Natalie Acres Read online

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  “No,” Patience replied, sticking a straw between her lips and blowing bubbles in her orange juice.

  “Oh, for pity’s sake,” Ansley said, grabbing the straw and tossing it to a napkin. “Are you five now?”

  “She’s depressed.”

  “You’re telling me?” Ansley rolled her eyes. “You could cut the angst in here with a switchblade knife.”

  “A switchblade now,” Patience pointed out. “Not any old knife would do.”

  “Don’t play this off,” Ansley said. “Why haven’t you talked to your boys?”

  “They’re busy. And they’re men, Ansley. Grown men who can take care of themselves.”

  “Grown men who are on tour with thousands of groupies following their band.”

  Patience hopped off her barstool. “I’m not listening to this today.”

  “I don’t blame you,” Kimberly said, relieved Ansley possessed a somewhat limiting one-track mind.

  She’d let the Jason topic fade into the background for the time being. Eventually, she’d want more details, but for now, Kimberly could start her day without any further hassles.

  “Patience, you don’t want to listen because you know what I’ll say next.”

  Patience placed her hands on her hips. “What, Ansley? What could you possibly say next, hmm?”

  Ansley swiveled around in her chair and faced her. “Oh, I don’t know. How about this: Baron looks at you like he’s already sipped and swallowed a little bit of that bottled-up sugar and spice you claimed to have shelved until—”

  A door behind them slammed.

  Patience paled. Ansley’s jaw dropped, and Kimberly didn’t dare look over her shoulder.

  Tristan chuckled, slapped someone on the back, and two pairs of heavy footsteps walked toward the exit. Kimberly still didn’t turn around. She didn’t want to see poor Baron’s face in light of the accusation.

  Once the men exited the building, Patience grabbed the rounded edge of the wooden bar and acted as if it took everything in her power to maintain her balance. “Are you out of your damned mind, Ansley?”


  “This isn’t funny, Ansley,” Patience said, shaking her finger.

  “I agree.” Ansley pushed away from her barstool. “It’s absolutely hilarious!”

  “What?” Patience shook her head. “No it isn’t. Now look what you’ve done!”

  “If you ask me, Mark and Spencer have Baron on standby anyway. You wait and see. I mean, think about it. Whenever they’re in town, who do they call first? You. They phone Baron next. Then the two of them and the two of you meet at a designated area.”

  “Baron isn’t part of our relationship if that’s what you’re driving at.”

  “I’m merely suggesting he could be.” Ansley flipped her hair over her shoulder. “I don’t care if you tell me or not. Baron will say something to Tristan and Tristan, in turn, will probably let me know what’s up. The truth will find you out, Patience.”

  “The truth is I’m crazy in love with Mark and Spencer and they’re on tour right now. Their best friend, Baron, looks out for me while they’re away and that’s it! End of story!”

  “Well you could’ve fooled me,” Ansley said, studying her fingernails. “I’ve seen the eye contact between the two of you. Do you really think Mark and Spencer won’t notice the same when they return home this time?”

  “She has a point,” Kimberly said, understanding Patience may have developed some very strong feelings for Baron. She was completely distraught after Ansley opened her mouth and freed a very provocative suggestion.

  “You’re taking her side?” Patience squawked.

  “Believe me, I’m in no position to choose a side and support a cause. I’m merely stating the obvious. You swallow your tongue whenever Baron is in the room. If I notice the connection, don’t you think the men in your bed will pay attention?”

  “See there?” Ansley asked, happy as a clam. She folded her hands and stuffed them under her chin then dramatically added, “I’ve noticed that, too, Kimberly.”

  “I don’t swallow anything,” Patience deadpanned.

  “Too bad for you,” Ansley teased.

  Kimberly snickered.

  “And you.” Ansley glared at Kimberly before returning her attention to Patience. “Besides, I have a theory here and you probably don’t want to hear it, but—”

  “You’ll enlighten us all the same?” Patience asked.

  “Exactly,” Ansley replied flippantly. “If you don’t want Baron in your bed, spread out between those pretty little legs of yours, there’s only one solution.”

