Love So Heavenly (A Clean Christian African American Romance) Read online

Page 3


  “What did I tell you?” Raymond asked as they made their way back home. He lived in midtown in an apartment and worked as an accountant at a large firm uptown. Tyrese had never left him out and they were always going places together. “I saw how taken you were with that girl and her singing.”

  “So were you,” Tyrese spared him an amused glance as he negotiated the surprisingly heavy traffic going home. It was a little after eleven and he did not feel the least bit sleepy. He was remembering what she sounded like on stage. “But you were right and I have spoken to her and told her I want to make her into a star.”

  “You told her that?” Raymond looked at him frowning. “She goes to church man so you better watch it.”

  “It’s not like that bro; get your mind out of the gutter.” He said in amusement. “I am interested in her talent that’s all.”

  He looked around swiftly as his friend burst out laughing. “That remains to be seen. She is definitely your type bro, no doubt about that.”

  “And what exactly is my type?” he asked his friend as he pulled up outside his apartment building.

  “Female, very attractive and with a pulse.” Raymond said with a laugh as he opened the door to get out. “But unlike the others this one is totally out of reach and will give you a run for your money.” He jogged away before his friend could say anything.

  Tyrese pulled away from the curb and merged into traffic, his mind busy. Raymond was right. He dated women indiscriminately as long as they suited his tastes and he had no qualms about telling them goodbye as soon as he was bored. But he was not interested in Kayla Simmons like that. As she claimed, she was in a relationship with Jesus and there was no way he could ever want to get involved in a woman who was so deeply committed to church, even he had his limits.


  Kayla read the chapter of the Bible and put the marker inside it before closing it. She had her devotion every night before going to bed and would often look back at the day and wondered if she had lived up to her Christian principles.

  Her mind wandered to the conversation she had had with Tyrese Malcolm and wondered if she had been polite enough or warm enough. Should she have told him about Jesus? Or maybe it had not been the right time. She got up and took out his card again looking at it. She put the card away and went on her knees and started praying. “Lord you know my thoughts and my inner being and you know everything about me. The hidden desires of my heart and I am asking you right now to reveal them to me and direct me in the way I should go. I am leaving everything to you and I am asking you to shelter me from all that is wrong and let your will be done in my life. Amen.”

  Chapter 3

  “You are going to church?” Tariq looked at his brother in amazement as he shrugged into his dark blue jacket with the red pin stripe and buttoned the middle of it. Usually he slept in on the weekends and would come down for a late breakfast and then head somewhere to take out the woman he was currently seeing to some fancy restaurant or to the movies or wherever he fancied. This morning he was up with the birds and looking as sharp as a tack. Tariq and Lorelei had come down early to eat and then go and visit with her parents for the day. “Who is she?”

  “Does it always have to do with a female?” he asked impatiently pouring himself a cup of coffee and shaking his head no to the maid who wanted to know if he was eating. Even she looked surprise to see him down so early.

  “Yes!” both Tariq and Lorelei uttered at the same time.

  “I am going to change your opinion of me, you wait,” Tyrese said with a grin as he sipped the coffee. “I discovered a talent last night at the outdoor concert I went to.” He looked at his brother. “You were the one who told me to find a project and see it through to the end. I am about to do so.”

  “What talent are we talking about?”

  “She is a gospel singer bro and she has a voice like an angel. I intend to turn her into the next big thing.” He put aside his empty cup and snatched a croissant off his sister in law’s plate.

  “You are going to be producing some girl who goes to church and expose her to the uncertainty of the music industry?” Tariq looked at him frowning. His brother was big on impulse but this was going too far even for him. “What if it does not work out?”

  “Thanks for your vote of confidence,” he said dryly leaning over to kiss Lorelei on the cheek. “What do you see in this guy?”

  “Be careful you don’t bring the poor girl’s hopes up and dash it to pieces Ty,” Lorelei told him gently patting him on the jaw.

  “I thought you were on my side.”

  “I am,” she told him with a smile. “But I am also a female and I know your reputation with them.”

  “This one is different.”


  Kayla saw him as soon as he entered the building. The church was packed to capacity and the choir was decked out in their burgundy robe with the gold collar. She was wearing a simple blue and white cotton dress and had caught her hair up in an elegant chignon at the nape of her neck. She had gold earrings and the only other jewelry was her big bronze watch. She had chosen to wear white pumps that gave her a little added height.

  He was hard to miss and as he walked in, eyes were drawn to him. He exuded confidence and arrogance, the kind that came with knowing how much you are worth and how good you looked. Her father spoke often about men like him so she knew how to avoid them. He came right up front and sat after smilingly asking to be excused and looked at her. She avoided his eyes and concentrated fiercely on what Sister Reid was saying about the bake sale and the soup kitchen as she made the announcements and the welcome. “I see we have a young man in our midst this morning and he is very recognizable. Could you please stand Mr. Malcolm and let us welcome you to The Holiness Sanctuary properly?”

