Naughty Nibbles Anthology Read online

Page 7


  Maybe not. Perhaps if she were masturbating, the silicone ridges would be just fine. But the added eroticism of having him here, controlling the pace as well as the scene nearly proved to be her undoing.

  She rocked forward as he turned up the speed.

  Deep in her pussy, she felt a climax begin to build.

  Ryan inserted a finger in her vagina.

  Sensations threatened to overwhelm.

  "Ride it,” he told her. “Ride it out."

  She began to rock. Her entire body buzzed from the tantalising pressure on her naked flesh.

  He brought another finger up inside her. Ryan was stretching her, pulling her. And then he kissed her above the pubic bone as he turned the power on high. Losing all sense of thought, along with her balance, she grabbed on to him, finding a fistful of his cotton T-shirt.

  She arched her back involuntarily, tipping back her head, her hair streaming down her back as she simultaneously reached for more and tried to escape the sizzling sensations.

  He began to move his fingers inside her.

  He fucked her hard.

  Sir Arthur's “Overture di Ballo” swelled, the music fast and furious, demanding, leading up to that magnificent finale.

  Sophie screamed as she came in an explosion of physical reactions.

  Slowly, as the music ended, he started to decrease the vibrations. But she still couldn't take it. She dropped the toy on the carpet and wrapped both hands around his neck. “Ryan."

  "A bit of alright, was it?"

  "Ah. Yes."


  It took several long moments before she was able to manoeuvre well enough to put both feet on the living room floor. She sank down onto her knees, still holding on to him.

  Her legs were wobbly and her whole body felt radiantly alive. Was it the toy, or was it him?

  "Watching you and your reactions..."

  "I need to take care of you,” she said.

  "No need. I came when you did."

  Her eyes widened. “Oh."

  "Woman, what you do to a man is probably illegal in most countries."

  "Makes me a lawbreaker."

  "Unrepentant, as well,” he added. “Any ideas what we should do about that?"

  "Oh, I've one or two ideas, lawman,” she said, reaching for the bullet.

  He took it from her. “There's a setting we haven't tried yet."

  Thrill, desire, and anticipation all collided deep inside her. She wondered if she'd survive him.

  Chapter Four

  Both sisters were waiting for her when Sophie finally arrived at the shoppe the next morning, about half an hour later than usual. What could she say? It had been a very long night. She might be tired, but the adrenaline buzz had yet to wear off. Ryan Kelley was one sexy bite of deliciousness.

  She shut the door behind her. “Good morning!"

  Gracie peeked her head around the corner. “We're back here, Soph."

  The smile she'd been forming, as fake as it was, crumbled when she joined them in the back room. Katie and Gracie were both sitting around the small oak table. Something very serious was going on.

  No one had brewed up.

  Nothing got in the way of their morning tea. More than a habit, sharing a pot of Earl Grey together was a ritual. It soothed when there was bad news, and it helped them celebrate the good times. So its absence was profound.

  Were they that annoyed that she hadn't told them about Ryan?

  She took a breath and tried the smile again as she mentally prepared the details they'd want to hear. She'd be revealing without being salacious. That should be easy enough. She'd just have to leave out the bit where he actually inserted the vibrator in her cunt while licking her clit. Oh, yeah, and the part where he...

  "Sophie!” Katie said.

  "Sorry. My mind drifted. I know you want to hear all about last night with the constable—"

  "Sophie, we have news."

  Her oldest sister's comment stopped her dead in her tracks. “Oh?” It was then that she noticed the sheaf of papers in the middle of the table. “Bad?"

  Katie's hair was pulled up in a knot. A chignon, she called it. Fancy name for something that took less than three seconds to accomplish, Sophie had decided. But Katie figured it gave her a sophisticated look. And if that pleased her, so be it.

  "We're finally getting our chance,” Gracie said.

  "For?” She pulled back a chair and completed the circle.

  "We've been offered a radio show."