  “And what might that be?”

  “Fire him.” Ansley skipped away, twirling her hair and acting all giddy.

  “What the hell is wrong with the two of you today?” Kimberly asked. “You’re blowing bubbles with a straw and Ansley bounces out of here as if she’s in a rush to line up for recess and jump rope.”

  “I’m distracted,” Patience said. “And in case you haven’t noticed, Ansley’s behavior is typical now that she has four men pawing all over her twenty-four seven.”

  “Hmm,” Kimberly muttered, crossing her arms over her chest and studying her best friend. “What’s eating at you, Patience? Really. I want to know.”


  “Oh God.” Kimberly took a deep breath. “What’s happened?”

  “Nothing yet.”

  She sounded disappointed about the fact.

  Kimberly focused on the window, watching as Tristan and Baron approached a man in a pickup truck. Baron hung back, studied the club’s main entrance, and acted positively distracted.

  “What about Mark and Spencer, Patience?”

  “What about them? They haven’t been home in months. Now, I feel like they’re dodging my calls. I’m so sick of sleeping alone, I’m about to tell them to either come home and take care of their woman or brace for the possibility that Baron may be in my bed when they return.”

  Kimberly was taken aback, but tried to play it off. “Maybe it wouldn’t hurt if you were open and honest with them.”

  Patience frowned. “Mom said the same thing.”

  “You told your mother?”

  “Yes. Baron and I went to dinner with Mom and Dads last week.”

  “How’d that work out for you?” Kimberly asked, immediately picturing Joshua’s scowl.

  “The Dad ensemble seems to like Baron.”

  “They wouldn’t be very fond of him if they saw the way he looks at you here.”

  “Probably not.”

  “And Mark and Spencer would tell him to take a hike.”

  “That’s just it,” Patience said, lowering her voice. “Kimberly, I think they want me to pursue Baron.”


  She nodded rapidly. “It’s true. Baron treats me exactly the same in front of them. He looks at me with that certain heat in his eyes, hugs me for longer than most boyfriends would deem acceptable, and even pops a few kisses on my lips—right in front of them!”

  “Maybe they want an open relationship. Is that possible?”

  “I won’t share them with roadkill.”


  “Groupies,” Patience explained. “If that’s what they have in mind, they need to come up with another game plan.”

  Kimberly’s gaze wandered to the window again. “Do you have any idea who’s driving that red pickup?”

  Patience fluttered her eyelashes. “Don’t pretend you don’t know.”

  “I really don’t.”

  “What the fuck ever,” Patience said.

  “I don’t have a habit of asking questions when I already know the answers.”

  “Our latest sightseer?” Patience took a deep breath. “Oh come on, Kimberly. You know the one. He speaks with that throaty rasp, watches you like you’re his lone reason for patronizing the club, and well, he’s also the best-looking thing to stroll inside this place since Baron signed on for employment.”

/>   “Please tell me he isn’t working here,” Kimberly said.

  “He isn’t,” Patience said, narrowing his gaze. “But I heard a rumor this morning. A reliable source said our sightseer works alongside one of your brothers-in-law.”

  “Tristan hired him?” Kimberly screeched.

  “No. Apparently your guy has been working for Mitch for several months now.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Beats the hell out of me.”

  “How could he work with Mitch? As far as I know, Trixie’s latest acquisition doesn’t even have a job.”

  “Careful, you’re starting to sound like your father’s daughter.”

  “Which one?”

  “Kane,” Patience deadpanned. “And I thought you liked Mitch.”

  “As long as Mitch makes Trixie happy, I don’t have a problem with him. So this friend of his, what sort of business is he in?”

  “I heard from a reliable source that he used to be with the Feds.”

  “Is your source anyone I know?”

  “Trixie.” Patience narrowed her gaze. “For a woman who isn’t interested, you ask a lot of questions.”

  The cowboy who had been frequenting the club finally left the truck cab. Tristan and Baron slapped him on the back and guided him toward the door.

  “He’s not my type.” Kimberly denied interest even as her knees started knocking together. She hadn’t forgotten the basis for her earlier sexual enthusiasm. She felt her lips quiver and bit down on her thumbnail while watching as that rogue of a man made his way toward Clink’s entrance.

