understood the cause. And he seemed genuinely regretful over the fact he hadn’t been able to warn her. He hadn’t been playing mind games, he really had a job which didn’t allow him to tell people where he was going and what he was doing. She believed him and trusted him. With her life. And he’d been nothing but honorable since she’d met him.

  Reed sat on the couch, playing with the puppy while she watched. If she’d thought he was sexy before, watching him play with the puppy was even sexier. Then it hit her.

  I am head over heels in love with this man. Everything about him.

  “I’m glad you have a guard dog now,” he said. “You’ll need to train her.”

  “Oh, I plan to. I already signed up for obedience lessons on Saturdays. Mrs. Brown was nice enough to agree to give me Saturdays off, several weeks in a row, which is a lot in the florist business. I’ll be working late on some Friday nights when she needs me though.”

  “How late?”

  “However long it takes to get the arrangements done.”

  “Babe, it’s time to get serious about getting the handgun you were thinking about. Since you can’t take your guard dog everywhere you go. And since I am often called away out of the country, I’d feel better knowing you were taking measures for your safety.”

  Oh, he’s worried about my safety? He must care for me, too.

  The thought made her feel warm inside. “I was pretty scared when the guy broke into my house. I froze. What if I do that when I have a gun? He might take it from me, and then I’d be even worse off.”

  “That’s true, you would. This is why we train. So we don’t freeze, and instead go into the moves we’ve practiced. I can train you past the freeze point--if you’re willing.”

  “I’m willing.”

  “Good. Now let’s talk about getting you set up with a security system. I could install it for you.”

  “Oh, that’s a great idea. Thank you. My friend Tanya needs one too. She has a crazy neighbor.”

  “I could put one in for her, after I set yours up.”

  “That would be great.”

  “Turn on your laptop and we’ll look at some different set ups for security.”

  They spent the rest of the evening looking at things she could do to be more secure and talking late into the night.

  It was good to have him back in her life and to know that he’d never really left. He’d just been deployed. And that made a big difference.

  After two months of dog training, firearms training, and self defense training, the woman Reed picked up for their Saturday night date looked the same and yet different.

  Christie still walked out the door in one of those sexy retro outfits, after punching in the code on the new alarm on her house, but instead of stepping tentatively on those heels, she strode.

  She strode like a woman who had confidence, who would look a man in the eye, instead of blushing and looking down. She was a perfect mix of very feminine and very aware. Not the first female a predator would target. And that gave Reed great satisfaction.

  This was his girl. And no one else’s. She didn’t mind if he had to disappear on a mission and trusted he’d tell her what he could, if and when he could. She didn’t play games and didn’t have a victim’s mindset. After what had happened in the theater, she could have so easily gone the other way. He was glad she hadn’t, and he was proud of her.

  She stepped into his car, and he waited until she was settled before closing the door. He could envision doing this for the rest of their lives, and soon, he would tell her so.

  Driving to the restaurant for dinner, he asked, “Did the police ever find your jewelry at any of the pawn shops?”

  “No, they didn’t recover a thing.” Christie shook her head. “It’s just gone.”

  “That’s a shame,” he said. “Have you thought about replacing things?”

  “Yes, but I just haven’t yet.”

  So she wasn’t a big shopper.

  “Do you prefer gold, silver, white gold, or platinum?”

  She turned her head to face him fully, watching him, and he kept his features neutral and unreadable.

  “I prefer gold, and sometimes, I wear silver, if it suits my clothing better.”

  He nodded. “Hungry? I am.” He changed the subject, and they chatted until they arrived at the restaurant. He didn’t want her to guess what was up for their date tonight.

  When dessert was finally served, he took her hand in his and said, “Christie, you’re a very special woman, and you mean more to me than I can say. I enjoy your company in more ways than I can count. At dinner, on the range, in bed, driving in the car, just sitting and talking with you. I’ve fallen in love with you. I’d like us to take things slowly, but if you’d consider spending the rest of your life with me, marriage is what I see in our future. What I’m hoping for. Before you say yes, let me assure you, I don’t want a fast answer. Marrying a SEAL comes with many challenges. So, I’d like to do something different. If you want this, too, I want to take you shopping for a ring. A pre-engagement ring. Which you’ll keep forever whether this works out between us or not. A ring which simply says, I love you and I believe in our future.”

  Christie, who’d sat gazing at him with starry, then wet, and now eyes which were leaking tears all over her beautiful glowing smile, said, “Yes, Reed. I can see a future with you. I’d love to go shopping for that ring.”

  “The store I had in mind is open late tonight,” he said. “We’d best hurry and eat this piece of pie.”

  Christie took a quick bite with her fork, and then Reed took another. It became a race, until the last bite was gone, and they were laughing. He raised his hand and called for the check. When it came, he took bills from his wallet and left them on the table saying, “Keep the change.”

  The waitress’s jaw dropped. “Thank you, sir.”

  Reed was already out of his chair and helping Christie with her coat. “Enjoy,” he said. “We’re off to pick out a ring.”

  “Oh, congratulations,” she said.

  “Thanks,” Reed and Christie said in unison, both of them feeling like the luckiest people in the world. And to think it all began with one split screen scream.