  Her jaw dropped. This time, Ryan wasn't around to helpfully close it for her. “Oh. My. God!” She reached for the contract. “Our demo must have rolled down their socks. Told you it would. We're good.” She stretched out her arms and made little circles. “We're good. We're good."

  "Ask when we start,” Katie said. “Not that I want to ruin your happy dance."

  Always practical, that one. Making herself behave, Sophie scanned the pages for pertinent details. It couldn't possibly be right. “They want us to start, when?"

  "This Saturday,” Katie said. “We'll be given a trial run for three months."

  "What?” she demanded.

  "They had a host quit unexpectedly. So there's an opening."

  "We can't be ready for a radio show in four days!"

  "Of course we can,” Gracie said.

  At times, Sophie wondered if her youngest sister's flame of eternal optimism ever diminished. Either that or she was just plain and simply fruity.

  "Just takes some organising,” she added quietly. After dropping that bomb, she studied her nails. Suddenly, her silver polish seemed very intriguing.

  Sophie and Gracie both looked at Katie. Katie sighed. “If anyone else wants to organise this..."

  Her sentence hung in the air unfinished.

  "I'll brew up,” Sophie said, standing.

  "I'll just fetch the cups and the milk, then,” Gracie supplied.

  Katie muttered something about “rats” and “abandoning a sinking ship.” Sophie turned the water on.

  When the two younger sisters returned to the table, Katie was already powering up her notebook computer to open a new spreadsheet. Within hours, she'd have e-mails in each of their inboxes, with specific instructions and deadlines.

  And Ryan thought Sophie was a control freak.

  "We'll need to do some brainstorming,” Katie said. “About how we want to introduce ourselves, what our first topic will be."

  "Callers!” Sophie said. “We need people to call in."

  "We can send out a special announcement to our e-mail list.” Katie turned a yellow pencil sideways and stuck it in her mouth, much like a horse might do with a bit.

  Why she was holding a pencil, Sophie had no idea. The woman used only PDAs and computers these days. Absently, she wondered if Katie even knew that pencils were for something other than chewing on.

  "Gracie, you design the flyer. Right. Next, we need a topic."

  Gracie smiled. “I know. Sophie can tell us all about how she gives demonstrations of vibrators. Isn't that above and beyond the call of duty?” She poured herself a cup of tea and added a dollop of milk while Sophie blinked.

  So much for thinking she was off the hook.

  "Masturbation,” Katie said. “An excellent first topic. Sophie, we'll follow your lead. You can tell all of Britain about your escapade with the Rocket and with Ryan."

  Both sisters looked at Sophie, eyebrows raised, waiting for all the juicy details.

  Her heart did an odd, little skip when Sophie saw Ryan walking up his path towards his home.

  What a hot piece of merchandise.

  His white shirt was a bit rumpled from a long day at work. He'd loosened the knot in his tie, and he carried his cap tucked between his bicep and chest. Yum and a dollop of cream. “Surprise,” she said quietly, pushing her shoulders away from his front door and emerging from the lengthening evening shadows.


  "Good evening, co

  This was more than just a bit of fun. Watching Ryan's reaction—his frown of puzzlement fading to a lazy half smile—was rewarding.

  "I had planned to come round to your flat a bit later this evening,” he said, pausing at the bottom of the two steps that led up to his front porch.

  "I was too impatient to wait another moment.” She'd arrived about three quarters of an hour ago, making sure she would be here when Ryan finished his shift. She had been pacing and fidgeting, playing with her handbag the entire time, wondering what his reaction would be. “I'm celebrating, and I think it's time for a bit of quid pro quo."

  "Quid pro quo, is it?"

  "You've caught me off guard a couple of times. I thought it was high time to return the favour."

  "I didn't even know that you had any idea where I lived."

  "Another surprise,” she said.

  "What's in your handbag?"

  "Surprise number three."

  "Can't wait.” He raised a brow in that sexy way of his. “And what are you celebrating?"