  Patience snorted. “Not interested, huh? You sure could’ve fooled me.”

  Chapter Four

  Tristan entered the kitchen, looking around as if he were frantic. “Kimberly?”

  She stepped into view. “What is it?”

  “Oh, there you are. Come out here. I want to introduce you to someone.”

  Ansley’s face lit up like the moon. “Are you playing matchmaker, honey?”

  “Not me,” Tristan replied. “Mitch.”

  Kimberly grabbed a clipboard and tried to appear busy, shifting through a few forms and signing purchase orders. “Tell me why I would give anyone a second look on Mitch Colony’s recommendation.”

  “Geez, you girls won’t give the poor fellow a break. Will ya?”

  “I don’t have anything against Mitch,” Ansley said.

  “I’ll agree with that,” Kimberly remarked coolly. “But I don’t have anything for him either.”

  “You may change your mind,” Trixie said, entering the kitchen.

  “And just like that,” Ansley drawled, snapping her fingers. “The big sister appears.”

  “Good morning, twin peaks,” Trixie said, her blue eyes sparkling like the Pacific Ocean waters.

  “What brings you out so early this morning?” Ansley asked. “Let me guess, your vibrators are out of batteries and you stopped in to see if we have any to loan you?”

  “Loan, hell,” Kimberly grumbled. “I sure wouldn’t want them back.”

  Trixie giggled. “I see the two of you are feeling froggy this morning.”

  “I aim to please,” Ansley said. “What’s up?”

  “Actually, I’m here to see Kimberly.”

  “Well, how nice,” Ansley said, lifting a brow. “Does this have anything to do with that cowboy outside?”

  “Everything,” Tristan assured her, grabbing a keg and throwing the barrel on his shoulder.

  “Ooh,” Ansley purred, gripping his flexed muscle when he passed her. “You know how I love a strong and able man first thing in the morning.”

  “Oh please,” Trixie said. “Let the man work, for crying out loud.”

  “She’s in rare form this morning,” Kimberly warned her. “And what is so special about this friend of yours? Seems I’m expected to drop what I’m doing and cater to his every need.”

  “Well, if you must know,” Trixie began, shooting Ansley a sideways glance. “I heard you’re on the market again.”

  “Ansley!” Kimberly slung her paperwork to the wayside. “Do you find it absolutely necessary to blab my business to anyone willing to bend an ear?”

  “Absolutely necessary,” she mimicked her.

  “So it’s true?” Trixie asked.

  “Maybe.” Kimberly peered through the café-style doors leading to the bar. “Please tell me you aren’t trying to hook me up with that guy.”


  “Earp?” Ansley teased. “I like him already.”

  “Wyatt Clanton,” Trixie said, focused on Kimberly. “And he knows who you are.”

  “I know this, Trixie,” Kimberly said. “He frequents the club and—”

  “And they’ve made eyes at one another,” Ansley said, interrupting her.

  Patience entered the kitchen then. “Made eyes, hell. Gaze-fucking is more like it.”

  Everyone laughed at her expense. Kimberly might have joined in, too, except Patience made a valid point. They’d stripped one another down to bare bones more than once.

  They definitely had this unspoken connection. Considering he was the source behind her latest early morning fantasies, Kimberly believed she was destined for doom.

  “Super,” Kimberly mumbled.

  “I didn’t hear that,” Trixie said, cocking her head and cupping her ear. “What did you say?”

  Kimberly cleared her throat. “This can’t be good.”

  “Why not?” Trixie asked.

  Ansley glanced at her watch. “Well how about that? It’s taken her all of thirty seconds and she still hasn’t come up with a reason why she shouldn’t sit down with Mr. Earp.”

  “Ansley, please.” Kimberly threw her arms up in the air. “Now do you see what I put up with?”

  “We’re all just thrilled you’ve given Jason the axe,” Trixie said.

  “What do you have to lose, Kimberly? This Wyatt fella is a cutie pie,” Ansley said.

  “He has a great ass,” Patience informed her.