  About the Author

  Originally from Ohio, Debra has lived in Tennessee, just outside Memphis for the past fifteen years. She has lived in six states and traveled far, setting foot in thirteen countries. Her experience includes work as an independent travel consultant, city recycling coordinator, bank head teller, selling advertising for a weekly newspaper, and as a dance instructor. Ms. Parmley holds a BA in English from Marywood University in Scranton, PA. Debra's western historical romance novels have been called gritty and unflinching. Her first, A Desperate Journey, was an American Title II manuscript. Desert Breeze Publishing published her second western historical romance, Dangerous Ties. Her first contemporary romance, Aboard the Wishing Star, is set on a cruise ship sailing the Caribbean. Trapping the Butterfly, a historical romance set in Hot Springs, AR during the 192
0's will be available April 2013. Debra has always dreamed of sharing her stories with readers all over the world. It is with infinite love and gratitude that she gives thanks to her publishing family and to her readers for helping her to fulfill her dreams. One of her greatest joys is to hear from her readers.

  Also by Debra Parmley

  Protecting Pippa

  ***This book was previously published in Amazon Kindle Worlds***

  If you could have great sex with a hot man who didn’t know who you were, and who you’d never see again, would you do it?

  Pippa’s co-worker asks this question and convinces her to attend a costume-required Halloween party. Pippa has never done one-night stands. She doesn’t even date because she’s hiding on the other side of the country from her crazy ex-husband and hoping he never shows up to kill her. The last time she saw him, he had his hands around her neck and was squeezing tight—before she blacked out. After she came to, she knew she needed to leave their house, and him, forever. She vowed to stay away from men because they often weren’t what they seemed.

  But the chance to have one memorable night while hiding behind an anonymous mask, combined with the fact she hasn’t had sex in over a year, creates a situation where she can’t stop herself from saying yes.

  Tanner “Diesel” Taylor is a SEAL and one of the most responsible men on the planet. So responsible that when his mother died while he was in high school, he helped his father run the garage and supported his four siblings. When he joined the SEALS, he took on the responsibilities that went with the job and vowed he wouldn’t marry and settle down. He’s still not ready to support a wife and kids and, instead, wants to focus on the job and see the world.

  Neither counts on meeting someone they won’t forget. Neither counts on having the best sex of their lives. Neither counts on making a baby.

  Trapping the Butterfly

  (Butterflies Fly Free series Book 1)

  Trapping the Butterfly is book one in Debra Parmley's Butterflies Fly Free series about flappers and gangsters in the 1920’s. Each book focuses on a different flapper.

  Hot Springs Arkansas in the 1920’s is where the wealthy go to “take the baths” for medicinal purposes and where gangsters lay down their Tommy guns while on vacation. Bethany and her aunt and uncle have gone to take the baths hoping to cure her aunt of her illness. Bethany, excited to be celebrating her eighteenth birthday at the Arlington Hotel, can’t wait to cut her long hair into a bob and to raise her hemline and learn to do the Charleston. Her life has been controlled, from the clothes she wears to the food she eats as her aunt and uncle have kept her--and her inheritance--very close. If her aunt and uncle have their way she will return engaged to his new business partner.

  Little does she know Al Capone has rented the entire fourth floor of the Arlington where she is staying with her family, and Suki, the flapper who befriends her, is one of the gang’s molls. One of Al’s men is quite taken with Bethany and wants to make her his girl.

  Detective Paul Tollick chased butterflies when he was young. Now he chases gangsters. His job plunges him into the harsh underworld of gangsters, bootleggers, and fast women. He’s captivated by the sight of innocent Bethany, sitting in the park surrounded by butterflies. He hopes she will be his girl.

  But two other men have determined to catch her and one is a dangerous gangster who is part of Al Capone's gang. Will Bethany exit her cocoon; and then find the strength to fly free or will she be trapped by one of these men?

  Coming of age in the 1920’s is not so easy at it might appear, especially for a young naïve girl who has been sheltered.

  A Change of Scenery

  (The Hunger Roads Trilogy Book 1)

  The Hunger Roads Trilogy: In a futuristic world of GMO’s, and overbearing government, a hot Special Opps soldier rescues an innocent belly dancer and gives her a wild adventure along the way, but there are larger issues to face in a world that has become dangerous and deadly.

  A Change of Scenery:

  Belly dancer Clarrisa Heat is headed from Memphis to the Caribbean for a vacation after a horrible divorce. A change of scenery is just what she needs to forget her troubles. At the Atlanta shuttle station she’s handed a letter, which states she cannot board the Zuilund Super Shuttle until she receives a Sendot injection, a new drug that claims to prevent a new deadly gastrointestinal illness. She stops in a shuttle lounge on her way to check in and gets locked inside the wrecked deserted room with no one to hear her calling and no cell phone service.

  Navy SEAL Warren West finds Clarissa locked in the lounge. Soon they’re on the run because she missed her injection and shuttle, which lands her on the militia’s watch list. The heirloom herbs she grows in her bedroom will mark her a terrorist on Benjamin Innovative Genetics Corporation’s most wanted list if they’re discovered.

  All Clarissa wanted was A Change of Scenery to live her new mantra… No men, just sand and beach. Is a change of scenery what she needs or is it Warren? And will he cause her to change her mantra?

  Note From the Author

  I wish we lived in a world in which there were no live shooters and people could go anywhere safely, but that’s not the world we live in. So what can we do?

  Knowledge is power. We can arm ourselves with knowledge, which might save our lives and the lives of others.

  How can you prepare for an active shooter situation?

  Whether you are in a movie theater, concert, restaurant, store, or watching a parade, know where your quickest points of exit/egress are at all times. Just as you should check for fire exits in any building you are in.

  The following DHS links for Active Shooter resources including videos and written guidance on preparedness and “best practices” in the event of an active live shooter event.

  Follow the following DHS links for Active Shooter resources including videos and written guidance on preparedness and best practices in the event of an active shooter event.





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