  He stood up immediately and turned around to those at the back with a charming smile on his handsome face. “Thank you,” he said loudly as the clapping stopped. “I am happy to be here.”

  “We hope you will be blessed by the service sir.” Mrs. Reid said with a beaming smile. “And now without further ado the choir is going to render an item. I want to offer my congratulations to our dear sister Kayla Simmons for her outstanding performance at the outdoor concert last night. For those of you who had not made it, you missed out on something wonderful.”

  “Hear! Hear!” Tyrese called out causing all eyes to turn to him.

  “Thank you Sister Reid,” Kayla said with a smile as she stood up. “We will be singing ‘To God be the Glory’ and as we sing this song I want us to remember that nothing we do is of ourselves but our gifts come from up above.” She deliberately met Tyrese’s eyes.

  The choir started with the chorus but you could hear her distinctive voice above that of the many voices, it could not be hidden. Tyrese found himself leaning forward as she did her solo piece. As she had done last night she closed her eyes and it was as if she was transformed. He felt himself being drawn in and he felt the shiver running up and down his spine as he listened to her. She was beyond good. She was magnificent and the world deserved to hear her.

  He felt the pang of disappointment when the song ended and could not take his eyes off her. A Reverend Simmons came on just then and his eyes narrowed as he realized that it was her father. “Brothers and sisters: good morning and thank you for coming out to the Lord’s house this pleasant Sunday morning. We have a lot to give thanks for and as the choir sang the chorus: ‘To God be the glory’ I sat there and realized that his glory is bigger than anything we have ever experienced. The rich man asked our Savior Jesus what must he do to be saved and he answered him saying that he should keep the commandments and of course the young man answered and said he had been doing that since he was a child. But he told him to do one more thing: sell all his possessions and give the money to the poor but the young man walked away very sad and disconsolate because as the Bible said he had a lot of possessions.” He looked down into the congregation and Tyrese had a f
eeling he was talking to him. “Our earthly possessions will all be left behind when we die, my brothers and sisters and what do we have then? What are we going to say to our heavenly father when he asks the question: where have you laid up your treasure?”

  Kayla tuned him out as she often did when he was preaching. She had learned to do so at a very early age and had stopped being guilty about it a long time ago. She took a peek at her mother who was in her usual position on the podium seated in a deep cushioned chair with padded handles. She looked like what she was: the first lady and was dressed accordingly in a mint green dress with white collars and matching hat that dipped over one side of her face. Her shoes were the same color of the dress and Kayla found herself wondering if she ever got tired of being the perfect wife to a man who did not appreciate it?

  She had no idea that her mind had wandered away for so long and jumped a little guiltily as her father announced that the choir would now sing. She found her eyes drawn to Tyrese as the congregation stood up and they started singing a song she had written called: ‘His Grace is Sufficient’.


  He smiled and made casual conversation and waited for a chance to speak with her. He had to hear her decision now or at least a glimmer of hope. She came to greet him along with her parents and for indefinable reason he felt himself not liking the man. “Mr. Malcolm we are happy you could join us here at the sanctuary. How did you like the service?”

  “It was good especially the singing,” his eyes went to Kayla who had shed her robe and he saw a little bit of curves in the dress she was wearing. She looked cool and unapproachable and he had an idea that she did not allow anyone to walk over her.

  “Our Kayla has been bestowed with quite a talent from our Heavenly Father.” Rev. Simmons said with a pompous smile. “This is my wife, Marion Simmons.”

  “Very nice to meet you ma’am,” he said taking her hand and shaking it respectfully.

  “Same here,” she said with a genuine smile.

  “And of course you heard Kayla sing earlier.” He went on.

  “I heard her sing last night and was entranced.” He said softly. “Ms. Simmons would you mind showing me around the place?” he looked at the man in front of him. “That is if you don’t have a problem Reverend?”

  “Of course not,” he said magnanimously. “Kayla go and show our visitor around. We will be in the breakfast room having a bite to eat. We would be pleased if you would join us when you are finished.” He added looking at Tyrese.

  “I will certainly do so.” He said as he went off with Kayla.

  “Thank you for not mentioning your offer to my parents I have not told them about it yet.” She said quietly as they walked away. She waved to several members who looked at them curiously and noticed how the women looked at him longingly.

  “I figured as much.”

  He was acutely aware of her as they went through the rooms. There were people milling around socializing and seeming to be on one accord. He wondered how many of them really liked each other. “Have you thought about it?”

  “I have,” she smiled and waved at an elderly lady as she hurried outside. “We operate a breakfast program for the entire week not only for members but for people on the streets as well and of course we have a soup kitchen on Wednesdays.”

  “Very commendable. What’s your answer?” he asked her trying not to sound impatient.

  “I am leaning to a tentative yes based on what you have in mind.” She told him as they stopped just inside the breakfast room.

  “Do you think we could have lunch tomorrow and I fill you in?” he asked her softly, wishing he had her alone instead of all the hustle and bustle of the people who kept looking at them.

  “Okay,” she nodded. “Now let us go and enjoy the delicious meal that our cooking team made for us.”


