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- Sharon Riegie Maynard
Remembering Earth Mission Page 4
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Page 4
Muffled shouts shook Myra awake. Waves of pain rippled through her space. The rhythm of the heart and the breathing apparatus changed. She felt sensations that were foreign to her. Unfamiliar sounds, harsh and loud, penetrated her enclosed space.
Myra quickly moved her mind to switch on her communication systems. Why hadn’t she done that before?
Her space was being jostled, falling and moving. With this terror jerky movements and waves of pain, it was difficult to turn the switches to activate the codes, to connect to her outreach systems. Myra calmed herself and commanded the body suit to be quiet, to slow. With great effort, Myra created distance from the harshness and confusion to allow herself to locate the switches. Mentally, she pulled them as she had practiced so many times.
Not possible Myra thought.
She breathed, remembered and tried again.
Her energy slowed, stopped, started again.
Even as her carrying space quieted, Myra’s fear escalated. She searched the body’s circuitry. Again she reached out; nothing. She scanned the vehicle. There were missing systems, incorrect codes. What had happened? Control center, the channel for her team was weak, so weak that she could barely hear their voices. She was finding significant problems, and Myra felt unable to contact her control team. Her assurance of self, of purpose, of the mission began to fade.
Now Myra screamed. Help! Something is wrong with me! I’m not okay! I’m lost! I'm alone! I’ll never make it Home.
Then came the shadows.
Tears rolled down Myra's tiny face. Her parents wondered at their beautiful sleeping daughter. Were these tears of enchantment? Probably not sadness in one so young. Perhaps she had a slight illness that was cleansing through her eyes. They rocked her small cradle and hushed any fears.
"Dana, I need some help," Myra called out. "The circuitry within this body is wrong!"
“I’ll see what I can find out,” Dana reassured her. “It may take a little time, but I will be back.”
Myra’s tears slowed. She drifted into an uneasy sleep, and from that place of inner calm, focused away from earth; she reached to Behra. She knew that her touch would jog a memory, a response that had a softening effect on him. Also, it gave her a sense of comfort. She would hold this connection while she waited to hear from Dana.
Dana followed the lines of energy beginning at the top of Myra’s small body. She watched lights move through tiny threads that wove, crossed and connected. They knew that there had been some Outsider re-engineering. The planning council for the Restore mission had considered those changes. But as she compared what she saw in Myra’s tiny body to the Divine pattern, Dana was dumbfounded.
The Ancients had hoped that birthing into the physical body, would change the energy by over-riding the crippled circuitry. But had they considered that the body systems were too disrupted or know that the Outsiders had replaced the body blueprint pattern with one of their design?
Dana reported back to Myra.
“My friend, what I have found is very shocking. Now, remember this is my first scan, and I am going back Home to go over these figures and configurations with the experts there. We may have to do some troubleshooting as the mission progresses, but we can do that if you keep calling to us for help.”
Myra's tears and sobs had returned. Her mother lifted her from the cradle to calm and nurse her precious daughter. Myra would not be comforted and cried without relief. Finally, tired and weak, she could no longer stay awake. Her cries slowly subsided as her mother rocked and sang. Assured that Myra would be okay while the Council decided what needed to be done; Dana kissed the top of the small baby head and moved away.
Dana had not wanted to alarm Myra. There was nothing that her friend could do at this point. Dana and the Council needed this additional information. Myra found that wiring for spiritual communications was overlaid with disruptive devices; the emotional flow was re-routed through the mental center. The power center at the Solar Plexus was disconnected and in its present state would never function as intended. The evolutionary circuitry, the steps that had been so carefully coded into the DNA, had been disconnected by the Outsiders. The change would make it virtually impossible to move from survival on this new planet into the abilities needed to connect to the Soul vision. The path to take one's place in the greater mission and then gracefully access their higher Spiritual powers had been crippled. She was silent, contemplating the information.
As Dana realized the gravity of the situation, tears welled up in her eyes and her heart constricted with the pain.
"Do you know what this means?" Dana spoke to no one, panicked at what she had seen. "Myra is stuck in a crippled body with no way to accomplish her mission. If Jerra has a body similar in any way, he can never accomplish his. What about Tuma and the others? How widespread is this crippling?"
Dana knew that answers to these questions were critical. She also realized that Myra's systems would become mired if she were to panic. Dana shifted her focus to Behra and Jerra. To her dismay, she found their circuitry as damaged as was Myra's. The damage clouded Behra's consciousness. Also, he now struggled with the effect of the density of domination within his home. Myra had been awake enough to ask for help while Behra was slipping into forgetfulness.
Returning to her home, Dana asked to speak to before the Galactic Council. She stood before this august group to report on Myra’s request and of her findings. Her words carried her sense of urgency. The members listened and asked questions that revealed concern. But, there was not the shock that Dana had anticipated. She wondered if they realized the gravity of the problems.
After careful listening, Sela, the President of the Council, leaned forward across the Council table. Her words were a response to Dana's unasked question.