  "The Albin sisters have their very own radio show this weekend.” She all but bounced on the balls on her feet.


  "My sisters think the first topic should be masturbation."

  "And you'd be leading the discussion, I take it. Seems perfect."

  She grinned. “They think I've taken the art to a whole new level in the last few days."

  "You have,” he agreed. “Good thing you started that scientific experiment when you did. Saturday, you say?"

  She nodded.

  "Happy to help in anyway I can. Public service and all that. Let's see what else we can give you to talk about."

  "Are you going to invite me in so we can get started?” she asked as she moved, or rather, sashayed towards him. She quite liked the fact he'd stayed at the bottom of the two steps. It gave her a welcomed height advantage. “Or shall I seduce you here in plain view of all the neighbours?"

  She took his policeman's hat from him and put it on her own head. He laughed when the brim fell forward and covered her eyes.

  He repositioned the cap and then kissed her deeply. He tasted of sin and seduction, with a hint of something fresh and minty.

  Her mouth opened in a shocked “O” when he ended the kiss.

  "For what I've in mind for you, my impatient seductress,” he said, “you'd best hightail it inside."

  "Hey!” She pushed the hat's brim back with her index finger. “I came over to seduce you, not the other way around.” Naughtily, Sophie linked her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, wiggling against him suggestively, not giving tuppence who might be watching.

  "Well, isn't that too bad for you, Ms. Albin?"

  He gazed at her. His eyes were the colour of a lightning storm, and her insides turned to liquid. He brought his hand down on her derriere, a little harder than she would have ever expected. She gasped. The difference in the way he was looking at her and the way he swatted her was so marked that her head spun.

  He didn't move his hand, instead, Ryan left it there on her rear. His fingers were splayed, and his touch felt possessive.

  She felt his erection against her stomach.

  Need swirled and pulsed.

  "Now, Sophie,” he said quietly, the words a whisper in her ear, “would you like to come inside, or would you like Mrs. Gaston across the street to see me pull up your skirt?"

  She blinked.

  "Wave,” he said. “Mrs. Gaston has the curtains pulled back on the right side. She's watching you."

  "Good thing you're the law."

  "As if that will stop her from ringing 999 to report my suspicious behaviour."

  "Ohhhhh. Ring 999. Make a policeman come."

  "You're closer to having a policeman come than you might imagine.” He moved his right hand lower. Now his palm was on her upper thigh. Her breathing suddenly constricted in her throat. He moved his hand so that he was moving up the inside of her skirt.

  "Are you wearing knickers?"

  Sophie was shocked. She had really believed she was less inhibited than Ryan Kelley. The dastardly man repeatedly proved her wrong.

  He hitched her skirt up a bit more. “You're not. Naughty girl. Like you were expecting something this evening?"

  Cool evening air swirled between her thighs. “Ryan?"

  "Hmm?” He licked her ear. Licked her ear! Before she could protest, he bit the tender flesh of her lobe. “Stockings?” he asked.

  Yes, she had on stockings and a garter belt.


  The feel of him, skin to naked skin, made goose bumps prickle her flesh.

  "There are decency laws,” he reminded her, just like he'd said the first night at the shoppe. “I'm violating them."

  She reached for the door knob. “Give me your key."


  "Your house key!"

  "You're getting impatient?” he asked nonchalantly.

  "I've been here an hour.” Well it seemed like it anyway, even if it was a touch of an exaggeration. “Yes, I'm impatient!"

  With his free hand, he fished in his front pant's pocket. His cock felt even harder against her.

  "Did you bring your vibrator?"


  In seconds he had the key in the lock. He swore viciously when it wouldn't turn on the first three attempts.

  She laughed. He swatted her ass.

  "Right, then,” he said when he got the door unlocked and opened. He swung her up and hefted her over his left shoulder in a fireman's carry.

  "Ryan! What are you thinking?” His hat toppled to the pavement. Her handbag swung behind them, and breath whooshed from her lungs.

  "About watching you climax."