  “He’s interested. And that’s what counts. Plus, he’s part of a proposition Mitch wants to run by you. Come on.” Trixie looped her arm through Kimberly’s before she could object, and off they went like Laverne and Shirley, arms entwined and skipping like Ansley might.

  Perhaps this new walk they’d all seemingly adapted had some sort of fated meaning behind it. Maybe it symbolized impatience. When trouble waited around the next bend, they didn’t lurk in the shadows and try to hide. Oh no, they ran out and greeted disaster with enthusiasm. Of course Kimberly’s excitement only intensified after she came face-to-face with Wyatt Clanton, the man formerly known as Clink’s sightseer and her most recent naughty fantasy.

  Chapter Five

  If a woman’s eyes were windows to her soul, then Kimberly Cartwell possessed a dark and troublesome spirit, one Wyatt Clanton found instantly alluring and yet incredibly dangerous at the same time. Wyatt had always been known to tame the high-strung, but he wasn’t certain he could bridle a quiet rebel. He wasn’t sure he wanted to.

  This woman stood out as different. Kimberly wasn’t at all what he’d expected when the sun was shining through the windows and the club’s curtain of deception had yet to fall.

  “Mr. Clanton.” She greeted him with her hand extended and he accepted right away. “I understand you wanted to see me.”

  “I hope this isn’t a bad time,” he said, making a point not to answer what seemed like an open-ended question.

  “Not at all.” She directed him to a table in the center of the room before turning to Trixie. “I thought Mitch was here.”

  “I almost forgot,” Wyatt said, reaching in his pocket for a piece of paper. “He said to give you this.”

  Trixie accepted the crumpled note and blushed. “You two take a moment and get to know one another. I’ll be right back.”

  Wyatt sat next to Kimberly rather than taking the seat across from her as she’d first directed him with a gentle wave of her hand. She didn’
t seem to mind the fact that Trixie and Mitch had deserted them. In fact, she seemed rather relaxed.

  “‘I’ll be right back’ generally means twenty to thirty minutes,” Kimberly said.

  “I’m sure.” Wyatt narrowed his eyes on those pretty, full lips. He couldn’t help but wonder if Kimberly realized why Mitch had summoned her sister before their meeting. Did she understand that while they were seated there in the middle of the bar, her sister’s head was in Mitch’s lap? Did she know her sister was submissive and made herself available to Mitch, Brock, and Rory whenever they called?

  “Can I offer you something to drink?” Kimberly asked, her gaze darting to the window and back at him once again.

  “No thank you,” he replied, leaning against the cushioned seat, hoping to make her excessively uncomfortable until she acknowledged the acts unfolding behind them by now.

  Kimberly cleared her throat and scraped a crumb away from the tabletop. “So, Mr. Clanton—”

  “Wyatt, please,” he interrupted her.

  “Fine,” she rasped, her fingers trembling ever so slightly now. “Wyatt, what is—”

  “What the fuck is Trixie doing?” Ansley Cartwell stormed out of the kitchen. The café-style doors made a gentle swooshing sound behind her as she stomped across the room.

  Wyatt’s lips twitched. Maybe he should’ve told her the word she’d chosen pretty much summed up the progressing activities.

  “Surely she realizes Mom and Dads drop by here unannounced. And right now? Patience’s parents are on their way. Does she even care that the entire parking lot is under twenty-four-hour surveillance?”

  Kimberly casually brushed a fallen curl away from her right eye. “Ansley, this is Wyatt Clanton. Wyatt, this is my sister—”

  “Nice to meet you, Wyatt. I’ve seen you here at the club in recent weeks,” Ansley said, seemingly too busy to give him a second glance. Her gaze was pinned to the window.

  “Ansley, you’re being rude,” Kimberly said.

  “I’m being rude?” She slung her arm at the window. “Mitch has ruined our big sister. Do you see what is going on out there?” She stamped her foot. “Do you?”

  Kimberly used her forefinger to catch that stray hair again. She glanced at Wyatt and forced a smile. “You’ll have to overlook Ansley. She’s a bit melodramatic at times.”