"Yes, dear one, as you know we were aware of problems in the circuitry. We had hoped that the Light bodies would override the crippling.
"Ever since the Original mission force was discovered, the planning Council have been brainstorming various possibilities. The Consortium outreach you were on prepared to walk in Light bodies among the Ancients to awaken and inspire. Although the density and control over the Earth volunteers had overwhelmed their remembrance, we did not give up. The next possibility was that Divine Family member directly birthing into physical bodies and Earth families, the Restore Mission, would awaken the Ancient Ones. Since that is not happening, there is another plan. This plan requires a smaller group. It will involve volunteers who will birth as planned, but with additional assignments."
Dana listened intently.
Jeon, another Galactic Council member, stood, walked around the table and continued.
"They all carry a deep sense of love and unity, the natural state of our Galactic family. This subliminal sense may cause them to feel alone, outsiders, strangers in a strange land. At a given time, a code within each of these Galactic family members will trigger and awaken them to their true identity. Their awareness of something wrong and missing piece in Earth cultures will be a spark that ignites their quest.
"Pain may be the motivation. Seeing themselves and others trapped in ways they do not understand, they will search for answers. Their quest will be to find causes of humanity’s unrelenting limits and pain, not just to understand it but to remove it. With each request, we can help inform, release and transform the density. Eventually, it will be recognized that domination and exploitation exist throughout humanity and is foreign to humanity’s true nature. Realizing the dire conditions of the Earth families, this group will come to an awareness that more is needed. Voices of those on this mission will demand answers. With this shift into a demand to know more, Spiritual teams can step in as had been planned. Through the commitment and efforts of this motivated group, the distorted energy imprints, created from lifetimes among the Earth families, will be lifted.
"The goal of this group is not to convince others, but to remember their divinity, to hold fast
to their inner knowing and to ask to be returned to Divine vibrations. They on Earth and we teams in Spirit will work together to identify all that was seeded and hidden. The imprints of the Outsiders agenda cause domination, violence, entrapment and prevent humanity's evolution. This group will understand that anything that results in chaos and distorted energy is "Outsider imprint." When it is named, we can bring together all that has been created to transform or eliminate these disruptive forces. This group will be shown what has been hidden, awaken to Soul assignment, restore the authority of voice and anchor new energy vortexes to the planet. Their awareness will draw them together in conscious groups around the world. At their request, the original wiring of the energy of the bodysuit will be done. They will integrate with their Soul identity, and be empowered to stand in their full glory. Waking their wholeness will cause falseness to begin to drop from other Ancient Ones.
"During this time, this group will lead the way as the Original Earth Mission force awakens. Remembering their right to make choices for this planet, the Ancient Ones can then declare, “This is our home! Outsider's domination and fear-based experiences are NOT Acceptable here! There can no longer be abuse, neglect or mistreatment. Earth is a sphere where all experience peace, abundance, and joy now! All lack, hate, war, and deception is revealed for what it is, Parasitic imprints of falseness and domination. We command that it be banished from this galaxy! We demand a return to Earth's original plan and glory. "
As Dana heard the proposal, she grasped at the magnitude of the endeavor.
"And are the volunteers for this portion of the task known?" she asked.
"Yes, and the number of volunteers are significant. Those who first awaken, transform and anchor the vortexes will be few, but those who follow and step into wholeness will be many. It will be as if Earth Mission Natives suddenly wake up and recognize their true nature. They will effortlessly create peace, beauty, trust, and abundance. Earth will lighten and exist as the sphere she was intended to be. It is a monumental undertaking. We need not tell you how critical it is for the Earth and the Galaxy."
Jeon paused and looked back at the other Council members.
Now, Sela leaned forward. "Dana, we are asking you to lead the mission."
Dana reeled. She searched the faces of those around her. What were they asking?
Sela stood and walked toward Dana. She moved effortlessly. Taking Dana's hands into her own, she looked deeply into Dana's eyes.
"We need you there."
Dana's mind raced. How much time did she have to consider? Could she do this? Then she stopped. She was thinking by Earth's rules. Here, in her Galactic home, an assignment was given, and she would accept.
How she longed for Jerra. She called to him through the ethers and on the Earth; a small boy suddenly looked up from his studies. What a strange feeling, he thought.
And then, he went back to his assigned task puzzled at the buzzing energy he felt through his body. "I’m hungry," he concluded, trying to explain what he felt that could not be seen.
The Encounter
50,000 years ago -Cro-Magnon
Eve kicked the loose sand with her feet as she walked with Adam. The nagging feelings were still with her and marred the peace she usually felt in their garden. Eve slowed her pace, thinking of what her ancient teacher had introduced. She had reminded Eve that in this world there were societies of Outsiders who constricted the vibrancy of life. Deep in thought, Adam moved a little ahead of her. He was rounding the bend when Eve looked up. She hurried to catch up with him.