  He flipped up her skirt. Thank God she was facing the street. That meant her nearly-naked hindquarters were pointed in the direction of the front door, rather than exposed for the neighbours to see.

  He bent his knees so she could grab his hat. “Be quick about it."

  "Got it."

  He kicked the door closed. She grabbed hold of his belt for security when he started up the stairs.

  Her hair streamed down his back and she could barely move. “Ryan!"

  Ryan didn't set her down until he plopped her onto a bed. The master bedroom? She dropped both his hat and her handbag and scooted back on the bed, using her heels to try and put some distance between them.

  "Where's your vibrator?"

  Suddenly, in his territory, with him being so big and commanding, her nerves were made of something other than steel. Like, oh, say, a boiled pasta noodle. Her heart was racing, and her hand was shaking.

  Maybe braving the lion in his own den wasn't such a good idea. Better to be in her flat where she felt more in control.

  "Sophie?” He grabbed her right ankle and pulled off her high heeled shoe. Casually, he tossed it in the corner.

  Still holding her foot prisoner, he used his other hand to untie the knot at his throat. “I asked where your vibrator is."

  "In my handbag."

  He looped one end of his tie around her ankle, and then threaded the other through two slats on the footboard. Sophie was nearly delirious with desire. In seconds, he'd fetched another tie from the wardrobe. He removed her left shoe and tossed it, as well. “Scoot your ass a little closer toward me."

  "But—” She broke off. Of course her legs would be spread even wider, uncomfortably so, if she did that. That was exactly what he wanted.

  She did as he requested. He secured her other ankle.

  It wasn't so tight that she couldn't get out, but the kicker was, she didn't want to get away.

  "Take off your shirt,” he said.

  "Uhmm ... Not sure you've noticed, but I'm tied up."

  "That'll make your efforts all the more interesting. Strip."

  She was game.

  She unbuttoned her blouse, starting from the bottom and working up. The cotton parted, exposing her midriff. As she slid more buttons thro
ugh their holes, her chest was exposed.

  He stood at the foot of the bed, arms crossed over his chest, studying her.

  This was different.

  She usually used music to set the mood and drive the intensity, from something soft and soothing, to Enrico Caruso, to Vivaldi, to techno. But with him, there was nothing but the intense drag of silence. She was hyper aware of her own breathing and his presence.

  Sophie shrugged, letting the material fall from her shoulders to pool on the bed behind her.

  She waited a few moments to see if he'd say anything. He didn't. Instead, he allowed the silence to stretch, heightening her anticipation.

  "Now your bra."

  Her mouth dried. But she reached behind her for the clasp.

  Sophie took her sweet time. He was a voyeur. She'd prolong the anticipation as long as possible.

  She rolled her shoulders forward and brought her hands up to cover her breasts. While he watched, she drew her breasts together, fondling herself, feeling her breasts becoming more and more sensitive. Sophie then squeezed her nipples until they were hard and erect.

  He made a low, guttural sound. And she was enjoying the headiness of her power. Her feet may be bound, but she had the control.

  With a glance in his direction, she moved her hands, and then tossed back her head, arching her back and thrusting her chest forward, as if making him an offer of her breasts.

  He couldn't resist, exactly as she was hoping.

  He put one knee on the bed and took hold of her breasts. He suckled first one, then the other. This time, it was Sophie who was moaning and making little sounds of desperation.

  She felt herself moisten, and there was no doubt they could both already smell the sharp scent of her arousal.

  She was very much aware of her state of undress. She still had on her skirt, stockings and garter belt.

  "You're a sight to arouse a man, Sophie Albin.” At that point, he moved faster than she'd ever seen, pushing her down on the bed and drawing her skirt up around her waist.

  Reflexively, she tried to sit up, but having her legs spread so far apart and tied to the bed made it impossible.

  He fetched a couple of pillows. “I'll help you, but you need to lift your hips."

  It took considerable effort, but between them, they managed to place two good sized pillows under her rear.