  “So that young man seemed to be quite taken with your talent my dear,” it was a statement but was posed as a question.

  They were having their Sunday evening dinner around the big dining table. A church member by the name of Sister Maria did the cooking and lived in a room in the basement. Another member came in and did the housework and sometimes Kayla wondered if they were properly compensated.

  “I am sure he was captivated by your preaching father,” she said mildly as she sliced into the tender roast beef.

  He looked at her sharply trying to decipher if she was being sarcastic or she was being genuine. “He was at the concert?”

  “He was and I spoke to him briefly.” She said reluctantly.

  “Remember what I told you about men like those Kayla, they tend to use women for their own convenience.” He said pompously as he chewed on his baby carrots.

  “How could I forget father when you keep telling me?” her voice was calm and level and she was determined not to allow him to get underneath her skin.

  “Watch your tone young lady; I happen to want what is good for you.” He warned.

  “Of course father,” she said quietly. “May I be excused?” she had suddenly lost her appetite.

  He opened his mouth to say something and her mother spoke up. “Of course honey, you look a little tired.”

  She could feel his eyes boring into her back as she left the room and only relaxed as soon as she reached inside her sitting room and closed the doors behind her. She dropped down on the sofa there, her hands trembling a little bit.

  The opportunity had been there to tell them about the offer she had gotten but she had not done so, there would be time enough to tell them later on. She leaned back her head and closed her eyes replaying the conversation she had had with him over in her head. He had sat with a bunch of young guys from the church and ate and asked them about basketball and had looked right at home with them. He in his expensive tailored suit and thousand dollar shoes had looked as if he belonged there with them. She had seen him laughing at things they said and had not left there until they were all leaving. They had liked him. Young Bobby Turner had told him that he was very cool for a rich guy and he hoped he would come again.

  She had found herself being drawn to him and had to force herself to look away – he was far from the nice Christian young man God intended for her to marry.


  “So how was church?” Tariq asked him as soon as they returned home. He had been out on the basketball court shooting hoops and trying to think of a way to go about giving her the break she needed. He had contacted the studios that his friend Demario owned and had been told that he was free to come there and use it but he wanted to see what she had first.

  “It was quite uplifting, you should try it sometime,” he said with an irrepressible grin as he dunked the ball into the net before catching it back and throwing it to his unsuspecting brother who caught it just the same.

  “Thank you,” Tariq said dryly bouncing the ball in his hand. “So what did she say?”

  “We are having lunch tomorrow.” He flopped down on the smooth green court and stretched out full length with his hands behind his head. “You should hear her sing Tariq, I thought listening to her on Saturday would be enough but she is quite good, in fact good is not the word, she is out of this world.”

  “And she is in church remember that.” His brother dropped down beside him.

  “And is the daughter of the reverend,” Tyrese told him wryly. “I know my limits bro you don’t have to remind me.”

  “There are plenty women out there who are eager to be with you so stick to them and don’t go get mixed up with a preacher’s daughter.”

  “Yes sir!” Tyrese said with mocking grin. “How about a game?" Unless you are chicken?”

  “Let’s do it,” Tariq said getting up gracefully. “I am still as good as I was before.”

  “We will see.”


  Reverend Simmons knew the laws of the church and the Bible and lived by it most of the time but he was cheating on his wife. He had told himself a thousand times that it was wrong
and he had prayed that God would take the temptation away from him but he had not done so. Sister Erica Rose was thirty four years old and was in charge of the women’s conference and was also a legal secretary and a staunch member of the church.

  She had come to them broken and listless when her husband had ran out on her to be with someone else five years ago and after much counseling and spiritual guidance she had been brought back on track and had proven to be quite instrumental in the ministry.

  It had first happened one night as they were tidying up one night in preparation for the big conference to be held the next Sunday and they had started talking and before they knew it they were in each other’s arms and it had happened. They had been contrite and had prayed about it and had avoided each other for two weeks but it had happened again because they could not stop thinking about each other.

  They had tasted the forbidden fruit and it had tasted sugary sweet and they could not stop. They found ways to be together and had quieted the voice inside their heads telling them that it was wrong. Erica was an attractive African American woman who did not look her age and always managed to look elegant and chic.

  Several male members had approached her asking for her hand in marriage but she had turned them down and even if she had not, he could not have approved it, she belonged to him and she had told him that. She did not expect him to leave his wife because it would mean a scandal that the ministry would not recover from and the ministry came first and they both understood that. She had the utmost respect for the first lady and was friendly towards her, never showing one ounce of resentment but she loved the Reverend and had no intention of leaving him.

  They talked about everything and got along well whether they were making love or not. He often found himself wishing he had met her first but God knew best and who was he to question the Most High God? He just had to live with the way things were for now until otherwise instructed.


  Tyrese chose a restaurant owned by a friend of his to ensure privacy and told her how to get there. He had offered to pick her up but she had told him she would prefer to drive, so he had gotten there ahead of her and had secured the table and told the waiter to direct her to where he was.