And then she felt it, a whishhh, and a sharp twist in her belly, her Solar Plexus center. Eve held the energy spot as she stopped and leaned over to catch her breath. She felt light-headed, a bit dizzy. She stood. And as Eve stood, her eyes locked onto the eyes of a stranger. Who was this one in their garden? Eve stood, eyes open, senses alert.
Adam looked at her, sensing her hesitancy without understanding it. He reached out for her hand and together they walked forward to the place where the stranger stood, smiling.
Current Day
With each lifetime on the Earth, the mission volunteers found themselves in reoccurring situations. Sexual rape by a parent in one life took the form of abuse by a spouse in another. Anger and rage at a mother's unfulfilled promise of protection became an unreasonable distrust of women in the next. Death from rocks hurled by an angry mob became dull back pains in another lifetime.
And so the mission force who came to give their gifts experienced the power of Outsider enslavement and the debilitating effect of control and fear. In each lifetime, domination and chaos appeared unbidden and sabotaged their life. Earth's density dimmed their consciousness. Their Divine gifts were like dreams, silly possibilities and cynicism replaced hope.
With their fractured memory of home, Earth life was empty. They buried parts of themselves to survive. And so there were questions, "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" "Can't others see the craziness of this place?" "What is my mission?" "Will I recognize the call?" "When can I go Home?"
Their Spiritual friends continued to speak to them, but the curtain of darkness became dense, the frequency that carried the Spiritual guidance was distorted, and the words of Mission were lost.
The volunteers felt isolated and abandoned. They were confused at the insanity they saw on the planet. At various times, they tried to step out of the density and the pain, but the distorted wiring, false body patterns kept them stuck.
Rory felt shaken. He was troubled by the events of the afternoon. His years as a counselor had been moderately satisfying, not fulfilling in the way he had hoped. Too many clients slipped deeper into despair, the casualties of society. It seemed to be getting worse. How could he help them and stop the escalation?
This sense of despair was not a new feeling. What was disconcerting were the visions. At first night dreams that he had accepted and ignored. Lately, they had begun to filter in during his days. Delusions are what his colleagues would call them. Rory had assured himself that it was just stress, and he would be more consistent with his self-care. But, this afternoon, the woman he had checked into the Center had unnerved him. Somehow her eyes and his dreams were connected. He didn't even understand that idea. Now he was concerned. The images were no longer only night visions.
Gerri wept, holding her dog close. What was the matter with people? Her parents said she was too sensitive. "No need to be all upset at others' pain. Life is not always smooth or even just. There are more important things to worry about, like school assignments and plans for the future," they said.
But, Gerri's heart cried out. Why the pain? Why the group clicks, the divisions? She saw hurt everywhere and asked, "Why?"
People were so isolated and hostile. Their pessimism made the world ugly.
"Why?" echoed throughout her being.
Bob slipped his backpack to the ground and stretched. He threw his arms out and sucked in the mountain air, the scent of trees, water, and wildflowers.
Being in nature made life worthwhile! He lived for the weekends to get away from the busy rush and isolated living of the city. He loved the peace and beauty of his mountains.
How long had it been since his last visit – two months?
No, three! Much too long.
Pam leaned on the pole for support. Her head throbbed.
"To hell with life!" she thought. "I'm through! From now on I fight like everyone else. Whatever I need to do to survive, I'll do. There's no one but me to take care of me!"
She thought her father would never stop! And where was her Mom? Just where she had always been working in the kitchen as if nothing was wrong! Her anger at the man she had known as "father" was surpassed only by the rage she felt at her mother.
She'd never go back, no matter what she had to do!
ost in thought, Rory walked from the parking lot. He turned the corner and headed toward his apartment complex.
Slipping the key into the apartment's door lock, he paused.
"Get a grip on yourself. You encounter situations like this every working day. Why has this one thrown you such a curve?"
He thought for a moment and then breathed a sigh of relief. Of course. It was Friday. The week had been hectic, new clients, court cases. He just needed a break to recoup.
Smiling, he turned the key. The apartment door opened to his cozy home. Rory bent, picked up the evening paper from the mat, stepped inside and closed the door. He dropped the paper and keys on the hall table as if shedding the outside world.
Heading into his bedroom, Rory kicked off his shoes and flopped onto the bed. He had no time constraints for the entire weekend. His tired muscles relaxed, and his mind drifted. Soon he was breathing deeply and slowly.
From far away, Rory heard a sound, a phone ringing. Not far away. The ring again. His phone. It jarred him back to the bedroom, and he quickly reached to answer.
"Dr. James?" came the voice over the line.
"Yes." Rory's voice was groggily, and he coughed to clear his throat' "Hello." He spoke again trying to sound alert and professional.
It was his assistant at the Center.
"I'm sorry to bother you, Dr. James. It's the woman we admitted this afternoon. She's insisting she must leave. We have orders to notify you of any changes."
The Center was his project. He had established it to assist women in trouble, a place for the emotionally wounded. It provided time, space and support as they turned their lives around. It had been his brainchild, and because of the Center, many had been helped during the last three years. It was not unusual that with the Center's needs, Rory's work extended beyond the hours in his downtown counseling office.